Inside the cave.

Wang Yu tried to escape, but in the end he couldn't let the desperate Wang Pantu let go.

Suddenly, footsteps came, followed by a familiar voice.

"Don't waste your words. This guy knows that he will die this time. Even if you really let him go, Nancy's military will not let such an undercover Simsance be spared."

The old man Baihe walked in and said.

Wang Yu's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but say, "He was an undercover agent sent by Simusans, who has been undercover for two hundred years?"

He was not surprised that the old man Bai He would show up. When he said this, he noticed that the complexion of Wang Pantu, who was lying on the ground, had changed.

"No, it's true that he is a citizen of the Nancy Empire, but he later colluded with Simersance, cooperated with each other, and made great contributions to the neutrality of the island competition that year, thus gaining Nancy's trust.

In the end, he got what he wanted, obtained a set of qi method, and was promoted to the rank of superior captain as a citizen of the empire.

I have to say that you are indeed capable of getting to where you are today, but you are limited by your own cultivation aptitude. If you want to go further, you may not be able to do it. "

Bai He's tone was flat, and he slowly said this secret.

"How do you know this!" Wang Pantu's eyes regained some focus and looked at the old man who suddenly appeared.

No one ever knew about the matter between him and Simsance, and he was always cautious and rotten in his heart.

Only the failure to assassinate Wang Yu this time made all his efforts so far come to nothing, and his identity could not be hidden.

The old man sighed and did not answer Wang Pantu's doubts, but said: "Although I can understand your unwillingness, it is a pity that you chose a wrong path of struggle, and it is an inevitable result that you have come to the present end. "

Wang Pantu's eyes suddenly widened, his face was a bit hideous, and his voice was like the last roar of a severely wounded and dying beast.

"Understand me? Have I ever had the opportunity to choose? Those children from aristocratic families are high above, and one by one, they have easily surpassed my hundreds of years of hard work.

After accumulating merits and exhausting everything to go to the main star imperial capital, in the end, my talent is limited, and I cut off my future cultivation path, just because he is the emperor's family!

I am right! It was them who were wrong! "

Wang Pantu was exhausted, exhausted his last strength, and finally swallowed.

Wang Yu was silent for a while, and he could feel the madness of this man.

The old man Baihe shook his head, looked at Wang Yu and said, "I meant to make you wait for a while, but I didn't expect you to kill him alone.

I'm curious how you did it? "

"I used Qi decay." Wang Yu spread his hands and said.

However, he didn't say that even if he didn't need to dissipate his energy, he would still be able to compete with him.

Bai He is clear, he still knows the effect of Qi decay.

"Even if there is qi decay that weakens the opponent's strength, it is still a remarkable thing that you can kill the opponent with the blood burning realm cultivation base."

Bai He did not hesitate to praise Wang Yu, and he valued Wang Yu even more in his heart.

Wang Yu didn't say much about this matter, but just asked: "So this time it was Sims who wanted to assassinate me?"

Bai He nodded, with a faint smile on his face, "You won the title of Ghost Sword on the battlefield before, killed many enemies, and made countless contributions.

With the cultivation talent you have shown now, it is difficult for the other party not to regard you as a confidant, which also contributed to this assassination.

Directly use this deep dark chess and let the captain make a move, which is enough to show that they attach great importance to you. "

Wang Yu was speechless.

He didn't expect that this ghost name could bring him such a trouble.

I thought that after Canaan was out, such assassinations would subside.

But he didn't expect that a former ally of Simsance would change his role so quickly.

It is rumored that the other party is also facing serious population backlog and resource problems.

Bisecting Fragment 5 with Nancy also doesn't seem to be enough to completely solve the problem.

On the other hand, the Nancy Empire is also the same.

What the upper-class families want is the occupation of the entire No. 5 Fragment Star, not the split in half.

"So this time they failed to assassinate, maybe they will send assassins with a higher cultivation base next time?" Wang Yu said with a dull voice.

These high-level empires seem to be keen to plan this kind of assassination.

It is almost impossible to prevent. Throughout history, there are indeed many amazing geniuses who suddenly fell like meteors due to the assassination of hostile forces.

When he joined the military for the sake of cultivating the law, he also thought about these possible troubles.

It's just that I didn't expect the war to come so suddenly and for a long time.

Since the military has given him resources to cultivate, it is impossible for him to disarm and return to the fields hastily.

He is now in this quagmire, and it is not easy to escape.

"Although I have obtained information, I have no way of knowing the plans of Simsance every time. I can only say that it is possible." The old man Baihe shook his head.

God knows what follow-up plans those high-level empires will have against Wang Yu.

"If you are a child of an aristocratic family, you may be able to return to the main star to obtain the protection of the family, but on this broken star, the two countries have penetrated each other for a long time, and there are really few places that can be called safe.

And if you ask for help from the Nancy Military Department, they can only help you to a limited extent. It is nothing more than to let you avoid the limelight at the station and improve the confidentiality level of your data. Once the war starts, you will still be transferred to the front line to fight. . "

The old man Bai He chuckled lightly, he can be said to be quite familiar with the behavior of Nancy's military.

Basically, I can already judge what kind of treatment and care Wang Yu will receive after returning to his life.

After listening to Wang Yu, there was only one thought in his heart.

All external forces are ultimately unreliable. Only by improving your own strength and making yourself stronger can you deal with various threats!

"It's really hard to get the Qi Qi method in the military?" Wang Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked.

Although the old man Baihe was the leader of the rebel army, his understanding of the Nancy army was far better than Wang Yu, a newcomer in the army.

"With the talent and aptitude you have shown, you do have a chance to get a Qi-managing method from the military, but I'm afraid it depends on what kind of outstanding achievements you have achieved in the next war with Simersance.

In addition, you are too young, those aristocratic families may let you settle in the army as a lieutenant for 20 to 30 years, and then you will be eligible to become a candidate for a superior captain. "

The old man Baihe talked eloquently.

Wang Yu listened to what he said, and he couldn't help but be fascinated.

"I can understand the merit do you want to set such an age condition?" Wang Yu wondered.

The old man Baihe found a smooth stone and sat down on his own, and then told Wang Yu in detail, quite patiently.

"The purpose of cultivating you by the imperial family is that they only want you to be a sharp blade in their hands.

He needs you to show your extraordinary cultivation talent and have training value. In this way, on the one hand, you will become a sharp blade that can kill the Quartet and stabilize their hegemony.

On the other hand, they don't want you to grow too fast, beyond their control.

Therefore, they will both nurture you and suppress you. The ultimate point is that everything about you must be within their control, otherwise they don't mind killing you at any time. "

"..." Wang Yu listened carefully without refuting.

The two talked for a while, but the old man Bai He still did not ask Wang Yu to join the rebel army again. After confirming that Wang Yu was safe from the assassination, he patted his **** and left gracefully.

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