Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 208: Cosmic Energy Star Vein!

A few days later, the old sect master arrived at Guishan first, and the rest of the supreme leaders arrived one after another.

Under the leadership of Wang Yu, everyone saw the dragon keel of the time in the rock, which proved that Qiling did not fool them.

"There really is a keel that travels through time and space!" The Pope sighed as he looked at the distorted space around him caused by the keel.

There is still a big difference between seeing it with your own eyes and just imagining it.

"In this way, I finally see hope." The old Sect Master sighed softly.

Whether the human race can continue depends on how powerful the dragon keel is at this time.

The old turtle, who came in with him, was shocked when he saw the keel.

At the same time, I also understand that it is not a star vein, but the existence of this keel, and the space of the entire Guishan will change, and the energy is so gushing.

When Wang Yu explained to it the news that the galaxy was about to die, the old turtle was just stunned, not so surprised.

"It turns out that what the ancestors said is true."

"Huh?" Wang Yu looked at it.

It seems that it has already known about this.

Seeing a few people, the old turtle explained.

"When I was young, my ancestors predicted that in three thousand years, the world where they live will be destroyed, and everything will come to an end, even the turtles are no exception.

At first, I didn't believe it, but now that I think about it, my ancestors probably expected the destruction of the galaxy back then. "

Several Human Race Supremes listened. Although they had never seen the ancestor of the Turtle Race, they knew that the other party had lived for such a long time. Most of them had some special abilities or methods, or they might have discovered some clues in advance.

The Pope smiled and said to the witch beside him: "It seems that people's prophecy is more reliable than your divination."

The witch pouted and said nothing.

The main fact is that it is.

He never foresaw the catastrophe, and he couldn't even spy out any clues about where the keel was.

And this turtle ancestor...

The witch thought of the huge turtle shell on the edge of the rock.

Perhaps that old ancestral tortoise knew that vitality and hope were here, and that's why he chose to perish in the deep sea here.

This is not a kind of guidance, so that the descendants of the Turtle Clan have a chance to survive.

Thinking of this, several people were in awe of this old ancestor turtle.

This is a real big monster!

"If you really can rely on this keel to survive, can you take our tortoises and leave together?" Xuanyin old turtle said anxiously.

"Okay." Several people looked at each other, and finally the old Sect Master nodded in agreement and made a promise.

After all, to be able to find the keel so quickly, the turtle clan in front of him also contributed, and it is reasonable to bring them with them.

"If you want to drive this time keel, you still need enough energy..."

Wang Yu spoke at this time and repeated what Qi Ling said.

This energy is not so good.

Ordinary energy ores are useless, and the energy that can really drive the time dragon keel for time and space transmission is only the source power in the universe.

Qiling cited a variety of available energy sources, only one that Wang Yu and others had heard of and had the opportunity to collect.

Star Vein!

That's right, the star veins used to build planets, including man-made magnetic gates!

This is one of the origin energies of the universe, and it is also the only cosmic energy that the human race has access to.

Upon hearing the Star Vessel, the hearts of several human race supreme leaders sank, feeling that things were not so simple.

"What kind of star veins do you need?" The Emperor said solemnly.

The levels of the star veins are also divided into several grades, which are clearly recorded in the ancient documents.

"If you want to directly reach the star field where the Lagerstroemia people were in the past, you need at least a fourth-level main star vein!

And if you want to activate the time dragon keel shuttle at a minimum, you need at least one second-level pearl star vein, or three first-level hidden star veins plus a bunch of secondary star veins as a supplement.

Reminder, the minimum activation, according to the original test, can only reach a nearby galaxy with a high probability, and the number of life forms on board is also limited. "

Fortunately, Qiling still remembers so many things related to the time keel, and he said it in detail.

But it also silenced the dignified expression on the face of the Supreme Being.

The old Sect Master shook his head and smiled bitterly: "After all, we are too optimistic."

"Well, you don't need to think about the star field where the original Ziwei people are located. I originally wanted to go there to find their roots, but now it seems that I can only try to travel nearby." Shenwu also said.

"I guess it's also, how could such a frontier land have a main star, even a jade star or a pearl star, I'm afraid there may not be any." Qi Ling was not surprised.

