Looking at the distant sky, a huge fireball smashed down quickly.

Wang Yu made a slight visual observation that it was not too far from where they were, so they could fight for it!


Immediately, he took the Human Sovereign five and flew towards the falling meteorite.

Most of the meteorites that have fallen long ago have been taken away from the attached cosmic power, and only the ones that have just fallen can remain.

But the premise is to be fast and not delay.

There were bursts of sonic booms in the air, spanning dozens of kilometers, approaching before the meteorite completely fell.

"Huh?" Wang Yu looked to the side.

Also flying over was a group of people, the Night Demon Bat Clan.

A kind of ferocious intelligent alien race.

Wang Yu often associates their existence with the alien lion eagles they once encountered in the Koala galaxy.

There is some commonality in the evolutionary forms of life between the two races.

It's just that the Night Demon Bat Clan in front of them is stronger. It is a large group in the dark civilization, and there are not a few star envoys who master the power of the universe.

There were a total of twelve, Wang Yu's mind swept away, and judged that there were at least five night devil bat clansmen in this group.

Judging from the dissipated cosmic energy fluctuations, two of them possessed two cosmic powers.

There is no high-ranking star messenger.

The other party obviously also noticed the almost parallel six figures in black robes.

"There is only one lower star envoy."

The Night Demon Bat Clan must have wrinkled their faces, as if they were smiling.

As soon as the direction turned, it flew directly towards Wang Yu and his party.

They have fleshy wings that are conjoined on both sides, and their flying speed is naturally faster than the emperor and them.

Seeing that the other party is aggressive, it is obviously not a good kind.

Without warning and shock, he wanted to kill Wang Yu and others.

With a long tongue in his mouth, he made a strange scream, which sounded harsh.

The leader, Wang Yu, stepped on his feet, turned around abruptly, and took the initiative to meet him.

With a single slash, the red flames rolled towards the rushing Night Demon bat clansmen.

The Night Demon who bears the brunt is a star envoy who masters a piece of cosmic power.

As a result, it was directly killed by Wang Yu with a knife. The knife gas cut off its hard body, and Hong Yan burned it again, leaving only a little ash flying residue.

The large red flames forced the rest of the Night Demons back.

At the same time, the huge infuriating energy of the emperor and several people turned into a torrent in the sky and poured out.

Although they do not yet possess the power of the universe, the combined power of many people also has a high lethality. After cooperating with Wang Yu to break the defense with red flames, even if the enemy is a star envoy, they can create a lot of threats.

After a round of attack and bombardment, a Night Demon star was injured, and two Night Demon tribesmen were directly smashed to pieces.

The sudden outburst of combat power from Wang Yu and the others really startled the night demons.

Two Night Demon Star Envoys with two cosmic powers went straight to Wang Yu.

They are more than three meters tall, with strong physical bodies, and they are confident that they can smash the physical bodies of other alien star envoys if they hit them directly.

How can the thin body covered by the black robe in front of them stop them!

The only thing that needs attention is that the power of the knife in this little guy's hand is really not small, but that's all!

Wang Yu still chose to take the initiative to meet these two Night Demon Star Envoys.

On the Fanxing Saber in his hand, the red flames soared, turning into a ten-meter-long flame blade attached to it.

It slammed violently, like a fire whip.

The two Night Demon Star Envoys, with black muscles all over their bodies, mobilized the two cosmic powers in their bodies one after another, and their hands turned into claws to fight back at the drawn fire whip.

It has to be said that the physical strength of the Night Demon clan has indeed evolved quite well, surpassing the vast majority of intelligent alien races in the star field.

The two guys joined forces and smashed the fire whip together.

The red flames were shaken away and turned into pieces of sparks.

Wang Yu's expression remained the same, and his spiritual power was released.

Like glue, these sparks were re-bonded together and gathered on his blade.

"Not enough." Wang Yu murmured.

The mind power was intensified and released, and the red flames on the blade were continuously compressed and condensed, becoming smaller and smaller.

In the end, it only covered the surface of the blade, forming a dark red like solid fire.

Under the ultra-high temperature, the surrounding space of the knife becomes less stable.

In other words, Fanxingdao, a divine sword of unknown origin, can carry this red flame that is compressed and condensed to the extreme.

If you change to other knives, I'm afraid it will melt away long ago.


At this moment, in the slightly vibrating space, an indistinct small sound suddenly came.

