Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 47 - A Fraudulent Show

*3rd person POV*

The dragon that just appeared before everyone's eyes was the most majestic creature that anyone had ever seen. All were enthralled by Ingram's beauty. They could feel her otherworldly power just by looking at her. Almost as quickly as she appeared, she started emitting a blinding lime green light, shrouding its entire body in it. In a blink of an eye, that light was projected out in all directions, blidng everyone who saw it. Alistair could not react as that light was propelled at him.

He knew this was the end. He felt an overwhelming force thrust him into the wall, sending him flying and knocking him out instantly, likely leaving him with a concussion as well. The light died down, and suddenly, the field was back to normal. No scorch marks . No dragon. The only things left, were Alistair's unconscious body, Kaler, and the falcon. Everyone was too stunned to applaud, unable to comprehend the magnitude of magic just displayed. However, it left doubt in all of their minds.

Was what they saw actually real. Zephyr looked at the spectacle in front of him and shook his head. "No way some kid is that powerful. He must be some kind of illusionist. No one can tame a dragon, at least, not people from Ourannos. This must have all been an illusion, an elaborate show." He said, grinning to himself.

"T-The match is over! Kaler Dakrun is the winner!" the headmaster announced, stuttering a little. However, no one was applauding, all of them were too stunned to even move a muscle.

After that breathtaking performance, Kaler, Aurora, Thalia and Alistair all were in the field practicing for their Capture the Flag event. They had assigned Kaler to be in the forward position, while Alistair and Thalia, who are both quick on their feet to take up flanking positions. They had a couple of strategies in mind.

All the while, Zephyr, and a 4th year student, an infamous student from East High, simply known as The Phalanx, were watching over their practice. Their arms were crossed, watching intently with pensive expressions.

"Do you think he is really that strong?"Phalanx asked.

"No way! He's only 18. I bet he's using illusions."Zephyr replied back in mandarin. Arrogance was wafting off him like smoke from a burning flame. It was in the air, and it was suffocating. He wanted to see this power for himself.

He walked down with his entourage to the field where Kaler and his friends were in the middle of a practice round. They suddenly screeched to a halt seeing the group of East High students approaching. They dropped everything they were doing and walked towards them.

Now, in the middle of the field, two groups of 4 were looking at each other dead in the eye. The air was heavy, tense, a fight could break out any second. However, Aurora was not intimidated in the slightest. "Zephyr Liu. And you must be Atreus Lin. The infamous Phalanx." She greeted nonchalantly, with an air of hostility to her words.

"Wow. Here I thought that we would receive a hospitable reception from the ones hosting us." Zephyr remarked. Aurora now trained her attention solely to the arrogant kid in front of her.

"As the Student Council President, I would be obligated to greet you warmly as a guest. However, as Aurora, and as a fellow competitor in the Arcanothon, I have far more reasons to treat you otherwise." She fired back with a pompous tone. Zephyr smirked, his eyes darting between all 4 of them. Alistair looked like he was enjoying himself, Thalia was brandishing her fists, Aurora was probably pissed enough to freeze him to the bone. Then, Zephyr's eyes fell onto Kaler. However, he noticed something that betrayed his smile. Hate, and disdain.

"How about this," a proposition was about to come forth. "Let's have a little scrimmage. I know who you are, Ms Singford, The blade of the North, bane of men, the ice-cold duellist. However, I have never seen the other 3." He said. His arrogance clearly displayed in his tone. The nerve…

"Very well. Then you will forgive me for any lack of hospitality I show you from this point forth." Aurora said, sounding regal, like a queen. Alistair, Thalia and Kaler all looked at each other and shrugged. It is unlike Aurora to accept a duel just like that.

The East High students strolled to the other side of the field. It was time to put them in their place. But first, Kaler asked Aurora the question they all had on their mind. "Why'd you accept their challenge?" He asked, still staring at the retreating backs of their soon to be opponents.

"I wouldn't have. However, they way he looked at you. He looks down on you. Despite your showing, he thinks its all a trick. I want to put him in his place. I want YOU to put him in his place." She emphasised the 'you'. Kaler smiled unknowingly, knowing that she got angry for him. She then soon turned to the whole group to address them. Kaler looked around the field, noticing that spectators had already gathered.

