“Chief Officer, you didn’t see Li Bing’s face, haha, it’s as ugly as eating shit. It actually flew into a rage out of humiliation’s killing intent to scare you I, hehe, I’m not scared and just ignore him…”

Wang Jian entered Profound Pure Guard for the first time in so many years and felt so refreshed. He didn’t expect that he also ignored him. A day of a dignified Chief Officer.

“You brat is still cruel, I can think of this portrait, and also rubbed the appearance of Wu Sanhe and Li Bing together, let alone the appearance of the person who is more handsome than Li Bing Much. Hahaha……”

Shen Hao also laughed haha. He has been suffocated these days, and now he has a sigh of relief. Should he charge some interest?

while speaking Zhang Liao knocked on the door and walked in. After saluting Shen Hao and Wang Jian, he took out two orders from his arms and placed them on Shen Hao’s desk.

“Chief Officer, Yucheng, Wuyang City, Shi Family Fort, Haocheng and other eight local garrison soldiers have been assembled. Currently, they have entered four reservations within 30 miles of Li City on the grounds of confrontational exercises. Location, as soon as the sign of the sign of the sign, they can completely block all the roads around Li City within the time it takes to burn one stick of incense.

In addition, the hundred-troop just now has been installed temporarily. For assessment inquiries, all Profound Pure Guards of the ranks of luxuries and above are not allowed to leave Li City within three days, and inquire at any time.

There are also a few secret sentries we set up at the city gate this morning. There was news that Li Family tried to get out of the city at night three times last night, but they were all blocked from returning. With the hint of Lord Hundred-troop, those guys in the Guard still didn’t dare to mess around.”

Speaking of business affairs, Shen Hao’s face has already tightened, but his expression is still relatively relaxed. These days, he has done a lot of work secretly. Basically, the big net for the entire Li Family has been spilled, and now it is Time to tighten this net.

“Wang Jian went to startle the snake before. The snake was indeed surprised by the reaction, but it would not mess up the square inch.

In this way, first send someone to Yunyang. Take control of Zhang Kui’s family, there must be a lot of things to dig on him. Pay attention, don’t show any traces before you start, let alone leak the wind, there is Zhang Kui’s site, he even dare to imperial court commander How dare you are to commit murder, don’t gutter and capsize.

Zhang Lao, you and Han Xin will take seven brothers and go for a trip in person.”

“Yes, Chief Officer.”

Zhang Kui is the key, you can’t make mistakes. Once Zhang Kui is detained again, plus Wu Sanhe’s confession and the proof of the bank notes exchange, the “Yunyang Smuggling of Prohibited Materials Case” basically You can turn it over on the top.

Once the “Yunyang Smuggling of Prohibited Material Case” is reversed, it means that Li Bing and most of the people in his A-flag will go to jail. After that, as long as Shen Hao needs it, he can use Li Bing as the breakthrough port to tear the entire Li Family into pieces.

Everything is moving towards the controllable range.

After Zhang Liao hurriedly left, Wang Jian was also taken away by Shen Hao. There are now more than a dozen Black Flag Army secret posts around Li Family. Wang Jian is now mainly responsible for keeping an eye on Li Family. Every move.

Shen Hao didn’t spend much time in the public housing. The internet has begun to tighten. He needs to report the information to hundreds-troop Tang Qingyuan in time. After all, Tang Qingyuan is nominally this time. Commander-in-chief of the Black Flag Army operation.


“Jiang Qianhu sent another secret letter last night, please read it before you speak.”

Shen Hao As soon as he entered, Tang Qingyuan took out a copper bar secret letter from the drawer and opened it with his waist badge and handed it to Shen Hao.

The secret letter was actually written by himself, and it was signed by Jiang Cheng, the Qianhu Office of Fengri City.

The content is not long. Shen Hao read it in a few glances. To sum up this secret letter, there are only three sentences:

The first sentence is: Be careful and don’t spread too much. .

The second sentence is: be sure to hit with a single hit, and a fish that escaped the net must not appear.

The third sentence is: as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as possible!

It can be seen that the thousands of adults who are far away in Fengri City are very concerned about this case, perhaps because they also regarded this case as the Black Flag Army that may become a role model in the country. It is also possible that he has received some kind of wind direction instructions from a higher level, or that the case may have affected himself.

For whatever reason, at least it can be seen from this secret letter that this Jiang Qianhu is on the side of Li City Guard or Black Flag Army.

“My lord, this is a good thing.”

“hmph, it’s a good thing to do well. Once it’s screwed up, it’s a reminder. What’s the situation on your side? “

“The net has already started. I am going to control people in Yunyang today and completely press the Li Bing breakthrough. But yesterday I deliberately surprised them, but Li Family’s The reaction was too plain, I can’t guess it.”

“Don’t guess if you can’t guess it. Now the entire Li City is in our big net. Li Family will only die faster if you dare to go crazy. Now, you can’t mess up your mind and follow your previous plan. Nothing goes wrong. Everything will not be wrong.”

Tang Qingyuan patted Shen Hao on the shoulder with a rare look, cheering up on his face. , It makes Shen Hao quite uncomfortable.

The two were about to continue talking, but there was a report from the porter.

“My lord, Chief Officer Li Bing of Jiaziqi said there is something important to report.”

Li Bing?

Tang Qingyuan and Shen Hao looked at each other, then Tang Qingyuan sat back on the chair and raised his voice to let the porter lead the person in.

Shen Hao didn’t leave. He wanted to hear what Li Bing was trying to do when he came to Tang Qingyuan now.

After a while, the public house door was pushed open, Li Bing walked in with a smile on his face, and greeted Tang Qingyuan who was sitting on the chair, but Shen Hao, who was standing beside him Think of it as air.

“Chief Officer Li is looking for me for something?”

“My lord, the Old Master at home recently got a few bottles of 50-year-old osmanthus wine. I know my lord, you are a confidant of the wine country, so I think Please come to the house for high grade appraisal and tasting. I wonder if the adults will have time after work today?”

“This…Yes, thank Lord Li for me in advance, and I will thank you in person tonight. “

“Then wait for the adults to drive. The subordinates say goodbye.”

Li Bing came and left with a smile, and there was no emotion at all, it seemed to be true. Just come to invite Tang Qingyuan to a banquet.

“What do you mean by Li Family?”

“My lord, I’m afraid it’s not a good feast, but it’s not bad for you to explore Li Family.” Shen Hao can’t guess Li Family’s plan, but Tang Qingyuan has promised to go, what else can he say?

“It’s just to see him for some tricks. Okay, you go down and do things, remember to report if you have anything.”

“Yes, sir. That’s right, Adults should be careful when going to dinner at night. After all, Li Family is not a peaceful place.”


In the middle of the night, Shen Hao came out of the public house. He shook his dizzy head, and he has been so busy lately. If it weren’t for his cultivation base, he might not be able to hold it.

The new black box carriage of the Black Flag Army is still waiting outside. The carriage driver is a strongman in the Black Flag Army, that is, the driver of Shen Hao is also the guard of Shen Hao.

“Chief Officer, do you go back now?”

“Well, it’s so late, you also go back to rest, don’t send me off, you will be busy tomorrow.”

“No, it’s not far, I’ll take you back first and I won’t be too late.”

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