Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 167: Iris Aria Becomes Overpowered?!

Because of that, [The Eternal Entertainment Seeker] despite being incapable of affecting the Katake Multiverse was still a fearsome Supreme Being since he was said to be favored by [The Storyteller] himself.

And it was said that almost all of the time, [The Eternal Entertainment Seeker] and [The Storyteller] chatted with each other via an unknown chatting platform that was exclusive only to the two of them.

Since the one who will grant his wish was [The Storyteller] himself, Allen doesn’t have to worry about those Supreme Beings removing his wish.

With that in his mind, Allen made up his mind on what wish he will ask Lord Zenchi.

“My wish is for Iris to be immune to any mental, soul, and physical attacks. Or in other words, immune to any attacks.”

Yes, Allen used his wish for Iris. He could have used it for himself but he didn’t want to keep on worrying about Iris being mind controlled by a Semi-Supreme Being. But with Lord Zenchi being the one who will grant his wish, he didn’t have to worry about a Supreme Being being able to undo his wish.<sub>.</sub>

Because of that, Allen loved Iris too much to the point that he was willing to use the wish for her instead of him. For Allen, he was more than confident enough that he would be safe and sound but it was a different case for Iris.

That was why Allen didn’t hesitate to use his wish just to keep Iris safe. That’s how much he loved Iris. He loves her more than himself and will prioritize her safety over himself.

[Host’s wish is currently being relayed to the creator… Done.]

[The creator has accepted to fulfill the host’s wish. Will the host want the creator to fulfill the wish now or at another time?]


Allen didn’t want to delay it as he wants Iris to be as safe as soon as possible. If Iris was granted the ability to be immune to any attacks, he didn’t have to worry too much about her well-being.

After all, immunity to all attacks was tantamount to having infinite defense. And having infinite defense meant that one could no longer have to worry about dying when he or she was attacked by an enemy.


[Host’s wish has been fulfilled by the creator! Iris Aria has not only been granted with <<Absolute Invulnerability>> but also <[Singularity]>.]

‘Wai what?’<sub></sub>

Allen was confused why Lord Zenchi has also included another skill for Iris Aria despite him only wishing for the <<Absolute Invulnerability>> skill.

The AMCG System noticed its host’s confusion so without further ado, it explained to its host about the creator’s reason for adding an authority in Allen’s wish.

[Host, the creator was pleased with your selfless decision that he granted your lover with the <[Singularity]> authority. The creator was reminded of himself when he listened to your wish so he didn’t hesitate to add another skill to your lover because of your selfless wish.]

[If the host doesn’t know, the <[Singularity]> authority allows someone to be so unique even to the point of immunity to being mimicked, copied, or replicated. In other words, he or she won’t have any alternate selves, clones, etc. He or she will be singular and one of a kind.]

When Allen heard of the system’s explanation about the <[Singularity]> authority, he was shocked. That authority alone was enough for him to wish for it to Iris in other words, he received two wishes just by wishing for one.

[Host must have known that in every timeline, there is one copy of yourself that reside in that timeline. So if for example, you have ten timelines, then there will be ten of yourselves. But the <[Singularity]> authority prevents that from happening since even if there are a million timelines, there can only be one you in that timeline.]

[So the host doesn’t have to worry about meeting any alternate selves of Iris Aria if the host ever planned to travel throughout time. The host doesn’t even need to worry about encountering the evil self of Iris Aria since Iris Aria in this reality is the only one that exists despite the infinite realities that reside in the Omniverse.]

Hearing that additional explanation from his system, Allen was pleased after knowing that he didn’t have to worry about encountering the evil selves of his lover.

Although, Allen knew that he wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate the evil selves of Iris Aria since he knows that she isn’t the Iris Aria that he loved. He wouldn’t be swayed by his emotions that easily.

But it didn’t mean Allen wasn’t satisfied in Iris Aria possessing the <[Singularity]> authority since her possessing that only meant that Allen didn’t have to force himself to kill her evil counterparts if ever they tried to kill him.

[Oh, another thing, host. I forgot to tell you that the creator has also granted Iris the <Absolute Beauty> talent. And you have guessed it correctly as it is an upgrade of the <Supreme Beauty> talent.]

[In other words, Iris undoubtedly has a much better appearance than you, host. ]

Of course, Allen didn’t worry about the second message that the system had said to him but the fact that Iris possessed the <Absolute Beauty> talent. That was a problem to him not because he would feel inferior if Iris was better than him in terms of appearance, but because of one thing.

‘How can I resist Iris if she ever wants me to take her first time?’

Allen was currently having a dilemma as he knew how beautiful Iris was when he had granted her the <Supreme Beauty> talent along with the <Supreme IA> talent. After all, Iris was undeniably the second most beautiful individual in his world since he was first.

And Iris possessing the <Supreme Beauty> talent was already testing Allen’s control over his lust since she was just too beautiful for Allen.

But now that Iris has the <Absolute Beauty> talent, Allen doubts if he could ever resist her if she ever seduced him. After all, Allen’s <Supreme Self-Control> was only at Supreme-level, not absolute-level.

As Allen was thinking of ways to resist Iris with her <Absolute Beauty> talent, Allen heard an alluring and seductive voice that was too hypnotic to his mind.

“Master Allen~”

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