Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 58 - The Hunter (1)

Thursday, 7th September, 10 am. We are preparing to depart the island on a helicopter. We were heading for the Volance estate in North Ourannos. We were likely to be staying for a 3 days, so we each had a travel bag with us.

My mom and Mrs Singford were both at the front door of the main villa, watching us prepare to leave. Once everything was loaded on to the helicopter, I summoned Ingram. A bright green light flashed from my palm momentarily, as a small dragon emerged from it, growing exponentially till it was the size of a car.

"Morning Ingram. Survey the skies for me, make sure we are safe, stay on stand by if I ever need you." I instructed.

"Got it master." With a flap of her wings, the wind around me strengthened and howled. She instantly propelled herself to the skies and disappeared amongst the clouds. Satisfied, I walked over to my mom, hugging her before I leave just like I would for school.

When she separated, she gripped on to my shoulders tightly. "Stay safe ok! Please make sure you are always safe." She said worriedly.

"Of course mom." I said with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he stays out of trouble." I heard a familiar voice from behind me, followed by a warm hand clasping together with mine. I was caught off guard. Looking to my life, I saw an angel smiling back at me. Aurora was the one who reassured my mother. "We should go now, the chopper's about to leave."

I nodded my head and walked to the chopper with her, hand in hand, simply enjoying her company. Simple moments like these, they mean more than anything in my life.

Meanwhile, both our mothers gazed longingly at us walking together. "*sigh* to be young and in love again…" My mom said.

"I know right?" Mrs Singford backed her up. They both waved at us as the chopper ascended. No matter how many times I do it, it never gets old. Rising up into the sky, watching as everything shrank to the size of ants.

Soon, it was just the 4 of us in the helicopter. I gazed at the outside wishing how I could be riding Ingram right now. Aurora must have noticed, I felt her tap my arm, causing me to turn to her. "Hey, you alright?"

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Yeah. Just impatient I guess." I could tell from her facial expression that she knew I was lying, but she also seemed to know that she shouldn't press further. Scary how intelligent. She is.

"Welp, you gotta wait, son. It will take us about. 5 hours to touch down. I am just as impatient as you." My dad replied, leaning back in his seat, preparing to take a nap.

Suddenly, I had a bright idea. My face lit up at the thought of it. I could hear Aurora whisper and "oh no" thought the headphones. But, I wasn't gonna be stopped.

"Would you like to go faster?" I asked with a mischievous smile on my face. Suddenly my dad opened his eyes and looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Kale. We can't ride Ingram. The Volances don't know about you." Aurora said sternly.

"Hey calm down. There are other ways!" I said excitedly.

Now everyone's eyes are on me, except the pilot who can't hear us. "What's your plan?" Mr Singford was looking at me cautiously. I did not reply, only letting my smile grow wider. I could see both our fathers recoil in fear a little.

"Ingram. Are the skies clear?" I asked out loud.

Soon, the winds outside grew more fierce. Everyone basically wet themselves when they looked outside. The clouds slowly morphed into Ingram's shape, only her bright green eyes were visible, the rest of her body took on the form of a cloud.

"Yes master. Clear skies." She replied excitedly.

"Give us a boost." I instructed with a smile.

"Ok!" She replied happily. I then opened a channel to the pilot.

"Pilot, there will be some…turbulence. Don't resist it, it will carry us forward." I said somewhat vaguely.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean sir-" He was cut off mid sentence when the helicopter suddenly jerked. The winds have begun to pick up, they were fierce enough that they could be heard loud and clear through the headphones.

"There's your ticket! Punch it!" I said with a large grin. Understanding my vague instructions now, the pilot stopped resisting the wind current and allowed him to carry us forward.

I always laughing and cheering at the speed that we were going at. It was exhilarating, like a roller coaster ride. "YEEEEEAHHH! Let's goooooo!" I looked like an absolute mad person. But for once in my life, I didn't care. Ever since I felt what it was like to ride on the back of a dragon, this thrilling speed has been addicting.

I laughed seeing everyone else hold on for dear life. I was enjoying myself, but I guess it's still a little bit too much for them.


Instead of taking 5 hours, we arrived at the Volance manor in 1 hour. Mr Singford gave them a heads up that we were ahead of schedule. As we the manor came into view, I dispelled the wind current and my fun ended. Despite that, I still had a smile on my face, form both the exhilaration, and the reactions of everyone around me.

