There are actually not many children born on the same day, the same month, and the same year. Hundreds of newborns are born every day in a big city like Li City with millions of people.

However, it is rare to see a child who was born on the same day and on the same day and also disappeared.

Just after the second batch of statistical catalogues of each city came out, Shen Hao had an additional catalogue after classification in front of him, with a red number marked: eighteen.

A total of eighteen cases were “cases of the same disappearance from the same year, the same month, and the same day.”

These cases are scattered in more than a dozen cities in the Li City jurisdiction, some are in the city, some are rural villagers. If you look at the data in one place alone, you basically won’t notice the minutiae of “born on the same day and the same year”.

But once you look at the tens of cities in the entire Li City jurisdiction, the numbers listed are very dazzling.

One or two times can be regarded as a coincidence, but it will never be a coincidence since the eighteenth.

Someone is kidnapping children on purpose.

After discovering the clues, the first thing Shen Hao wanted to figure out was the birth dates in these “coincidences”. Why would anyone specifically select children born at these times for abduction? Do these times have any special meaning?

The two most recent times are: “The 9th day of September in the 13th year of the Jing old calendar” and “The 2nd day of the second month of the 17th year in Jing old calendar”.

Shen Hao has no research on the calendar of this World, but there are not a few people in the Black Flag Army who have studied this aspect. After all, many people like “hexagrams”, and “hexagrams” are closely related to calendars. Indivisible.

Zhang Liao is a person who Shen Hao knows has a deep research on calendar.

When he was called to the public housing estate, Zhang Liao only glanced at it and saw the special features of these two times.

“Chief Officer, the ninth day of September in the thirteenth year of the Jing old calendar is the yin year of the ninth year. The second day of the second month of the seventeenth year of the Jing old calendar is the yang month of the ninth year. Sun. This kind of time is generally called “Extreme Yin Day” and “Extreme Yang Day”.

In addition, if you push back or forward according to this time node, you can easily launch other ” Extreme Yin Day” and Extreme Yang Day.”

Extreme Yin Day?

Extreme Yang day?

Shen Hao puzzled: “Is there anything special about people born at these two times?”

“Yes, there are people born at these two times. The virgin body will carry the pure “Yin mai blood energy” and “Yang mai blood energy” respectively. Compared with the ordinary person, the child with these two kinds of blood energy is easier to cultivation. But once the virgin body is broken or After the age of thirteen, you no longer have these two kinds of bloodline breath.”

“Apart from this? Is there anything special?”

“Apart from this? This…” Zhang Liao thought about it carefully, but still shook his head to express his unclearness.

Shen Hao waved away Zhang Liao, and the few newly heard nouns remained lingering in his heart: Yin mai blood energy, Yang mai blood energy; Extreme Yin day, Extreme Yang day.

In order to understand these things, Shen Hao got up and walked out of the public house, and went to the Library Building in the sanitary ward.

Library Building is different from the case library. It can be open to all Profound Pure Guards around the clock for access to information or miscellaneous history.

It is richer than the Library Building in places. The Library Building of Profound Pure Guard mainly focuses on some things about cultivator.

Shen Hao entered the building and asked the attendant guarding the Library Building to help him find information about the “calendar” and “yin and yang blood energy”.

There are only two books.

The calendar book is very thick, and the cover is obviously worn. It can be seen that this book is often read. After all, there are many cultivators for practicing hexagrams. The calendar book can be used as a reference book.

The other book about blood energy of yin and yang is only a little thin, only a dozen pages inside.

It is just these dozen pages of content that Shen Hao has read three times over and over again.

There is a sentence mentioned in the book: Yin and Yang blood energy is the natural phenomenon of Heaven and Earth. Although it cannot last for a long time, there are many magical changes. There are many researches in the latecomers, but the ones who finally have results. It is very few.

At first glance, this sentence seems to be just the editor’s sentiment. But if you think deeper, you will find some strange problems: since “there are many latecomers who have research” and “few people who have results”, it means that there are more people who research and less results, but even if there are few, there are also The fruit comes out, but what about the fruit? Why is there nothing in the whole book except for some conceptually vague conclusions?

When I walked out of the Library Building, it was already evening. Shen Hao looked at the sunset on the falling slope and had a basic judgment in his mind about “there are many newcomers” and “little”.

It’s nothing more than the researchers mentioned in the book are not ordinary cultivators, and they are even in a hostile relationship with the cultivator in the general sense. Therefore, the research results of these enemies are naturally “few” and not at all. It is recorded, or these results involve some secrets that need to limit the scope of knowledge, so they are controlled.

Shen Hao can be regarded as an enemy cultivator by the general public, and Shen Hao naturally thinks of the heretic sect cultivator he has dealt with.

On the heretic sect cultivator, everything becomes complicated again.

Maybe more detailed information can be found in the Qianhu Office of Fengri City?

But Shen Hao thought for a while and temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​going to Fengri City. It is not the time yet.

Although I couldn’t find specific things in Library Building, it also gave Shen Hao a basic understanding of “calendar” and “yin and yang blood energy”.


2nd day.

Shen Hao separately brought up the case of this kind of disappearance in Li City. There were two cases in total.

One is the twenty-three years of the Jinglu calendar, three years have passed since now. The missing person was the son of Boss, a pork shop in East Market. His name was Ma Haotian. He was six years old at the time and was born on the second day of February in the seventeenth year of Jing’s calendar at Extreme Yang.

It is recorded in the dossier that because of the busy business day, Ma Haotian’s parents did not keep an eye on the child. In addition, the child often played outside the shop, so he didn’t see the child for a while and didn’t think about it. I thought the child had gone to frolic on the street again.

Wait until noon, the business dwindled, and the couple found out that they hadn’t seen the child for a long time, so they went to find the child, but the child was lost.

Every year afterwards, Ma Haotian’s parents would go to the Yamen to hand over the papers, but except for the first time they were collected by the Yamen, they did not respond to them.

The conclusion on the dossier is: the lack of clues is serious, and it cannot be tracked and retrieved, so it is temporarily shelved.

The other is the 22nd year of the Jing old calendar, four years have passed since then. The missing person was Liu Yan, who was nine years old at the time and was born on the ninth day of September in the thirteenth year of the Jingji calendar. He belonged to Extreme Yin Risheng. His family sold steamed buns near the west gate of Li City.

The situation in this case is exactly the same as the previous one. Parents were busy with business and temporarily ignored the child. When they turned their heads, the child was gone. After the report was reported, it became a backlog in Yamen due to limited clues and other reasons, and was shelved.

The reason why these two cases can be put in front of Shen Hao is because the two families still have a sigh of relief in their hearts, and they are not reconciled to their children disappearing so unclearly, so they will see you Go to the Black Flag Army to set up the copper cabinet and drop the letter inside.

giving medicine to a dead horse.

Perhaps, people should have such a breath.

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