All night, I stared at Zhao Chongwu’s house with no fewer than five pairs of eyes, but not long after the sky went dark, the lights of Zhao Chong’s fifth house went out.

Until the 2nd day dawn, I saw Zhao Chongwu’s full of energy come out from home early in the morning and bought a porridge bun for breakfast. Then I went to the Yamen office without any rush. .

“This person’s life is so monotonous!” Zhang Liao stayed all night, thinking that he could see something different, but who would think that Zhao Chongwu was actually recorded by wyvern before. In that way, going bad, going bad, eating, sleeping, it’s so monotonous.

“Tell the people with him not to follow too badly. Just hang away from the yamen and don’t beat the grass to scare the snake.”

“Yes. “

Everything seems to be going well, but Shen Hao always feels something is wrong. For example, this Zhao Chongwu is too ordinary. Is this kind of person really the perpetrator of a series of disappearances such as the Liu Yan case?

These have always been question marks in Shen Hao’s heart.

“Chief Officer, the person who was watching came back and Zhao Zhongwu entered the Yamen. The rest of the staff stared at all the entrances and exits of the Yamen. Once he came out, he would not miss it.”

” , Then let’s go, go to his house and have a look.”

Shen Hao pushed the door out, followed by two others. One is Zhang Liao’s expert who is best at searching, the other is Zhang Liao himself, plus Shen Hao, a total of three people.

There are no courtyards in the houses on the old street of Xicheng. They are connected in rows. The structure of each house is similar. Generally, it is a bedroom, a kitchen, and another wash room.

So even if there are only three people inside, it is already fast enough to go through the cabin.

The Magical Artifact was used to cover Zhao Chong’s five-foot square, and the three of them gathered at the door.

“Chief Officer, there are no mechanical arms and legs on the door, and there is no secret array. It is an ordinary brass lock with a bolt. I can open it without damage, and then I can restore it.”

“Well, open it and let’s go in.”

Shen Hao’s tone barely fell heard a click, and the brass lock of the latch hung on the door was directly opened. This is surprisingly neat.

As soon as the door opened, there was a musty smell inside. It was the kind of smell caused by the dampness of the ground without ventilation for a long time. This kind of smell is not uncommon in the houses of Xicheng Old Street, because of this The room beside it is very poorly ventilated and very humid.

I opened the door but no one rushed in. After carefully shaking every inch of the door with his eyes, Zhang Lao took the lead. The search expert came in second, Shen Hao. Go at the end.

I just came in and glanced around, Shen Hao’s first feeling was “poverty”, just like the homes of the lowest-level people he had visited, although he was really poor even though he couldn’t talk about being a housewife. In addition to tables, chairs and benches, there is only a narrow bed and a single cabinet.

Who can associate this kind of family background with a yamen team leader? This life is far worse than many industrious ordinary persons.

There must be demons when things happen!

“Search! Don’t let go of any corners. But pay attention to recovery, so that no traces can be left.”

With an order, Zhang Lao and Zhang Lao started to move, one person and one room, cautiously Then he started rummaging quickly.

The first thing to be found out was a palm-size disc, full of copper and yellow, with some complicated mana patterns on it. From the inscription on the back, it can be seen that this thing is fried in the black market. The very popular “Hundred US Plates”. There is also a box on the side with three floating spirit stones, one of which is already a little dim.

But… they didn’t find the crime tool Shen Hao wanted to see most: the kind of Magical Artifact that can conceal the perception of half a street under the condition of top secret.

“Why didn’t there?!”

No matter what Zhang Liao and two people searched for, they simply couldn’t find the shadow of criminal tools in the three rooms.

Shen Hao is also looking for, but he didn’t always think about finding tools for crime. The house is just that big, and Zhang Liao and the two are not laymen. They haven’t found it after looking for it for so long. Most of them are not there or they are not in this house anymore.

Shen Hao couldn’t find the tool for crime. He felt that he could look for something else carefully. He was sure that Zhao Chongwu had a problem. He did not believe that the other party’s daily life would be covered up without a weak spot, and he would always stay. What’s right next.

There is nothing special in the bedroom. There is nothing special about the single cabinet besides a hundred beautiful plates and a box of three floating spirit stones… Wait a minute!

Shen Hao remembers clearly that Zhao Chongwu bought floating spirit stones half a year ago. He bought two of them at that time. It was more than half a year ago, and he also bought two of them. In other words, in more than a year, he bought a total of four floating spirit stones, and now he still has three?

So how many times does he use Baimeipan? Or is the Baimei Pan just a deceptive thing?

This person really has a problem.

After that, I went to the washroom. There was nothing but two wooden buckets and water scoops here. It was just… living alone, so you need such a big two. A barrel? Even if you take a bath, you don’t need two, right?

I went to the kitchen again. It is as simple as it is. In addition to the ordinary pots and pans, there are two large pots. Why do you need two such large pots? Isn’t this kind of pot usually used in the same place as a dining hall? There is also a big back basket in the corner.

In addition to the big pot, in a corner of the kitchen, Shen Hao also saw two bamboo utensils covered with cloth, which looked like steaming grids, but they were thick, three inches long, and large. , It is estimated that putting a whole pig on it can hold it. Looking at the big pot again, Shen Hao suddenly understood that this big pot and this steaming grid should be used together.

It’s just…what are the steaming grids and pots so big?

Shen Hao got closer, wiped it in the big pot with his hand, then rubbed the fingers of his hand, it was a little slippery, and then he got close to the nose and smelled it. There is no peculiar smell, only a very light meaty fragrance. . This shows that this pot has been used recently.

I also tried the test steaming grid, and the above is the same, there is a very light meaty aroma.

For a period of time, Zhang Lio and Zhang Liao gave up on searching with sullen expression, and there will be no gain if they search further, unless they start to dig the ground, which is obviously inappropriate now.

“Check again, no omissions or traces are allowed, and then go.”


Check again and again that no intrusion is left After the traces, the search expert also used a special deodorant to remove all the subtle odors left after the three people entered. In this regard, Profound Pure Guard is the top expert who sneaks into the house.

Seeing Zhang Liao’s face a little vented, Shen Hao shook his head and said: “Tell me about your findings.”

Shen Hao naturally took the opportunity to test his subordinates. If Zhang Liao had no insight on human abilities, he would not be sent out by Shen Hao to do basic-level investigations in the future.

“If you go back to Chief Officer, the subordinates think that Zhao Chongwu shouldn’t really live alone. At least someone will come to his house to take a bath or bath from time to time, otherwise there will be no two big wooden barrels. In addition, The Baimei plate that Zhao Chongwu bought should be just a concealer. He probably hasn’t used it much. Otherwise, after more than a year, there will be no more than three floating spirit stones left.”

“Are there any more?”

“This…the subordinate is dull, please ask the Chief Officer to be correct!”

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