Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 67 - Aftermath (3)

Everyone cautiously stepped outside to the backyard, where the chaos happened. I looked around and breathed a heavy sigh. This place was beautiful before. It was blooming, radiant with natural beauty that is rarely seen in a world rife with pollution. Even amongst the displaced land and uneven terrain form the earthquake, this place still maintained its beauty, no doubt through the efforts of all those who worked here. 

I feel no pride knowing that I was the pollutant that wreaked havoc on this place. A foreign object that had no business being here, one that obliterated the beauty that the people of this place strived for. I turned back at the entourage of people who were still following me cautiously. I heaved a sigh once more.

I felt something on my hand, a sense of comfort. I looked over to see Aurora firmly clasping her hand with mine. Her smile was warm. Her smile brought me relief. It brought me resolve. I faced the group once more. "I know that this is my fault. But since you know who I am, I will have no qualms showing you once more. But this time, I will fix it. All of it." I said as a promised, my voice conveying my determination.

I looked at Aurora one more time. She softly nodded her head as she released my hand. I took small steps forward. Worry and determination were warring in my head. "What if I can't do enough? No. I must help them. But what if they don't accept? I mustn't be a coward. I need to help."

The verdict was clear. As my mom has always told me, 'Made a mess? Clean it up!'

I held my hands out to the side. A light humming radiated through the air as the gauntlets appeared on my hands in all their glory. Their golden accents and transparent crystals gleaming in the morning sun. I heard the clanging of weapons behind me.

Astere and the butler both pulled weapons which they had been concealing. I could see them from the back of my palms, looking through the eyes of my avatars. They both had sweat rolling down their foreheads, looking like they were ready to kill me. Promptly, Aurora shoved her hand in front of them, halting their ambush.

I smiled to myself. She trusts me. If must do this. Because she knows I can. I knelt down onto the ground and placed my hands on a section of the ground that has been badly ravaged. To transform the earth, maybe even restoring it, would take more power than most being possess. This level of magic would be considered, godly. 

This will also be the first time I use the gauntlets power on a scale so large. The most I used before was to defeat Drayden. Before that, I have never truly exerted myself.  Time to see what I can do.

I focused everything onto the earth as I felt my energy radiating through my body, even seeping out into the surroundings. I was surrounded by a large aura that looked like that of a massive bonfire. I heard teh gasps of people behind me. They were watching. I have to do this right.

I closed my eyes to shut out my surrounding. I felt my own being connect with that of the ground beneath me. I could feel every grain of soil, every patch and leaf of grass, both alive and dead. My heart felt like breaking seeing just how much was destroyed.

I could feel beyond that, thought the whole of North Ourannos, through ALL of Ourannos. The Volance Manor was built on a hilltop, overlooking the rest of North Ourannos. From up here, one could easily see the town and cities in such a ravaged state. Their ground cracked, massive holes in random locations. Pieces of land raised higher than others, boulders and debris blocking important routes. 

I will fix it. All of it. Gaia already fixed West Ourannos, now I shall fix everything else. With the connection fully established. I can now fix the damage. "Gaia!" I called. As I did, the ground began to shake and the air around me swirled fiercely.

"Mother of the earth! Land me your strength. Your domain is in shambles. I will fix it, for the good of all who reside on it."

"It shall be as you say, my king." She replies. I slowly stand from my crouched position. The aura of energy still surrounding me like a barrier. The aura then coalesces into a ball of energy in my hand, one os concentrated that it looked like a smaller version of the sun. With my eyes closed, I could feel the energy in this, it was enough to power a country for a year or more. 

Behind me, everyone flinched and had to cover their eyes from the power in my hand. However, I was not done. "Mighty soul born from there lands of Drakonia, Purest incarnation of our precious terra firma, grant me the power that one can only dream, grant me the power to rebuild our world at the seams!" I recited the chant. The bright ball of energy then transformed into a serpent like dragon that coiled itself around me. 

Everyone watching was in complete awe, speechless. I opened my eyes, the time was now. "Primal Terraform!" I shouted. I immediately smashed my hand onto the ground, producing a thunderous boom, shortly followed by the dragon entering the ground. Everyone behind me struggled to maintain balance as the earth shook for about 2 minutes, threatening to knock them down. 

