Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 128: Why In Chess, It's Called As Checkmate?

“You are correct. And remember that it wasn’t stated in the rules of chess that this type of strategy isn’t allowed. And although we can continue the chess match since all of that happened was only a simulation, I know that I will be defeated yet again.”

“So, you win this chess match, Allen Walker, the <Supreme Hidden Boss>. I forfeit.”

Carrion conceded defeat as he forfeited the chess match, resulting in Allen’s win.

Allen won by 1 win and 1 draw while Carrion lost by 1 loss and 1 draw. So, Allen got 1.5 points while Carrion only got 0.5 points. Since 1 win is 1 point while a draw is 0.5 points.

Therefore, the chess match ended with Allen’s win.

Carrion could only sigh at the fact that he was defeated too easily by Allen and from what he had observed from Allen, Allen wasn’t even sweating nor had a tense expression on his face as it was still the neutral expression on his face before the start of the chess match.

Carrion wasn’t a sore loser and although he was quite prideful, he wasn’t an asshole who would complain when he was defeated fair and square. And not to mention, it was him who had asked Allen for a chess match.<sub>.</sub>

Allen and Carrion both shook hands, showing each other good sportsmanship as Carrion had already accepted the fact that he had lost.

And to make up for it, he wouldn’t whine like a baby about the fact that he lost. No, his loss had only made him realize that there was bound to be those type of people that were better than him. And since he had lost, then it meant that he wasn’t the very best he could be. He still had room for improvement and his chess match with Allen had made him realize that.

‘I have to thank Allen for allowing me to realize that I am not at my peak state yet. If I was, then I wouldn’t have been defeated by him since I specialized in formulating strategies.’

Thanking Allen in his mind, Carrion swore to himself that he wouldn’t let his defeat get to him but use it as a driving factor for him to improve his two <Supreme> talents. He still hadn’t reached his peak yet so he still has room for improvement.

“I had experienced a great match with you, Allen. I thank you for accepting my request and for letting me realize that I have so much to learn.”

Carrion wholeheartedly thanked Allen since he knew that if it wasn’t for his chess match with Allen, he wouldn’t be able to have that much fun in ages.<sub></sub>

After all, none in the military or even those chess prodigies had ever defeated him in the game of chess, and yet Allen who was a nobody before had defeated him without even breaking a sweat!

And that’s not all, Carrion knew that chess wasn’t Allen’s main area of expertise so his getting defeated by Allen allowed Carrion not to be as arrogant as he was before in his <Supreme Strategy> talent.

Of course, that was the only blunder that Carrion had made today as he actually didn’t know anything about Allen. After all, with Allen’s <Supreme Order> talent, Allen was basically a step away from perfecting his talent and being the god of all talents.

But even with Carrion’s supreme-level intelligence, he hadn’t taken that possibility into account and it was best for him not to. Or else he would doubt the point of him being the <Supreme General> and <Supreme Strategist> when there was literally someone better than him and that someone not even bothering to take his <Supreme> title from him.

“By the way, I also have a realization just after the end of our chess match. Remember how at the end of chess, I checkmated you?”

Allen asked Carrion and he nodded but he still had no idea what kind of genius realization Allen had at the end of their chess match.<sub></sub>

“Have you ever wondered why it’s called “checkmate” instead of something else?”

Allen asked Carrion but even he doesn’t know. But Carrion did know one thing and it was quite obvious.

“I know why it’s called checkmate since it’s checking the enemy king with no legal moves available or in other words, a move that allows the enemy king to not be taken by the other king.”

“But why did the founders of chess add the word “mate” at the end of the word “check”? They could have used, for example, the term absolute check or whatnot.”

Hearing those questions from Allen, Carrion started to doubt why it’s called “checkmate” instead of the term he had proposed which was “absolute check”.

[Self-Proclaimed Genius Goblin Hero: Now that I think about it, why is it called checkmate? I have played chess before but even I had never thought about questioning that term until Allen brought that up.]

[Time Manipulator Of The Apocalypse: It’s quite boring during the apocalypse so I often played chess or other board games with my teammates in my past regressions. And like what Axel had said, I also didn’t question that term in chess until Allen brought that up. Imagine, experiencing more than a thousand regressions but not even questioning that term in chess when I have literally played chess in almost every regression of mine.]

[I Love Mathematics: What’s more mind-boggling is that someone as intelligent and rational as I, haven’t even thought about that question before. Well, I Love Mathematics and not chess so I guess that it’s rational for anyone to assume that I’m not that interested in chess as I am interested in mathematics.]

[Reality’s Bitch: Well, I have encountered many realities such as alternate and parallel realities so it’s not that surprising for me.]

[I Love Mathematics: @Reality’s Bitch, how can someone like you, who is weaker than I, encountered such a question before, and even I have never questioned it before despite my intelligence.]

When Hugo asked Realius, Realius knew that whatever honest answer he would give to Hugo, he would inevitably offend him but he wasn’t the type of person to lie so he might as well speak of the truth. And from what Realius knew, Hugo would much prefer if he was truthful to him rather than lying to him.

[Reality’s Bitch: @I Love Mathematics, it’s because you are a shut-in. By shut-in, I meant a world-shut-in. Or in other words, you are a shut-in who despite having the ability to travel to other worlds, only stayed in your home world.]

[I Love Mathematics:…]

[I Love Mathematics: I can’t even argue since it’s true. And despite me traveling to the World Of Venus, I still haven’t traveled to numerous realities so I admit I am quite ignorant of other realities, unlike Realius.]

[Idle Zenchillionare Tycoon: @I Love Mathematics, I wasn’t expecting someone as powerful as you to be honest and admit your fault. I was expecting you to be arrogant and even oppress Realius just so you could win the argument since you are stronger than him.]

[I Love Mathematics: @Idle Zenchillionare Tycoon, it seems you have misunderstood something about my personality. I am not arrogant and I may only look arrogant to others. Also, rationalism is my life’s philosophy. For me, it is rational to accept the fact that you aren’t correct most of the time since emotions such as pride and inferiority will only cloud your judgment of improving yourself to the best you can be.]

After reading through all of the interesting chat messages that he had received on his system screens from his live stream, Allen focused back on Carrion as Carrion was waiting for his response.

“Remember that you had proved to me that all pieces except for the king are all females, right? And it’s a harem war?”

“I haven’t forgotten about that. What about it?”

“Well, I have realized that the reason why in chess it’s called “checkmate” is that the king commands his harem members to “mate” with the enemy king.”

Allen spoke in a matter-of-fact tone which left Carrion speechless from Allen’s answer.

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