Generally speaking, encountering a big case means encountering a big opportunity, but also a big risk.

There are also ways to reduce the risk. You only need to hand over the case or pass it to the front of you, but doing so is also tantamount to giving up the accompanying opportunity.

If you live forever, you must fight for a profit, right? Chen Tianwen’s choice was to put Bao on Shen Hao. First, he could afford to lose even if he lost. Second, he believed in Shen Hao’s ability.

A small cultivator without background can climb all the way to the position of small officer in a place where the relationship between Profound Pure Guard is tangled and complicated, and it is already very indicative.

And Shen Hao also knows Chen Tianwen’s abacus, and he plans to do the same.

Once the case is solved, as a manager, can Shen Hao lose any benefits?

“It would be great if I could get two more Lesser Essence Cultivation Pills.” On the way back, Shen Hao couldn’t help but feel hopeful. I didn’t find that the moment he came out of the Transmission Formation, there was a pair of eyes looking at him from a distance, full of gratitude.


The afternoon of the 3rd day after the incident.

One hundred Profound Pure Guard soldiers drove into Wuyang City from Li City Guard Station. Not only took over the defense of the two city gates in Wuyang City, but also took over the case room in the Yamen of Wuyang City, and began to work with the guards of Wuyang City to carry out a dragnet-style investigation across the city.

The massive presence of Profound Pure Guard has brought an invisible oppression to everyone in Wuyang City, like a shadow that oppresses the whole city. Not only the officials in the big and small yamen of Wuyang City clasped their feet, but even the traffickers and pawns on the street did not dare to shout and sell as usual.

Wang Jian’s efficiency is very high. On the 2nd day, all the old bottoms of Qi Family in Wuyang City have been brought out. What makes him excited is that his speculation has made new progress.

From several people who have been involved with Qi Family, Wang Jian learned that Qi Family has an unregistered home purchase outside the city besides the big cloth stall: an abandoned village.

No matter what Qi Family is doing behind the scenes, on the surface, but the big family in Wuyang City, how can they set up a useless deserted village as an industry?

Wang Jian was suspicious and took someone to check the Zhuangzi overnight. When he got there, Wang Jian felt the Evil Tracing Disk in his arms vibrated violently, and he almost fell off the horse. .

“There are evil spirits here! Also… it is Grade 3!”

After a simple search, Wang Jian did not find the evil spirit in front of him, relaxed. Yu Leng ordered the digging of the ground three feet, he felt the unusual coldness in this deserted barren village, and he could even smell the blood in the air everywhere.

As a result, just digging a small courtyard casually made Wang Jian realize that he had discovered an amazing place.

After that, Wang Jian immediately asked the others to block the abandoned village, and he personally returned to Wuyang City to inform Shen Hao.

It was late at night when Shen Hao brought fifty Profound Pure Guard soldiers and a hundred Wuyang City garrison to the abandoned Zhuangzi, but more than a hundred torch illuminates the entire Zhuangzi. , Especially the small courtyard that was excavated in advance, the courtyard wall that was pushed down was clearly illuminated, and everyone around me had a cold back.

“This is a burial pit?”

“It’s not like it, it’s so messy, it’s far worse than the burial pit on the sandfield, but it looks like a living pit. “

“Living pit? Not so. These people must be killed first and then thrown in.”

“I know, I just say like it. .”


Those who are less timid are speechless, don’t even look away.

The bolder ones just whispered to each other quietly. After all, even Shen Hao, who has been in Profound Pure Guard for eight years, has seen this kind of scene for the first time.

Only a big pit was dug out in an abandoned small courtyard in ten zhang. The hands and feet exposed in the pit are all hands and feet, or various heads of different appearances, broken and not intact. of.

These corpses are piled up in the soil like garbage, and the degree of decay is the same. I think they should be buried here at the same time.

Shen Hao frowns took out his own Evil Tracing Disk, whipped up the true essence, and took it back after a while, knowing that there are indeed Grade 3 evil spirits here, as Wang Jian said.

Only the recent Wang Jian of Shen Hao was a little surprised. He clearly felt that the true essence of his small officer just now was not the Qi Refinement 5th layer. This, this is a breakthrough? !

Shen Hao didn’t bother to worry about what Wang Jian was thinking. After putting away the Evil Tracing Disk, he looked at the corpse in the pit and said solemnly: “Let the brethren start digging. I can’t help it. I’m afraid there is more than this pit.”

“Yes, small officer.” Wang Jian waved his hand to the back.

An hour flies by.

Most of the digging pits are Profound Pure Guard’s strong men. These killers have already crossed the threshold of the cultivator. In terms of strength alone, they are much stronger than the ordinary person, so the shovel digs quickly. After removing almost all the abandoned courtyards in Zhuangzi, as Shen Hao expected, there was a large corpse pit under each courtyard.

Not to mention that there are more than a thousand corpses dug out, and each pit is only dug a shallow layer, without digging the corpses deep, so the actual number of corpses is likely to be more than that. Get a lot more.

“Small officer, I think these corpses should be the apprentices who “disappeared”.”

Wang Jian’s analysis is based, because so many corpses in the pits rot There is a clear difference in degree. The longer ones have become bones, while the more recent ones are still growing maggots. This one corresponds to the large number of apprentices who regularly “leave” in the Qi Family cloth file. You only need to pick up a few recognizable corpses for the Master in the cloth file to identify and confirm.

Shen Hao clicked nodded and didn’t say a word. He knew that Wang Jian’s words no longer needed to be verified. These corpses must be the apprentices in the Qi Family cloth file, and the corpses were found. It also confirms Wang Jian’s previous speculation that Qi Family is a “human blood dealer”. After all, if you want to sell human blood, you don’t need to put a little blood to raise it. It will be drained at a time and kill people.

Seeing that Shen Hao did not speak, Wang Jian continued: “Small officer, the breath of Grade 3 evil spirit was also found here, and it was also not recorded in the case file of Wuyang City. This shows that this head The evil spirit has been lurking, or it is, it is dominated by man?”

When Wang Jian said the words “dominated by man”, the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and a look in his eyes There was a hint of panic that flashed past, for fear that Shen Hao would see his timidity, so he lowered his head slightly.

“You finally thought about this. Two days sooner than I expected.” Shen Hao laughed a little bit and patted the shoulder of this military commander who was not a few years younger than himself.

“Huh? Small officer, you, you thought of it a long time ago?”

“Hehe, didn’t you say that before? A Grade 3 evil spirit entered the city but It is unreasonable that only one Qi Family suffers. Evil Tracing Disk is not the Grade 3 evil spirit, or this evil spirit has been imprisoned by external forces with its bloodthirsty instincts. So you should be mentally prepared.”

Speaking of this, Shen Hao couldn’t help but think of an old saying: Excluding all probability, the rest must be the truth no matter how incredible.

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