Zhan Wenlin, Yang Kaishi, and Wang Da, as Wyvern knew, these three were on the six-man list given to him by Shen Hao. But Cheng Xu and Wang Jingci, these two people what the hell is that?

“Don’t let others know about this, do you understand?” Wyvern said as he took out a fifty-two tael banknote and placed it in his opponent’s hand.

“Okay, fly to Big Brother Long, do I continue to stay in this restaurant?”

“No, you go to the south hut and hide for two days. I will arrange for you later.”

“Okay.” After this person said, he turned around and moved towards the south and left quickly.

Wyvern also followed the alley and walked through two dark blocks back to a simple ruined house.

In Fengri City, wyvern rented a total of nine such cottages, scattered around the four city gates of Fengri City, East, South, West, and North. They are all unremarkable alleys, which belong to the dead corners of the block. position.

As wyvern told Shen Hao before, he found five people to come and help him, but these five people didn’t know each other’s existence. They only knew that wyvern asked them to come and stare. Today Staring at this tomorrow, maybe I will change it, and sometimes I will get some details. Things change quickly, and no one knows what wyvern is going to do.

Wyvern rented five houses for these five people. In the other four rooms, he changed his residence every day, which can be said to be extremely cautious.

No words for a night, wyvern went out as soon as daybreak, all the way from Transmission Formation back to Li City, and then through the back door of the Profound Pure Guard Black Flag Army station, still in the dark torture room I saw Shen Hao in the room.

Shen Hao was a little surprised at the sudden arrival of wyvern, because it means that wyvern is most likely to have encountered an accident.

“What’s the matter?”

“Chief Officer Shen, 17 people from the Population Department went to a restaurant in Fengri City yesterday to have a drink. I inquired about the news in advance and arranged A man disguised himself as a shop assistant, and then he found an important piece of information in the wing room!”

“Don’t sell it, say it!”

“The person who pretends to be a shop assistant has an ability The nose is better than a dog, so I asked him to get closer and smell it. It turned out that five of the seventeen mouths were actually tainted with the fragrance of floating spirit stone!”

Shen Hao hearing this heart burst, but he didn’t express it on his face. Instead, he smiled and asked: “Did I ask you to arrange for someone to get close to the target?”

“Huh? Chief Officer, I, I figured it out by myself. Didn’t you just start to make me stare people secretly after hearing the smell of floating spirit stone when I mentioned the floating spirit stone? I thought that just staring at these people is meaningless. These are some weak scholars who have a suitable opportunity, so let people get closer…Chief Officer, I, I am not bad for your major event, right?”

wyvern It seemed that he had taken it for granted only now, and if things weren’t what he thought it would be self-defeating, he was shocked instantly.

Shen Hao indifferent expression of shook the head, with an undiminished smile but a cold tone: “It is a good thing to have an idea, but why don’t you notify me in advance? It is possible to decapitate in Profound Pure Guard without permission. The fault.”

“Chief Officer, I, I dare not do it next time, I am wrong! I…” Wyvern’s legs are soft when he hears the word “decapitate”. Kneeling on the ground is ready to cry.

“Okay. You are not a member of Profound Pure Guard. You are not thinking about cutting your head for the time being. Get up and make it clear what you just said.”

“Huh? Oh oh Oh! Chief Officer, my people came back and said that there are five people with the fragrance of floating spirit stone. Three of them are on the six-person list you gave me. They are Chief Officer Zhan Wenlin, Lieutenant Yang Kaishi, and the leader of the team. Da, the remaining two are not on the list, one is Cheng Xu and the other is Wang Jingci. Both of these two people are the xiaolangguans in the Population Department.”

The xiaolangguans are actually equivalent to Generally do things.

“How long can the scent of the floating spirit stone be on my body?”

“According to the person under me, he can smell the scent of the floating spirit stone that was contaminated five days ago at most , After a long time, I will be too indifferent to ask questions.”

Shen Hao was silent again.

Wyvern is not Wang Jian and Zhang Liao, so I can’t tell him many things.

“I remember that floating spirit stone is not a market transaction item. It is only rationed in the army and Profound Pure Guard. In the yamen, only a few government officials can apply for it, and the number is very small. These people How did the floating spirit stone aroma come from? You should have a way to figure it out?”

Wyvern knew that you can’t hide your clumsiness at this time, nodded and said: “There will be no floating spirit stone vendors in the world, even if It is also a material controlled by the Imperial Court without fighting. If you want to buy it, you can only go to the black market. Hehe, I basically know the middle of the floating spirit stone in the 43 city black market in Fengri City jurisdiction. It is not difficult to inquire, but it is not difficult. It takes some time.”

“How long?”

“Four days.”

“Three days, I want more than you The news that these five people bought the floating spirit stone will be checked by all the rest of the population department.”

“Ah?! Chief Officer, this……”

“peng!” Shen Hao slapped Wyvern with a slap on the table. When he moved his palm away, it was two silver notes with a denomination of 1,000.

“The small guarantee will be done in three days!”

“Very good. Also pay attention not to get involved with me in this matter.”

” The little one understands.”

It’s easy to do things if you have money, but the two thousand taels in wyvern is enough for him to continue fighting. Moreover, it is really not difficult for him to check the origin of the floating spirit stones in the hands of a few people.

Wyvern left happily, but the smile on Shen Hao’s face quickly disappeared, browsing tightly frowns.

According to Shen Hao’s original plan, wyvern, as a surprise soldier, is not used to catch the breakthrough of the case, but to secretly arrange the officials of the Population Division of Fengri City. When the time is right, the Black Flag Army will officially Before he started, he had to stand up, but wyvern arbitrarily took the initiative, but he seemed to pull away a bit, which somewhat disrupted his plan.

After all, the Population Division of Fengri City is only Shen Hao’s unilateral suspicion. Before the suspicion of the Li City Population Division is completely ruled out, all actions can only be carried out secretly or even prosthetic hands.

But now things are forcing Shen Hao to take more risks.

Shen Hao secretly calculated: All officials of the Fengri City Population Department are ordinary persons without a cultivation base, and only six people have the opportunity to have access to the population registers reported in various places. The background of the six people seems to be okay, and there is no sign of crossover with the heretic sect cultivator…

Previously, Zhang Liao raised two huge doubts, one is the identity of the criminal, the other is The method used by the criminal to lock the target. Just look at the last doubt. If the crime is committed within the Population Division, then this doubt can be passed. But in this way, there will be one more doubtful point, and that is “the motive for committing the crime.”

In the beginning, Shen Hao’s motive for committing the crime was based on the “yin and yang blood energy” judgment as a heretic sect cultivator, but if the internal personnel of the Population Department commit a crime, this motive will be a question mark.

Unless the people from the Population Division and the heretic sect cultivator collude with each other?

PS: Don’t shout Court Eunuch Court Eunuch, it’s chilly. In addition, this is not a cool text, you need to slowly open the world, don’t worry.

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