After finalizing the size of the matter, everyone immediately dispersed.

On the Blue Star, as time passed, the story of the great battle with the lion-carving alien race gradually spread.

After all, there were a lot of powerhouses participating that day, from all forces of the human race, so it was difficult to completely block the news.

The news spread faster and faster, and the entire human race caused a huge sensation.

For ordinary people who have not been exposed to this matter before, or for warriors with low strength, it is not shocking to learn about this matter.

What? Cosmic alien invasion? World species outside the galaxy? The battle to defend the human race? I almost fell into slavery? Massacred by aliens?

A series of news, like a heavy hammer hitting the heads of these people, made them feel a burst of confusion.

These things are so far away from their lives that they sound like fantasy stories from Mr. Storyteller's mouth.

Naturally, they didn't believe it at first, but the more it spreads, the more truthful it became, so they couldn't help but not believe it.

Those big and small clan forces have inquired about more things through their respective news channels.

Among them, the most important thing for them is undoubtedly the news of Wu Zong's three-day family.

After repeatedly confirming that the information was correct, those cultivators and warriors who had a bit of status just thought it was outrageous.

After all, they know what kind of existence the gods are.

Wuzong gave birth to three heavenly beings, which can only be said to be the holy land of martial arts.

Counting with fingers, there are six heavenly beings in the human race, three of which are in Wuzong.

As a result, Wu Zong's status in the hearts of many monks and warriors became more and more detached.

At the same time, Wang Yu's miraculous ascent to the top has also become the main topic among all people.

Some people know about Wang Yu because of the ranking of the young generation.

Wang Yu has a place on it, proving that his strength and potential are extremely high.

But in any case, it just means that he is a leader among the younger generation.

I can't get in touch with the gods.

After all, Gu Youying, Jiang Shenyi, and others with higher rankings, are no more than real people now.

In contrast, Wang Yu overtook a car in a corner and became the next human race, which seemed like a fantasy.

Some people believed it, while others laughed it off and didn't believe it.

But no matter what, this is the truth, witnessed by everyone who participated in the war that day.

Only they knew how fierce Wang Yu was.

And Wang Yu himself didn't pay much attention to his various rumors.

More than a month later, he followed a few heavenly beings, passed through the insect gate, and came to the barren star of the sixth galaxy again.

Then it turns around through the magnetic detachment gate to the only remaining hidden star in the sixth galaxy.

Since the previous defeat, the lion-eagle alien race has been evacuated from this occupied hidden star.

Therefore, this planet has become an ownerless thing, and there are only a few harriers left as slaves in the past.

"If there are not enough star veins on the lion eagle's side, then we can only take away the hidden star veins here." The emperor flew in the air, overlooking the vast land below, and said lightly, without too much emotion.

Everyone was speechless and knew that this was the last resort.

Once the most important hidden star vein of this planet is drawn, it is equivalent to completely cutting off all the vitality of the planet.

Without having to wait for the entire Kolkata galaxy to collapse, the planet will simply fall into complete silence within a few years.

As a result, all things withered to extinction. Unlike the deserted planet, the number of creatures that would be wiped out could not be counted.

Out of reverence for life, it is not an easy decision to make.

The killing karma caused is too heavy.

"For the continuation of the human race, if it is really necessary to do this, I will not refuse." The Pope said calmly.

That indifferent tone made Wang Yu look sideways.

He suddenly became a little curious, what is the moral dogma that the sect under the Pope believes in...

"Agree." The witch's eyes flickered with dim light, and nodded in agreement.

Of the four celestial beings of the older generation, only the old Sect Master sighed and said nothing.

It wasn't long before Zizhu Tianren stepped into the realm of heaven and man. Like Wang Yu, he actually didn't have too many thoughts on the human burden he shouldered, and he didn't express his attitude on the matter.

Then, they found another worm gate on this hidden star, which could lead directly to the first galaxy.

This is the worm gate that the lion sculptures use to travel back and forth.

It's a pity that although they have the means to build the insect gate, they have no ability to take back or destroy the insect gate, so that it remains here forever.

If you look closely, you will find that this worm gate is more stable than the worm gate on the desolate star that connects the human race.

The energy stays in the vicinity of the insect gate and keeps turning around, and it cannot escape at all.

There are also a few lion carving tribes near the insect gate, plus some powerful insect harrier slaves to stay behind.

When he saw a few human beings who came suddenly, he panicked immediately, and a few lion eagles wanted to escape into the insect gate to report the news.

Only the god-level lion eagle can master the information sharing ability of long-distance and interstellar.

