Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 31 - Family, Friends

I heard the incessant and obnoxious blaring of a bullhorn. The sound reverberated through the large room and echoed in my head. I frowned with my eyes still tightly sealed. This damn sound will be the death of me one day.

I groggily opened my heavy eyelids and tried reaching beside me to turn off my alarm. However, instead of my phone, I accidentally hit the windowpane really hard. I felt a jolt of pain run up my hand like wildfire. "AH!" I screamed and suddenly it felt like my whole body was awake. I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking to my right and seeing the window that I hit. I forgot that I slept at Aurora's. I looked down and realised that I was sleeping on the seat next to the window, not on the bed in the room. I was confused and tried to recall what happened last night. However, my head was empty, I did not even remember how I fell asleep, the last thing I remember was calling my parents.

The irritating bullhorn alarm started playing again. I got frustrated and started walking around the room to find my phone. I eventually found it on the table next to the bed. I broke into a hasty walk and silenced the alarm, finally. I just remembered that I told Aurora to be awake at 5am. I frantically fumbled with my phone in my hands and checked the time. I was astonished to see that it was 5 am on the dot. I was relieved that I was not late, at the same time, I did not remember setting an alarm for 5. What the hell happened? Why can't I remember anything?

I shook off the thoughts for now and flung the door open to leave the room. The moment I stepped out and almost ran down the stairs, the door next to me was also swung open. I screeched to a halt before I could even run down the stairs, and simply watched in awe as a beautiful angel with light blue hair came out wearing a night gown and robe. The robe was open though. She was lazily stretching her arms and yawning in a polite manner. She rubbed her tired eyes and looked at me with a small smile.

"Good morning…" She said, her voice still not fully awake. It was still slightly hoarse. She likely just woke up as well. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"I…uh…I guess? I…don't remember what happened or how I fell asleep…" I admitted, scratching the back of my head in embarrassment. Aurora's smile grew wider and she giggled a little. It was irresistibly cute. I felt my face heat up a little and my still sleeping brain turn into mush.

"Nothing? Nothing at all?" She ask as she leaned in closer, bending her head down below my chest, looking up at me playfully. I'll be honest, it was hard to focus on just her face. I looked up instead, feeling my face become as hot as an iron. She must have realised. "You're blushing. Hehe, what's wrong?"

"Ask yourself that question!" I blurted out impulsively and walked past her. All I could hear was her giggling softly and her soft footsteps following me closely. Honestly, what is her deal? To think this is the girl that treats everyone coldly, without a second thought…

I quickly took a seat on the couch and reached for the remote. I pressed the big red power button and it was already conveniently on the news channel. I felt the space next to me sink as Aurora took her seat, close to me. She was a mere centimetre away from me, her eyes focused on the television.

"Today, the country-destroying earthquake, which scientists have called the OmegaQuake has once again increased in it's speed. It is expected to reach West Ourannos by 715 am. On top of that, it has also started to cause small tsunamis on Central Ourannos. Thankfully, the gyroscopic systems and foundations of the man-made island can withstand it. They need only evacuate the people in the danger zones." I frowned at the report, Aurora did too. We were going to meet up with mine and Aurora's parents at 7am at the airport. Unfortunately, no fissure has appeared, meaning we don't have the chance to save the country before we have to leave.

"No fissure huh? Guess we have to wait…" She said, sighing at our misfortune.

"The problem is, if we are on the jet, escaping, how will we make an excuse to go back to Ourannos? Our parents definitely won't let us, and I can't tell them about my powers." I asked, scratching my chin. "Should have thought of this earlier…". It was futile to sit here and lament and just think. "I'll send Volt to scout ahead for awhile, let's get ready to meet our folks." I said, turning to Aurora

She simply replied by nodding and she left to go upstairs. I asked Volt to change my clothes for me and summoned him. I walked with him to the backyard and watched as he disintegrated and shot up in into a sky like a reverse lightning bolt. As he did, cloud gathered above Ourannos. the sheer power of these avatar… was still something beyond my comprehension. Volt could make storms at will, Gaia seemed to be able to tear a whole continent, nay , the whole word apart if she so wished, why would they be so obedient to some puny human like me?

"Hey. So you were out here?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned behind to see Aurora wearing a navy blue dress, the skirt only reaching her knees. The dress was sleeveless, allowing others to see her pale, yet perfect complexion. "Let's go?"

