Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1659: The overall situation has been decided

  Chapter 1659 The overall situation has been decided

   The interest is waived, but the principal still has to be repaid.

   This is tantamount to giving these gentry some preferential treatment.

  Of course... these gentry still owe money to Xishan Bank, but at least... they can breathe a sigh of relief.

   This is of course grace.

  But Emperor Hongzhi asked them to change fields, the same acre of Jiangnan land, to replace Luzon's fields, which was unacceptable to the gentry.

  Na Zhou Tangsheng: "..."

  He felt like he was going to pass out. Luzon?

  Oh my God, my ancestors are all here, isn't this the same as exile?

  But Fang Jifan looked at Zhou Tangsheng with a smile and said: "Congratulations, congratulations, Your Majesty has given you such a great kindness. Why don't you thank you soon?"

  Fang Jifan's words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Zhou Tangsheng's face to change suddenly.

  He immediately understood Fang Jifan's implication.

   This is already grace, including the exemption of their loans, including allowing them to exchange their land to Luzon. Grace is so, so what if there is no grace...?


   Zhou Tang trembled violently, but...

  He wept loudly, prostrated himself in the tunnel, and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty... All the ancestors and ancestors of the ministers were born here, buried here, and the ancestral hall is here. I really dare not move. Please, Your Majesty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked calm and relaxed, and he gradually began to master the rhythm: "You can move all your ancestors to Luzon. If there are not enough manpower, I can help you."

  When Zhou Tangsheng and the other students heard this, they thought, what the hell...what's the matter, they still want to dig our ancestral graves?

  But the anger that flashed in my heart instantly disappeared.

  Because they thought of the next question, so what about digging your ancestral grave, even if it is a setback?

His face was dismal, and he didn't know what the consequences would be if he didn't move today... But... the emperor still didn't put them to death. After all... he still left them a way out, at least they could go to Luzon, where, although they don't know what The situation, but at least... there are fields, and I can live on!

  Ordinary people, if they suffer from an indiscriminate disaster, they will starve, and if they cannot survive, they will rebel.

  But the gentry are different. Their family has a big business, so why should they rebel?

At this time, Emperor Hongzhi said again: "The measurement of the land in Luzon and the fields in the south of the Yangtze River needs to be stepped up. In my opinion, send people to Luzon first, so that they can get familiar with the environment first, otherwise they will know nothing. How to manage the family business? Naturally...the gentry have many family members, and the navy here will definitely help. Fortunately, Luzon is not far away, so there will be no serious problems, and everyone will be safe and sound. This is the best. "

  Emperor Hongzhi showed a gentle expression on his face.

  He only seeks ends.

  As long as the goal is achieved, Emperor Hongzhi has a gentle disposition, so naturally everything is easy to say.

He showed a faint smile and continued: "For the expenses along the way, use my internal funds. It is not easy for them to move their family. It is expected that it will not be easy. They still need to make an order. They are new arrivals. After they arrive in Luzon, President Luzon The military officer Xu Pengju needs a good life to arrange them, Luzon may not be peaceful, so we need to send more people to take care of them."

  Emperor Hongzhi ordered a lot of arrangements, but Zhou Tang gave birth to someone, but at this moment, all thoughts were lost.

  Fang Jifan took notes one by one, and couldn't help interjecting: "Your Majesty is kind-hearted, benevolent and righteous. The gentry must be very grateful to His Majesty. Even if they go to Luzon in the future, they know that His Majesty misses them in his heart."

Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said: "They are all my people, regardless of each other. How can I treat one more than another, let alone let them go to Luzon. First, this Luzon is indeed a rare land of fish and rice. Second, it is also for My century-old foundation of the Ming Dynasty. This is an act that benefits the country and the people, oh, Jifan, where are the yellow books of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River?"

  Fang Jifan cheered up: "Your Majesty, what a coincidence, my son happened to be carrying it with me."

   Zhou Tangsheng: "..."

   Zhou Tangsheng originally thought that he should struggle hard at this time, at least he should cry bitterly for Xiao Yili, or beg for mercy, he should fight for it again.

   But when you heard this sentence, you said it was a coincidence. He who has read the book will understand that everything is over.

  This decision...has been calculated long ago.

  Fang Jifan gave a wink to a person behind him, and that person understood, and after a while, he actually came with a large stack of yellow books.

   This yellow book is the government's record of the gentry and common people. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to household registration.

  Such a large stack of yellow books was delivered to Emperor Hongzhi.

   But the paper is brand new.

  Obviously, this does not look like it was found in the piles of old papers piled up in the local yamen. This is basically a yellow book that has been re-investigated.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Zhou Tangsheng: "What's your name?"

   Zhou Tangsheng stammered: "Xiaomin Zhou Tangsheng..."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Fang Jifan: "Zhou there?"

  Fang Jifan said with piercing eyes: "This is really a stroke of luck. I didn't believe it myself when I said it. I really remember that there was a man named Zhou Tangsheng. Your Majesty... I will look for it..."