Wang Yu was shocked, and under his keen perception, he judged that this subtle movement came from outside the space!

It seems to be separated by a very long distance, but there is some kind of strange connection with him.

This faint connection actually made his blood resonate with it.

"Why is this?!"

At the moment when the knife was released, the chaotic thoughts flashed in Wang Yu's mind.

Without the slightest pause in his hand, he cut the Fanxing Saber straight out.

The dark red blade split the space, and an extremely small line of fiery knife energy silently penetrated the two night demons who came to lead the star envoy.

Night Magic Star freezes the movement in the air.

Wang Yu closed his eyes slightly, the thin layer of dark red flame on the Fanxing Saber gradually faded, and he was put into the scabbard by himself.

The two frozen Night Demon Star Envoys have a slight wound that runs through the cross section, and you really can't find it if you don't take a closer look.

The incision is dark red, and if you look closely, you can see that there is a layer of extremely tiny flames lingering on it.

The next moment, this tiny layer of flame engulfed the two split bodies instantly and burned them to pieces.

Even though the two Night Demon Star Envoys had released all the power of the universe to protect themselves, they still couldn't stop Wang Yu's sword.

This is a manifestation of the sudden increase in the strength of the mind, and the battle after condensing into a group.

It can manipulate various energies more subtle and powerful to achieve the effect he wants.

One of the effects is this extreme compression and condensation, which doubles the power of the flames.

There is no other burden except that it will consume an excessive amount of mental energy.

This is much better than the power of the universe that can be drained out of his body by the mysterious powers, or the price of the backlash of the Capricorn Shadow.

He easily killed two Night Demon Star Envoys who mastered the two powers of the universe, without even needing to use the Mysterious Magic Power and the Capricorn Shadow.

I had killed a high-ranking star envoy once before, but killing an opponent of the same level at this time doesn't seem to be worth saying too much.

There is no suspense in the next battle, and all the Night Demons fell on the way to the meteorite.

The gods and witches took away the corpses of the Night Demons, which were still in good condition, for future research and observation.

It exploded with a huge roar.

The meteorite hit the ground at this time, and the destructive force was dozens of times that of the one that fell on the wasteland.

After the fire wave passed, all the terrain was razed to the ground.

In the deep pit in the center, the flames rose, and the rolling magma sprayed and splashed in the cracks of the earth, gradually filling the smashed tiankeng.

The movement here was huge, not only Wang Yu and several others came.

There are also many other alien teams arriving, and they are testing each other around this huge meteorite.

The Night Demon Bat Clan, which had just been killed before, also had other teams from the same clan.

Wang Yu covered his mind and sensed.

As long as the opponent activates the power of the universe in his body, he can perceive the level of strength and weakness.

Most of the aliens who arrived were not star envoys, and only a few could enter his eyes.

Preliminary judgment, the strongest is a few alien star envoys with two cosmic powers.

It is the top level of this wave of meteorite competition.

Some little-known clansmen, knowing that there is no drama, chose to retreat silently after watching for a while.

For them, it's better to try their luck elsewhere, rather than taking part in a brawl here.

After a moment of confrontation in a tense atmosphere, a group of Shagu tribes broke the atmosphere and came to the meteorite.

"We want this meteorite, everyone, let's find something else." A Shagu tribe with middle-pointed blond hair said in a very elegant manner.

It is as if the owner is at the door of his own house, issuing an order to evict guests.

"We also want this meteorite." The Luminous Ghost Lanterns are also from a large clan, and they are not afraid of the Shagu Clan. They both have two star envoys who master the power of the two universes, and they are **** for tat.

Although the Ghost Shadow Clan and the Ghost Wind Clan are also big clans of dark civilization, the strength of the arriving team is not as good as that of the Shagu Clan and the Ghost Lantern Clan, so they finally chose to seek stability and leave in the dark.

The temperament of the Night Demon Bats seems to be more arrogant, and the strange cry falls directly on the meteorite.

"Gah, the meteorite is ours, try it if you dare!"

A Night Demon Star Envoy of the same level shouted at the Ghost Lantern Clan and the Shagu Clan.

The Night Demon team has the same matching lineup strength, and even has a few more star envoys.

No wonder they dare to be so positive.

As for the human team that Wang Yu brought, they were once again ignored by them.

With only Wang Yu as a star envoy, what kind of competitiveness can he have among their three big clan teams.

