Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 123: Your Sacrifice Won't Be In Vain

“Rook to a8.”

Carrion wasn’t greedy enough to take the white knight on f4 as he knew that it was a sacrifice and if he attacked it with his black rook, it would result in him wasting a move and that would allow Allen to move his pawn to promotion.

And that was why Carrion didn’t take the risk in taking the white knight as his black rook heeded his command and moved to the a8 square.

Seeing that he wasn’t sacrificed, the white knight was confused as fuck. It wasn’t what he had expected and he felt quite embarrassed about how dramatic he was.

“Don’t worry, my knight. There will be a time I will sacrifice you for the sake of the White Empire. And your sacrifice won’t be in vain.”

“Yes, my king!”

Seeing the embarrassment evident in his white knight’s face, Allen didn’t forget to motivate his white knight and his white knight responded positively.<sub>.</sub>

All of the chess pieces on the board knew that they were going to be sacrificed for the sake of their respective kings. So they preferred that their sacrifice won’t be in vain and being blundered by their king for nothing would be the worst demise they could ever have.

That was why the white knight was delighted and motivated to hear that he wasn’t going to be sacrificed for nothing.

It was the dream of all chess pieces to be sacrificed for the sake of their respective king’s victory. And it was the dream of all pawns to be promoted so the white pawns on the g and h file were pretty hyped.

Although, the g4 pawn and h6 pawn knew that one of them was going to be sacrificed for letting the other pawn promote. But even so, they knew that their sacrifice was for the sake of their white king so they weren’t that demoralized; instead, they were proud that their sacrifice will be for the sake of their white king.

From what all of the white pieces had observed, their white king didn’t blunder any pieces or even have any moves that were mistakes so they knew that even if they were sacrificed, it was for the sake of their white king’s victory.

With that thought within the minds of the white pieces, they didn’t have any doubts about their white king as they knew that every move of his was within his calculations so they knew that their sacrifice wouldn’t be in vain.<sub></sub>

“Rook to g7, check.”

“King to f6.”

Allen commanded his white rook to move towards the g7 square, giving a check to the black king. Carrion responded by moving away from the check by retreating to the f6 square.

Carrion knew that the purpose of Allen’s check was for him to stay out of the f file and to remove his threat of attack towards Allen’s white rook. So, Carrion moved himself to the f6 square while planning to stay on the f file as long as he could.

But Allen knew that Carrion wouldn’t get out of the f file if he didn’t threaten him with another check so all of Carrion’s move was still within Allen’s plan.

“Pawn to g5, check.”<sub></sub>

Allen moved the white pawn on the g file towards the g5 square as the white pawn threatened to attack the black king.

“King to e5.”

Carrion was left with no choice but to retreat from the f file to the e5 square. His move not only retreated from the attacking threat from the white pawn but also threaten to take the unguarded white knight on the f4 square.

Allen’s white pawn was closed to the promotion square and since Allen’s white knight had already steeled himself to sacrifice himself for the sake of the white king, he planned to sacrifice the white knight for the sake of letting Carrion waste a move.

In chess endgames, even one move was enough to turn the tables around if both players have equal material and had no advantage.

But what if one player already has a lot of advantage over the other player but that player also had a move advantage? Then the result would be the other player getting demolished.

“Pawn to h7.”

The white pawn on the h6 square advanced towards the h7 square as it was only one square away from promotion. But such a move from Allen caused his white knight to be unguarded and on the threat of being taken by the black king.

The white knight didn’t mind as he had already accepted the fact that he was going to be sacrificed for the sake of his white king. But, him being sacrificed to this point in time wasn’t what he had expected since he had expected to be sacrificed way earlier but he wasn’t going to complain. In the end, he was going to be sacrificed for his white king so he was glad that his sacrifice wasn’t in vain.

“King takes knight on e4.”

Carrion used his turn to attack the white knight on the e4 square since he had already left the white knight alive for too long. The white knight should have died earlier and Carrion didn’t want to let the white knight live a lot longer or else the white knight would be a threat to him the longer the white knight lived.

After Carrion commanded the black throne to attack the white knight on e4, a part of the backside of the black throne of his suddenly opened as it revealed machine guns that were aimed toward the white knight.

Carrion didn’t even ask the white knight for his last words as Carrion had already expected the white knight’s last words. Carrion slightly raised his hand that was previously on the armrest of his black throne to signal the machine guns on his throne to fire.


The sound of machine gun fire reverberated in the chess realm as thousands of bullets spewed out from the machine guns, riddling the body of the white knight as blood oozed out from those holes.


The white knight’s body along with his white horse fell into their own pool of blood on the chessboard.

“Your sacrifice won’t be in vain.”

Allen saluted towards the corpse of the white knight as he honored the death and sacrifice of the white knight.

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