However, the old Sect Master took the lead, and countless chains shot out from his sleeves, binding all the lion eagles with their hands and feet.

Zizhu Tianren also opened his hand and shot out a piece of bamboo, which imprisoned the lion statues like a cage.

The Emperor didn't say much while holding the sword. With a single swing of the sword, all the alien races were beheaded.

Clean and neat.

Immediately, several people stepped into the insect gate.

The shuttle experience is not bad. I don't know how time has passed, and Wang Yu has arrived at the other end of the insect gate.

"Huh?" Seeing the scene in front of him, Wang Yu couldn't help but be taken aback.

The barrenness in front of him is exactly the same as those desolate stars in the sixth galaxy.

It made him almost think that he had returned to the Desolate Star Insect Gate in the sixth galaxy.

The old Sect Master and others have been sitting cross-legged for some time.

Every time the insect door teleportation, Wang Yu has the slowest time.

"The magnetic field of the universe is different here, you can't be wrong, it's the first galaxy." Seeing Wang Yu froze in place, the wizard smiled and pointed to some lion-carved corpses on the other side of the insect gate, knowing his doubts.

Obviously, these lion statues are also responsible for guarding the insect gate, and they were directly thrown down by the emperor and others who came out.

This also indirectly proves that this is the first galaxy where the alien lion eagles are located.

Wang Yu nodded, looking closely, he could still distinguish the difference between this desolate star and the desolate star on the sixth galaxy.

After everyone arrived, everyone was still the same, using the magnetic door to jump to the planet.

"This first galaxy is as expected. It has been seriously eroded by the dead air of the universe, and most of the broken stars have become barren stars." The old Sect Master felt that he knew.

The few planets that were transmitted are basically broken stars that are completely abandoned, and there is no life form at all.

It is not difficult to infer that, I am afraid that the situation of the first galaxy and the sixth galaxy is very similar.

I am afraid that there is only the last hidden star left, which is supported by the hidden star veins to resist the erosion of death energy.

"In this way, we are really lucky. In the entire koala galaxy, only the seventh galaxy we are in is still intact." Seeing this, Zizhu Tianren couldn't help but say.

The old sect master shook his head and said with a slightly sad face: "The energy flow on the mine star has already intensified. I'm afraid that this last piece of pure land will be difficult to keep for too long."

This gave him a sense of urgency, and he had to find a way out for the human race as soon as possible.

"It's good for us to do our best." In the future, if we leave the Big Koosuke galaxy, due to the uncertainty of other unknown galaxies, the Emperor does not dare to talk too much.

A halo flickered from the magnetic door, and after a few interstellar shuttles, the group finally came to a dark green world.

There are dark green trees all over the place, and the natural atmosphere is very strong.

"Thinking about it, this is the main star of the lion-carved alien race." The witch judged.

They were also the first to come here, but they soon discovered groups of lion eagles after being released by the perception of heaven and man.

Now, with the fall of all the god-level lion eagles and the death of a large number of strong lion eagles, the entire remaining lion eagle alien race has fallen into boundless turmoil.

Like human beings, it will also be uneasy, panic, and even breed greed and madness. Without governance and supervision, it will eventually lead to the total collapse of the order.

The decline of civilization is sometimes so easy.

If the human race comes to set fire again, the entire lion-carved alien race will be destroyed.

Flying around and watching, the chaos here made several heavenly beings put down their last concerns.

"Originally, I was worried that this alien race still has a backer, but now it seems that we are overthinking it." The Pope said.

At a glance, he could see that all the lion statues below were on the verge of collapse and madness.

The supreme god-level lion sculpture is the belief of all their clansmen.

Now that belief has collapsed, there is nothing more serious than this for the lion-carved alien race.

At least it was difficult for these lion eagles to gather a force of resistance again.

Several people went all the way unimpeded, just like this unscrupulously flying over the enemy's lair.

Soon, they found the Divine Nest in an endless sea.

Located on the highest point, like a huge lotus in full bloom,

"It should be here." The Emperor said.

They had tortured a large number of Lion Eagle tribesmen before and confirmed that what they wanted was here.

The Nest of God is also the residence of those god-level lion sculptures, and the entire lion sculpture alien race is the most sacred place.

The entire divine tree where it is located embodies all the beauty that the entire lion-carved alien race yearns for.


The arrival of Wang Yu and others instantly stimulated the lion eagles living in it, and they rushed up with their wings.

Wang Yu observed that although there are not a single god-level lion statue left, there are still a lot of real-life lion statues.