Once the quakes have finally ceased, I sat down, feeling exhausted, and accomplished. I was panting, sweat was dripping down my forehead. I heard the clicking of boots running toward me. Soon, I found Aurora by my side. Noticing I was panting and sweating, her palms were coated in a blue energy, lightly touching me, cooling me down. 

"Did it work?" She asked. I was still exhausted and panting, only able to nod, pointing at the garden. Soon, a brown light started to seep out from the crack in the ground. Then, as if it never existed, the crack closed up, and the light faded. Her face lit up as she traced the light in the surroundings, similar things happened. 

All around us, the cracks, the debris, the random pieces of elevated land, all morphed back to the ground, as if nothing had happened. Some parts of the Volance manor was even rebuilt. Everyone watched the spectacle with their mouths agape. It was like a miraculous light show. Everything the light touches, was repaired. 

In no time. The Manor premises were all repaired. Like the fight and earthquake never occured. Only some plants and parts of the mansion could not be fixed. However, now, everyone was no longer so defensive. The dropped their guard, seeing that I upheld my promise, to fix this place. 

Travis walked over to us and held out his hand. I took it and grasped it firmly as he and Aurora helped me back on my feet. After a few seconds of silence, he nodded, saying, " Kaler, I thank you for what you have done. The manor has been repaired. I give you must most sincere gratitude." 

I looked at him with a smile. "Thank you Mr Volance. I apologise once more for what I have done."

"No worries. I assume that you weren't in control. I say you have atoned perfectly well. This must have been exhausting, repairing the Manor through magic alone." 

I chuckled at what he said, to which he only tilted his head. "Heheh. Mr Volance, you should go take a look." I said, cocking my head to the platform at the side, the one that allows him to overlook the capital city of North Ourannos. 

His puzzled expression instantly morphed into one of disbelief. "No… Surely not…" He muttered as he quickly ran over. Astere and the butler both followed him. All of them froze as they saw what was in front of them. Seeing their reaction, I knew that it worked. 

I staggered over as Aurora assisted me. "What the hell…" I heard Astere mutter as we reached. I displayed a small smile of satisfaction. The entire city, nay, the entire country, was lit up like a light show. Every road, every bit of damage on the land, was now being reversed, like it never existed. 


*12 Hours Before*

In a large room, square tile like patterns on every wall, two men could be seen staring at one another. Both of them wore cloaks and helmets with symbols on them. One wore a blue cloak and helmet with an anchor on it. He was standing in a defensive stance with two swords made of water crossed in front of him. 

The other, was standing in a much more relaxed way. He wore a dark pink cloak and mask, the symbol imprinted looking like mind waves. He only had one weapon, an intricate dagger with runes and symbols on it. 

A blank was fired, as the blue man lunges at his opponent. "HYAH!" He yells in exertion, lunging at him swiftly. His speed was impressive, however, his opponent stood unmoving. With his left free hand, he swiped it in a cutting motion in front of him. Out of nowhere, the space in front of him formed a cut in thin air. 

Unable to stop himself, thee blue man went flying into the tear in the air. Mysteriously, he ended up right where he began. He turned around and chuckled at his own foolishness. " I should have known that simple moves wouldn't get a master of space like you, Ardante." 

The man in pink robes, Ardante flourished his dagger in his hand. "Of course. Though, you are getting stronger, Axios." Without warning, he thrusted his hand forward as a pink ball of energy launched itself at Axios. Axios, narrowly avoided it and lunged at Ardante once more. 

Ardante made a portal in his free hand and threw it at Axios, making him vanish and reappear back on the ground, far away from were he was just now. "Stop trying. It won't work." He said.

Axios slowly got back up, groaning from the impact of his fall. Out of nowhere, a thousand cuts appeared around him, metal chains erupted them from them and restrained him. "Argh!" He grunted. He couldn't move, the chains were holding every part of his body. Shortly after word, Ardante appeared in front of him via teleportation, holding his blade to Axios's neck. 

Seeing he was defeated in such an easy fashion, Axios lowered his head in defeat. "I surrender." He muttered. Ardante released the chains and helped him back onto his feet. "Heheh. That's what I get for challenging the 5th reaper I suppose." He lamented.

Ardante laughed along side him. Suddenly, the both got a message through their helmet Heads Up Displays. "Magical power surge in North Ourannos, Volance Manor. Let's go take a look." Ardante suggested. Axios nodded.

Both of them gathered their forces and equipment, using a drop ship to go to North Ourannos.

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