It also never thought of doing it in one step, returning to the star field where the Ziwei people are located.

It is fortunate to be able to escape from the koala galaxy that is about to be destroyed now.

"Senior is really right, at least in our seventh smallest galaxy, there is really only one hidden star, and the rest are just a few broken stars." Shenwu shook his head.

According to Qiling's energy requirements, even if all the star veins in the entire seventh small galaxy are taken away, it may not be enough to activate the keel at a minimum and complete the time and space shuttle.

Not to mention that once these star veins are exhausted, the planet will not be able to block the death energy of the universe, and the energy of the spiritual energy will also be exhausted. At that time, it will be difficult for the human race to survive.

"A planet can breed several star veins, but most of them are secondary star veins. On the blue star, according to my observations, there is only one first-level star vein. If it is pumped, the planet will collapse." The sovereign shook his head.

The seventh galaxy where the human race is located must not act as the main star vein of the foundation of the planet.

Therefore, all they can take away is some secondary star veins.

Wanting to use this to activate the keel is undoubtedly a dream.

"So I can only go to other galaxies to extract! Before the entire Kokuni galaxy completely collapses!" The Emperor suddenly said solemnly.

His eyes were blazing, with limang and a trace of suffocation.

"Since the lion-eagle aliens have already invaded, I estimate that they must have hoarded star veins from other small galaxies as their trophies!"

The Pope raised his eyes to look at the Emperor, "Do you mean to take the Star Vein from them?"

"You can try to find other galaxies, but if there are not enough numbers, we have no choice. This battle cannot be avoided!" The Emperor said in a loud voice.

The Human Sovereign was clearly in charge of the battle, his killing intent was boiling, and he was brooding about the existence of the alien lion eagle.

Back then, he fought on the Blue Star and built a great Beichen foundation.

Along the way, the sword in his hand is the sword of killing.

Even though he has become the supreme emperor, he still hasn't changed.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. At first, we didn't know the existence of the alien lion eagle, but now, we need more information." The old sect master said.

"I understand." The Emperor nodded. Although he was the main battle faction, he didn't like to be tough.

"In addition, I want to know how many lifeforms can be carried away by activating the keel at the minimum." The old Sect Master looked at the flag floating beside Wang Yu and asked.

This question is very important, and Wang Yu also looked at it.

Qi Ling pondered for a moment and said, "The more energy you have, the more lives you can carry.

If there are only three first-level star veins, theoretically, it can bring in a million people at most. I suggest being cautious, not to exceed one million people.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause instability during the shuttle process, and in the end, random passengers will fall into the time-space tunnel, and ten will die. "

"That's all?" Zizhu Tianren was shocked.

The rest of the people also frowned, which is not good news.

Qi Ling knew what these people were thinking, and calmly said: "It's basically impossible for you to complete the relocation of the entire family in one go.

If you have the ability, this trip will gain a firm foothold in other galaxies, get more star veins and come back to save the rest.

Don't blame me for not reminding me that tens of billions of human lives require at least three third-level pearl star veins to be safely transported. "

Wang Yu didn't know the value of the third-level star vein and how difficult it would be to obtain it.

Come to think of it, this is not an easy thing to do.

Going to other galaxies is an unknown challenge.

Facing all kinds of dangers that may exist in other galaxies, cosmic creatures, and even a whole unfamiliar cosmic social system.

God knows what will happen and what will happen next.

It is not an easy task to save the entire human race.

I learned more from Qiling and studied around the keel for a long time.

A few days later, several Clan Supreme left the bottom of the sea to plan for the Star Vessel.

Needing someone to stay behind to guard the keel, Wang Yu immediately asked Ying to stay on the seabed.

In addition to guarding, he can also practice near the keel.

Bathed in that blowout energy baptism, his cultivation speed was extremely fast, much faster than in the inner door of Wuzong.

With such a treasured place, he naturally can stay for as long as possible.

As for the planning of Star Vein, at most he can provide his own combat power, and the rest of the matter is still up to those Human Races to take care of the burden.

Outside, the news about the annihilation of the galaxy has not yet spread, and now only a very small number of trustworthy and extremely powerful people know about it.

