Tang Qingyuan fulfilled his previous promise to Shen Hao and gave him a six-day rest. But Shen Hao is asked not to travel far in the past six days. It will be more convenient to find him in case of urgent business affairs.

Actually, Shen Hao didn’t think of going far. He didn’t have that leisure. After all, for a cultivator, leisure is cultivation.

Since that near-death assassination, Shen Hao has discovered that his cultivation progress has changed again.

Because of eating an evil core and dozens of yin tofu before, the black beast tattoo on the chest transforms the energy of the haze into True Qi that Shen Hao can absorb, and then slowly through the cultivation. His body.

Shen Hao’s daily cultivation income during the most peak period was fifteen times as much as before!

But the assassination half a month ago forced Shen Hao to “runaway”. After the runaway, he picked up a life and could run away with a huge source of energy that was supposed to step by step to enter him. True Qi reserves in the body.

In other words, the True Qi reserved for Shen Hao’s chest tattoo will be consumed in one runaway, even if there is not much left.

Fortunately, the souls of the five killers were finally sucked away by Shen Hao as plum powder, and they had some filling. But the speed of cultivation dropped from 15 times that of the most peak to seven or eight times that of the past few days, a drop of more than half.

But Shen Hao is not in a hurry. He is no longer what he used to be. He does not need to rely solely on meditation for cultivation. He can plan to use sufficient external assistance: medicine pill.

When the Qi Family extinguish sect case in Wuyang City was cracked, the edition rewarded two Lesser Essence Cultivation Pills, and the Li Family conspiracy case was rewarded again. A total of six Lesser Essence Cultivation Pills were in hand. Shen Hao even feels that the medicine pill he needs to advance to Qi Refinement Seven is basically enough.

So, since I’m taking a break, I can’t go traveling, and for the first time there are so many medicine pills in my hand to eat casually, so Shen Hao is fortunate to have arranged a simple array outside of his study. Then went to retreat.

Retreat! This is definitely an extremely extravagant behavior for the low-level cultivator, at least Shen Hao had no conditions to do so before.

According to the habit, Shen Hao first spent an hour to meditate to free up his thoughts and let himself enter the best elusive condition of cultivation. Then start taking Lesser Essence Cultivation Pill one by one.

After taking the first Lesser Essence Cultivation Pill, Shen Hao did not feel the increase in True Qi, which was worse than the one he took when he was in Fifth Layer.

One hour later, the effect of the first Lesser Essence Cultivation Pill disappeared. Shen Hao did not continue to swallow it, but instead tried his best to consolidate the improvement that this medicine pill brought to him.

Shen Hao only continued to swallow the second one after half a day.

and so on. In five days, Shen Hao “stopped” and used up all the six Lesser Essence Cultivation Pills in his hand, and the cultivation base successfully entered Qi Refinement 6th-layer from Qi Refinement 6th-layer.

It is different from the previous realm promotion. Qi Refining Realm’s seven or eighty nine three small realms are collectively referred to as the “Qi Refinement last three realms”, and the improvement effect is more significant than the “first three realms” and the “middle three realms”.

Take Shen Hao’s own experience as an example. He is holding the Gooseridge Blade and cutting it out with one knife. A palm-size blade glow can fly out on the knife, and it can fly out six or seven feet. The distance then dissipated.

Blade glow is separated from the blade, and this is no longer the kind of “blade glow” that it used to contain but not send. It can be called a “blade gang”.

Only a few feet of trifling distance is still in the stage of just entered in Daogang.


Looking at the grinding disc that was split into two pieces by his own knife, Shen Hao was already very satisfied. Although his current Daogang is just a beginner’s guide, the formidable power is definitely several times that of the previous one, and even a qualitative improvement.

As a person who came up from the bottom of the pawns, Shen Hao has never been greedy, and most understands the principle of step by step.

Five days passed in a flash, during which Hu Steward actually received a lot of greetings, either he invited Shen Hao to a banquet, or he was about to come to congratulate him. Anyway, now Shen Hao has just won the title, Li City Those “great characters” here all want to use this as an opportunity to cling to it, and even if it doesn’t work, they can be familiar with each other, right?

It is a pity that Shen Hao has been closed for five consecutive days, keeping everyone out of the door, and even the gifts brought by these people have been turned away.

So, a story about Shen Hao spread on Li City: Chief Officer Shen of the Black Flag Army is very difficult to contact.

In fact, Shen Hao is not unkind. On the contrary, he is far clearer and more aware of what he should do in interpersonal communication than ordinary people.

As for what those insignificant people think, it is never within Shen Hao’s consideration.

May 21.

On the last day of Xiu Mu, Shen Hao hosted a banquet at home.

There are two groups of objects for the banquet, one group is all the powerful men, military commanders, and small officers in the Black Flag Army, which belong to Shen Hao’s own people. The other group is Li City Profound Pure Guard, all Chief Officer, hunted-troop, and hundreds-troop officer Tang Qingyuan in Li City Profound Pure Guard. These people belong to the relationship that Shen Hao needs to socialize.

One can live oneself as a wolf, but it is best not to live as a lone wolf, otherwise it will not end well.

Since the banquet is going to be a banquet, the cook at home is a bit stretched. Steward Hu Tian went to the Intoxicated Immortal Building and invited two masters. He also borrowed a lot of pots and pans with him.

However, in addition to the chef’s dishes, Shen Hao also personally made three side dishes: sweet and sour pork ribs, tofu mixed with shallots, and Twice Cooked Pork.

The people below are not qualified to eat the dishes made by Shen Hao, so these three dishes are only served at the table where Tang Qingyuan is sitting.

Compared to the chef’s skills, Shen Hao’s cooking skills are naturally not enough, but after hearing that these three dishes were cooked by Shen Hao himself, the table includes Tang Qingyuan. Everyone felt that these three dishes were the most brilliant, and they were all sandwiched very quickly. Even everyone showed better kindness to Shen Hao than before.


The dignified Chief Officer, newly promoted to Grade 1 Viscount, is currently the most hot enough to scald one’s hands character in Li City. He is willing to cook for you personally. Is this enough for you? face? Is it a release of goodwill?

The guests and the host enjoyed the last meal. I drank more than 30 altars of wine alone.

Shen Hao is not drunk. His alcohol volume is invincible in this World. Unless he cheats on a cultivation base, he would basically be dreaming if he wants to drink this kind of alcohol.

Tang Qingyuan was not drunk either. Firstly, where is the amount of alcohol stored, and secondly, he has the highest status, no one dared to persuade him to drink.

Before the game ended, Tang Qingyuan patted Shen Hao on the shoulder and said something, which made Shen Hao think for a long time afterwards.

“Shen Hao, do you understand Chen Yiyun?”

“No, I haven’t heard of it before. I wonder if adults would teach me?”

“You don’t need to teach you, you will learn more about it in the future. However, you have to keep an eye on many things. Chen Yiyun and you and I are not the same kind of people, and many ideas are simply not something we can understand.

Humph This time he was able to become the Black Flag Army hundred-troop officer of the Qianhu Office. I guess even Jiang Qianhu was reluctant to pinch his nose and recognize it.”

Shen Hao has to ask. But Tang Qingyuan waved his hand and said with a smile: “The rest is going to ask yourself. It just so happens that you will be promoted to the hundred-troop soon. There should also be some personal connections on the Qianhu Institute. Those who should walk around still have to Go.”

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