Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1658: The merit of all ages

  Chapter 1658 Merit of All Ages

   Not just big wins.

  Because this report was not originally reported to the official family, it belonged to private letterhead, and the person who edited the book was Ma Wensheng.

   And Ma Wensheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, specially edited the book to announce the good news, not only to reassure the Xu family, but also to admire Xu Pengju.

  Because of this, Xu Pengju is the one who gets the most ink here.

  What was **** for several days by the Francoids, tortured day and night, his skin was torn to pieces, he would rather die than surrender.

  How to respond in such a hurry that Franji was convinced that Xu Pengju had been succumbed, his spirit had collapsed, and finally he had no choice but to tell the 'truth'.

  Here, there are really too many places to write about.

   Coincidentally, Ma Wensheng is very good at this. At the beginning, he was also a Jinshi and a censor.

  There are a lot of confrontations and comparisons, and there are so many hypes, Fang Jifan took the opportunity to sneak his eyes here, just read some words, and muttered in his heart, how does it look like a script of a horror movie?

  Emperor Hongzhi himself was horrified and dumbfounded. Human will can reach such a point.

  However, if you think about it carefully, if you fall into the enemy's hands and the other party wants to take something out of your mouth, the feeling of being slaughtered by others is probably not something ordinary people can bear, not to mention, this is the prince of the government.

And how to grasp it, how to ensure it, you have to give yourself an image that you would rather die than submit, but at the same time, you have to convince the enemy that your spirit has collapsed, and then tell the truth, here... I'm afraid it will not be easy, unless... he really has arrived and is about to collapse the edge of.

  I can't bear to imagine this scene.

  Finally... among the notes, the most impressive that Xu Pengju assassinated the governor of Luzon. Among the rebellious army, he killed the governor, deterred the thieves, and then walked away. This... even Emperor Hongzhi found it incredible.

   It's just... Ma Wensheng is the Minister of the Ministry of War. This matter is definitely not groundless. There is no need for him to tell this lie, and he must have something to rely on.

   "Xu Pengju...he is still a child..." Emperor Hongzhi put down the letter with a serious face.

  This great victory did not make Emperor Hongzhi happy.

But he was still melancholy, and then sighed: "A child, how can he suffer so much? He is about the same age as the emperor's grandson, right? By the way, he is only one year older than Zhengqing. He went deep into the tiger's den and devoted himself to me. , Bravely crowning the three armies, this kid... is worthy of being the Empress of Zhongshan King, with the style of a fierce ancestor!"

  As Zhu listened, she also had mixed feelings, and felt sorry for the child, but couldn't help being happy about it.

  Your Majesty's sentence has the style of the ancestors. The so-called ancestors refer to the ancestors who have established achievements. For the Xu family, it refers specifically to the king of Zhongshan. This is a very high evaluation.

  What kind of family is the Xu family? Its ancestor, Xu Da, was a great hero in the founding of the country. Even Emperor Wen Zhu Di, who later seized the throne in the Battle of Jingnan, was Xu Da's disciple to a certain extent. The King of Yan Zhu Di had always followed Xu Da to learn, and even married Xu Da's daughter as his disciple. wife. Not only was he posthumously named King of Zhongshan, but his two sons were also made dukes, one family and two dukes, which was unique at that time.

  Thus, for the Xu family, the brilliance of the ancestors is too dazzling, so that no matter how hard the descendants of the future generations work, they will become mediocre under this dazzling light of generals.

  But now...Xu Pengju appeared.

Fang Jifan heard His Majesty's praise, and hurriedly said: "What Your Majesty said is very true. Xu Pengju is a man of courage and courage, which is beyond the reach of others. As his teacher, I have known his temperament. A piece of rough jade, after this honing, can finally become a talent, he is not only a descendant of a famous family, but also has the teachings of his sons and ministers, and will be used by His Majesty in the future, and he will certainly be able to share His Majesty's worries."

  Emperor Hongzhi didn't know whether to sigh or be happy about it.

  So, he looked at Mrs. Zhu more gently.

   Mrs. Zhu was already a little confused.

  Xishan Academy is very strange. Suddenly this person is Xu Pengju’s master, and then it’s that person, a vain...

Emperor Hongzhi said: "Let your grandson make great contributions, and I will borrow it. I know you are his grandmother, and you must be reluctant to let your grandson suffer outside. But Lu Song lives in a corner, far away from the middle land. Now that the navy has won After leaving Luzon, there is no reason to give up, I temporarily ordered Xu Pengju to serve as Luzon General Military Officer temporarily, guarding Luzon, as for other rewards, the imperial court still has a decree."

   Luzon Commander-in-Chief...

  This commander-in-chief is nothing to the Xu family, but the commander-in-chief of a province.

   But for Xu Pengju, it is a great gift. You must know that even if he is the son of the Duke, at this age, he is at most a middle-ranking military officer who is close to the military and guards. But at such a young age, Xu Pengju's starting point is frighteningly high. He directly takes charge of his own affairs and guards Luzon. This child... will he be able to pay back in the future?

