Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 64 - The Dragon King (3)

Drayden was overcome in complete disbelief. "How …How is this possible?!" He yelled. Suddenly, his face distorted as the left side began to smile, the eyes lightening from their furious expression. His horns, his eyes, like his hand, they were golden.

"Kale…" Aurora muttered, feeling tears starting to cascade down her cheeks.

Kaler continued to restrain the other half of his body, turning the let his left side face Aurora, guiding the blade away. "I'm here… I'm sorry." Aurora couldn't help but smile widely. She was elated! Kaler came back to her.

Everyone was equally stunned as they stared at the man like they were seeing a ghost. Half golden, half orange. Two sides of a coin.

Suddenly, the orange energy engulfed Kaler once more. His face distorting in anger. "Know your place boy! Keep quiet!" Dryden yelled back, facing the ground, he was panting heavily. He was trying to control Kaler's body. However, he was fighting back!

"You almost made me kill the one I love!" Kaler's voice sounded out. It came from no particular direction, it sounded like he surrounded them. Then, the left side of the body once again glowed gold, more radiant than before. "Get out!"

Aurora could not help but swell with pride upon hearing his words. A power struggle began, against two kings. The body stumbled backward, almost falling, it was struggling to contain the powers of both beings.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Shouting ensued as the body began to crumple forward, almost dropping to its knees completely. The right wing unfurled and was set ablaze like the sun. The left did the same, but was instead coated from tip to tail in lightning.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" The pained shouting intensified, now they were on their knees, struggling and writhing in pain. "GET OUT!" It was Kaler that shouted. The body shakily stood, raising the sword still in the right hand, and slashing downwards. However, the slash was at an awkward angle. It was aimed at himself!

Suddenly, lightning engulfed their being, as they raced to a different location, avoid the slash. "AAAAAAHHHH! ENOUGH!" Both voice yelled simultaneously. Flames and lightning swirled in both palms, then, they aimed at each other.


The sound of both elements colliding with one another sounded like the world itself wanted to tears itself apart. Sparks flew to every part of the back yard as the ground was set ablaze and what remaining greenery burnt to a crisp.

Everyone covered their eyes to avoid the glare of such strong magic. "What the hell is this boy…" Travis's muttered. The dragon the Kaler domesticated earlier was still sitting idly by, waiting for orders. Though, seeing this display, he was unsure of who to obey.

"I will kill you! For making me hurt Aurora!" Kaler announced with newfound resolve. "HYAH!" He grunted as an enormous torrent or lightning left his palm, striking his other. The fire was completely overwhelmed. Instead of shocking his own body, the lightning hit an orange holographic figure.

"Ugh!" The figure grunted as it was ejected from Kaler's body. Kaler himself was launched in the opposite direction with immense force, clawing the ground to stop himself. He was panting! For once, he knew what it felt like to lose magic power, to be tired. He disdainfully looked at the orange figure which was ejected from his body.

"Ugh…you will pay for that boy… luckily, I harvested enough of your power to maintain a physical form." Drayden said as he stood. The sword was still firmly in his hand. Was it glued or something?!

To call Drayden's form 'Physical' would be stretching one's suspension of disbelief. He looked like a spirit, a ghost. His body was comprised of entirely orange flames. It was excepted by the white core of the fire. He didn't even look like he had a face, only white parts where his eyes and mouth should be.

"No matter, I will have your form. Then, I will reclaim what is rightfully mine!" He exclaimed manically, his fiery mouth twisting upwards to a wicked smile. The fact that he looked like a flame spirit only made it more eerie.

Kaler gazed at the monster standing right in front of him. His power was great, Kaler needed to end this quickly. He no longer cared if everyone was looking at him. "I will send you back to whatever hell you came from. Gauntlets! To me!" He commanded.

Obediently, the gauntlets materialised on his hands. He felt a surge of power wash over him, refershing him. The flaming figure watched with a smile on his face. "Ah…The spoils of the hunt. I will have them back…"

Kaler's eyes went wide as he just made the connection. Anger started boiling within him, threatening to overflow at any second. However, he needed to confirm it. "Volt! Come out!"

A light ejected from the gauntlets, morphing to form a giant yellow wyvern with 4 wings. Drayden smiled even more seeing this. That was probably all the confirmation he needed. Meanwhile, Travis's jaw dropped seeing Kaler was in command of another dragon. One far stronger than the jungle wyvern. This one, he felt weak even seeing a single cell of it.

