Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 164: The world has changed (3000 words)

Ji Quanzhen's eyes were condensed, and he didn't have too many words. No matter how much he said, it was better to act powerfully.

"Zhenting, get up!"

Ji Quanzhen squeezed out a Dao Jue room with both hands, and the gesture actually resonated strangely with the magnetic field. From under his feet, there was a line visible to the naked eye. The magnetic field with pure white brilliance spread out in all directions along with his spiritual power.

The world has changed.

The Qingcheng Mountains, which should have been towering peaks, were actually changed at this moment.

In Zhuo Feng's eyes, the soil under his feet turned into white jade masonry, and the bushes beside him turned into a stone-carved plinth. Ji Quanzhen really became an incomparably noble, emperor-like emperor, behind Ji Quanzhen.

Thousands of auspicious and radiant Tiangong is located above the clouds, stretching straight to the top of the sky, as if it can go straight to the 33rd layer of the sky, and countless immortals stand on the top of the cloud, overlooking Zhuofeng, with an indifferent expression, and they are regarded as ants. .

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Feng seemed to be greatly stimulated. He pointed to Ji Quanzhen, who was wearing an imperial robe and exuding divine might.

"Dare to use the body of a mortal to try to evolve into the realm of true gods, are you not afraid of being attacked by those true gods, slashed by thousands of knives, and your soul will burn forever?"

Zhuo Feng became more and more excited as he spoke, and at the end his face twisted and he roared: "blasphemer, I will make you the firewood of my lord!"

Ji Quanzhen's expression was indifferent: "Worshiping delusional gods, how can you be detached? If you don't respect yourself as a god, how can you be detached?"

Having said that, Ji Quanzhen sighed suddenly, a little sadness between his brows.

"Oh, detachment..."

With a sigh, Ji Quanzhen pointed out towards Zhuo Feng.

At this moment, with him as the center, within a radius of 100 meters, the magnetic field that should have been silent lifted up with his finger, and it turned over like a dragon.

Under the violent agitation, the strong and unparalleled magnetic field set off a huge light, and the gods and gods roared in unison.

For a moment, Zhuo Feng only felt that his body could not move, and his spirit was crushed to death, like falling into an ice cave, experiencing extreme cold, his blood was frozen, and the blood dripping from the wound of self-mutilation was at a speed visible to the naked eye. became frost.

He looked terrified and looked at Ji Quanzhen with almost collapse.

This kind of breath, he has only felt it in the true **** he worshipped.

One moment ago, it was still alive and prosperous in the world, but the next moment it turned the world upside down in the mind of the other party, and in the endless vitality it turned into dead silence, and all the living things in the world died and turned into ice.

"Do you understand why I call it the Antarctic Longevity Emperor in this world?"

While whispering, Ji Quanzhen radiated arcs all over his body, and pushed out at the extreme.

When everything disappeared, the real court disappeared, the immortals retreated, and only some shards of ice were left where Zhuo Wei was standing.

And Ji Quanzhen also grew old quickly, returning to the original old man's appearance, with a few more wrinkles on his face like a knife and axe.

He forcibly straightened his hunched waist, hammered his hands on his back, looked up at the sky, and looked a little helpless.

"I don't know when it was a leader. How many have you run out of in the past few years?"

Muttering in his mouth, Ji Quanzhen looked sideways at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, his eyes flashed, and then he shook his head slightly.

"Ouch, you can't accept the old man! Let's go, let's go!"



At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, Lu Ren was naked, with bruises all over his body, steaming hot smoke all over his body, and holding the Hongxing 21 in his hand.

The muzzle of the gun was also wafting with faint gunpowder smoke from the fire that had just been fired.

Lu Ren calmly looked at Kuishan, who was half-kneeling in front of him. There were more than a dozen blood holes on his body due to the gunshot wound, and the blood splattered all over the floor.

Kuishan looked at the heavy firearms in Lu Ren's hands in shock.

"What are you, why are you so powerful?!"

Rao was hit so badly, Kuishan still stood up staggeringly, and the muscles around the area hit hard by the bullets squirmed, squeezing the bullets deep into his body out.

It's a little tricky indeed.

Lu Ren secretly took a deep breath, and it seemed that he was attracted from the depths of his own body, and when the strange particles that seemed to come out of thin air from the outside world merged into his body, he added a few points of strength and spiritual nourishment.

This slowed down the pain brought on by his body. When he fought against this Kuishan just now, he often did not avoid moves, but took the initiative to use his body to test punches.

Although the Dacheng Golden Body Bodhisattva Way of the Ten Lands is said to be the true power of spiritual strengthening of the physical body, it still requires a certain way of getting started.

The stimulation of the body being hit is the best way to get started.

Kuishan stared at Lu Ren, with a hint of humiliation in his expression.

"Are you practicing with me?"

This is really too **** up, the other party didn't take him seriously at all, and even practiced new methods when he was fighting for life and death.


Lu Ren thought about it for a moment and then turned around. This practice should be what people in the world call them.

While fighting this Kuishan, he was trying to run the ten-ground Mahayana Golden Bodhisattva Way.