It is normal to be looked down upon when you are out and about.

"Xiaoyu, don't be too reluctant, the darkest moment will last for a long time, you can change the opportunity to have fewer opponents." The emperor said.

After all, there were six star envoys of the same level in front of him, and he was worried that Wang Yu would suffer from it.

Wang Yu smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I can win."

Rather than expecting luck elsewhere, he is now more willing to fight for his own benefits.

Even if he seeks stability, he will not lose.

After all, he had beheaded high-ranking star envoys before, and now the level of spiritual power has increased sharply, and his strength has improved.

If you want to beat the group of people in front of you, it's not a big problem.

The large amount of cosmic power attached to the inside of the huge meteorite in front of him also gave him reason to do so.

"Several, how can you give us this meteorite?" The Shagu Race with the middle-pointed blond hair said again.

It was said to the opposing Ghost Lantern clan and the Night Demon Bat clan team below.

"There is no discussion. Some of us need to use this meteorite to be promoted to star envoy." A leading star envoy of the Ghost Lantern tribe directly refused.

Every chance encountered by a meteorite is precious, not to mention that this one contains such a strong cosmic power energy, how could they give up without trying.

"Stop doing this, I'm going to test how hard the bones of the Shagu Race are today." Ye Mo roared, mad.

It seems that the Shagu Clan has long been unpleasant to the eye.

"That's why we don't have to talk about it." Zhongfen Blonde raised his head, his tone was a little less elegant and a little more powerful.

In the empty eye sockets, two beating ghost fires were burning, and the two cosmic powers on the body were released to the utmost.

The three parties have never fought, and no one will obey anyone, and the situation is on the verge of breaking out!

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky, passed through the three-way team, and landed heavily on the meteorite.


The leader of the Ye Demon team who had been clamoring before, was also stunned when he saw the sudden appearance of the black-robed man.

The distance between the two was less than five meters.

"Who allowed you to be so close to me?!" The Night Demon leader's claw knuckles rattled, his tone a little unkind.

The atmosphere was already in place, and suddenly there was someone who was interfering with it, and the attention of several groups of aliens also shifted to this black-robed man.

Wang Yu glanced at him and pulled out the Fanxing Saber.

The powerful force of the sword made the opponent suddenly feel a shiver of horror.

There is nothing wrong with that deadly sense of crisis, the black-robed man in front of him is extremely dangerous to him.

For a time, the leader of the night demon was suddenly speechless, and the words on his lips could not go on.

"I want this meteorite." Wang Yu said, expressing his intention.

"This meteorite has an owner, let's go." The leader of the Ghost Lantern clan said impatiently.

The three-party team still can't grab it, and this is another one who is not afraid of death.

"Who is its owner?" Wang Yu asked.

"I am." The leader of the ghost lamp floated out and said loudly.

The light group on his body is obviously larger and brighter than other clansmen.

Humanoid luminous body, this is also a big alternative race in the dark civilization.

One of the few species that finds light in the dark.

Now that they can become a big family, it shows that they have been very successful in this evolutionary direction.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the current Wang Yu.

I saw him raise the Fanxing Saber, and the blade was quickly covered with a layer of extremely compressed dark red flames.

With a slashing out, under the tremendous force, the dagger's aura carried a terrifying impact and directly hit the leader of the ghost lamp.

The ghost lamp leader only had time to mobilize the two cosmic powers in his body, but in a blink of an eye, he was broken open by this fiery knife, penetrating his glowing body.

The sword qi went straight into the sky and disappeared.

The head of the ghost lamp led the luminous body that was cut into two pieces~www.readwn.com~ floated into the distance, quickly converged, and wanted to reorganize, but the burst of flames directly engulfed the two luminous bodies.

This ghost lamp leader couldn't even resist one or two, and was killed on the spot.

This shocked the rest of the alien races.

What is the origin of the black-robed man in front of him? He is obviously only a star envoy of the same level who masters two powers of the universe.

Why is the force value so high and so sturdy? !

They didn't know why, but that didn't stop them from feeling more fearful of Wang Yu who was holding a knife.

Wang Yu didn't say a word, then looked at the night demon leader who initially established the intersection.

The Fanxing Saber in his hand ignited a dark red flame again, which made the night demon leader's heart suddenly tighten.

This competitor he once looked down upon was not expected to be as terrifying as the **** of death.

…… 18471/11013169

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