After Carrion took Allen's queen that was on the d2 square, Allen moved his e2 pawn to take on the pawn on d3.

"What are you going to do now? You no longer have any queen and you can't defeat me without it?"

Carrion asked Allen after moving his queen to take the pawn on the d4 square.

In response to that, Allen moved his knight on b1 square to the c3 square to develop his knight.

"Just wait and see. If you don't mind, we can end this game in a draw. Since I had just wanted to try what it is like to use the True Queen's Gambit."

Allen proposed to Carrion for a draw.

"A draw? I don't mind. It will be too boring for me to win that easily and I know you didn't blunder that queen but moved it on purpose. What kind of draw do you want?"

"The Chess Grandmaster Way."

Allen answered Carrion's question and since Carrion understood it, Carrion moved his queen to d8 which undeveloped his queen.

In return, Allen undeveloped his knight back to the b1 square. Carrion moved his queen back to the d4 square while Allen moved his knight back to the d2 square. Carrion then moved his queen to the d8 square.

Afterward, Allen moved his knight to the b1 square, ending the game in a draw by repetition.

The enormous system screen several meters above the chessboard that Allen and Carrion used displayed the text [Game ended in a draw by repetition!].

When the game ended in a draw, Hawser shifted his attention to the <Supreme Clairvoyant>.

"It's just what you have predicted. Your prediction happened so you have already shown your <Supreme> talent. The only ones who haven't fully shown their <Supreme> talents are the <Supreme Hidden Boss> and <Supreme Strategist>."

Hawser spoke towards Asty which was heard by all of the <Supremes> inside the realm of chess.

"What about Iris Aria who holds the <Supreme IA> title? She didn't show her <Supreme> talent yet."

Asty asked Hawser as he remembered that Iris had yet to show her <Supreme> talent. All of his classmates also was wondering why Hawser didn't mention her before and they thought that he must have forgotten which was also unlikely.

"Of course, I didn't forget. But she doesn't need to show her <Supreme> talent since her existence alone is the proof of her <Supreme> talent."

Hearing Hawser's reply, all of the <Supremes> in the realm of chess agreed with him since they knew that Iris was an IA. And it was as what Hawser had said that Iris' existence was the proof of her <Supreme IA> talent.

After all, Iris wouldn't be the <Supreme IA> if she wasn't an IA. Furthermore, only IAs were able to obtain the <Supreme IA> title, and the numbers of IA that existed in their world were only one digit since the <Supreme Programmer> didn't make too many IAs.

After the short conversation between Hawser and Asty, their attention shifted back to Allen and Carrion as they started spectating their upcoming chess match.

"So do you plan to play seriously in our next game?"

Carrion asked Allen since he wanted to play an intense chess match with the <Supreme Hidden Boss>. He didn't know how great the <Supreme Hidden Boss> was at chess but he does know that Allen should at least have an ELO rating of at least 2300 or higher.

After all, Allen possessed two different <Supreme> titles aside from the <Supreme Hidden Boss> title which was the <Supreme Psychic> and <Supreme Programmer> title.

Since he has two <Supreme> titles that weren't related to each other, Carrion assumed that Allen should be quite intelligent compared to other <Supremes>. And Carrion wasn't wrong in assuming that.

"Of course. Since it's our last game and will dictate which of the two of us is the better chess player."

Allen responded to Carrion's question. Just like what he had said, he didn't plan on messing up the next game as he was going to be serious, unlike last time.

In the previous game, Allen was just meme-ing for fun since he knew that chess was a boring game so it was best to have as much fun as he could get from playing chess.

With that in mind, both Allen and Carrion helped each other in setting up the chess pieces back to it's starting positions.

After the chess pieces were placed neatly in it's starting positions on the chessboard, Carrion asked Allen a question.

"Which of the two of us will take the white pieces?"

"How about we just flip a coin to decide which of us takes the white pieces? If it's heads, then I will take the white pieces and yours if it's tails."

After saying those words, a coin appeared in front of Allen and Carrion as it levitated above the chessboard which Allen snatched in an instant.

"Did you create this with your <Supreme Programmer> talent?"

"No, I didn't."

Carrion asked Allen as the latter answered his question.

Allen had planned to create a coin using his <Supreme Programmer> which was within Carrion's expectations but the two of them didn't expect that a coin would appear just after they needed one.

"You don't have to be confused. It's my doing."

Answering their doubts, the voice of Arthur was heard in the realm of chess as Carrion and Allen looked at him, waiting for him to further explain why he did that.

"As long as I am within the world of my art, I am nigh omnipotent. I can do almost whatever I want inside my art world. And since this realm of chess is my art world, I can create anything I want and do whatever I want inside it."

"Since the two of you needed a coin, I created it not only to help the two of you but to also show what I am capable of as the <Supreme Artist>."

Arthur further explained to Allen and Carrion. After hearing Arthur's explanation, Allen flicked his thumb upwards as he tossed the coin into the air.

The coin somersaulted in the air a couple of times until it landed on the ground.

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