Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 19 - Test Of Speed

*Aurora's POV*

Just before the instructions were issued, I noticed that a new member of the council, Thalia Zeraf was talking to Kaler. It seemed that she was rather pissed as well. Then again, she always wore that frown in her face. For a freshman, she was quite intimidating. She was no slouch when it came to magic either. Kaler seems rather exasperated with her, so I suppose it had something to do with me.

I chuckled at the thought. "Hey Aurora! Who is that guy you were dragging along by the way? New boy toy?" a girl asked mischievously beside me. I turned to see a blonde girl with brown eyes and fair skin looking at me in anticipation. She was wearing a dark blue dress. Lindsey Callahan. She was the beauty of the school, probably the only one whose popularity exceeded mine. Although, I always saw her as a seductress and a mean girl.

"You think you much Ms Callahan. He is just an old friend of mine." I replied in a neutral tone. However, deep down, unbeknownst to me, I thought differently.

"Come on Aurora, everyone knows that holding hands is the most affection you show anyone! You never even hug your previous boyfriends, if you could even call them that. This guy must be something more..." she reasoned and tried to pry. However, I did not let up. Although, I did take what she said into consideration. It was true that I was not one to show affection. Come to think of it, I only ever did that to Kaler. I hesitated to call my previous flings" lovers" merely pests that tried to win my favour.

A back haired boy walked to the starting line. I propped my head on my elbow and watched with little interest. I was only interrsted in watching Kaler, thought I knew he would be the best. The test of speed was in the form of a hundred meter sprint. Physical enhancement was allowed, but few could actually do it. Kaler was the last in line, this was going it be very boring.

A blank was fired and a "bang" rang into the air. The boy took off, leaving embers where his feet touched. I could tell he wanted to use magic to quicken his pace, but all it succeeded in doing was starting a tiny flame on the track. He completed the sprint in 30 seconds, panting from exhaustion and on the ground. He overexerted himself, had he just ran normally, he would not have been this burnt out. Using his magic only burned his energy.

"Wow. He was kinda pathetic don't you think? What is he trying to do? Start a campfire?" Lindsey commented. Her remarks were extremely unnecessary and hurtful, but I paid her no attention.

A few more contestants stepped up. Nothing spectacular happened, it looked more like a try out for the athletics club than a magic club. Then, a bulky and tall figure stepped up to the line. I recognised him, he was the one who was bullying Kaler in the store room, before I saved him.

I gripped on to the bench tightly with both my palms. I felt anger swell within just looking at his smug round face. He shouldnt be here... Unconsciously, the air started to drop to freezing temperatures and ice started to form where my hands gripped.

"Hey! Calm down, what's wrong?" Lindsey asked. I realised what I was doing and thawed the ice. However, my anger was not quelled. I wanted to freeze the blood in his veins. "Oh...that ugly brute. Tried to hit on me a few times. His name is Laurence Dirk. Heard he comes from a family of small mages. He is also a total jerk. What did he do to you?" she asked. I did not answer, instead focusing my vision on him.

As the blank was fired, I heard him yell an incantation." Ignus Acele!" upon saying that, he took off, leaving a small trial of fire behind him. He successfully used fire to enhance his speed, slightly impressive. He completed the course in 12 seconds.

I was disgusted that everyone was in awe of that. He flexed his muscles, then threw a glance at me. To top of his atrocious behavior, he blew me a kiss. I could feel myself throw up in my mouth. This disgusting vermin should be lucky his is alive.

Soon, it was Thalia's turn. I lenses forward and leaned on my palms which were propped on my knees. She readied herself, and the blank was fired. She muttered her incantation and the wind started picking up the moment she opened her mouth. "Gale launch!" she yelled. With a sudden boom and strong gust of wind, she pushed herself off and launched from the starting point. That launch allowed her to to clear half of the track in 3 seconds. The rest of the way, I could see a trail behind her, the wind was speeding her up. She finished the course in 8 seconds. An impressive showing. She pretty much solidified her lead, no one should be able to beat her. From my peripheral vision, I saw Laurence in a rage, his nose was flaring, his face looked red.

I was grateful that Thalia could disgrace him. I caught her staring at me, and I nodded at her, flashing her a thumbs up. Upon seeing it, her usually serious and solemn face became over the moon. She was jumping around like an intoxicated butterfly.

"Alistair Rafael. To the starting line." I heard. I looked over and saw the play boy removing his jacket and tossing it to the bench. I never realised quite how if he actually was. But still, he was a playboy. He readied himself. "Bang!" The blank was fired. To my surprise, his reflexes were quick, he took off, leaving a trail of black and red fire where ever he stepped. My eyes widened seeing it. Hellfire. It was rare to see it and witness one wielding it. He also was capable of physical enhancement without incantation. He blazed through with little effort, finishing in 9 seconds, just under Thalia. At the end he was not panting, he was in mint condition. I would be lying if I said I was not impressed, because I was. The one who was really impressed though, was Lindsey. She was basically fawning over him

"Oh. My. God. Alistair Rafael was it? I heard of him. I never knew he was so good at magic. But what was that fire he left behind?" She sounded like a fan girl and it was slightly sickening.

"Hellfire. Second rarest and second most dangerous flame any magic user can produce. Impressive." I said bluntly.

"Are you smitten too Aury? We should go ask for his number after this." Lindsey suggested. Hearing her call my name like that disgusted me for some reason. The air around me became frigid and I looked at her with murderously. She started shivering and moving away from the cold and form fear.

"Never. Ever! Call me that. And I want absolutely nothing to do with that playboy." I answered sharply. Lindsey chuckled and continued moving away. I could see fear reflected in her eyes.

"Kaler Dakrun. To the starting line." The moment I heard Kaler's name, I ended the blizzard and gleefully looked forward. Lindsey saw this and had a vexed expression written all over her face.

"Next is your new boy toy huh? I heard he is just some scrawny nobody, what do you see-" Lindsey was about to comment. My blood boiled when I heard her call Kale a nobody and I raised my finger to her face. A cold wind blasted out from it and encased her mouth in ice. I did not reply, only staring her down. She stared back at the track in shame and fear.

I looked back and saw Kaler in the ready position. I knew he could finish this instantly if he wanted to. But it would seem like he was teleporting. Kaler closed his eyes, he was probably thinking the same thing. So…what is he going to do. After a few seconds of agonising anticipation, the umpire pulled the trigger. The moment the blank was fired, lightning erupted from Kaler's body like an explosion. The bolts wer so violent that it scorched the ground around him. All the students and even Ms Black had to cover her eyes. They next thing they new, a typhoon like gust of wind blew through the track and paper started flying in all directions. When they open their eyes, their jaws all dropped to see Kaler at the finish line.. Their astonishment only increased seeing his timing.

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