This is also to avoid causing a huge panic, resulting in violent turmoil within the human race.

In addition, about the keel, only a few human race supreme and Wang Yu know about it.

This is also to avoid revealing the fetish, causing unnecessary trouble and hidden dangers.

After that, with the return of several human race supreme, the undercurrents began to surge in several human race forces, and they each carried out some rectification and arrangement.

Beichen Empire, the imperial capital of Tianxing City.

The people in the city live as usual, making life plans for tomorrow and the future.

With the protection of the emperor, they believed that the peaceful and harmonious days in the city would continue forever.

Only a small number of well-informed city residents sensed an unusual tension.

Many high-level officials of the empire have successively resigned for various reasons.

A lot of newcomers got over it inexplicably, took office and continued to maintain the operation of the empire.

Most of the people were unaware, only the imperial government was surging.

Many prominent figures of the younger generation have risen to prominence and become political upstarts.

The figures of the older generation have quietly disappeared, gradually fading out of the central power circle.

In just half a year, the empire has completed many major changes.

At first, officials and politicians had different opinions in private, and there were all kinds of guesses.

But gradually, with the passage of time, these claims slowly disappeared.

Most people only care about the group of characters who are still active on the stage, and they follow their lead.

In addition to the Beichen Empire, other sects and northern barbarians are also changing.

Even the positions of many tribal patriarchs were passed on to the next generation of Tianjiao's sons in advance, while the original patriarchs retreated behind the scenes and silently supported the new patriarch to take charge of the tribe.

On this day, there was a violent energy fluctuation at the mine star worm gate.

Soon, the old Sect Master walked out of it.

"How is it?" Zizhu Tianren was already waiting by the side, and when he saw the successful return of the old Sect Master, he immediately asked.

The old Sect Master showed a bit of a smile, nodded and said, "This Divine Invisibility Talisman is indeed the latest achievement of the sixth-level rune!"

As long as you keep a distance of ten meters, those lion statues at the level of heaven and earth will not be able to lock in his existence.

The old Sect Master tore off a piece of green-green talisman paper attached to his body, feeling that God was helping the human race.

With the advent of the Shenyin Talisman, their next plans can also be put on the itinerary.

On this trip, he went to test the effect of this divine concealment talisman on the alien lion eagle, and at the same time to find out a wave of information.

He found that there was indeed a lion eagle guarding the other end of the insect gate, and there was even a celestial-level lion eagle who guarded it all the year round.

Once the few of them go to the Supreme, the energy fluctuations generated during the shuttle will be immediately noticed by the lion sculpture.

At that time, they will be greeted by the top-level combat power of the other side.

Just like at the beginning, they waited on the Mine Star, waiting for the enemies to collide one by one.

The home field advantage at both ends of the insect gate is too No matter who goes to start a war, the first one to suffer must be the one who takes the initiative.

Unless someone can fight with one enemy to buy time for their teleportation to converge.

But obviously there is no such unique powerhouse among them.

If there was, they would have conquered everything with such a character long ago, and they would only occupy the seventh small galaxy.

In this way, the role of the hidden talisman is highlighted.

Even the celestial-level lion-carved aliens can't detect the hidden figure, which shows how strong the hidden effect of this hidden talisman is.

"In addition, I have found a path to connect several other small galaxies, which can bypass the entire lion-carved alien race, and may be able to gain something later." The old Sect Master continued.

I have to say, this is good news.

For the time being, they don't want to fight the lion-eagle alien race to the death.

At present, whether it is on paper or on the actual battlefield, even if the lion-carved alien race has lost its troops and lost many god-level lion carvings, it is still stronger than the current human race.

After all, Wang Yu is only a real-life cultivation base in the final analysis. Although the following Keshang has done it before, it will be reluctant in the end.

If possible, to be on the safe side, they want to wait a little longer.

While waiting for Wang Yu's flowers to bloom, several Human Race Supremes also knew very well that Wang Yu's current cultivation base was improving every day, showing an extremely fast breakthrough rhythm.

Basically, there was a small level of cultivation in a few days, but Wang Yu broke through it like eating and drinking, without difficulty or pressure.

Maybe when he is needed in the future, he can give a big surprise to a few people.

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