Wang Jian’s mind is much more delicate than Zhang Lao’s, and he has spent a long time with Shen Hao. He has learned a lot of front-line investigative experience, and analyzed it to get to the core of the problem.

“Zhan Wenlin never fished, but he declared that he likes to feed fish. There is a big fish pond in his backyard with more than ten big fishes. But I personally went to see it in disguise, it was not that at all. Grow colorful ornamental fish species, but meat-eating pike fish and tabby fish. This kind of fish is a scourge, and generally does not produce at all in the waters. Only the weak water in Jingdong is out, and we rarely see it here. I I also saw it when I went to Jingdong with my father a few years ago.

I asked the servants of the Zhan Family, and they said that the rations of these more than a dozen fish cost ten silver a month. Tael goes up. And Zhan Wenlin feeds the fish by himself, and never fakes his hands.”

Shen Hao was a little puzzled and asked, “Even so, what’s the problem with these fish?”

“Chief Officer, if it’s just that’s all, I didn’t really think about it at the time. I just thought that Zhan Wenlin’s interest was a bit special. But when I approached the fish pond and stayed for a while, I found it strange. , I actually felt a bit cold from my feet on the edge of the pool.”

“en?” Shen Hao let out a startled surprise and motioned Wang Jian to continue.

“It’s Yin Qi, Chief Officer! I feel Yin Qi scattered from the fish pond. It doesn’t take long to stand on the side and feel the cold, and the coldness can be felt along the feet of the body.”

Shen Hao hearing this raised his brow.

Yin Qi, Heaven and Earth owns it, but it will not affect the living beings, unless some Yin Qi Converging Ground will be thicker. Yin Qi, like Yang Qi, is the foundation of balance in the world and is everywhere.

However, if the spirits with spiritual wisdom accumulate after their death, excess Yin Qi will be generated and gathered on the spot. After a long time, Yin Qi will linger or become cold and cold.

Wang Jian’s discovery is actually just one sentence: There are many people who have died unjustly in the fish pond.

In addition, the fish in the fish pond are all carnivorous. Shen Hao has reason to speculate that the fish inside is not just the “fish food” bought from the market, but may also have something special.

“Anything else?”

“Yes. Zhan Wenlin’s wife is actually blind. She has been blind for many years. It is said that she was blind before giving birth. It’s just that it’s very outside. Few people know. Also, Zhan Wenlin lived in the hut next to the study for many years and did not share the same room with his wife. In addition, Zhan Wenlin’s two children looked very different from Zhan Wenlin, and his subordinates suspected that they were not related to Zhan Wenlin at all.”

The wife is blind, and the child does not seem to be her own. It sounds like Shen Hao feels deja vu.

“What do you think?”

“The subordinates thought that Zhan Wenlin was acting for everyone to see. The information he had previously filed in the Yamen case library seemed complete and complete. It is clear, but if you carefully examine it, you will find that before he was admitted to school, all the people who could be corroborated were dead, which means that Zhan Wenlin’s past can not find a living person who can help him to corroborate.

I feel that there is a problem here. A person’s past impossible is so naturally cut so clean, unless it is deliberately done.”

Wang Jian only investigated Zhao Chongwu’s family from Yucheng before. When the background comes back, Zhao Chongwu and Zhan Wenlin are most likely to be in the same group, so Wang Jian will naturally suspect that Zhan Wenlin’s family background is also a forgery. The only difference is that currently he cannot use direct means to verify his guess with Zhan Wenlin’s home.

Seeing Wang Jian’s determined eyes, Shen Hao just clicked nodded and did not comment. Compared with Zhang Liao, Wang Jian is indeed more daring and capable of thinking.

“However, we did not see anything belonging to a cultivator in the Zhan Family, nor did we feel any True Qi fluctuations in his family. Including Zhan Wenlin, the entire Zhan Family are ordinary people. .

Oh, by the way, Chief Officer, I don’t know if it’s my illusion. I always feel that Zhan Wenlin laughs fakely, even though he is laughing all the time.”

” How do you say it?”

“Didn’t we get the “water” in their backyard? Although the fire was not big, it also spread to a warehouse, which is said to have some belongings. It stands to reason. Everyone is annoyed when encountering this kind of thing, but Zhan Wenlin still smiles, but I can clearly see the deep depression and upset in his eyes, as if he is used to laughing.”

Get used to laughing? There is no such habit. Either it is sick, or it is hiding something with a smile.

That night, not only Shen Hao did not close his eyes for a moment, but the entire Black Flag Army, including the hundreds-troop guards on the reinforcements side, waited for no one to close their eyes until dawn. They rested in batches.

The changes that I thought would happen but did not appear at all.

In the morning, just after breakfast, a Profound Pure Guard spy hurriedly found Shen Hao and reported to Zhang Lao’s latest situation.

“Hey, Zhao Chongwu kidnapped another child in Pingjiang City, an Extreme Yin Day and an Extreme Yang Day. He is now rushing back to Fengri City. It is estimated that he will choose someone in the early morning or late at night. When I’m young, through Transmission Formation, let the people below cheer up and don’t miss the minute. Hmph, maybe it’s time to close the network tonight.”

“Tonight? But the one in the dark. Heretic sect cultivator…”

“Can’t wait any longer, time doesn’t wait for me. Moreover, no trace of heretic sect cultivator has been found so far. It is inevitable to adjust the focus of investigation properly. No need to talk about it, let’s get ready!”

Shen Hao interrupted Wang Jian’s words. Indeed, if the heretic sect cultivator does not have a clue, it may break the clues. But Shen Hao can’t wait any longer. Zhao Chongwu will definitely move when he comes back. If he waits any longer, what will happen to the two children who were captured by Zhao Chongwu? Does it matter? That is impossible.

So no matter what, Shen Hao will definitely take down Zhao Chongwu and Zhan Wenlin before the two children are damaged.


After nightfall, the pedestrians on the street became less crowded, and because the public entrances and exits of the Transmission Formation were closed on time, the doors could fall. But no one knew that the Profound Pure Guard spies had been guarding the building next to the Transmission Formation special passage for two days.

As the watchman sang Zizheng, a silhouette carrying a basket suddenly walked out of the special passage of Transmission Formation.

It is Zhao Chongwu!

The eyes of the spies in the dark were bright, and they could see from Zhao Chongwu’s footsteps that there was some weight in the back basket behind him, which was completely different from the brisk steps of this person when he left before.

Zhao Chongwu still didn’t notice it, he just moved quickly towards the direction of his home in Xicheng Old Street. He didn’t know that there were fifty Profound Pure Guard people on the path he was traveling. ambush.

Shen Hao has already issued an order, and everyone uses Zhao Chongwu and Zhan Wenlin as the core to shrink the encirclement.

As Zhao Chong entered the house on May 1, the three best agents of the Black Flag Army jumped onto the roof of his house, opened the tiles, and silently looked at Zhao Chongwu’s inside the house. Every move.

Shen Hao also jumped on the roof of Zhao Chongwu’s fifth house. He wanted to see with his own eyes what Zhao Chongwu was doing to capture these children.

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