Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 50 - The Answer To My Question (1)

*Aurora's POV*

When Kaler accidentally told our teammates that he had control of 3 elements, I honestly wanted to strangle him. However, knowing him, his diamond skin would probably break my fingers before I could even scratch him. Having a friend who is essentially immortal is kind of a pain. The only good thing is that Thalia and Alistair are unlikely to leak such information.

However, now, I have a bigger headache to deal with, Kaler's lack of academic interest. We have been in my room trying to sort out his grades and help him before his exams. Honestly, it was way worst than what I initially anticipated. He had completed a math practice paper along with me, and he needed help for practically every question. I could feel a headache coming along. I am beginning to question how this happened.

"Let's take a short break," I said as I leaned against the couch and sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose. Kaler was sitting on the couch opposite of me. He also leaned back and started scrolling through social media. The room was pin-drop silent. I stared at the ceiling. My mind was blank, no thoughts came to mind.

"Seriously dude? Man…" Kaler cursed quietly. However, cursing quietly in a silent room, it would obviously be the loudest sound. I tilted my down slightly and saw him frowning as he continued scrolling. I thought nothing of it at first, until he started swearing again. "You too? C'mon man…" I had no idea what he was lamenting, and usually I would steer clear of other's business. But Kaler was not some "other person". He has the power to actually make me care about the most trivial things. Just like how he is the only one that can break my icy exterior.

"What's up?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Huh?" He sounded surprised at first, then quickly snapped back. "Oh! Uh, nothing much. Just um…rumours." He sounded hesitant, and was avoiding eye contact with me.

"Right…So? What rumours?" I asked, propping my chin against my palm and staring straight at him.

"Yeah uh, I don't think you're gonna like this."

"I'll be the judge of that. Now spill it." I spat.

"So um, people notice how chummy we are in school, which is uncharacteristic of you." He started explaining slowly. His pace was starting to tick me off, but I kept myself in check for now. I wanted to spit it out already.

"Uhuh…" I said impatiently.

"And uh, you know…" He started avoiding eye contact with me again. He was scratching his neck, looking up at the ceiling, down at the table, out the window, literally anywhere but my face.

"No. I don't know. Just say it!" I practically blew up.

"They think that we are dating!" He blurted out all at once. He kept his eyes closed tight, I could see the wrinkles on his face as he was trying desperately not to open his eyes. I on the other hand, was momentarily stunned. I was not aware of such rumours spreading in school. Also because I usually did not care. Kaler slowly opened his eyes after around 10 seconds. He looked scared. "You, you're not mad?" He asked.

My mind was racing now. My feelings were mixed. I don't know what I was feeling. But anger was definitely not one of those feelings. "Why would I be?" I asked calmly.

"It's just that… Someone like you. Being with someone like me. Even if it's just a rumour, its definitely going to affect you. Isn't it?" He asked. His voice was shaky, like he was scared.

"Rumours are just how other people think and feel." I said objectively. "What's more important, is how you think and feel." I emphasised the "you" and pointed toward him as I said it.

Kaler's eyes lit up as I said that as we finally made eye contact. He was speechless, not replying to my question. I suppose he was pondering it. Personally, I was very interested in what he was thinking.

"Even so, they are false. We should correct them. Shouldn't we?" He asked hesitantly, he looked dejected once more. "After all, if something like this circulates, about you being with some weak boy, it would ruin your rep-"

"Do you want to correct them?" I asked abruptly, cutting him off. I could tell that he was stunned. So stunned, in fact, that he could barely even react, simply staring blankly at the floor. "Also, let's be clear of 2 things. One, I don't care about my reputation. In fact, I would like it if I wasn't in the limelight or favoured. Second, you aren't some weak boy. Never was. Never will be again." Kaler still didn't look at me. He was still staring at the floor, contemplating.

In my eyes, I saw Kaler for what he truly was. He was a kind, energetic, rather stupid, but fun guy. He devalued himself, to the point that he was almost unrecognisable. Now, he is becoming more energetic again. But, somehow, this Kaler is further from the one I used to know. I wanted the Kaler who was not afraid to speak his mind around me. I wanted the Kaler that would drag me around, instead of me dragging him. I want the Kaler that I loved more than a friend, and more than a brother back.

"I…I don't-" He stuttered. I for one, am sick of listening to him beat himself up.

"Zip it. C'mon, let's go back you feel better about yourself." I immediately got up and dragged him by the hand back to the training room, to perfect a move we were working on for Sea of Heads.

