“Small officer, Xiao Zhongliu is really a ghost!”

It is probably too excited, Wang Jian even the local accent came out, but Shen Hao Understand, “Ghost” is actually “there is a big problem.”

“How do you say?”

“Xiao Chongliu’s case in Yamen is very clear. His ancestral home is Jingxi, and his hometown is Shiyuan Town, which is a hundred miles east of Wuyang City. Liangminkou, the old parents in the family are already not in. There is only one younger sister who is also married to Jingbei, so he is considered a lonely family, and the number of routes is clear and simple. We didn’t think there was any problem when we checked it for the first time.

But I went back in the morning and went through it again. According to your wishes, I sent someone to rush to Ishihara Town, and then I sent someone back to Li City to find the Chief Officer and open a note to coordinate Jingbei to check Xiao Chongliu. The girl who married in the past, the result was very interesting.

There was indeed a family named Xiao in Shiyuan Town. The basic situation is basically the same as the description of Xiao Chongliu’s case in Yamen, but the town’s None of the old people knew Xiao Chongliu in the portrait.

I found Xiao Chongliu’s younger sister in Jingbei, and she did exist, but they simply didn’t know Xiao Chongliu. No, they didn’t know us. This Xiao Chongliu in the portrait. She also said that her big brother Xiao Chongliu died on the road many years ago while escaping from a famine.”

Shen Hao wailed and lay heavily on the table. A little bit on the portrait of Xiao Chongliu, and said: “This means that this “Xiao Chongliu” is an imposter?”


“It’s really interesting. “

“It is very interesting. According to the neighbours, Xiao Chongliu has been in Qi Family for more than ten years. Do you think that Qi Family will know that Xiao Chongliu is actually a fake ghost?”

“Hehe, it’s hard to say.”

Since a while, Wang Jian moved a few steps closer and whispered: “Small officer, did you think Qi Family was repressed by Xiao? Six was eliminated?”

“Hehe, do you have a hypothetical deduction?”

“Hehe, I hope the small officer will be right.”

“Let’s talk, I’ll listen carefully.” Shen Hao sat upright, put away his smile, with a serious look. Wang Jian has been with him for four years, and he is a capable person, and he has been leading him, so I also want to hear how much Wang Jian can handle such difficult cases.

Deduction, an inertial guess based on logic and clues. The level of this ability directly means the potential in Profound Pure Guard, especially for people without heels like Shen Hao.

“Small officer, there are currently three clues in our hands: First, Qi Family secretly 90% may be in the human blood business, and also has direct contact with the heretic sect cultivator, and it is very likely that it was hired. The heretic sect cultivator sits at the guest official.

The second is Qi Family, a true corpse with 61 mouths up and down but only 58 mouths, three of which were Chen Erniu and other three unlucky ones who did not touch the sides were killed. It’s sufficient, obviously someone wants to hide the whereabouts of Qi Wenyuan and Qi Hengbing.

The third reason is that Xiao Zhongliu’s identity is fake, and 90% of the probability is the three of Chen Erniu he killed to charge.

So based on these three clues, I made a hypothesis, assuming that Xiao Chongliu is the key person who can be touched by these three clues at the same time. In this way, there is a possibility of deduction.


small officer, I speculate that Xiao Chongliu is probably not just embezzling someone’s identity. He is the steward of Dafang in Qi Family, and he is in charge of Dafang’s accounts and treasury. It can be said that Qi Family plays a pivotal role. Characters, this kind of character is impossible to know nothing about what Qi Family is doing secretly, and there is a high probability of getting involved.

In this way, then the question arises, why does Qi Family dare to kill people? Selling this kind of business of destroying the nine races let a foreigner know?

Unless they have absolute confidence that this person will not betray them.

So, I will infer that Xiao Zhong Six can make Qi Family feel at ease because of its true identity? For example, heretic sect cultivator?

Anyway, the human blood business is also linked to the heretic sect cultivator. If Xiao Zhongliu is Qi Family Secretly linking activities can explain a lot of problems. And do you think the heretic sect cultivator who ran to attack our premises last night was Xiao Zhongliu?”

Shen Hao did not confirm or deny , Just looked at Wang Jian and motioned for him to continue.

“If Xiao Chongliu is the heretic sect cultivator, I can continue to deduce the following. For example, the death of the entire Qi Family is probably at least 70% of the heretic sect cultivator, Xiao Chongliu. . This also coincides with the evil spirit aura that appeared on the scene, and also coincides with the fact that he found himself the three “dead ghosts” of Chen Erniu in advance.

As for the motivation, I guess I was sneaking with Qi Family secretly. Making yin tofu has something to do with it, and it should also involve some interest entanglements…”

Shen Hao listened very seriously, and agreed very much, but in his opinion Wang Jian’s reasoning is still poor After some heat, the general direction was correct, but a lot of it was missed.

I picked up the tea cup on the table, blew the froth on it, and asked with a smile: “You missed the father and son Qi Wenyuan and Qi Hengbing.”

“Here. ….. This is a clueless one. I thought about it for a long time and didn’t quite understand it. There should be some clues.”

“It’s not bad, in fact, you just didn’t notice it.”

“Please be the small officer.”

Shen Hao put down his teacup and reminded: “According to your deduction, Qi Family members are likely to die by the hands of “Xiao Zhongliu”. And “Xiao Chongliu” is still a heretic sect cultivator, right?”

“That’s right.”

“In that case, why did Xiao Chongliu kill two more irrelevant ones? The tramp came to serve as the corpses of Qi Wenyuan and Qi Hengbing? It makes sense for him to have a fake death for himself. It makes no sense to help the two Qi Family members get out? He killed the Qi Family whole family.”

“You mean…Qi Wenyuan and Qi Hengbing are already…”

“Dead, I am sure they are dead. It is impossible to destroy people whole family except these two people.”

“Then why kill two homeless people to make up the number? Isn’t this superfluous?”

“Hehe, maybe Xiao Chongliu doesn’t want people to see Qi Wenyuan And Qi Hengbing’s corpse? Or the corpses of Qi Wenyuan and Qi Hengbing are very important to Xiao Chongliu, he doesn’t want to just throw it away?”

The corpse? Very important?

Wang Jian’s thoughts changed sharply, and he soon thought of a possibility: according to his deduction, Xiao Zhongliu is a heretic sect cultivator, and many of the methods of heretic sect cultivator are aimed at refining corpses. He even thought of a terrifying possibility…

“Small officer, you are not talking about…then Xiao Zhongliu is…yes That group of people?”

“There is nothing impossible. Your deduction direction is right, but some corners are missing. If you put my judgment into your deduction, you will do it yourself. Go over your head and see if everything goes smoothly?”

When he heard Shen Hao’s words, Wang Jian unconsciously quickly deduced it in his mind. Indeed, as Shen Hao said, he joined Shen After Hao’s guess, the whole deduction process was smooth and no jerky before. But because of this, Wang Jian’s face became a little green.

“Small officer, if it’s really that group of people, then this case can be…”

“Don’t go out, I know what you are worried about, don’t panic , The case is still under control, and I have passed the anger to the Chief Officer about this matter, so I stay calm. Maybe this is a great opportunity for you and me!”

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