The slightly old voice brought a sharp and solemn sound.

I heard that the frequencies of the twelve sword lights shot towards Lu Ren became uniform in an instant.

His sword split light and turned into a rain of thousands of light swords, which could pierce through gold and crack stones, rushing towards Lu Ren, and even more lightning flashes, the heaven and earth were quickly recovered and turned into sword intent.

Lu Ren's face was a little serious, and his body was roaring and surging, he didn't mean to stand in the same place and let others poke at him. He picked a direction, stepped forward, stepped on the cracked rocks, and the person was like a golden light hole. shoot away.

When the two collided in an instant, the frequency fluctuation of the Yuanshi sword formation formed was instantly destroyed.

What Lu Ren saw head-on was an incredible old Taoist priest dressed as a fairy.

This collision smashed the long sword in Lao Dao's hand, and flew out a very long distance like a rag bag. It just hit a snow mountain not far away, causing a huge avalanche and burying it.

Hearing the sound of the rumbling avalanche in the distance, Lu Ren's eyes turned, and he didn't bother to talk to these guys, so he had to fight half to death before talking about it.

I am coming!

Lu Ren drank in a low voice, his hands condensed the six seals of Buddhism, and his body radiated an infinite amount of light, illuminating the world, with infinite treasures emerging, and the true meaning of Lingshan was faintly visible.

The next moment, I saw Lu Rensheng created a phantom of a huge Buddha statue.

"Buddha projection?"

Seeing this, a middle-aged man next to him couldn't help but his face darkened slightly. When he was about to say something, the illusory figure of the Buddha, as tall as a mountain, had already raised his palm, and the material spread out to cover the sky and cover the sun. Dao Jianguang was wrapped in it as much as possible.


Almost the earth was shaking with the buddha's hand that fell from the phantom of the Buddha, like a dragon turning over, and even the mountains in the distance, which were covered with snow all year round, were affected by this, followed by a big avalanche.

After everything calmed down, of the fourteen sword lights that flew from Yujing Mountain, thirteen of them were shot to death by Lu Ren, the last two, one was accidentally injured, and the other did not dare to go forward. , is just a dumbfounded sword cultivator.

After dispersing the Buddha's phantom, Lu Ren turned his head to look at the sword cultivator who was stunned on the spot, and the young man pinned to the ground by her long sword.

In just an instant, Lu Ren came to Nv Jianxiu's side, facing the horrified gaze of the other party, Lu Ren raised his foot, fell, and stomped the head of the young man who was lying on the ground.

"Now, tell me why your Shangjing sect will issue me a decree of Shangjing... You should know the decree of Shangjing, right?"

Hearing Lu Ren's indifferent voice, and seeing his junior brother being trampled to death, female Jianxiu shuddered.

"Yes, I know the decree of Shangjing, but this decree was issued by the headmaster, and we don't know the reason for the retreat."

Lu Ren asked: "Where is the headmaster of your Shangjingzong? Didn't he issue the so-called Shangjing Yu decree to me? I'm here now."

The female swordsman has scolded her head teacher thousands of times in her heart, and she didn't know how to find out when she issued the Jingyu decree. To provoke such a strong man, the other party is definitely a half-footed true fairy, right? , or there is a high probability that he is a super-powerhouse in the real fairyland.

When Lu Ren used the Buddhist supernatural powers just now, she could clearly perceive the energy bursting out from the other party, which was much higher than the quality of infuriating energy.

It is not comparable at the same level at all.

Do you still think it was the prosperous world ten thousand years ago? Now that Shangjing has fallen, and basically he is about to be removed from the Holy Land column, and now he has made such a moth, he thinks that his sect is still too prosperous, and he is not falling fast enough. Just shut the door? !

Even the Yuanshi Sword Formation was hard-topped and unscathed, so what did they use to fight them? !

Lu Ren stared at the female swordsman, not afraid that the other party would run away, but just repeated it again.

"Where are you headmasters?"

The female Jianxiu who was scolding furiously heard Lu Ren's extremely flat voice, and she couldn't help but shuddered.

"Yes, yes, he is now retreating and practicing in the Yujingshan Main Road Palace. Now down the mountain... something happened down the mountain. I think they should be waiting on the top."

Lu Ren was noncommittal: "Where is the specific unknown?"

The female swordsman pointed to the top of Yujing Mountain: "It's that building, that's the Main Road Palace!"

As soon as the words fell, a look of panic appeared on the female Jianxiu's face, and she saw a sword light suddenly lit up, and then quickly disappeared.

The next moment, she felt that the scene in her sight was rolling over and over, and finally stopped, and saw a graceful headless body standing on the spot.

This is... own body?

Then the female swordsman's consciousness completely fell into darkness.

Lu Ren shook Xiuzhen's long sword slightly, and in the complete state of the tenth Fayundi Bodhisattva, the alloy war sword in his hand was really similar to Xiuzhen's dagger, and the hilt was a little short. His little finger barely touched the hilt.

These monks of Shangjingzong are basically not good, all of them are a group of existences who think they are different mortals.

This female sword cultivator's body is extremely strong. Just now, when the sword light was flying, Lu Ren could clearly feel the evil sword in the opponent's sword intent that needs to go through the mountain of corpses and blood to be cultivated.

Lu Ren turned his head to look at Yujing Mountain, recalled the contents of the original scriptures of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, took the innate energy of the human body, and used the meaning as a guide to make himself an inner world. Consistent, understand their own truth.

That is to say, this Primordial Beginning Mantra directly skips the torment of the body, and directly uses the innate energy of the body as a guide to slowly practice Qi. After taking six steps, I still want to use the demon pill as a guide, in order to condense the dantian of Qi, form my own golden pill, and then energize the meridians of the whole body.

In terms of upper, middle and lower, UU reading Chen Xuzi Ming Yangzong is the lower class, and the Yuanshi Zhenjing can be said to be the best.

He could clearly feel that when Chen Xuzi in his interior scene saw Yuanshi Zhenjing, he was yelling and shouting, just like the country bumpkin who had never seen the world, his face flushed with excitement.

A practice sect that can be called a holy place, its symbol is to directly cultivate Qi, that is, it is really following the ancient path of refining and transforming Qi, refining Qi and transforming into God.

Lu Ren didn't go up, but unfolded the Tathagata Dharma body again, forming a Buddha body that was almost ten thousand feet tall. Now his realm is far more solid and vivid than the first time he displayed it in the realm of seeking truth.

This statue, which consumes a huge amount of True Yuan, and even borrowed a lot of smoky Tathagata Dharma Body from the Chilong Inner Pill, is now Lu Ren's strongest means of killing.


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