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Going forward all the way, after passing through the Yang membrane, what you see is an extremely magnificent city, more than forty meters high, huge double-channel city gates, each gate is ten meters wide.

One for entering and one for going out.

At a glance, it leads to the city at least thirty meters thick.

Far from being comparable to Chen Taicheng, the city walls are covered with arrays of strange patterns, in which different forces are flowing, and the arrays flow to form a specific circulation direction. Every cycle, it absorbs free energy from the air. , included in it.

To Lu Ren's surprise, this pattern seems to have specially set up a channel to reach the underworld and absorb the energy of the Yin attribute into it.

At that time, Cao Jingde said that only Master Fu can describe a great formation with extraordinary power, so as to surround the entire city and prevent the invasion of strange things.

Facing the strange gazes of the people entering and leaving the city, it seemed that he did not understand why Lu Ren was only wearing a pair of shorts.

"Hmph, I definitely came out to show off my figure."

A young man dressed as a son and brother saw Lu Ren standing at the city gate and didn't go away, his face was a little unhappy: "These warriors are like this, they are like exhibitionists when they fight."

Lu Ren swept the other party, although his eyes were extremely flat, but the feeling he brought to the other party was extremely depressed, and even his breathing was stagnant.

When he looked away and went straight into the city, the dignified sense of depression slowly subsided.

The young man was breathing heavily at this time, his expression was a hint of disbelief, and a white sweat was drenched on the forehead of his vest unconsciously.

The chubby young man next to him whispered: "Brother Chen, please don't mess with those warriors, these guys generally haven't read much, if one doesn't make him angry, the other is bad but can't listen to anything. in."

Young Master Chen wanted to say something and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

This big city is called Juliu, and the streets are wide enough to accommodate eight side-by-side cars, and pedestrian passages are specially demarcated.

The carriages on the two-lane road, or the camels carrying heavy objects and beasts, the merchants who came from far away had all kinds of ornaments hanging on their bodies, and the ding clang kept on walking.

As soon as Lu Ren appeared, he attracted the attention of most people. He was about 2.3 meters tall, and his burly muscles were stacked like armor.

It's hard not to draw attention to the aura it exudes when you raise your hands.

Walking all the way to the nearest clothing store, Lu Ren took out a piece of gold from the package behind him.

"Do you accept this? I want to buy some clothes."

The owner of the ready-to-wear store, who was still afraid, was no longer afraid when he saw the gold ingot in Lu Ren's hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly put it up with a smile on his face, took the gold from Lu Ren's hand, and while biting it, he nodded and said, "Master, come in and have a look, I'll measure your body, and I'll give you a style right away. The right clothes for your satisfaction!"

An hour later, Lu Ren came out of the ready-to-wear store wearing a strong black suit, and the full body made the whole suit quite suitable.

Looking at the man who walked in front of him, also wearing a pair of shorts, with a fierce aura all over his body, Lu Ren was thoughtful, no wonder those sturdy city guards just glanced at him when they were at the city gate. Don't pay too much attention anymore.

After all, they can emerge from the underworld and pass through the Yang membrane of nearly 30 kilometers. If Lu Ren is still a monster, it is not something they can deal with.

It is no wonder that there was no inspection, and it seems that this great government is quite tolerant of the household registration entry and exit system.

And along the way, the planning of the giant stream city is very reasonable. All the fields are planned separately in a city area, next to the innermost city gate, which is convenient for access to work, commercial areas, and residential areas. The various functions are clearly planned.

Even in the planning of the sewer system, the river is very cleverly introduced as a driving force, so as to carry out a holistic cycle.

This big city is very good. It should never be invaded by the underworld. If it does, it will be a disaster.

Moreover, Lu Ren could sense that there are many places in Juliu City, and there are powerful auras that appear and disappear from time to time.

The force value of this Great Gan Dynasty is definitely three or four grades higher than that of Chen Liu.

It seems that the dimensional anchor of the system takes a long time to determine and go back.

Since he decided to stay here for the time being, Lu Ren casually found a tooth shop nearby that was a real estate agent, and when he bought it from a clothing store, he could clearly understand that the gold he was carrying was quite valuable.

Yaxing first introduced it politely, and then asked, "Master, I don't know what your household registration is..."

"I don't have a household registration."

There was a look of embarrassment on Yaxing's face: "This, if there is no household registration, I am afraid it is not realistic to buy a house. After all, the title deed needs to be certified by the government and recorded in the book to take effect. Otherwise, even if the money is bought, the owner suddenly regrets it. If you say that you have embezzled other people's property for no reason, even if you come up with a sales contract, there is nowhere to find a place to justify it."

Seeing the look on Yaxing's face, Lu Ren suddenly understood.

With a sullen expression, he took out a gold ingot of about five taels from his arms again: "Then please ask the boss to help me do it. If the household registration can fall, this gold ingot is yours."

Yaxing saw the gold ingot in Lu Ren's hand, his eyes almost didn't come out, his eyes flashed green light, and his voice was a little trembling: "This...don't worry, the little old man still has some channels to settle down, this money I Just use it to clear the relationship, but you may be wronged and wronged this master."

Lu Ren raised his eyebrows: "What do you say?"

Seeing Qian's eyes, Yaxing didn't beat around the bush. Seeing Lu Ren handing the gold in front of him, he carefully checked it, and said a little embarrassedly: "The little old man's name is Wang Zhihuan, and there are many distant relatives. , but most of them died under the disaster of an invasion of the underworld 30 years ago, but this matter is indistinct, and most of them are defined as disappearances and become refugees. Fortunately, they have left a book of identity. In the government and recorded in the book.

I have a nephew named Wang Feng, who is similar in age to you, if you don't dislike it..."

Wang Zhihuan didn't say the meaning behind, but Lu Ren also understood what the other party meant, he nodded slightly: "As long as you can get registered, it doesn't matter."

Wang Zhihuan nodded again and again: "I don't know if Lord Road has a place to live. There is a small yard behind me, and the living facilities are quite complete. If you don't dislike it, you will be wronged for one night. Just go together."

Lu Ren nodded slightly: "Yes."

When Wang Zhihuan heard Lu Ren's agreement, he understood that this big business would not go away, and quickly asked the servant on the side to go to the restaurant next to him to get a table of dishes, and then he brought Lu Ren to a yard in the side.

"Then you can rest first, the little old man will not disturb you."

Wang Zhihuan left wisely, leaving Lu Ren alone in the room to look at it.

The bed covers and quilts are all new, and they smell like smoky grass, which is soothing.

It seems that Wang Zhihuan specially made this place as a guest room.

As for the toilet, there is also a separate bath room, which is covered with smooth tiles, and the sink is formed in one piece and directly connected to the sewer system.

Lu Ren was very interested in seeing it. It seemed that although it was an ancient feudal society, after countless years of development, some living facilities were extremely perfect.

Although it cannot be compared with modern society, it is also very convenient.

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