
Wang Yu didn't expect to be ambushed for no reason as soon as he arrived in the wasteland.

Look at this posture is to rob them.

"There really aren't that many rules here." The witch sighed secretly.

The former wasteland may be inaccessible, but since the establishment of a Bone City here, as more and more foreign races come here, this wasteland has become less deserted.

They even developed the characteristics of road robbery.

There were a total of seven Leiji people, shrouded in thunder, and only vaguely humanoid figures could be seen.

The two bright white eye sockets, unable to see the pupil, stared at the surrounded Wang Yu and the three.

Their voices are like electric synthesis, a little distorted and harsh.

One of them, Lei Ji, who was covered in blue electricity, stretched out his hand, and countless electric lights flew out, forming a huge cage that enveloped Wang Yu and the three of them, as if he was not ready to let them escape.

To this alien race, thunder and lightning are like their hands and feet, and even if they are derived, they can still be manipulated freely.

Wang Yu had seen this ethnic group in the crimson snake noble territory, and intelligence information about Leiji people appeared in his mind.

It is rumored that this group was bred from a peculiar thunder, and the body is a thunder, not an ordinary flesh-and-blood life.

Wang Yu was amazed at how they were born with self-consciousness and eventually evolved into intelligent races.

This is simply a fantasy in the future, after all, this is just a thunderbolt...

I have to sigh that the world is so big, full of wonders, and even the most incredible things in the universe can happen.

In addition, Lei Jiren's character is irritable, often unable to control his emotions, and violent incidents occur.

As a result, this race is often placed on danger lists by other aliens.

Wang Yu frowned slightly, this race has almost no physical characteristics to judge the strength or weakness, and can only make a rough estimate based on the thunder energy density of the opponent's body.

"It should be around the level of the real person to the heavenly level." Wang Yu swept his eyes in a circle and secretly said, but he did not rule out that the other party had the power of the universe.

It can be said that they are already quite a powerful group of alien robbers.

"Hey, didn't I hear what I said!" Seeing that the three of them didn't speak, Lan Leiji started to become irritable.

The sound was sharper, the thunder hummed.

With a slight fiddling with his fuzzy five fingers, the cage cast by the thunder released a light of thunder, which shot at Wang Yu among the three.

Wang Yu didn't react, he just stood there and was hit by this lightning bolt.

The thunder bridge in his body was passively activated, and the thunder energy that invaded his body was quickly absorbed and refined.

"It's normal, it doesn't hurt or itchy." Wang Yu touched the chest he was hit.

There are several crystal red dragon scales covered.

In fact, even if the dragon scales did not appear, relying only on the tough skin and flesh on the surface, the thunder light could not break his defense.

The Capricorn bloodline of the horned beast is not swallowed up in vain.

Wang Yu wanted to continue testing his physical defense, so he could not help but take two steps forward.


Several Lei Ji people were shocked, their mouths buzzed, not knowing what news they were passing.

The next moment, the blue thunderbolt person seemed to explode, and a large number of thunderbolts raged around, and at the same time engulfed Wang Yu's location.

"This, Xiaoyu..." The witch looked in fear. The power of thunder that the other party unleashed this time has completely reached the power of the attack of the heaven and the human level, and it may be even stronger in terms of destructive power.

Watching Xiaoyu fight hard, for fear that he will be injured if he is careless.

"It's okay, he's not a reckless person." The Emperor said calmly.

He knew Wang Yu, and he basically wouldn't do anything he wasn't sure about.

After a burst of lightning and thunder, the powerful thunder attack dissipated, revealing Wang Yu's intact appearance, only the robes on his body were completely destroyed.

Feel free to re-apply a sleeve from the storage bag.

Although the power of the opponent's thunder attack has reached the level of heaven and human, it is still inferior to the attack of the horned beast at the beginning, and it still cannot break his defense!

"Is this the result of Xiaoyu's way of evolution..." Shenwu murmured, his eyes shining.

Wang Yu's way of evolution only applies to himself, but this human race pioneered by Wang Yu undoubtedly gave them a direction to study and ponder.

In addition to taking the path of cultivating the power of the universe, it is also a powerful path to mine one's own bloodline.

At present, among the several heavenly beings, only the gods and witches are most attentive in this regard. In addition to their daily practice, they are also constantly studying the human race's own bloodline.