Sea of Heads had a head to head component. There would be two rounds with two different sides, Offense, and defence. On offense, you are to use your powers to help shove your minions into the enemy structure which they need to defend. You are not allowed to directly attack the structure or knock out any of the two players. Defence is self-explanatory, to resist the onslaught.

Kaler and I are practicing a strategy for defence. I stand on the rafters of the castle. Hoards of mounted Calvary units are approaching us on horseback. Kaler jumped down to meet them, encasing them in a cage of earth, encircling them in boulders and trapping them. I removed the blade of my sword and pointed my wand to the sky.

"Crushing Hailstorm!" I recited the incantation. Like a storm, clouds gathered in this large room and condensed above us. Massive hailstones rained down upon the captured enemies. However, none of them were killed quickly enough. I sought to perfect this move, it would be an efficient way of dealing with large groups of enemies. It may also be a useful defence and deterrence method for Capture the Flag.

I have been working on My Magic for weeks now, seeking to be able to perfect it. I sighed deeply and paused the training simulation. I walked over to the side of the room and sat down on the bench, inhaling every last bit of water from my bottle. Kaler took a seat next to and also drank some water, much slower than I did. I was expending a lot of my power, not wanting to fall behind.

However, I am unsure as to how to improve now. This is the first time in a while that I had felt so lost. I sighed again and hugged my knees, bringing them close to my chest. For someone my age, my level of magic is already anomalous, seeking to improve it would seem mad to some people, however, when your best friend is capable of wielding godly levels of power and still continues to grow, you can't exactly be caught slacking.

All this while, I never noticed Kaler looking at me longingly, his face had pity written all over seeing my pathetic state. "Let's try it again." He said out of nowhere. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. His face had determination all over it. His eyes were drilling into mine, a fire burning deep inside them. "I have a plan."

All I could do was nod. In truth, I was so captivated by the passion and determination in his eyes, they were like hypnotising me. I resumed the simulation, restarting the last wave. About 200 Calvary soldiers were charging straight at the castle. The thundering of hooves and clanking of spears, shields and armour rand into the air. The sight was certainly intimidating. However, I knew I had nothing to fear.

As they drew closer, Kaler did not leap down to trap them this time. Instead of a cage, he raised a wall of crystals to block their progression. I looked at him worriedly. 'What is he thinking!?' I asked myself.

Suddenly, I felt something warm clasp onto my hand, sending a shock and a calm wave throughout my body. I was surprised, slowly turning to see Kaler's charming smile. It was like it was comforting me, telling me everything will be alright, like we were kids again.

I looked down to see his hand holding mine. My eyes widened, what is he doing? At a time like this? "Do it Aury." I looked at him once more with his reassuring smile. I nodded with newfound resolve.

I drew my hand from the blade and pointed it to the sky. "Crushing Hailstorm!" The sky darkened as the air grew colder. Hailstones descended once more upon my enemies. Because they are not contained this time, I had to spread out the hailstorm to cover a wider area.

Out of nowhere, Kaler's grip on my hand tightened, squeezing it tightly. His sudden action almost made me lose concentration. I looked at him and saw his eyes tightly closed, focusing. Then, he raised his free hand. "Blessing of Diamond." He uttered. In an instant, all the hailstones, those summoned and those about to be summoned, becoming shinier, reflecting more light into my eyes. Enemies started dropping like flies, falling to the ground the instant they were hit.

I could barely believe my eyes. Every single one of the enemies are falling to the ground the moment they were hit, just like I planned. The enemies bodies were battered, bruised, bleeding. Their armour and helmets all had dents and holes in them, like they were punctured. In a matter of minutes, none survived. I looked back at Kaler to see his free hand illuminated in a rainbow light, similar to his prismatic beams and crystals.

His eyes fluttered open as he turned to look at me. His face was gentle, smiling, like he used to. "You did it…" I said in disbelief, my eyes staring straight into his.

"No." He replied. Then, he raised the hand he was still holding tightly. "We, did it."

I smiled at his reply. "Yes." I said, adjusting my hand, and interlocking my fingers with his. "We did."

The warmth from his hand, their rough texture, his gentle smiling face. I don't know which one lead to this inexplicable feeling I had inside me. But nothing could compare to what came next. Our faces inched closer. For the first time in my life, I felt his lips on mine, a kiss that he initiated himself. I simply received his magnanimous gift.

The warmth from his hand holding mine was now felt in my faces, spreading to my whole body. However, there was something else. Something ancient. My veins felt alive, I felt something flowing. I assumed it was adrenaline.. I am thankful I was wrong.

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