In the following month, Shen Hao gradually smoothed things out.

First of all, the Black Flag Army has now completed its enrollment expansion. Now it has two small officer battalions: Group A will continue to be led by Wang Jian, and the newly formed Group B will be led by Zhang Lio as the small officer.

After more than half a month of integrated training, there is no problem with the running-in.

In addition, at the end of May, the official order on the adjustment of the Black Flag Army at the Qianhu Office in Fengri City was also down, and it was ordered by Tang Qingyuan to circulate it by all high-level officials, and the entire health office was blown up. Open the pot.

In the Black Flag Army, the rank of small officer and above is directly promoted by half the rank? !

In other words, he is also a small officer, and elsewhere it is the title of Grade 7, and in the Black Flag Army, it is the title of Grade 7! And the Chief Officer of the Black Flag Army has changed from Grade 7 to Grade 6? !

Many people looked at the posture of Black Flag Army as the tide rises, the boat floats before, but now they are jealous!

Nowadays, the small officer of the Black Flag Army is on the same level as the chief officer of other flags. The Chief Officer of Shen Hao is in the same position as the hundred-troop, so it is obvious that the Black Flag Army is on the same level. It shocked everyone’s eyes.

After the news was delivered, there were not one or two people who ran to Tang Qingyuan to express their indignation and dissatisfaction. Except for the Chief Officer of the C flag, Chen Tianwen did not say anything, all the senior officials of the Li City Health Office were So it is.

Why can the Black Flag Army get such preferential treatment? !

Not convinced!

Tang Qingyuan’s answer is also very simple: dissatisfied? Yes, I submit a letter to Qianhu Office in Fengri City to find Jiang Qianhu’s response and see what Jiang Qianhu said.

Tang Qingyuan is very upset. These subordinates normally look in awe of him, but will they show their true colors when it involves their immediate interests?

Hmph, how about going to Fengri City? It is the decision of the commander’s office to raise the momentum for the Black Flag Army, let alone Tang Qingyuan, can Jiang Cheng still do it?

The noise and dissatisfaction in the secret was soon suppressed. At least on the surface, it seemed calm was restored, but there was a gap in the eyes looking towards the Black Flag Army that was not there before.

Before everyone was the same, at most the division of labor was different, that’s all, they are all in the same family; now you are different from me, can you still treat you as a family?

Of course it’s impossible.

Shen Hao keenly felt these changes.

However, there are exceptions.

“Chief Officer Shen, are you still busy?”

“Ouch, Chief Officer Chen, why are you here? Please sit down.”

Chen Tian asked , C-character flag Chief Officer, Shen Hao’s former boss. Now that the Black Flag Army has been lifted, apart from Tang Qingyuan in the entire guard, only this Chief Officer Chen is still happy to Shen Hao.

“Come here to ask for a cup of tea, and move your legs and feet by the way. Hehe, now that I am older, I feel very stiff after sitting for a long time.”

Shen Hao hurriedly asked Chen Tian. I made a cup of tea and brought it to the other party, said with a smile: “You are only fifty-three, right? You are young and strong. Where are you old?”

“Really old, especially It’s here, I’m getting old very fast!” Chen Tianwen accepted the tea ceremony and thanked him, and pointed to his head as he said, meaning that his brain won’t work well when he gets older.

“hehe, Chief Officer Chen, what are you talking about.”

“Really, I didn’t kid you, just take the copper cabinet you’ve done recently. I think I can’t do it. Now every time I pass by those copper cabinets, I see someone delivering letters inside. It should be a plentiful harvest?”

Shen Hao can’t figure out why Chen Tian asked suddenly When I mentioned the copper cabinet, I thought to myself, but said with a smile: “You tell me, there are no less than a hundred reports every day, but there is simply nothing useful in it. Anyway, there are messy things. “

“Haha, of course. The copper cabinet you built is the first time since the founding of the kingdom. It’s a new thing. It’s inevitable that it will be messy at the beginning, and you will be sure that it will be smooth in the future. It can be very useful, maybe this method can be directed to use the Yamen as a model to be promoted across the territory?”

“Chief Officer Chen laughed, how could it be so easy.”


Then Chen Tian’s questioning front turned and lowered his voice and said, “But your copper cabinet has made a lot of enemies for you, plus you are now on the cusp of the storm and you will be jealous, so prepare early. .”

Can you not make enemies? Those Li City large and small characters are not stupid blinds. There are probably a few people who pour dirty water on themselves through the copper cabinet. Whether true or false, the Black Flag Army who has so many reports will definitely be hated by others. Up.

But what does this have to do with Chen Tianwen? Why did you talk about this suddenly?

“Don’t worry about my expression, don’t worry, I just don’t want you brat to be planted like this. You must know that although your title is above me, you are still a soldier under my hand. It’s natural for us to go all the way, right?”

Shen Hao nodded with a smile, Chen Tianwen really gave him a good impression. The Qi Family extinguish sect case before, hadn’t been possible if Chen Tianwen’s trust hadn’t been given to him. In the early days, this friendship is not nothing serious.

“That’s it, so, listen to me right, make some plans early, otherwise the accumulated jealousy can blow up people to pieces if there is an explosive point.”

Shen Hao sighed, also made himself a cup of tea, smiled a rare bitter smile, and said: “Chief Officer Chen, I am riding on the wall now and can’t get down.”

Shen Hao said this very vaguely, just a complaint. He has also been annoyed by the problem of standing in line recently, and he never thought whether Chen Tianwen could understand it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianwen seemed to understand it.

“Oh, it’s really uncomfortable to be sandwiched between Tang Hundred-troop and Chen Hundred-troop. In this way, you won’t be able to find a backer for the time being. If you don’t have a backer, those outside will be malicious to you. Intentions are unscrupulous.”

This is reality, and even the temporarily frightening violent organization like the Black Flag Army cannot escape. There is no backing, unless you never make a mistake, otherwise once someone catches the handle of the little bit, it will be consigned to eternal damnation.

“Chief Officer Chen’s eyes are still so sharp.” Shen Hao generously admitted the problems that bothered him, but would not express his own bias. What he pursues is to always give himself some leeway when talking to people.

Chen Tian asked Laoyouzi, why can’t I hear that Shen Hao has reservations, but he came today to “take the east wind”, he came prepared, so he doesn’t care whether Shen Hao treats him or not. There are reservations, but on the contrary it is more beneficial to him.

Just listen to Chen Tian’s question and continue to say: “In fact, Chief Officer Shen, you don’t have to be so entangled, either Tang Hundred-troop or Chen Hundred-troop, it’s actually not a big backer, facing Li City with so many honors. Noble and wealthy businessmen and their power will be slightly insufficient, even more how the situation in Fengri City above will only be more complicated. If you want to continue to mix in the Black Flag Army, then find a more reliable backer.”

“Oh? Chief Officer Chen is here to teach me today? Then Shen will listen carefully.”

“If you don’t dare to teach, just treat it as a small talk. Since Chief Officer Shen If you are willing to listen, let me first talk about Tang hunted-troop. Maybe Chief Officer Shen doesn’t know that Tang hunted-troop is actually a sect abandon?”

“Huh? Sect abandon?!”

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