"Listen up. We are being watched by our fellow schoolmates. We will not lose. However, during the Arcanothon, it is likely that we would have to compete against those idiots from East High on the other side. I'll break it down now. Zephyr will most likely play defence. But due to his sniping abilities, he will also play offense. Atreus is the Phalanx, especially in an open field, he will push us back to our flag to make space. The other two are insignificant, no match for a single one of us. Flash Formation, like we practiced."

They took their places. Flash formation was one of their many strategies. There are two kinds of playing field, closed ones like ruins, catacombs or cities. Then there are open ones like prairies, field and beaches. This is an open field, where direct combat is inescapable. Aurora conceptualised Flash Formation to conserve the team's energy. The plan is for Kaler to run up the middle, and Alistair and Thalia to take the flanks. Kaler would be rushing with immense speed. Weaker teams would be too scared, allowing him to take the flag from their base and bring it home. If they are able to stop him, it would require all 3 non-defending members, by that point, Thalia and Alistair would collapse on the last defending player, and take back the flag.

The flag cannot change possession, and must be taken back by being snatched or having the person who possesses it be knocked out. Kaler trained his eyes on the flag, its far, he was not to use every ounce of his speed as that would simply be unfair. However, he could reach the flag, at least 500 metres away in just 3 seconds at just half speed.

Kaler's legs were thrumming with electricity, his feet digging into the dirt. The turf around him blackened and burned with tiny bolts of lightning coming off him. His eyes were a deep and shiny gold colour. His whole body was brimming with insurmountable energy.

"Bang!" The blank was fired. He ran faster than most eyes could perceive, taking off like a rocket, leaving a trail of lightning in his wake. The spectators cheered like crazy, watching their representative's display of ability. He covered incredible distance, but it seemed that East High were ready.

"Wall of earth!" a deep voice chanted. Almost instantly, a tall earthen rock wall blocked Kaler's path. He could break it easily using his own control of Earth, however, he was instructed to keep that a secret. Aurora only wanted him to reveal it at the tournament. However, there is more than one way to solve a problem. He leapt over the wall, using the wind to thrust him up and break his fall. However, on the other side, a tall young man who looked like a body builder was obstrucitng him from progressing further. He looked relaxed, and that only made him more intimidating. "You are stronger than I thought. " He said simply. It was obvious he was not one for words.

He waved his hand, and the wall that blocked the path before sank into the ground. Instead, more walls encircled the both of them, trapping them in an arena-like cage. Kaler gritted his teeth and cursed internally. The plan was to draw 3 to Kaler, but now he was stuck with dealing with just Atreus, the Phalanx. Whether intentionally or otherwise, it did not matter, Kaler had to get out of here. "Without you, your comrades are nothing. In fact, I believe even you, are nothing. " He said with hate in his voice. His Chinese accent was thick, heavy, yet it only made it menacing.

Kaler stared him down, waiting for his first move. Atreus, however seemed to be doing the same. "I was waiting for you to strike, However, I grow bored of waiting for some simple trick magician. Witness true power!" He yelled with fury.

He thrust he hand forward, a Chinese symbol being printed into the air with a brown holographic light. It was the symbol for Earth. He swiped his hand to his side as he started emitting a brown Aura and stones started orbiting him. Atreus's eyes also glowed a bright brown, making it more menacing when coupled with his ferocious frown. "Mighty Earth! The strength to move mountains, Tenacity to stand the tides of time, endow me with thy fervour! Indomitable Phalanx!"

When he completed his chant, the stones around him and the aura we had solidified and expanded, forming a shield and an orbit of stones that that surrounded and protected him. Indomitable Phalanx was the signature skill of the Phalanx of East High. An impregnable defence that could repel any attack and make casting spells much more effective. No student has been able to break this barrier in the last 4 years.

Meanwhile, Thalia and Alistair were engaged in combat with the other two non-defending members of the team. It would have been easy for them, except for the fact that Zephyr was piling pressure onto them. Sending barrage after barrage of arrows and arcane volleys to hinder them.. East High was slowly pressing to the flag.

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