Familiar with the first pronunciation of Zhou, he quickly turned out a small stack of yellow books, and soon, he turned out a large piece of paper, which was densely packed... and handed it to Emperor Hongzhi, who Zhang Open, and said slowly: "The Zhou family of Xuancheng County, Ningguo Prefecture, Nanzhili, has been an official for generations, a scholarly family, after Zhou Yan, a doctor of the Song Dynasty... there are seventy-nine people in the household, two hundred and ten and seven..."

   Zhou Tangsheng could only tremble when he heard this, and the other gentry were even more terrified.

  Ding represents the number of corvee workers, generally referring to adult men, while kou represents the specific population in the family.

Because Zhou Tangsheng is a big family, so there is no separate family, with a large population, the Zhou family is only one household in the yellow book, but now... this family, young and old, seems to be counted clearly .

  When was it counted? How do you count?

   It's okay if you don't listen to this, but Zhou Tangsheng's heart became terrified when he heard it.

  He was terrified and trembling, but he heard Emperor Hongzhi continue to read, how many pigs, how many cows, how many acres of mansion, and how many famous children there were in the family... Clearly... Clearly.

After Emperor Hongzhi finished reading, he couldn't help but glanced at Fang Jifan approvingly. To be honest, Fang Jifan was always lazy about other things, but he was very energetic about such things. Of course, the Statistics Department of the cabinet can also be called It is indispensable.

  Emperor Hongzhi put down the yellow book of the Zhou family, looked up at Zhou Tangsheng and said, "Zhou Qing's family, there is nothing wrong with it, and if there are any mistakes or omissions, you can point them out."

   For the first time, Emperor Hongzhi no longer addressed you as you, but changed to Qing's family.

  But Zhou Tangsheng didn't feel comfortable at all, on the contrary, he was out of his wits. He was so frightened that he prostrated himself on the ground, and said tremblingly, "'s not wrong, there is no shortage of a cow."

  The other gentry were all horrified. They looked anxiously at the piles of yellow books on the desk...I think... Zhou Tangsheng must be indispensable to them.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "This is good. Migrate according to the yellow book. What do you think of the Qing family? Is there anything else you want to say?"

  Zhou Tangsheng's face was sallow, and he tried hard to squeeze out a sentence from his teeth: " more, my emperor Shengming..."

  Emperor Hongzhi naturally saw the complex look in Zhou Tangsheng's eyes, but he smiled and said: "You are my people after all, so you don't have to worry about going to Lu Song."

   A group of gentry and scholars, under the comfort of Emperor Hongzhi, resigned one after another.

  Many people felt that their legs were weak when they came out.

Many people looked ashamed. In the past, when encountering such injustices, they would have to get together to discuss a few words, but Zhou Tangsheng was like all the gentry, they looked around vigilantly, but they never had any intention of joining in the fun and discussing with others. Instead, he lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to make a sound, even walking on tiptoe, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.


  At this time, Emperor Hongzhi sat comfortably in Wei Guogong's mansion.

   Several maidservants stepped forward to peel crabs for Emperor Hongzhi.

  The top-quality crabs are extremely plump, fresh from the steamer, with a small plate of **** vinegar and a plate of mung bean noodles smoked with chrysanthemum leaves, osmanthus stamens.

  Eating like a homely meal made Emperor Hongzhi move his index finger.

  Seeing the maid peeling the crab meat, he said, "I'll come in person, you don't have to wait on me."

  The maidservants were also nervous and hurried to leave.

  Fang Jifan sat opposite, he had already shaken off the crab's legs happily, bit the shell into pieces, ate the crab meat, and then spit out the shell.

  Emperor Hongzhi imitated the appearance of a maidservant just now, but peeled the shell in a gentle manner.

  The crab in the south of the Yangtze River, the crab roe is the most delicious. Emperor Hongzhi felt that although it was light, it had a different taste.

Not long after, Mrs. Zhu took the silver pot with her hands trembling slightly, and the aroma of wine could be smelled from a distance. Mrs. Zhu said: "Your Majesty, you must drink while eating crabs. The mansion once brewed some daughter's red wine." , my concubine warmed it up, Your Majesty can taste it."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded, held a yellow crab in his hand, and after eating the crab roe, he immediately became happy: "Shangshan Supervisor really deserves to be punished. There are so many delicacies from mountains and seas, they are not as good as a crab."

   As he spoke, Emperor Hongzhi said to Mrs. Zhu: "I take care of the food myself, you don't have to serve it yourself."

Mrs. Zhu bowed, but she laughed a lot. Fang Jifan always felt that Mrs. Zhu was very powerful. The skill of the ancients to flatter horses was really extensive and profound. This shows that the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated.

  Emperor Hongzhi ate all the crab roe in the crab shell, and Fang put on his majesty again: "Jifan, these gentry, will they be filled with righteous indignation and plan to plot evil?"

   This is exactly what Emperor Hongzhi was worried about.

   "Your Majesty..." Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty, my ministers absolutely dare not use their heads as a guarantee."


  The monthly ticket doubles, ask for a monthly ticket.

  (end of this chapter)

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