With a high degree of spiritual cohesion, he forced himself to devote a little of his mind to practice according to the way of the Mahayana Golden Body Bodhisattva of the Ten Grounds.

This is not a pure martial arts method, but a way of strengthening the body formed by cultivating the spirit to the extreme and gradually affecting one's own body.

It cannot be said that it is not a system of martial arts, but this method is only qualified to practice after reaching the limit through the spirit and subtly affecting the body.

That's why it's called real power.

Cultivation of falsehood.

Use mental power to adjust the body, and continue to advance according to the path you want.

Strictly speaking, this is the method of believing or not.

"Ding, you have a vague understanding of the ten-place Mahayana Golden Bodhisattva way."

"Ding, you seem to have learned a lot about the way of the Mahayana Golden Bodhisattva of the Ten Grounds."

Stroking the proficiency sound in his mind, Lu Ren lowered his head and glanced at his body. The fist marks, scratches, and bruises he suffered on it began to slowly subside.

Obviously, the will gathered in this battle is far more violent than the usual practice, and the proficiency and insight gained are far more efficient than the usual practice.

Under the sound of the system, he understood this rather obscure ten-place Mahayana Golden Bodhisattva Dao smoothly. Although there are Ji Quanzhen's annotations, many times the books of Buddhism and Dao are filled with a lot of Buddhism and Dao. Thought, there are many slang allusions in it. If you don’t read the Dao-Tibetan Buddhist scriptures thoroughly, you will often be confused by just four or five words. Only after reading the Dao-Tibetan Buddhist scriptures will you realize that these few words really speak about a Buddha or the truth. Jun allusions.

And you have to understand what this allusion means, and then incorporate the ideas revealed in this allusion into this kung fu, so that you can understand its meaning and not go astray.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, the two authentic martial arts schools of Buddhism and Taoism, or spiritual monks who focus on spiritual meditation, do not care whether their own books are leaked or not. There are many authentic books on the Internet.

But if I hadn't read the Dao-Tibetan Buddhist scriptures since I was a child, I would have no idea what it meant, not to mention that there were still some obscure words.

Therefore, in many cases, there is a high probability that there will be no particularly young top martial artists in the two disciplines of Buddhism and Taoism.

But the existence of the proficiency panel allows Lu Ren to completely ignore these joints. As long as the proficiency increases, he will naturally understand these meanings.

Then he realized that Ji Quanzhen's annotations seemed to be a bit problematic.

The opposite is true. Although I can cultivate, I cannot deeply understand the true meaning of it.

Looking at Kuishan, who was on the verge of crumbling, standing tall and unyielding.

Lu Ren crooked his mouth.

He turned his head to look at the emergency troops and the members of the Security Bureau stationed in the Qingcheng Mountain branch that were speeding towards this place in the distance.

No, you can't be robbed by these people.

When the thought came up, Lu Ren raised the gun and pointed it towards Kuishan's forehead, pulling the trigger without hesitation.


A dull but shocking heavy gunshot suddenly sounded.

A huge blood hole suddenly appeared on Kuishan's forehead, and the bullet with extremely strong penetrating properties smashed Kuishan's brain directly.

[First release on this site, fastest update]

Kuishan looked straight at Lu Ren, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Finally, he grinned hard, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, and pointed his hand firmly upward.

Immediately, he fell on his back, and there was no sound.

Lu Ren didn't want to say anything more to this Kuishan. Although they were both primates, they had obvious differences in body. The two rows of shark-like teeth alone made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

He looked up into the sky, squinting.

So, what does the exotic land above look This Kuishan's body is very strange. When he was fighting just now, he was able to breathe out scorching breath from his body to attack.

A bit like the attribute bonus of BUFF, so as to obtain attribute attack.

The other party's heat breath is releasing heat poison, if it weren't for him to speed up his metabolism, I'm afraid he would have fainted by this time.

Lu Ren was a little surprised after talking to the members of the security bureau who came.

"You mean, it's not just that alien creatures have come here?"

Liu Jiang of the Security Bureau replied: "Yes, the information sent from the information center shows that there were thirty-six incidents of foreign creatures coming over at the same time in China. If you count overseas, there are nearly four such incidents in the world today. There have been more than 100, and they are still increasing.”

This amount is quite staggering.

That is to say, the world he is in is probably connecting to another foreign realm, forming an interweaving point. It is not like before, like a dragonfly on the water, but it is magnetically attracted a little like the opposite of a magnet. After being attracted, it was quickly corrected and repelled.

Liu Jiang was a little fortunate, but also a little worried: "Fortunately, this kind of space earthquake with a wide range of frequencies is not long and stopped soon. But this kind of active sign shows that it may appear frequently in the future."

He looked at Lu Ren and said with a little admiration, "You may need to be a firefighter at that time."

Lu Ren smiled and didn't speak. After patting Liu Jiang's shoulder, he refilled his equipment and prepared to go to Qingcheng Mountain again. Ji Heng, who was shirtless and steaming, looked a little tired and was walking slowly. down.

(Thanks to the book friend 9966 for the reward. Today is really like this for the time being. The author is still working hard overtime, and he secretly came out with the fish code. Thank you for your support!)

Chapter 164 Heaven and Earth have changed (three thousand words)

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