Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 52 - The Avatar Of Ice

The moment I heard that voice, my eyes flew open. I was on alert now, it defintely was not not Kaler, someone could be threatening me right now. Instinctively, I wanted to sit up and prepare to defend myself. I planned to make a knife out of ice and pull it on the intruder. However, my body was not listening to me. My body was numb, unresponsive, I felt like a dead fish, stuck on land with nowhere to go.

My mind ran high with panic. I might be too late. Then, I felt a stinging sensation in my veins. My body felt like it was burning, but it felt different, like it was, cold. I was never afraid of the cold, however, if this is what it feels like to freeze, then I know why it sucks so bad. Every inch of my body felt like it was set ablaze, the pain paralysed me, as if I was not already immobile as is.

I tried one more time to sit up and move my muscles, exerting every ounce of strength I had left which was quickly leaving my being. However, the results were no different, my body's functions were unresponsive. Eventually, the numbness spread from my limbs, to my chest, then, to my face. I felt myself losing control, closing my eyes, as darkness overtook me. The last thing I remembered was feeling scared and panicked, thinking that I would die. I thought of Kaler. I regret not saying anything earlier, not saying how I felt.

My eyes slowly opened as I came to. At first, I did not know what was happening. I felt like I was just hit by a car. My head was spinning, my body was aching. I felt light. I felt weightless, but not in a good way. I felt like I could fall at any second. I struggled to my feet, nearly falling back down on the ground as I did. Then, I realised that the ground I was lying on was completely frozen.

My eyes widened. The floor looked like a frozen lake, crystalline patterns running across its surface. I started to scan my surroundings as my disbelief only grew. The walls looked like that of a cavern. It was massive, the ceiling looked like it was at least 5 stories high. The walls had very intricate details. They looked like magical runes.

What's more, there were torches, with a blue flame. The flame was iridescent, the deep blue colour captivated all of my attention. It made me feel warm, at the same time, a certain chill. I was in awe, and extremely confused. The walls themselves looked like they were made of ice. The fire should be melting down this whole damn cavern, however, nothing was happening. Then, I looked dead ahead of me.

As if this whole situation could have gotten any crazier. Right in front of me, was a large chair, a regal, elegant one made of ice. It had comfortable cushioning, the armrests had the same intricate detailing as the walls. This time, the runes on it glowed. It was a throne. One so grand, it would embarrass any king or queen that saw it. Above the throne, similar to the wall, there were 3 points, each of them lit with a bright blue flame.

"What is this place…" I muttered to myself. I was alone in this large spacious throne room. It was the size of an auditorium. Grand, that word doesn't even begin to describe it. It looked as if they were worshipping a god, instead of a king.

Out of the blue, I heard a deafening roar that sounded like it came from outside. I had to cover my ears due to the sheer volume. "Kale?" I thought it might have been the sound of one of Kale's dragons. I unconsciously smiled thinking that Kale might have come to rescue me.

To my surprise, it was a dragon. However, it was one I did not recognise. From the large hole right above the throne, a wyvern, slightly smaller than Ingram showed itself and perched on the hole. Fear froze my body in place. The dragon's features were captivating, majestic, intimidating, but strangely beautiful.

It was blue, white and light blue in colour, giving off a cold feeling. It's eyes were a deep shade of blue. It looked like there were gems embedded all over it's head. It had a single pair of wings that were massive. It's tail looked like a spear made of a the purest ice.

My fear dissipated when I looked at it more. It felt oddly comforting, its cool appearance quelling the torrent of feelings stirring within me. Then, the dragon disappeared, forming a large cloud of cold mist. The mist traveled downwards, onto the throne. Then, it coalesced into a more recognisable form, more human. The mist faded, revealing a man. His skin was a pale blue colour, his hair long enough to touch his feet. He wore a jewel embedded on his forehead. His face was calm, smiling, his eyes calm. Staring at him made me feel at ease somehow, depsite never seeing him in my life.

He wore no upper garment, showing his bare upper body that was extremely well built. He wore intricate sleeves with gems sown in, a cape that was massive, reaching the floor. The whole time, I was mesmerised just looking at him. I am rarely speechless, but this time, I don't know what to say, or even how to introduce myself to such a godly being. Luckily, I wasn't the one to initiate the introductions.

"So you are the one chosen to be my successor. I am relieved. " He said, still maintaining his friendly smile. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Veras. I am the sovereign of the ice dragons of Drakonia, the so called, Avatar of Ice." The man sad with a regal air, standing and bowing to me as he said.

"A-Aurora Singford, your majesty." I said, still unsure of myself. I still had no idea of what was happening. However, the name Veras was familiar to me. Then I remembered, "Wait. You, are the Avatar of Ice? Aren't you dead?"

The man smiled at me again. "The fact that you know that means that our current king and his avatars trust you deeply."

"You mean Kaler? He's a big dummy dumb dumb. He's also my best friend." I said honestly, thinking of Kaler himself as I did.

"Ha ha. Thank goodness. Well, I hope you maintain that level of informality even after your ascension." He said, starting to walk towards me. That sentence took me awhile to process. But when I realised what he meant, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Wait, What!? No! I don't understand!" I yelled in surprise and frustration.

"Your confusion is to be expected. Allow me to explain. Our previous king, used me to escape from a serious threat he was facing at the time. He sent me in as death fodder. As his familiar and subordinate, I was forced to follow. I did, willingly. However, It does not mean that i do not lament him for it. I am the first Draconic Avatar to perish in battle. I hope that I will be the last. Before I died, I prayed, that if I were to have a successor, that they would be someone important to the king, someone that he would value. I also prayed that this king was benevolent, caring, not some mad tyrant. "

His story filled me with mixed emotions. A part of me was sorry for him. A part of me felt his pain. And a part of me was angry that such a person could have existed. "So, I am to become the next Avatar of Ice? You do realise that I am not a dragon, right?" I pointed out the obvious with him.

Veras chuckled. "Yes. Of course. However, as fate would have it, the reason why you are so different from your family, is because you bear the soul of a dragon within you. That dragon soul is what bears your full power. It is dormant, but has begun to awaken. It is also what drew you to this Kaler Dakrun ever since you were young. When you have been awakened, your power will be unrivalled by any mage, you will serve our master, and you will become queen of the ice dragons."

The amount of information he was dumping me with is about to make my head explode. That said, I still had questions of my own. "I still have a few more questions. If you are dead, what are you doing here. What am I doing here?"

"I may be dead, but we Avatars are part god. We are immortal, we are eternal. If we do ever die, we ascend, and continuing living, watching from the astral plain. When I knew that my successor had finally began to awaken, I had to come down to see it for myself. I must say, your potential and power far outstrips mine. When you awaken, you will already be as powerful as me. To think that you still have room to grow. Our successors are truly terrifying." I listened attentively. To think that I will really possess such power. It made me feel proud that I would really be so useful to Kaler, after everything he had done for me. At the same time, I felt slightly terrified of the potential I possess.

"As for what you are doing here. Well, you are just checking out your future domain." Veras said as he smiled. I raised one eyebrow and looked at him with a confused expression. "Haha. I guessed that you would be confused. You are currently in a simulation of the dragon home world of Drakonia. Dragons are spread all over the world, however, we originated from this secret land hidden somewhere on the earth. The Avatars are the sovereigns of each race of elemental dragon. My death has left this throne empty for decades.. You are to take my place, and become queen."

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