"I assume you know this man." Kaler said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, my lord." Volt said obediently, then glared straight at Drayden. "Drayden Draconov. The former Progenitor. The failed king." He said with hate evidence in his voice. Kaler was now on the brink of losing control. This man… he killed one of the avatars. This man… he is despicable. Scum! He deserves to wiped off the face of this universe!

"Failed?" The figure laughed as he asked. "I was a great king! I am here to reclaim it from the usurper." He said like he did no wrong. This man's pompous attitude. Scum!

"Great!?" Volt was the one who got angry this time. This was extremely uncommon, for Volt to even show the smallest semblance of emotions. Even this caught Kaler's attention. He thought Volt would have to calm him down. "INSOLENCE! You killed one of us! You don't deserve to-"

Kaler raised his hand. Volt stomped immediately, but still stared deep into Drayden's eyes. Hate. Those were the only things that can be seen in his deep red eyes. Kaler pointed out to the Jungle wyrm. It stood on its feet immediately and bowed to his king. "Kill him. Both of you."

"With pleasure." The both said. With a growl and a mighty roar, Volt ascended into the skies. Clouds darkened, thunder rumbled. A calamitous storm was on its way. The jungle wyrm launched the spines on it's tail at the flames. Drayden dodged them expertly and fired a single orb at the dragon.

Unable to dodge, the dragon was briefly engulfed in flames before it fell to the ground, unmoving. Kaler gritted his teeth, he must end this quickly. "You would have to do better than that!" Drayden taunted.

Reactively, thick bolts of golden lightning descended upon the earth, destroying the ground where they struck.


Thunderbolts were landing at unnatural speeds. At least 5 bolts a second. Any normal person would die immediately. However, Drayden was quick, he managed to weave through the bolts. Knowing this was not working, Kaler had already prepared to trap him. He raised his hand as it glowed a brown glow. The earth rose, reacting a cage.

Drayden was surprised. The boy actually managed to capture him.

*Rumble! Rumble!*

The sound of thunder could be heard overhead. Above Drayden, a golden pool had formed in they dark grey sky. He knows what comes next. "You are much stronger than I expected. But still…" He paused and made an aggressive stance. "Don't push your luck!" Drayden's feet ignited and he blasted towards Kaler at blinding speeds. His sowrd held out in front of him like a lance.

Kaler stood frozen. This was the first time that he saw someone so fast. So fast that they were still moving at blinding speeds even when he slowed the world down. 'Shit!' He cursed at himself. The gauntlets glowed a radiant rainbow. "Diamond Skin!" He chanted.

His body hardened and solidified. He grit his teeth and put his hands to block, bracing for the force of the strike.


An explosion occured as both forces collided. Smoke and wind blasted in every direction, tress fell, any remaining greenery was blown away. Everyone watching had to brace themselves. Aurora's eyes started to water, fearing the worst.

When the smoke cleared, her fears were warranted. She held her mouth to avoid crying. There stood Kaler, his legs wobbling, a flaming sword right through his abdomen. Drayden stood over him, smiling sadistically.

"You lost boy. I will give you one chance. Say goodbye to your beloved, hope you meet in the afterlife." Drayden said as his smile grew.

"No…" Aurora muttered. She wanted to get in there. She wanted to freeze this old man, and send him to the deepest depths of hell. But she was too drained. She struggled to even stand. "This can't be happening…"

"No last goodbye? What a shame." Drayden plunged the sword deeper into Kaler. However, he felt a force stopping him. He looked down at his hand to see Kaler holding on to the hilt of the blade, along with him. "Let go hooligan! You are unworthy to wield Evanesca!"

Kaler said nothing, only looking at the flaming body, his golden eyes bright with hatred. "And who deemed you worthy?" He asked menacingly. Drayden flinched from that comment. Before he knew it, Evanesca's hilt burnt him!

"AH!" He felt a sharp pain and withdrew his hand from the sword, letting it clatter to the ground. Kaler slowly stood. "Damn you! DIE!"

A ball of fire swirled in Drayden's hand. It was growing fast. Kaler summoned all 3 of his avatars. "Volt! Gaia! Ingram! Show now mercy!" Saying all 3 names, 3 human figures appeared behind him. All their expression burning with hatred.

All 3 raised their hands. A yellow torrent of lightning, a rainbow energy beam, and a green swirling beam all collided against Drayden. "NO!" He yelled one last time as he was struck by all the avatars powers. In a bright flash of light, he was dispelled.

For the first time in awhile, silence reigned supreme. The calamitous battled had battered the once beautiful and serene backyard of the Volance Manor.. The only thing that could be heard, was the heavy breathing of a man, followed by a thud.

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