Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 29 - Gaia, Mother Earth

I gently peeled Aurora off from me. Letting her sit next to me. She leaned on my arm and used it as her personal tissue, silently sobbing. It still pained me to look at her, but Volt had something important to say, so I had to ignore it for now. "What is it Volt?" I asked as I stoked Aurora's head, and her silky light blue hair.

"Well, my lord, you said you heard a female voice correct?" He asked. I simply nodded in confirmation. "As we have also observed, a cataclysmic event of this scale can is unprecedented. In fact, its impossible. Never in history has a magnitude 10 earthquake ever been observed. Anything beyond that is simply abusrd. Additionally, an earthquake that travels? That is simply no possible."

I nodded in agreement with his words, still not fully sure what he was implying. "I think you might already know this master, but I suspect that a disaster of this scale can only be caused by one of us. A Draconic Elemental Avatar." What he said finally made sense. Realisation dawned on my face. "Specifically, I believe the one who contacted you is the Avatar of the Earth, Gaia."

With one question answered, a million more take its place. Many things still did not make sense to me. "Why did Gaia unleash her powers in this way? Furthermore, she sounded so kind, she warned me to run. Why would she resort to such destruction?"

"It is true that Gaia is quite the gentle and benevolent being. In fact, I would consider her the most generous out of all of us. I have a theory as to why she is doing this. When the previous progenitor passes, or dies in battle, or gives up the mantle, relinquishing the gauntlets, the gauntlets release their power, and the avatars within. We are typically scattered into the vast unknown. I suspect Gaia had returned to the the earth, hiding in a cavern, waiting to be reawoken." I was in awe listening to all this. It sounded like fairy tale.

"However, I suspect that her return was cataclysed, provoked in some way. It would cause her powers to rush out violently, especially if she was discovered by someone who was not the king." I realised what he was getting at now.

"So you are saying that someone found her and as a result her violent outburst caused this disaster?" I asked, straightening out the facts. "Then if we find her, can we stop this?" I asked eagerly. Aurora had stopped crying a while ago, unknown to me, she had be listening almost the whole time. Also unknown to me, she was now staring at me with concerned eyes. Volt nodded as response to my question. "Then how do we find her?" I asked eagerly, if there was a chance of preventing the destruction of our home, I had to take it.

"NO!" I heard a voice beside me yell. I got startled and turned to see Aurora hugging my arms tightly, refusing to let go. Her eyes were starting to well with tears again and she was pouting. She looked like child who was about to cry. "You are not going anywhere! You need to be safe! What will your parents say..."

I hesitated hearing her words. That one sentence harboured immense fear. She was mortified. She was gripping onto me even tighter now. The tears in her eyes were gathering and would overflow at any second. "I'm sorry, Aury. I have to do this. I can solve this. Let me."

"Then I am coming with you!" She said with melancholic determination. I was taken aback. Her eyes were fierce now. I knew there was no way I could force her to reconsider. She was going to do this regardless of what I said. I sighed and nodded in defeat. Her face brightened a little and she smiled tightly. She shoved her face back into my arm, trying to hide her tears.

"So, how do I find Gaia?" I asked Volt once more. Volt cupped his chin with his hand, staring at the ground, drowning in his thoughts.

"I suspect that if you focus on the voice, and meditate on it, you might be able to pick up on where it is coming from." He suggested. Without another choice, I shrugged and decided to give it a try. I looked to Aurora who was watching me with concerned eyes. I tried to give her a reassuring look so that she wouldn't bawl her eyes out again. She looked like a puppy as she stared at me. It breaks me everytime.

I closed my eyes tight, like a wave was about to hit me straight in the face. I opened my palms and relaxed my whole body. I thought long and hard about Gaia's voice. I thought about it's gentleness, its earthy warmth.

The next thing I knew, I felt intense energy rushing through my body and my body felt alive. The energy was not like Volt's which was surging and energetic. This one was slow, comfortable and warm. I opened my eyes to see Aurora staring at me in bewilderment. I looked down at my palms and saw the same brown energy at sea before rushing out of my hands like a geyser.

The energy formed a cloud in the family room. It slowly moulded into the head of a dragon. It was reptilian like, more like a lizard's head as compared to Volt's. It's eyes were much more gentle than ferocious, having a warm blue colour. I felt at east just looking at it. The head started moving like an animated cartoon, looking around the room as if amazed. Then, it trained its eyes on me, and smiled. I felt warm inside, just looking at it. Now I understood the term, "Mother Earth"

"Am I speaking to Gaia?" I asked the head. The head slowly nodded, almost sleepily.

"You are, Master." It was the same voice, it was the one who told me to run at the pier. I could almost feel myself tear up from the joy and relief I felt. It was strange, I have never met Gaia, or even heard of her, yet, she felt so comforting. "I am Gaia. Avatar of Earth."

"Thank you for saving me at the pier, but I must ask…Why are you doing this." The head slowly shook itself, denying my statement.

"None of this, is my doing, my lord. I would never harm this precious world, let alone you. My duty is to be your familiar, one who would stand beside you and protect you at all cost. I am to take care of you, and the very ground we walk on. I would never cause such a calamity of my own free will. " The head bowed in response. It was solemn. It was almost depressed. My heart broke jsut looking at Gaia in such a miserable state.

"I will find you. I will awaken you. Tell me where you are." I begged desperately. I felt a deep connection to Gaia. I felt even more compelled than before to rescue her.

"I have been slumbering underground, master, waiting for your return. Now, you are finally here. Our king has finally awoken. However, I was rudely awoken by foolish and callous humans. They stumbled across my crystal core, they planned to use me for their own purposes. My spirit was provoked to attack, though it was not what I wanted. I had no control. It was self defence. I deeply apologise." The head bowed once more. She definitely had a certain disdain for the people who woke her up.

"So how do I find you?" I asked, even more desperate now. I was on my feet, ready to take action immediately. However, when I asked that question, the head closed its eyes and bowed even further. My anger dissipated and was replaced by instant sadness.

"I do not know, master. I deeply apologise. What I do know, is that the gauntlets will lead you to me soon. There will be an opportunity when…" Gaia hesitated. She looked frightened. I was almost scared to ask her to continue, but I had to know.

"When?" I asked with bated breath.

"When West Ourannos is destroyed."

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