In the future, he may have something to gain.

At the moment, Wang Yu slowly pulled out the Fanxing Saber.

These Lei Jiren are nothing more than that, and he has no intention of continuing the test.

When the Emperor saw this, he folded his hands together, and also drew out his black profound sword.

The two consecutive attacks did not work, and the blue Leiji man also lost his senses, and quickly communicated with other Leiji people.

The next moment, the seven Lei Jiren burst into a powerful thunder pressure at the same time, covering the entire area where the three were in an instant.

Even the manic ones have forgotten that they plan to destroy everything before they have robbed the wealth.

Immediately afterwards, a group of red flames wrapped in a powerful sword energy suddenly appeared in this Crazy Thunder Heaven Prison.

In an instant, the sword qi tore apart the thunder and hit the two thunderbolts in front of him.

Lei Jiren directly turned into fragments and exploded the thunder energy, returning to nature.

After a minute, the fight was over.

Almost two of the seven Leiji people have reached the level of heaven and human, and the remaining five are basically the level of real people.

From the point of view of the robbers, this is undoubtedly a very strong gang.

They finally injured the witch, and all the seven Leiji people were killed by Wang Yu and the others.

The Emperor waved his hand, and some of the exploding spirit stones, along with some crystal clear chips, were placed above his palm.

The number of spirit stones added up by several Leiji people is not large, and it is worth about dozens of white spirit stones.

As for the crystal clear chip, it seems to be the remnants of Lei Jiren's death.

It contains some kind of pure thunder energy.

After the emperor observed for a while, he simply put them in the storage bag and looked at the wounded witch.

"How about it?"

"Small injury, no effect." The witch swallowed a healing medicine and said nothing.

He was only penetrated by a little thunder energy. Although he did not have a thunder bridge to absorb it, his physical strength was not weak, and it was indeed only a small injury.

The three did not delay much and continued on their way.

But this time, they were more low-key, and the observation of the surroundings became more detailed to prevent them from being ambushed by some strange aliens.

This time, it can be easily handled, and it is difficult to guarantee whether there will be a strong man who masters the power of the universe and shamelessly looting.

Of course, this is extremely unlikely, just in case.

The Bone City is not difficult to find, it is located on the top of a barren mountain.

Huge white bone spears pierced straight up, intertwined with each other, occupying the entire mountaintop, like an upside-down bird's nest.

The three of Wang Yu arrived at the top of the mountain and landed outside the Bone City.

A gloomy and icy air flow blew out from the gap between the bones, making people feel hairy.

There is no doubt that this is by no means a place of harmony and friendliness.

There is a place that is not covered by bone spears, it seems to be an entrance and exit, and no one is watching, so people can come and go freely.

The three of them didn't hesitate and walked in.

The environment inside is relatively dim, only a little bit of peripheral light from the top penetrates in, and the things inside are mottled.

Some simple mud rooms, damaged tents, huge skulls of fierce beasts, and the fangs on them looked extremely ferocious.

There is also an old huge jar upside down, which seems to be used by some giant guy.

The random placement of various things constitutes a different scene of desolation.

A small crackling sound suddenly sounded.

"Please let me go." A strange voice came from the side.

Wang Yu looked at them and saw that they were two human-like skeletons. The gray bones had a faint metallic luster. They were more than two meters tall, and there were ghostly blue ghosts beating in the two eye sockets.

But what caught the most attention was not the ghost fire, but the unexpectedly thick hair on top of the gray-white heads of these two pairs of skeletons.

A shawl spread, instant noodle rolls.

A neatly divided, gentleman's head.

Wang Yu stepped back slightly to make his debut.

"Thank you." The two skeletons passed by him and thanked him very politely.

Unexpectedly very graceful, a few simple actions and manners even make people feel very elegant.

"Elegance?" Wang Yu didn't know why he felt this way in the face of this weird skeleton.

"It seems that the rumors are true. The Shagu people love to take care of their hairstyles. Among them, the more perfect hairstyles, the more beautiful and handsome they look."

Shenwu looked at the two Shagu Races who had left, and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't underestimate them, it is said that the Shagu clan is one of the best clans in the dark civilization, and their individual combat power is very strong." The emperor said lightly through voice transmission.

