In this World, ordinary people are subject to the jurisdiction of the ward, who is equivalent to the director of the street office, who can handle most minor disputes. Further up is the local government, which basically controls all aspects of people’s lives.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Profound Pure Guard belongs to the terrorist and dangerous department higher than the Yamen. Isn’t the person who can deal with evil spirits such a horrible thing not fierce enough?

The yamen alone makes the common people feel aloof and remote, even more how is Profound Pure Guard?

People in other places are okay, because they may not see the black robe of Profound Pure Guard once throughout the year. But for the people of Li City, Profound Pure Guard is a butcher knife with cold light glittering beside him.

Not long ago, this butcher knife slashed the heads of hundreds of people.

So the people who talk about Profound Pure Guard Li City are much more in awe than people in other places. Because to them, the blood on the Profound Pure Guard knife can be seen and heard.

But now, such a frightening Profound Pure Guard actually puts a copper cabinet on the street, wanting to collect “reporting letters” from everyone? !

Whether it is the strange-looking copper cabinet, or the “reporting letter” that no one has ever heard of, people who read the notice are shocked.

According to the notice, anyone can send a “reporting letter” to the copper cabinet, and the “reporting letter” is a report to report a letter. The target of the report can be a person in the yamen, or even People in Profound Pure Guard. Regardless of whether the matter to be reported is embezzlement or bribery or unjust, false or wrongful case, as long as it is an injustice, as long as it is something that cannot be done in a normal way, you can send a “reporting letter” to the copper cabinet.

To put it in a sentence in the notice: the report mailbox is the state listening to the real voice of the people.

On the first day, ten copper cabinets ignited the entire Li City chatbox, from the upper ranks of Li City officials to the traffickers and pawns. Everyone talked about the copper cabinets and the notice the most.

“The old man has lived for 61 years. This kind of notice to persuade people to commit the crime is still smelt!”

“How can it be considered a crime? Is it illiterate? Reporting, reporting and exposing, it is the state that asked us people to avenge justice!”

“Wake up! Do you still avenge justice? The people sue the officials, the case is closed, but you have to hit the 30th board first. Besides, do you think the following crimes are empty words?”

“tsk tsk, did you not read the signature of the notice? It was written by the Black Flag Army! It was the Black Flag Army who pulled the traitor Li Family off the horse before. , Do you think the notice they gave is a joke? Besides, the notice says that the report can be anonymous, so what are you afraid of?”

“Anyway, the old man thinks this is not reliable Those who are not afraid can try it.”

“There must be people who try.”


Set up by the copper cabinet No one dared to try on the first day.

Firstly, I was worried about the unwritten rule of “following offenses” as the old man just said. Secondly, there are too many people onlookers, even if someone wants to report, it is not good to post the report in front of so many people.

Wait until the 3rd day before the first report letter appears.

When the report letter was placed on Shen Hao’s desk, it was the fourth day after the copper cabinet was set up.

“Here is the Wang Family, the merchant Jia Hengshun, bribed Li City government officials for more than 500,000 taels of fine silver……”

Shen Hao tsk Tsk tsk read the report letter with thousands of words in his hand, and then lifts the head to Wang Jian who was standing in front of him and asked: “Who wrote this? The writing is very good!”

“Hey, Chief Officer, this is a letter received from Cabinet 9. According to the secret whistle over there, it was a man with a painted face, but they followed back and found that it was a guest official at the Yamen Adjutant’s house. I guess. The above words are written by the adjutant’s chief writer.”

“Hmph, the shit was the first thing to come out.”

The bad thing in the local government office is definitely far away. There are more in Profound Pure Guard, and the apportionment of various powers involves many open strife and veiled struggles. These Shen Hao have been heard for a long time, and it is also the reason why he has been respectful of local officials for so many years because of too much trouble.

But now the first report letter received in the report mailbox is such a bad thing in the Yamen, which makes Shen Hao angry and funny.

“It’s really funny. But my lord, according to some information listed in this report letter, the credibility is actually very high. Do you think you should send someone to follow?”

” What’s the matter? How can we have enough manpower? And we only need to know about the bad things in the place. It’s not appropriate to intervene in the past. After all, it is not appropriate for the Black Flag Army to put our hands in other people’s pockets to provoke hatred.”

“Then what kind of cases do we mainly deal with?” Wang Jian has been a little confused for the past two days. He simply can’t understand the bewildering behavior of his Chief Officer.

“No hurry, wait a few days, after the news of the copper cabinet is spread, there will be a suitable case. Now your task is to let me watch every one of the copper cabinets. The person who delivered the report letter in the cabinet.”

“Please rest assured, Chief Officer, I have found more than 20 idle homeless people according to your instructions. Everyday all stares at the ten copper cabinets. Someone will not miss things.”

“Well, things about homeless people can be taken a step further, and some simple training can be given to them, such as stalking, tracking, hiding, etc. This matter. You should catch it yourself and keep it confidential.”

“Good Chief Officer. In addition, the personnel you mobilized before have been trained separately. Do you think you can start recruiting people?”

Shen Hao put down the pen in his hand, lifts the head and asked with a smile: “Zhang Liao asked you to ask?”

“Hehe, I know I can’t hide from you, Zhang Lao Nasi was a little anxious to wait.”

In the entire Black Flag Army, except Wang Jian who dared to say to Shen Hao, other people didn’t dare to open the mouth at all.

Shen Hao said with a smile: “You are catching up with the expansion. Do you think they can recruit people?”

“It’s okay. Zhang Liao has already been Small officer, I have experience in all of these, and the people I assigned to him are also veterans. If you recruit new people and train half a month, you should be able to form battle strength.”

“Okay , You think the time is right, then post the hiring notice. It is the old rule, the manpower chooses from the loose cultivator without roots and no support, you don’t recruit any of them, but leave me seven talents. Missing, the military commander also left one for me.”

“Good Chief Officer.”

Wang Jian handed him a look of “I understand”, then turned around and went to An. Ordered to do something.

The point of “sensible” Wang Jian is more than a little bit stronger than Zhang Lio, Han Xin and his ilk. He has a clever mind, and many things do not need Shen Hao to speak through.


In the afternoon, Wang Jian reported the Black Flag Army’s plan to expand the recruitment of a small officer camp to Tang Qingyuan’s public office. Approved immediately. The Black Flag Army was already in a serious lack of editing, and Tang Qingyuan had no reason to disagree.

After that, the news that the Black Flag Army was going to select manpower in the Profound Pure Guard reserve and the city guards spread. It was different from the last time the Black Flag Army wanted to recruit people. In just half a day, Wang Jian received more than 100 slips, all of which were self-recommended.

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