Mrs. Zhu took a deep breath. Although she was reluctant, she understood right and wrong. Without too much hesitation, she said solemnly: "Your Majesty's dispatch is the blessing of Peng Ju. Xu's family is honored by the king, but they have orders, and they are happy. Is there any reason not to follow, the ministers and concubines love their grandson, but if the grandson can share the worries for the king, it will be too late to be happy."

   Sure enough, she is from a famous family.

  Emperor Hongzhi was relieved. This great victory...was revenge against the Spaniards...but...he had also read the memorials of the emperor's grandson and Fang Jifan. Of course he knew...this Luzon...had other uses.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "This Luzon is blessed by nature. I heard that in Luzon, there are many survivors of my great Han. In this Luzon, there are one or two out of ten?"

Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty, before the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Tatars invaded the Southern Song Dynasty, the Central Plains were in chaos, and people were devastated. A large number of people fled to the West, innumerable, and many of them went to Luzon. After that... the Tatars stole the Central Plains, and there were many people. It is unbearable, so...there are also a lot of fugitives."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded: "Although I am a remnant, living alone, I need to borrow money from the Ming Dynasty and the whole world. In addition, if I want to kill Jingli, I will immediately convert the farm that was confiscated by the Spaniards. I heard that the land in Luzon is fertile, no less than the land of Jiaozhi, and the Franji people saw that it was profitable, so a large number of immigrants flocked to plunder the land of the natives and build manors. These farms have been expropriated..."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked around at these gentry, but his eyes were cold: "Wei Guogong's residence is in Nanjing, and today's Wei Guogong's grandson Xu Pengju, you must have heard about it." could I not have heard of it?

  It's just... Your Majesty's words are harsh.

   At any rate, it’s too impolite to use the word erwai.

  It's just today... They are submissive, just nodding blindly.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "He has made great contributions to Daming. He was born and died, and he died a few times. Just now, you heard what I said. You... always say that the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats share the world. How dare you wait."

"Your Majesty... I am wronged... I am wronged..." Zhou Tang, who was praising Emperor Hongzhi for Qianqiu alone, became anxious, and he took the lead in stammering: "Caomin didn't say this sentence, if Caomin did, his tongue would be rotten, God When struck by lightning, thousands of arrows pierce the heart and die." He paused, and suddenly said meaningfully: "As for whether others have said it, the grass people don't know."

  Fang Jifan was startled... This dog is the same thing!

  The other gentry wailed suddenly.

In fact, the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats ruled the world together. It came from a famous official in the Northern Song Dynasty, but the scholars and gentry thought it made sense. Even in the past, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty also felt that this sentence made sense, so they had a tacit understanding and occasionally brought it up. Talk about it.

  But now... the wind has changed.

  What was taken for granted before has now become a taboo.

  Some people in Minglun Hall said one after another: "The Caomin didn't say that either."


Emperor Hongzhi showed no expression on his face, and sternly shouted: "Who is my country and country relying on? What I can rely on is people like Xu Pengju. They died generously for the Ming Dynasty, and for the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. No regrets. Who are you waiting for? If you have not made an inch of merit, you will receive the grace of the country, and then you will go down... relying on the land, it is a matter of course, and enjoying the worship of the people, what is the benefit to the country? If I share the world with you, how can I Didn't it chill the hearts of thousands of people like Xu Pengju?"

   These words are not polite at all, it can be said that they are extremely cruel.

  Emperor Hongzhi gradually understood that when dealing with these people, his attitude must not be soft. Once he reasoned with them, these people who only know how to talk nonsense can use their rich experience to rub you on the ground until you are convinced.

  The more unreasonable you are, the more reasonable you are.

"Your Majesty's words are wonderful!" Zhou Tangsheng immediately said: "Master Xu, bravely crowned the three armies, let the grassroots wait, open the eyes, the grasslands wait... Shame, the world has received the favor of the country, but is unable to repay it, it is really shameless See the ancestors and ancestors."

  Everyone looked ashamed.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "Since this is the case, I will give you a chance to serve me."

   Gentlemen, look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "Qing, etc. are for me... town Lu Song... Your fields in the south of the Yangtze River are worthless, I will issue a decree to exempt you from the interest owed to you, but all your land in the south of the Yangtze River will be turned over to the bank. Of course... I will be in Luzon... I will give you the same piece of land. If you change the land from one field to another, you will have no less than one foot. Then Luzon is also a paradise. , and Xu Pengju is guarding it, not to mention, there are still a lot of survivors of my Han Dynasty, Lu Song can be settled, Ji Fan..."

   "The minister is here." Fang Jifan's spirit was shocked, and the Xishan Bank had land.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "I asked Xishan Bank to waive the interest on their loans. reasonable."

  Fang Jifan said sternly: "Your Majesty's great kindness is so great, and my ministers admire it."

   Zhou Tangsheng: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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