I blinked to bring myself back to reality and nodded. We both walked out of the house, ensuring everything was turned off first. A car was already waiting outside, in anticipation of heavy traffic, heavier than yesterday. The driver held the door for us. Aurora gracefully got in in a single fluid motion and I followed her. The door closed shortly after and the driver got in promptly, driving us to the airport.

We sat in silence for the whole trip, through the heavy bustling traffic, all trying to get to the airport, even the walkways to the airport were packed with people. The entire time, I was less concerned about reaching the airport, and more concerned about Gaia and the destruction caused. Aurora seemed to know that to, however, it would be irresponsible to discuss that right now.

After what felt like an agonising eternity, we finally got into the airport, where my parents were waiting with their luggage. Aurora and I casually walked in the sliding doors. I could see my parents' dreary faces brighten we entered the packed airport. I ran to them and hugged them, meanwhile, Aurora calmly walked behind me and waved amiably at them. Seeing her, my mother released me from her hug and grabbed her hand, shaking it with great intensity. "Thank you my dear! Thank you!" She said with the utmost sincerity.

Aurora smiled, the usual cold one she gives most people, and gave a slight bow. She gestured to a way to the runway, where the jet was already waiting. My parents and I eagerly followed her. Shortly, we appeared outside, at the run way where there were many planes awaiting take-off. I felt like I could die jsut by walking out here, with all the humongous planes that could roll over us like ants.

One plane stood out amongst the rest. A black plane with golf accents. Imprinted on the side, a stylised 'S' and the words "Singford Corporation." The stairs to that plane were already deployed. We continued to hastily walk toward it and climbed up the stairs, lugging my parents luggage as we did.

Upon entering, the interior was brightly lit. Everything on the inside almost looked like it received the golden touch. Everything was practically sparkling, and looked expensive. The seats were made of the finest leather, there were televisions, minibars. Everything looked overwhelming, I felt like I was in a movie. This was a private jet alright. I could not help but keep staring at everything, and I felt that my jaw never left the ground. My parents were also the same, looking around like kids in candy store.

From ahead, what we though was a door suddenly was pushed aside, it was a hidden door to the cockpit of the plane. Outstepped a middle aged man. His hair was brown with streaks of grey and his forehead had some wrinkles. He wore an expensive black business suit with a pin on the coat, I'm pretty sure it was the letter S. He wore an austere expression, which brightened immeditatly when he saw Aurora walking toward him like a model.

"Aurora! You're here!" He said, laughing with happiness. He spread his arms out wide. Aurora walked to him and accepted the hug, he kissed her cheek and released her.

"Hey dad. " She said with a surprising lack of enthusiasm, then again, that's how she is. "Where's mom?" She said, scanning the plane.

"She's on the island right now, we will be staying there until we know it is safe again." Aurora's dad replied holding her arms. "Ah! Kaler my boy! It has been a long time!" He said in an excited and friendly manner. I could not help but smile and walk toward him as well.

"Thanks a million for this sir. We could never repay you." I said sincerely.

"Think nothing of it my boy. Ah yes, Jackson, Ana! Welcome, it has been too long my friends!" He greeted my parents in a friendly manner. He walked past Aurora and I to talk to my parents. To think that the stern and fierce business man I saw just now is this guy. Now that I look at it, Aurora's family is pretty good at having multiple faces.

"Haha! Thomas! Thanks a million for saving our asses." My dad said and hugged Aurora's father, patting him on the back. I felt warm inside seeing my parents act so friendly with Aurora's parents. When we became friends at 4 years old, I suppose that brought our families together. Thank god for it too.

Just then, I felt energy surge into my eyes and my head rolled back, nearly causing me to fall. Aurora noticed and quickly caught me before I did. Our parents looked at us with concern. Aurora put a hand to stop them quickly , " I'll take him to the bathroom, excuse us." She shoved past them, dragging me along while I could still walk.

We barged into the bath room together and she made me sit on the toilet bowl. It was a rather large bathroom, could do exercise in here. I let Volt connect with my eyes. I opened my eyes and what I saw looked surreal. There was a great big crack in the ground, at the tip of West Ourannos.. It looked like the Earth itself has grown lips.

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