Different from the day when the sun is full of energy, Yin Qi will naturally deepen in the middle of the night, and some hidden clues are easier to find.

Shen Hao pushed open the door of Qi Mansion and walked in, glanced at the minced meat on the ground, leisurely said: “Hey, Yin Qi is diffuse but not the soul of Nether Soul, but he died cleanly. “

Generally speaking, people killed by evil spirits will have Remnant Soul left behind. This is like some residue spilled out accidentally when eating, but now even if it’s Yin Qi At the peak of the night, Remnant Soul was still not found around the scattered corpses.

This is not normal.

At least Shen Hao has never seen an evil spirit that eats so cleanly.

Go in from the back door all the way forward and again to the side hall that I have visited before. There are dozens of pairs of footboards in the hall, which is already a little dark.

Shen Hao does not have a lamp. He practiced overnight eye surgery, and his vision is completely unaffected by light. His gaze swiftly swept across every corner of the hall, seemingly sweeping by but not missing every detail. .


Sniffing his nose a few times, Shen Hao frowned slightly, and he smelled a smell of corpses.

Go a few steps forward and squat down. A few feet in front of you are the blackened feet, and the smell of the corpse becomes stronger.


Shen Hao pulled out the Gooseridge Blade from his waist, picked up the one of the feet closest to him, turned it over, and saw a gray rot on the soles of his feet.


He kept his hands, and soon Shen Hao turned over all the feet in the hall, and six of them showed signs of rot.

After standing up again, Shen Hao stood motionless in the side hall holding the knife upside down, and browsing tightly frowns seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, Shen Hao left the side hall and went straight to the back kitchen.

Waving his hand to signal that the shift workers don’t need to come over, Shen Hao continued to push the door of the back kitchen by himself and walked in.

At the moment the door was opened, the moonlight penetrated in and shone on the intestines and stomachs inside, which was even more gloomy.

Similarly, there is also a faint smell of corpses compared to the daytime.

Choose carefully with a knife. It’s not that Shen Hao is no stranger to blood, but the pile of internal organs still makes his stomach churn a little.

Soon the bits and pieces of internal organs in the kitchen were sorted into two piles, one small pile and the big pile, and the small pile was obviously dark in color.

Fortunately, the smell of the corpse is not strong, otherwise you have to put a layer of green onion bag on the nose and mouth to get in.

Compared with the previous side hall, the smell of corpses in the back kitchen is stronger.

Pushing the door out, deeply exhaled the discomfort in the stomach, beckoned, and a Profound Pure Guard force not far away hurriedly trot over.

“Small officer, what’s the order?”

“Go and find Wu Zuo, and then find Military Commander Wang, and say I’ll wait for him here.”


It didn’t take long for Military Commander Wang to arrive.

“small officer.”

“Well, Wang Jian, you immediately arrange for someone to go to the Yamen, and collect all the missing persons information around Wuyang City in the last month .”

“Ah? Small officer, did you find any clues?”

“Well, wait for the work to come, let’s talk about it, and arrange what I just said. “

“Good small officer.”

Soon Wang Jian arranged three strong men to go to the Yamen overnight. Profound Pure Guard never pays attention to the feelings of local government in handling cases, dare you not cooperate? The way to death.

The work came very quickly, carrying a small wooden box, and was carried by a Profound Pure Guard soldier on horseback, perhaps because of nervousness and a layer of fine sweat on his forehead.

“Big big, my lord, I don’t know if you have any instructions?”

“Don’t be nervous, what is your name? How long have you been doing this? Are you local?”

“The younger one is called Zhang Fushun. A local, I have been working as a work for more than ten years.”

“Very good. I ask you, have you done the body detection in Qi Mansion before in detail? “

“No, no. I just took a few preliminary glances. The corpses here will be buried after the scene is cleared, and then carefully inspected.”

Shen Hao shook the head, waved to let the people behind palm the light.

“Go, go in, I have something to ask you.”

The only person who followed Shen Hao into the back kitchen was Wang Jian.

But even if you took the lamp, the cruel scene in the back kitchen still made Wang Jian and Wu tremble visibly.

Shen Hao pointed to the one big and one small pile of viscera that he had just separated on the ground and said to him: “Are you sure what is the difference between these two piles of viscera.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The doubt on Wu Zuo’s face flashed away, and he squatted in front of his internal organs, then opened the small box he had brought and started to work.

After 5 minutes of time, Hao Zuo stood up again, with surprise on his face.

“My lord, the young man made a “time setting” for these two piles of viscera, and found that although the two piles of viscera belong to human organs, the smaller pile of viscera has begun to decompose There are signs, which means that the small pile of internal organs is taken out and loses activity before the large one pushes the internal organs.”

Although this is a bit twisted, it is not difficult to understand.

Wang Jian is even more stared wide-eyed, frowns, and he looks like hesitating.

Shen Hao continued to ask blankly: “Be more careful, I want a specific death time, can I do it?”

“Small do my best.”

After a while, Hao Zuo got up again and bowed and said, “My lord, there are preliminary results. The time for these two piles of internal organs to be large is more than twelve hours. , And this small pile of death time is between eighteen and twenty hours.”

Seeing Shen Hao, who seemed unsatisfied, Hao Zuo was a little bit timid, and quickly explained: “My lord, forgive me. Because of the corruption speed of internal organs have nothing common with each other, it is difficult to judge, unless there are more corpses to assist.”

Shen Hao hearing this said with a smile: “Of course there is. “

Out of the back kitchen, I went to the side hall and the main room, and finally the Jingguan in the front courtyard.


“My lord, the body has been subdivided.”


” After a small and careful investigation, a small part of the corpses did not die last night, but much earlier. The specific time of death should be the early hours of yesterday morning. Therefore, these corpses will be crushed before the rest of the corpses. One step of corruption and stinking.

In addition, every head in Jingguan has been cleaned and inspected briefly. Among them, three of the heads are seriously damaged and cannot be distinguished from their appearance.”

After speaking, he stood aside.

Shen Hao pondered for a moment, clicked nodded, waved his hand to let Hao Zuo retreat, and said: “Tomorrow morning, you will find a few more people to come and kill all the bits and pieces in Qi Mansion. It’s stinking. .”

“It’s an adult, that little one will leave.”


As soon as he left, he was already suffocated. Wang Jian couldn’t help it immediately, and asked in a low voice beside Shen Hao: “Small officer, how could Qi Mansion die one after the other? This is unreasonable!”

Shen Hao did not answer Wang Jian’s words, but said: “You can figure out what Qi Family’s 61 mouths look like. I want the portraits of all of them.”

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