Some of the breath and flesh have an intensity that is even close to that of a god-level lion eagle.

Perhaps as long as one more evolution is completed, this small group of lion sculptures will be able to give birth to a new god-level again.

This is something that few heavenly people are unwilling to see.

Don't leave hidden dangers to the people.

The Emperor has already taken the lead in condensing the black profound sword that is enough to tear apart space.

Heavenly Man Zizhu quickly squeezed his hands together.

The next moment, a huge fire poured down, covering all the lion eagles that rushed up.

Wang Yu performed the spell almost at the same time, and a gust of wind swept down.

Stir the sea of ​​fire, and directly formed a huge fire storm.

The extreme high temperature evaporated all the surrounding water vapor in an instant.

The mist on the sea below spewed out, like boiling magma.

Both master and apprentice are proficient in the way of nature, and they cooperate with each other in an unexpected tacit understanding.

From a distance, the divine tree was crumbling under this terrifying fire storm.

Countless lion eagle clansmen who saw it let out a hysterical neigh.

That is their holy place and their last hope.

If the divine tree is destroyed, for them, there is really no possibility of turning over.

A group of strong lion eagles struggled and roared in the firestorm.

But this is how he and Zizhu Tianren joined hands to create the Fa, how could it be so easy to break free and break free.

Wang Yu's expression was indifferent, and he saw that the powerful lion eagles who were a potential threat to the human race were wiped out by the flames, and there was not much turbulence in his heart.

Interracial confrontation, the other party has shown them sharp fangs from the very beginning.

Now, they will not have the slightest sympathy.

Even if he is as kind as the old Sect Master, he will not let go of his heart at this moment.

They all know that once the lion eagles rise again, the first danger will be the human race!

The firestorm almost burned down the divine tree that went straight into the sky.

Fortunately, Wang Yu and Zizhu Tianren didn't want the divine tree to be completely destroyed and stopped in time, which allowed the crumbling divine tree to survive.

Only those strong lion eagles who rushed up suffered heavy casualties, and some were directly burned to ashes.

The Emperor opened his left hand and grasped with a guilty conscience, and a tremendous suction force was released.

Several seriously injured strong lion eagles had no ability to resist, they were captured and left at the mercy of the emperor, floating in the air.

The emperor's eyes fell on the witch.

Shenwu understood and grinned, "No problem."

He took two steps forward while making a mark with both hands, and saw that he bit the index finger and **** of his right hand.

The blood oozing from the fingertips flew out and was printed on the foreheads and between the eyebrows of these powerful lion carvings, turning into a dim light, inexplicably like a ghost fire.

Wang Yu was not surprised when he saw it.

What this northern barbarian sorceress is best at is to study some other side-sect techniques, and he has a lot of strange abilities.

This worrying technique is a set of unique secret techniques created by him.

Has a chaotic consciousness and manipulates the mind, and is usually used by him for interrogation.

It is basically impossible for the lion eagle to resist the invasion of this secret technique.

Soon, these powerful lion eagles became confused.

The witches immediately conducted a cross-examination, and easily got the information they wanted.

During their battle with this alien race in the universe over the past few years, they have almost completely mastered each other's language.

This is not difficult for the gods with extraordinary spiritual So now they can understand what the other party is saying.

"Now take me to the place where the gods are hidden." The witch waved his hand and ordered.

After listening to these powerful lion carvings, they staggered to the side of the divine tree.

They themselves live in trees, so they are familiar with this place and are no strangers to it.

The land of the gods is also high up near the canopy, where there are layers upon layers, large and small bird's nest spaces.

The strong lion eagle led several people into one of the bird's nest spaces.

In the space, the lion eagle who was originally responsible for guarding it had already been killed by Wang Yu and others just now.

Several people arrived at their destination smoothly.

The so-called sacred place is a place specially used for god-level lion sculptures to store precious things.

Wang Yu glanced over, and in the corner were piles of ores, wood, and metal blocks that he had never seen before.

As far as quality is concerned, it is indeed not ordinary.

There are many items that can make high-level rune objects or rune arrays.

But that's not the point.

The point is that in the depths of this sacred place, there is a huge square crystal, about the size of a room.

There are more than ten streamers of various colors flashing through it. Like a thin snake that glows.

Several people are bright in front of their eyes.

"Sure enough!"

Everyone could see at a glance that the luminous thin snake sealed in the crystal was exactly the star vein they were looking for!

Wang Yu only took a cursory look and realized that he had gathered enough to activate the keel at one time, there was a drama!

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