Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 5 - A Debt I Can Never Repay

I simply nodded as an answer to her. I looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was practically freaking out from the unbearable suspense. "Well, I thought it would have been better to say it in person." She smiled.

She then fished out a box from her pocket, giving it to me. The box was small, the size of a palm, it seemed to be covered in a felt like material, and looked like a jewellery box. It's majestic and intricate exterior made it look like something of extremely high value. I was speechless, my mind racing with what it could possibly be. Alistair was also watching in awe. It was too big to be a ring. What could it be?

The cover of the box had a ribbon wrapped around it like a Christmas present, along with a magical circle on it. I was pretty bad at magic, but I was positive it was a magic seal, to keep it closed.

"To my dear childhood friend, the person I have known for basically all my life. To the one who was there when I was at my worst, to the one who was there when i was at my best. Take this as an homage to the past and present we forge together, and the future we will continue to forge together. Take this as repayment for a debt I can never regret…" As she said that line, she touched the snowflake wristband made of everfrost ice on her right wrist, the one she always wears, the one we made together as kids.

My eyes widened, remembering that faithful day, and the meaning the bracelet carries. From her speech, to her present, to the bracelet she was wearing. I could feel tears threatening to fall. I was overwhelmed by the care she still shows me, after all this time.

"To my best companion in the world, may your dreams come true. Happiest 18th birthday to you, Kaler Dakrun! Mora levun enoctus. "

Uttering those phrases, the magic seal on the box became undone with a humming sound. The silk ribbon slowly unraveled. My world came to a standstill as the tears that welled in my eyes finally fell as I saw what was contained within.

There was a pale blue wrist band inside. It's surface cold to the touch, smoky. The details were intricately carved, looking like scales of a dragon. Most prominently, the dragon head in the centre was the locking mechanism of the wrist band.

My throat became dry and I felt a lump in it that made it impossible to articulate my thoughts. My mind was overwhelmed, this present, I felt the tidal amount of affection she has form me just by looking at it.

I covered my mouth with my hand. Seeing the gesture, and the tears in my eyes, Aurora ran up to me and hugged me. She squeezed me tightly like a koala on a tree. From someone known to be cold, her embrace was warm, and strangely, I felt complete in it.

"Happy birthday Kale" She whispered in my ear. It tickled my ear and made me feel something weird on the inside. When Alistair saw the gift, I saw him smile as well. I was beyond happy to have my friends beside. And to receive such a meaningful gift from my oldest friend. I promise to engrave this day into the deepest depth of my mind. For as long as I live, I will surely not forget it.

Aurora pulled out, smiling widely and titling her head adorably like a little girl. Her hands locked behind her back. " Get home quickly ok? The night is still young." She said to me with a wink. A smile unknowingly crept onto my lips. I was happy that she is still here with me. And I am happier that I will still get to see her later. Without saying bye, she ran off into the car that was waiting at the pickup area.

"Happy birthday bro," Alistair said one final time as he passed by, patting my shoulder and flashing his charming smile as he went. He entered the limousine that just pulled up. I watched as both of my friends drove home. My heart was full, it was content. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. Happiness. I knew what it felt like once more. The sunset coated the world in an orange pallet and it looked so serene. I have never noticed the beauty of a sunset before, only the grimness of dusk.

This wristband, and hers. I remember it. We were about 12 years old, playing in her backyard around the winter time. That was the age when her magic and her powers began to blossom. She always could produce snow and ice, but now, she could make full castles. The winter was her time, and the backyard full of snow was her sand box. However, for better or worse, her powers would only grow.


One day, I showed up at her door to play with her. To my surprise, she shut herself in her room, even her parents could not have her come out. I implored her parents to let me see her, convinced that she would listen to me.

I climbed up the stairs, I pondered what could possibly cause her to hide away from everyone. Was she bullied? I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists at the thought. If she was bullied, I would swear that those that did it will sorely regret every decision that led them to that point in life.

I walked down the hallway and turned to face a wooden door towards the end. There was a sign hanging from it, displaying her name in beautiful calligraphy. I outstretched my hand to open the door.

However, the moment I touched the knob, I felt a shock through my whole body as I immediately pulled back. My eyes wide, staring at the knob. It was beyond cold! I felt like I would be frozen if I attempted to hold it for even a second more.

Then, I felt my body start to grow cold as well. I started shivering and my teeth clattered. I could see frosty air coming form the slit underneath the door. Every breath I took released a mist like smoke from my mouth.

"Aurora?! Are you ok? It's Kaler!" There was no response.

"Aury please open up I wanna help." I pleaded once more.

" Go away!" I heard her yell, the phrase echoing in my mind, stinging my heart. "I don't want to hurt you…" she whimpered like a lost puppy.

Hearing her in pain brought me pain too. However, my resolve was strong, I had to be strong. For her. When I was younger, I was far more confident at magic, I shocked the door, causing the heat from the sparks to melt the ice that formed on the knob. I quickly entered what seemed like a frozen dungeon. Her room was big, wide and spacious. However, the ice on the lights, the fan and every piece of furniture made it look like a prison, a dungeon cell in the depths of Niflheim.

In the corner, a young girl was curled up, her knees folded and her head buried in her thighs. She was clearly distraught, drowning in her own sorrow. She thinks that she is causing others pain becuase of her overwhelming powers.

The agony she thinks she is causing, unfounded as it may be, was still a valid concern. But, while she was right to worry, she can't stay like that forever. I approached slowly. To my surprise, she reacted just as quickly, pushing me back and yelling. "LEAVE!" Her shouts made the air grow even colder as snow and ice materialised around her.

I stopped for a bit seeing the sheer power she seemed to have obtained overnight. It was truly terrifying, I knew why she was worried. However, magic was a gift, not curse. I firmly believed that. I was not about to be stopped. I pressed forward.

She was sobbing now, she must be thinking that she is causing me pain. However, what is truly painful was seeing her suffer. I reached out both of my hands, clasping both sides of her head. She stopped crying instantly. Seeing it as a good sign, and with a wave of relief, I tilted her head to look up at me. Her tears were frozen on to her face. I looked deep into her light blue eyes, as she stared into my golden eyes.

We stayed like that as I felt the temperature in the room warm up slightly. "Look at me." I said with resolve. "Look at me, and know, that I am always by your side. You are strong Aury, you are meant for something great. Believe in yourself, if not for your sake, then for mine." That last phrase echoed in my mind. That's were she got that from.

I stood from my kneeling position, going over to a patch of snow in the centre of the room. She slowly stood up and followed me. This was promising she has finally stopped thinking of the pain she might be causing.

I traced two small circles into the ground and carved a simple snowflake pattern at the top of the ring. Aurora attentively watched what I was doing. When I finished, I looked up at her, staring intently into her eyes. " Focus and believe. Put it all into this." I pointed to the pattern I traced on the ground.

She nodded and closed her eyes. Soon, the ice from every corner of the room withdrew, creeping to and being absorbed by the ring. The became quicker and quicker as the ring on the ground became a physical object. She stared at the wristband with a snowflake on it. She seemed to have been mesmerised. She did not speak. So I did it for her.

I picked up the wristband, admiring the detail and crystalline pattern. I apparoached her and held her hand, sliding it on to her wrist. She was still in shock and light glistened from her eyes as tears began to form. " Let this serve as a reminder for what you are capable of Aura. You are the strongest person I know. So long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything. Don't let your powers control you. You control them." I proudly said to her.

This present, I suppose it is meant to symbolise the same thing. Thank you, Aurora

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