Although the appearance of these **** tribes seemed absurdly happy to them, he would never think that the other party was just a funny tribe.

"Indeed, those two Shagu races at least have hidden strengths above the level of heaven and human." Wang Yu nodded seriously.

The two skeletons just walked by in front of him, such a close distance made him feel the terrifying fluctuations of energy that the other party converged.

Looking at the other Shagu tribes in the City of Bone, all of them are like big bosses walking in the wild.

They are the masters of this city, relying on their own tyrannical combat power and fame, so that other alien races who come, they do not dare to make troubles indiscriminately.

At least on the bright side, they are polite to this Shagu Race.

The arrival of the three did not attract the attention of other aliens.

Even though the three of them are still completely wrapped, but in this city, there are too many aliens like them, hiding their appearance and identity.

It seems that they pay attention to **** immediately, all of them are very low-key, and they rarely communicate with foreigners other than their peers.

This also made the atmosphere in the city even more dull, and each of them was only busy with their own affairs when they walked around, and there would never be a situation of meddling.

Compared with the liveliness of the crimson snake aristocratic territory, it is really two extremes.

"Let's go there and see." The three walked around the city and finally stepped into a square factory building that resembled a pile of mud.

In terms of scale, it is not too big, less than 500 square meters, divided into upper and lower layers.

The lower level has some worn wood and rocks that seem to be used as desks.

Several skeletons sat there cross-legged, not moving very much, only the ghost fire in their eye sockets continued to beat, indicating that they were living creatures.

Wang Yu glanced at the door of the factory building and the words engraved on the ground.

Although it is crooked, it can be seen that it is written in common language.

Information trafficking.

In four simple characters, it is clear what this place is.

The three of them went to one of them, where two wooden barrels were placed, and the skeleton sitting behind it had a sea urchin head on its head, which was really cool.

"Guest, what do you need?" The sea urchin moved its head slightly, and the ghostly beating eye sockets were facing the three of them, asking politely.

"I want a piece of intelligence information about the City of Bone, the more detailed the better." The Emperor proposed a condition.

The sea urchin head slowly got up and went up to the second floor along the rear steps.

After waiting for a while, the sea urchin head came down again, holding a bone that was more than ten centimeters long in his hand.

"Ten white spirit stones."

Said the sea urchin, and put the bone on the barrel.

The emperor picked up the bone and looked at him silently.

"Is it your first time here? All the information you want is in it. Just smash it and use your mind to perceive it. There is no limit on the number of people who can get it, but there is only one chance." The sea urchin replied.

"Yeah." The emperor nodded, took out ten white spirit stones and placed them on the wooden barrel.

Then he crushed the bones in his hand, and the bone powder flew.

Wang Yu divided his mind and power to cover this pile of flying bone meal.

Immediately, a miraculous scene appeared in front of him.

The screen is a series of words written in common language.

The words are neat and clear, and the mental power is imprinted in my mind.

"I didn't expect this bone to be photographed and recorded..." Wang Yu secretly said in his heart.

He can be sure that there is no rune mark on it, and it is not the product of the rune mark.

I don't know the reason, this is probably just a special item of the Shagu tribe.

The above description of many large and small things in the City of Bone is quite detailed.

After reading it over and over again, Wang Yu quickly gained a general understanding of the city of bones.

In addition to this information sales, it is more of a free transaction and an excellent place for money exchange.

After knowing what to do, the three of them turned around and left.

Although the Shabone may not have all the detailed information they want~www.readwn.com~, in any case, this is also a way to obtain information.

Before the human race itself has established an intelligence agency, there needs to be such an acquisition channel.

Even if it costs a lot of money.

Then, the three went to a giant skull full of fangs.

The back of the skull is also connected with a curved snake-like bone, which is hollow inside, allowing people to walk through it.

I don't know what kind of creature is in front of me, but now it has become a building in this city after death.

On the tusks at the entrance of the skull, there are many different languages ​​printed, including Common Language.

Delecott's acquisition.

The font of the house number is fair, and it is different from the crooked handwriting of the information sales office.

There are relevant records in the information about the City of White Bone just obtained.

The Delacotes are a large and prestigious group of the Shabone.

Even the establishment of this city of bones was largely facilitated by this family group.

Its family business can be said to be spread throughout the city of bones, including this acquisition.


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