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Chapter 842: supreme spilled blood

When the supreme beings fought, the two supreme beings who cut themselves with a knife did not even sublimate, and the infinite power swayed by them was enough to crush the ages, making the entire galaxy and universe tremble, and the stars and the sun dimmed.

Even before the fight, the power in one body shocked the entire universe, shaking the minds of all the monks in the sky, and the sages of countless races looked horrified, and they frantically moved away, fearing that they would be affected by the aftermath.

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This is the pinnacle duel of cultivation in the universe that covers the sky.

The gate of the formation shone brightly, opened the portal, revived countless defensive circles, the flying boat crossed, the starship opened, and countless nearby tribes that had the ability to escape all stayed away.

I'm afraid it will become the supreme blood food later.

Those human races who were unable to escape all fell to their knees on the ground, and some sages who couldn't bear to leave cried and shouted, praying to the Supreme God Emperor, the Ancient Heavenly Venerable, the Ancient Emperor Guangming, and the two human saint emperors of Taiyin and Sun.

The names of the Supreme Beings who once conquered the forbidden area and quelled the dark turmoil were mentioned again. The sentient beings who had nowhere to escape hoped for a miracle to happen.

As for Lu Ren, this newly born Supreme, who is suspected of being a quasi-Emperor, can be besieged by two Supreme Beings. What's more, there are more than ten or twenty Supreme Beings who have awakened from slumber in the restricted area. Any signs of weakness, absolutely will not hesitate to strike.

Loud and wailing prayers are not useless. These pious shouts have formed countless powers of faith, gathering various visions in the universe, inspiring people, withstood the coercion of the Supreme, and made the great sages of various star fields hide in the world. The old quasi-emperor, carrying secret soldiers, began to revive his combat power that had gradually faded due to the decline of his own qi and blood with the vision of faith gathered together.

Regardless of the cost, he began to roar the divine treasure in his body in an all-round way, wanting to give the supreme blow at the cost of his life at the peak state.

Although they knew in their hearts that these actions were like moths to the fire for these supreme beings, like ants, they would not have any impact on the supreme beings.

Lu Ren's expression was calm, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. He really wanted to see the peak combat power here, except for those red dust fairies, in the big universe that shrouded the sky.

He punched out, the real power flowing all over his body, the Shenzang acupoint in his body roared and glowed, and the **** sitting in the acupoint began to slowly recover.

The sky and the earth seem to lose their sound, all things lose their color, the stars tremble, and the galaxy trembles.

It seems that all the attention of this universe is on Lu Ren's seemingly straightforward punch.

"What law is this?"

The Supreme White Tiger's eyes froze, he growled in a low voice, his wings fluttered, and there was a faint chaotic mist slowly winding around the wings, which could split everything.

The Supreme Holy Spirit transformed from the green gold of fairy tears let out a low cry, his whole body bloomed with miserable green radiance, and there were countless evil spirits faintly, containing countless unjust souls, and the blood evil spirit almost permeated the entire universe, like a blood-killing fairy king coming to the world, his whole body Immortal light filled the air, and with the immortal seal in his hand, he came to attack and kill Lu Ren.

The three of them swelled together in an instant. The white tiger's claws could easily split the stars and tear apart the galaxy, but Lu Ren's unpretentious fists contained unimaginable divine power.

At the moment of contact, the supreme aura on the White Tiger Supreme stagnated, the tiger's claws were broken, the fairy light was shattered, and the qi and blood coagulated.


This punch almost shattered the vision around the White Tiger Supreme with a force of destruction, and imprinted it firmly on the White Tiger Supreme's big face, directly blasting him out, and falling into the brink of death.

Seeing the power of Lu Ren's punch, Xianlei Lujin, who was close next to him, had all his hair standing on end and looked horrified. He never thought that this was just a human race who had just become enlightened, and he would kill the White Tiger Supreme with one punch.


Seeing Xianlei, Lujin retreating violently, and opening his mouth to say something, Lu Rendang rushed forward impatiently. He stretched out his arms, and punched out the most novice Feng Falcon boxing technique, which seemed to be fighting nine days with a divine bird , wanting to write off, to break through all shackles, to break all shackles, and to press across the ages.

At the beginning, Feng Falcon Fist was just a mortal-level boxing technique. Now, under Lu Ren's continuous deduction, it has already deviated from the original. Apart from the fact that the name is still called Feng Falcon Fist, the system and training methods in the boxing method have already changed greatly.

In an instant, Lu Ren's outstretched arms moved violently, his fists were so fast that they reached their peak in an instant, the extreme speed of Feng Falcon's intention had already been sublimated at this moment, reaching the peak, a pair of fists seemed to be so fast that they could touch the sky The time in the big universe is so long, even the fairy tear green gold Holy Spirit Supreme can only barely catch a ray of light that is approaching the limit, trying to dodge desperately.

"Kunpeng treasure technique?!"

There has always been the supreme concern in the ancient mine in the early days, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but let out a sound of shock.

"No, this is not the Kunpeng treasure technique, it's just a similar technique. Like a phoenix bird, it hits hundreds of millions of blows in an instant, and the holy spirit is probably hard to escape."

Kunpeng, true dragon, phoenix bird, and even unicorn are all fairy spirits in the fairy world. There is immortal energy in their bodies, and they are eternal. But it can't be regarded as a real fairy. The root cause is that there is no fairy energy in the body, so it can't be regarded as extraordinary and free from vulgarity.

This kind of terrifying combat power just after enlightenment, comparable to the ancient Tianzun, really shocked the hearts of all the Supremes who were awake and silently observing in the restricted area.

Which horned Gada did this guy come out He opened the Dao Tribulation as soon as he came out, and he thought it was a sure thing, but the two gods who once overwhelmed the invincible at the time and stood proudly in the restricted area, unexpectedly He was beaten to death with three punches and two feet.

This scene made all the supreme beings in the restricted area look dumbfounded. Some of the qi and blood had declined, and the supreme being who wanted to rely on this dark turmoil to replenish qi and blood and extend his life had to suppress his restlessness.

They all sighed secretly in their hearts, this enlightened person really came at such an untimely time, he suddenly appeared, survived the tribulation of becoming enlightened, and became supreme.

Lu Ren's eyes were deep. After defeating the two supreme beings, he had a clear understanding of his own combat power in the Shrouding Universe. His strength is definitely as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

Even if he puts his life on the line to sublimate and return to the peak of becoming a holy emperor, it is conservatively estimated that he can deal with three or four gods.

If he let go of his hands and feet and used Zhou Tianshenshenquan, maybe the situation would have a new change.

The super-dimensional perception that has already spread out has already explored the forbidden area.

His eyes swept across, looking in all directions, staring at the restricted area for a long time.

Shenxu, Taichu Ancient Mine, Tianduan Mountain Range, Sea of ​​Reincarnation, Immortal Mausoleum...

All the restricted areas in the four directions were silent, the aloof tone just now had long since disappeared without a trace, and there was no movement at all.

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