Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 36 - Rise And Shine

I awoke from my sleep, rolling around lazily like I normally do. I was confused to find that the bed was larger than what I am used to. I sat up to notice that it was a queen bed. I scanned my surroundings, and then my body. "Oh right…" I started thinking to myself. "We saved Gaia yesterday, and we arrived at the Singford's private island." I unknowingly smiled thinking about how Aurora leaned on my like a pole while sleeping on the flight.

I wanted my phone. I reached out my hand to the bedside table where I would usually put it. Once again, I look to my right to see it flying at absurd speeds. Towards my face. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. And…nothing. There was no pain. Really, it felt like it only poked me. What the heck is going on?

I warily opened my sealed eyes and saw my phone lying beside me, the screen protector cracked. I delicately picked it up and examined it. This enhanced telekinesis crap is getting out of hand, I did want to ask Volt awhile ago. "Volt?" I tried to ask telepathically. "Volt?" I called again. Both times, there was no answer. This is a first…

"The Avatar of Lightning is currently resting, my lord" I heard a gentle, earthy voice respond instead. My eyes flew open in surprise. "Don't be to surprised, I too am your familiar, your avatar, am I not? I can communicate with you too." It was Gaia. Somehow, talking to her felt comforting.

"Thanks for responding Gaia. Do you mind explaining what happened, my telekinesis has become even more potent of late, and my phone hitting my face…I expected that to break my nose, or maybe…hurt?" I was overcome with confusion, some things just sound bizarre. Yet, here I am living that reality.

"Certainly. Your telekinesis has gotten stronger, in fact your power has gotten stronger, because there are now two avatars with you. The more of us there are in your vicinity, the more powerful you become." I was amazed. What she says does make sense, the day the earthquake started, my power grew. That was because Gaia was near, and awakened. "As for your…face. I suppose that would be my doing."

I was once again lost for words. "Hehe, I can tell you are confused. As the Avatar of Earth, I can enhance your physical durability, stamina and strength to those beyond human levels. They can be further enhanced, however, that must be done with a command. It is the same with Volt, he enhances your base speed, making you faster than average. He can also make you as fast as light, only if you give the command. I also give you the power of Earth, which I believe you will discover soon." It felt like a dream. Enhanced strength…That feels like a gift. I was already elated and contented with inhumane speed, but now, it feels like I could do anything.

"I can sense that you a brimming with happiness master…" Gaia said. I covered my mouth sheepishly despite not saying anything. "However, I should warn you, I sense that in your current state, it would be difficult or even dangerous to intensely use two or more avatars at once. At least to their full extent. All this while, you have only had Volt, now with me, it would be dangerous to use our full potential simultaneously. However, it would be no problem deploying us both, giving our own mind to do as we wish."

I nodded. Even someone like me has their limitations, I should be careful. Then, I heard a rumbling noise which completely interrupted my train of thoughts. I looked down and laughed sheepishly, covering my stomach. "Haha. The young master is hungry is he? I think it would be best if you meet Ms Aurora, she might be awake too." I nodded and headed to the bathroom to freshen up and wear something a little more comfortable.

I came out wearing a plain blue t-shirt and basketball shorts. I slowly opened my door. The house we stayed in seemed deserted, my parents were probably still sleeping. I could imagine that they were still incredibly tired. I walked to the main house. I was slightly disappointed seeing that the lights there were not turned on either. However, I looked a little closer and saw someone sitting at the dining table, sipping on a cup. Her hair was curled up in a towel and she was wearing a tank top and shorts. Once again, I unknowingly smiled, breaking into a small jog.

I knocked on the glass door softly, causing her to turn around. She also smiled seeing me, that bright smile she showed no one else, showing her perfect white teeth. She got up and pulled the door. The moment she did her quips started. "Hey Sleeping Beauty! Did you know that falling asleep while someone is talking to you is really rude?" She said something that is akin to scolding, yet her smile never faded, only growing a little mischievous.

"Not my fault what you were saying was so boring…" I fired back, looking at her with one brow raised. She seemed to be surprised by that comment, making me think if I said too much. My doubts were unfounded, her sly smile crept on her lips once more.

"Wow… that's a first. Every time I speak, everyone watches me like a hawk. You are the first person ballsy enough to tell the Student Council President that she is boring." She said, placing emphasis on her title, leaning on the door frame. "Maybe I should get a job putting you to sleep."

That last remark confused me. I just stared at her, and she giggled. This girl is really confusing. "So you really don't remember how you fell asleep before we left for the island?" She asked like she was indicating something. However, I still had no idea what she was talking about. I thought a bit deeper, I realised, that night I spent at Aurora's, I awoke on the window seat, not on the bed. What actually happened there.

"You coming in or not? I know you haven't eaten." She said and walked back in. That made me completely drop the thought and follow her in. She went to the kitchen and popped two slices of toast in the toaster and cracked a few eggs into the frying pan. I just sat on the barstool and propped my hand on the countertop. I watched her like a movie. I felt like I was lost, nothing around me mattered, just this perfect image of a young lady in front of me. "Stop staring, you're starting to look like the boys in school." She said flatly. I shook my head violently and laughed nervously.

In no time, she slid me the eggs and toast on a plate and pours me a glass of milk. I was astonished, the eggs were perfectly cooked, a crispy outer edge and the toast was crispy. The milk, the knows exactly what I like… "How the…"

"Shhh… Just eat." She said as she pressed her forefinger to my lips. I smiled and obeyed. She pushed her short self onto the stool next to me and stared in the opposite direction from me. "Do you really think that it's that strange?" She asked, turning her head to me slightly.

"Hmm?" I asked back, still ravenously stuffing my face like a caveman. Seeing that made her giggle more. She used her finger tips to cover her mouth as she giggled, very lady-like.

"That I know what you like, I mean." I thought about it for awhile, she was right, of course she knew what I liked.

"When I think about it, not really. I'm more surprised that you still remember." I said truthfully. She punched me in the arm, immediately pulling back and shaking her hand. Odd. It felt like a tap to me.

"Idiot...How could I forget...More importantly, why does hitting you hurt so much now..." She complained and pouted. I laughed at the sight.

"Master..." Gaia said suddenly. "You have been watched for the past 3 minutes, I feel eyes staring at you...."

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