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Huang Yayu is completely using him as a black slave, and no money is added, although food and shelter are included, but heavenly immortals need food and water, one piece of spirit crystal a day, it can be seen that this woman's chest is full of muscles, and there is no stalwart at all mind.

As for the mid-level artifact refining method obtained from Huang Yayu, Lu Ren felt a lot more balanced. This was the most valuable thing he had obtained in nearly half a year.

As long as you have a thorough understanding of the true method of intermediate-level weapon refining, you don't have to worry about having a skill in this city and you can gain a foothold.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked at the bookstore next to him. On the notice board at the door of the bookstore, which could carry divine texts, it was written impressively.

Great sale on Friday, 100 spirit crystals for the basic crafting method, and 300 spirit crystals for the intermediate crafting method!

Lu Ren couldn't help feeling stunned, his face was quite bright, and he couldn't hold back the urge to go back and beat Huang Yayu up.

"The profiteer!"

Lu Ren couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and walked around the bookstore cursing.

He spent nearly 600 spirit crystals and bought more than a dozen books about the origin of the border town, the detailed explanation of Xuanxian, the path of heavenly immortals, the four major ways to obtain golden immortals, and some Taoist scriptures that seemed to make his eyes shine. Bought an introduction to basic divine writing.

The book "Introduction to Basic Divinity" alone cost Lu Ren three hundred spirit crystals, and the overall price was more expensive than the rest of the dozen or so books.

However, Lu Ren didn't feel distressed. This basic book of divine writing is definitely worth the money. Even if it costs 100 million yuan, Lu Ren feels that it is very worthwhile.

With his worth, this 100 million spirit crystals is absolutely worth spending without blinking an eye. With the capital he has worked as a miner in the Hanging Mountain for a hundred years, and has penetrated tens of thousands of meters underground in the deep sea area, he can make up the spirit crystal in the inner universe. The stars are but a drop in the bucket.

When checking out with the boss, the slightly trendy-dressed boss couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he looked at the books Lu Ren bought: "Did you just come to the border town?"

Lu Ren was not surprised. After all, most of the books he bought were about understanding the border town and the introduction to the practice system. People who lived in the border town all the year round would basically not buy these people who were left to eat ashes on the bookshelf.

Seeing Lu Ren nodding, the boss smiled and said, "I would like to ask, I wonder if you have a place to stay, and whether you have a means of earning a living?"

Hearing the boss's words, Lu Ren's face was a little weird. Seeing the slight change of expression on Lu Ren's face, the boss couldn't help laughing: "Don't get me wrong, fellow daoist, because when you just came to the border town, you are still a newcomer. Status, if we recommend you to work, there will be a spirit crystal commission.

Although there are more than one billion angels living in the border town, nearly 60% of them are in the army. You must have seen that although this street is prosperous, many of them focus on the means of attacking soldiers, talismans, soldiers, and even All kinds of utensils for one-time use can be described as a dazzling array, which makes people dizzy. "

Lu Ren was shocked: "Boss, you mean that there are more than one billion angels in the border city, and more than half of them are in the army?!"

The boss squinted his eyes and said with a chuckle: "Border town, border city, here, of course, is a place to attack and fight. Although it seems that there are many people coming and going here, most of them are serving the frontier army. Friends have also transferred a lot, although there are many people coming and going, but more are those who are in the military."

Lu Ren asked curiously: "There are hundreds of millions of troops stationed here, what are they defending?"

The owner of the bookstore laughed, took out a jade card from his pocket and handed it in front of Lu Ren, and said with a warm face: "Fellow Daoists, you might as well read these recruitment notices, if you go in, you will know clearly .”

A passer-by took a look and saw that the recruiting announcement in the first row was to join the frontier army in the border town and become a soldier. Not only the welfare number, but also a high rank, and various preferential policies for sergeants.

Further down, it is not to make offensive weapons, or to defend against armor stomachs. It is doubtful that it is to make all kinds of weapons of mass destruction.

Lu Ren looked as usual and said: "Thank you, boss, for letting me know, but I just came to the border town, and I want to see more, and I will make a decision after looking around."

The owner of the bookstore was not discouraged either, and said with a smile: "If you are in need, you can come to me at any time. I recommend you. If you enter the frontier army, I guarantee you can enter a good army. If you don't know how to make armor, you can start as an apprentice, and it will take tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, but you can make it independently, and you can be regarded as having a foothold in this city."

Lu Ren didn't agree right away, he needed to wait and see for a while before he could think about it. Being extremely wealthy, he could definitely have the capital to temporarily settle down in this city.

After leaving the bookstore, after looking up the rental information from the convenience information mirror next to it, Lu Ren used the communication magic talisman he just bought to add a real estate agent, and according to the road sign system, he arrived at the flying area set by Tianxian, and was surprised to find that the city here is The internal suppression was slightly relaxed.

Unlike Cai just now, he rarely walks on the streets, and the entire time and space are filled with infinite oppression, so that even the heavenly immortals in this city, their real strength and physique are extremely suppressed. One power is already quite good.

It was only when he got to the special flight path that Lu Ren suddenly felt that he was a fairy.

"Made, isn't this map upgrade a bit too suppressed!"

Lu Ren cursed in a low voice, but he didn't hesitate anymore, he turned into a light, and blended in with the celestial practitioners who came and went around.

Fifteen minutes later, Lu Ren stopped in an area called Changqingfang.

After he got off the high-speed flight path, he raised his eyes and his expression was full of amazement.

The presented in front of his eyes is not some misty fairyland or floating mountains, but countless high-rise buildings, some of which are even thousands of meters high, and tens of thousands of meters of buildings can be found everywhere, just like the same The root of the heavenly sword pierced straight down.

The buildings have odd-shaped architectural styles such as spirals, suspensions or cubes. Some buildings are covered with metal and streamlined, piercing the sky like shooting stars.

While other buildings rely on cones or steel skeletons to reveal their sense of mystery and power amidst the chaos.

The light shines in from all directions, and various colors form strange and diverse light and shadow effects, the lights shining everywhere, the flying vehicles coming and going, and various energy collection methods combined with the formation of the Immortal Dao to supply this huge future. energy for the city.

He even saw that the roots of the tree were extremely thick, like a low-lying mountain, plunging into the void, and an energy acquisition device that draws energy from an unknown place, which made him unable to help but open his eyes.

The one who can arrange this kind of method is definitely a heavenly immortal who has been sublimated by the road of mechanical ascension.

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