Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 33 - Battle Of The Cavern

I was impressed that they didn't flinch seeing Volt. When I looked for Volt, I realised that he actually wasn't next to me. He must have retreated into the gauntlets. I smirked, that makes things more fun. I was in no mood to be nice anymore. "Captain Axios? Was it? I'll give you one chance, let us see the cocoon, or you will regret it for the rest of your miserable life." I said with a dangerous edge to my voice. I was not going to play games anymore. I wanted this guy gone, and I wanted him gone lightning quick.

"HAHAHA!" He laughed manically at what I said. As I expected. It will only make beating his ass way more enjoyable. "Are you kidding me kid? You're in over your head! Now go back to your mommy and let the adults do their work." He focused his guns solely on me, the other two followed suit. They were no longer paying attention to Aurora. I could sense her anger flaring as well. Any and all fear of combat was now erased.

"I warned you." I said simply, I looked at Aurora and cocked my head toward them. The 3 flying men still stared in confusion. Suddenly, Icicles the size of refrigerators came barreling down on their heads. I laughed at them as they screamed in terror. The two at the sides were easily dismissed, Axios avoided it in the nick of time. Seeing this, I raised my fingers and a web-like torrent of lightning jetted out. I could hear Axios mumble a "what the…" over the loud crackling of thunder and lightning.

It was too quick for him to avoid, he was hit square in the chest and was sent flying to the other side of the cave. Even after dismissing those idiots, more showed. I was done being nice. "Come forth, Volt!" I commanded and a big yellow dragon appeared in the cavern, producing an ear splitting roar. I could see all the Wraith Corps members look up at the mythical creature in awe and fear.

Without wasting time, Volt disappeared into thin air, forming small bolts of electricity that darted around the room. The bolts travelled at lightning speed and most were too slow to react, the moment they were touched. They were electrocuted and fell to the water about 10 feet below. The successive screams of agony were music to my ears. The cavern was filled with a swarm of these Wraith Corp bastards, but they were foolish to think they could stand up to Volt and his power.

Aurora watched on, mouth agape as Volt darted around the room in the form of yellow sparks, weaving his web of death and destruction. None were able to escape. Soon, the skies were clear. I raised my hand and Volt swooped in to pick me up. Aurora simply watched as the spectacular display of fireworks were set off before her eyes. We flew at sonic speeds to the chrysalis. I stared at in awe. I sub-consciously reached my hand out and touch the crystalline chrysalis. When I did, the whole thing glowed like a giant light bulb. I was speechless, staring at what looks like a true miracle in front of my own eyes. My hand was still firmly planted on the chrysalis.

The whole thing began to glow brighter and blink intermittently with a brown light. The transparent crystals on the gauntlet also began to glow brown. I stared at my hands in awe as I felt a warm earthy energy rush through my veins. It was amazing. I felt refreshed, stronger than before. "Master." I heard Gaia's voice call out to me as I jolted my head up to look at the massive crystal. Rocks started floating around me. They orbited and circled me like the rings of Saturn. Slowly, they formed a trail leading me to Aurora, where we just were. They formed a large plateau for me to stand on, just in front of the chrysalis, allowing me to stand.

I recalled Volt , my hand never leaving the crystal. "Free me." She pleaded. I knew what I had to do, preparing to recite the chant.


My senses came alive as I heard an energised gunshot coming from the right. Time slowed and lightning flashed around me. I looked to the right to see a trail of blue light rushing it my face. It was faster than most bullet, but not fast enough. I moved my head slightly, without moving my body dodging the bullet. Time went back to normal, I heard Aurora calling my name. I looked back at her and I showed a thumbs up, she helped her chest in relief.

My anger flared, I traced the bullet to see Captain Axios alive and well. He had a specialised sniper rifle in his hands. The barrel was different from most, the hole for the bullet was much smaller. It was a very peculiar design. Axios himself was standing on one of the floating platforms made by Gaia. He cocked his gun and took aim once more.


He fired again. I analysed the shot. It was not a normal bullet indeed. Instead, it was a ball of energy made of water magic. It is concentrated at high pressure, strong enough to puncture bullet proof glass and a human's skull. I sidestepped the bullet. Behind his mask, I could see the shock and agitation on his face. I scowled at him behind my own mask. "What the hell are you!?" He yelled from about 100 metres away. It sounded like a faint whisper. I didn't bother giving him an answer.

I focused energy into my legs, jumping with all my might. To him, I would look like a lightning bolt about crash down on his frail body. He stood, unable to react as I instantly landed on his platform, kicking the gun out of his hands. He was beyond shocked at what he just saw, instinctively rolling backwards. As he rolled, he drew two knives from his cloak. "Imma kill you today kid!" I smirked at his proclamation. Let's see what he can do.

Water swirled at the hands of Axios , crawling up the hilt of the knives, all the way to the hilt. Soon, the water became an extension of the blades themselves. They became as long as swords. Axios rushed me, blades in hand. I saw an opening in his stance. I flicked my wrist to the ground, causing lightning to bounce off the ground and hit him from an unexpected angle, opening a window. With all my strength, I pushed my palm into his abdomen area.

I was caught off guard for a bit. Usually pushing my palm into their abdomen will send them flying or straight up knock them out. Instead, I felt my hand pushing into a malleable marshmallow like material. I felt it mould around my finger. Water armour. I heard Axios smirk and jump back. "That was impressive kid. But you still can't get me." I had to stop him before he gets out of hand. He made a slash, aiming for my head, instead, I held his wrist, stopping him and sending electricity through his body. This is something his armour can't protect against.

As I suspected, he started to spasm and twitch from the shock, retreating once more. I heard him grit his teeth and growl in frustration. He jumped at me, with water propelling him at high speeds. However, it was still not enough. I dodged every strike he had. He was slowly giving into his anger, his weakness becoming more apparent. I had to use magical attacks, fine by me.

I side stepped an overhead strike and used an electric punch to his abdomen, shocking him. Then, I used his body to push off, putting some distance between him. I thought two large orbs of condensed lightning at him, striking him in both sides of his stomach, causing him to fall and clutch it. Finally, I sent electricity into the plateau we stood on, shocking him once more and put my hands by my side. I was still in the air from the momentum when I pushed off. My body glowed and lightning gathered in my palms. "Draconic Maelstrom!" I shouted the incantation. As I did, a giant yellow bolt descended from the skies in the form of a dragon. Roaring and crackling filled the cave and it struck Axios directly.

The unrelenting strike caused Axios to below in pain. "AHHHHH!" His screams and torment filled the cave, along with the buzzing and crackling of thunder and lightning. I landed back on the platform and watched his suffering, unflinching. After a minute, the storm finally lifted, the thunder finally stopped per my command. Axios was kneeling throughout that torment. Finally, he wheezed and collapsed on the ground with a loud thud. His body was motionless. It mattered little to me whether he actually survived.

I looked back at the cocoon, remembering I still have a job to do. I jumped back to the main plateau and Aurora ran to me. I saw her run to me and smiled, removing the mask from my face. The mask on hers disintegrated as well, hugging me tightly. She quickly released me and checked if I was hurt. I patted her head to let her know I was fine.

I faced the cocoon once more, placing my hand on it. "It is over, Master. Make haste, I must repay you, I must serve you."

I smiled. Her devotion to me is unerring, I almost felt guilty.. "I, Kaler Dakrun, Progenitor of dragons, now release you from your slumber. Gaia, Avatar of Earth, Mother of the land, Shield of the planet, awaken and serve me once more!"

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