"That was fun…" I said

"Absolutely not." Aurora replied

"Give us a warning next time?" My dad complained as he held his mouth, looking like he was about to cough up his breakfast.

"Never do that again…" Mr Singford was the last to complain. I simply pouted at Aurora to try and look like a lost puppy, but she jsut scoffed in my face and slapped my arm. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, she was still adorable when she was annoyed.

We swiftly alighted the chopper, seeing a butler and a maid waiting for out exit on the helipad. I helped carry some of the baggage, seeing as how I caused us to be so disoriented. Everyone's legs wobbled as they jumped off, weak from the joyride we were just on.

We just about regained our composure as we walked to the two servants. They both bowed to us. "Welcome to Volance Manor, Mr Thomas Singford, lady Aurora Singford." The butler greeted as they both bowed. Aurora lightly nodded, the same as her father, who assumed a business like stance. "Allow us to escort you to the foyer. Sir Travis Volance is already expecting your arrival." Both servant turned around and signalled us to follow them.

We walked off the helipad and followed a stone pavement towards a large open area, just in front of the manor's entrance. Along they way, I noticed that the foliage and greenery were all rugged. The trees have almost all fallen over, pieces of terrain and rubble left scattered everywhere.

'This is all the aftermath of my rude awakening. I apologise master.' I heard Gaia's voice in my head.

'Don't worry, we can try to fix any remaining damage later, for now, I need to handle some business.' I said. I could sense two powerful magical signatures.

I looked towards the foyer, seeing a large, fit, well built man sitting down in a comfortable chair. It was one of humble design, not too imposing, but not one of over simplified design. The large burly man with brown hair that was combed back wore an inner shirt and a short sleeved vest that was lined with animal fur. His jeans were ripped, looking as if an animal had cut it.

He gave off the impression of a predator, someone to be feared. Yet, on his face, we wore a bright and warm smile. He was the first magical signature. I could tell that he was an experienced fighter. However, the second…I knew he was in the vicinity…But I don't know where.

While walking forward, my eyes were darting around, trying to find any signs of the second being. I knew the man in front of us was Travis Volance, the adventurer. I was positive that the second signature was his son, The Hunter, Astere Volance.

We walked up the steps to the elevated platform, and Mr Singford, along with my father walked to Travis. "Haha! Good to see you Mr Singford!" He said as he shook the hands of both my dad and Mr Singford. "Come! Take a seat! You too youngsters!" His demeanour was so warm and welcoming, it was almost off-putting.

Our fathers quickly sat down, as did we, thought somewhat more hesitantly. "C'mon! I ain't gonna bite you!" He said with a large grin across his lips. I was taken aback. This man. He is strong, that's for sure, but he is also extremely perceptive.

"Must have been a rough trip for you guys. Reaching here 4 hours ahead o schedule! You look exhausted!" Travis was speaking to our fathers like he has known them for years. His loud boisterous attitude was rather imposing.

"Well, our children were excited about this trip…" Mr Singford said, shooting me a glare, to which I nervously smiled.

"Haha! Can tell! I think we should discuss business later! Take a rest first huh? I think your kids are slightly awkward not having someone their age to talk to." Travis stood from his seat and looked up the roof of the house.

"Astere! I know you're up there boy! Get down ere and show our guests some Volance hospitality!" Travis yelled skyward. His lungs must have been powered by some kind of power cell, his voice is comparable to that of a speaker and microphone!

"You guessed wrong, dad." A calm and smooth voice was suddenly heard above and behind us. We all looked behind to a palm tree. To my surprise, the air started to ripple, like you would see from a heat wave. I covered my eyes for a second to avoid the glare of the sun, and suddenly, a young boy, about 18 years old was looking at us with a small smile. His hair was brown, long enough to cover his right eye. Surprisingly, his other eye was a pale yellow colour, a very odd colour.

The young man wore a combat vest and trousers, clothes that are easy to move around on. He was sitting effortlessly at the top of that palm tree. After revealing himself, the man jumped down from the tree, flipping as he did saw like a pro gymnast and landing gracefully on his feet. Up close, I could see that he was lean but still muscular, definitely agile.

He flipped the knife in his hand which was coated in a red holographic light, sheathing it in the scabbard on his left forearm. He then looked at us and smiled. "Greetings. I'm Astere Volance. Welcome to North Ourannos, and welcome to our humble abode.." He said with a smile.

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