Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 69 - Old Enemies (2)

Kaler and Aurora's eyes went wide seeing that signal. However, before either could even react…


The world fell into silence after a loud shattering sound resonated in the air. Travis felt as though he was paralysed, in too much fear to move. He felt his head spin, terror slowly creeping its way through his whole body. He looked down cautiously, seeing that the stone tile right behind him that was once part of the walkway was now shattered like glass. 

In the centre of the tile, or what was left of it, was a single bullet. Astere started to panic internally, and Travis's breathing became unstable. They both returned their gazes to the man in front of them. His hand still raised. "That was a warning shot." He said coldly "I trust you now know what circumstances you are in. "

Kaler and Aurora were watching this quietly from the sidelines. In their eyes, they saw a brief blue beam of light that seemed to come from a faraway mountain. Aurora traced the direction of the shot, deducing it was shot from at least 7 kilometres away. It required impeccable skill to land such a precise shot. For the shot to glow blue like that, it was also definitely infused with magic. 

"Axios…" Kaler muttered. He felt his patience run thin as anger welled up within him like a balloon inflating. "He's alive…" Kaler wanted to go out into the mountains immediately to find him, however, he was in no condition, and exposing himself would most likely get everyone killed. Aurora knew this too, thus they both stayed hidden. 

"I will make this…simple, for you Mr Volance," Ardante said slowly. Then, he pointed straight at the fear-stricken man in front of him. "Hand over the source of the energy. Then, we will spare you." 

Travis stared at Ardante. This man is no simple terrorist. He strategised. Now, he's dancing in the palm of his hand. There was no way out. Travis actually started considering the prospect. Handing Kaler over... the boy was powerful, he was clearly not a bad person, but he did still feel some underlying resentment for having almost taken the lives of him and his son.

'Handing Kaler over... It would save me. Let's be honest, the boy could fend for himself. Right?' he started to ponder. Quickly, he vigorously shook his head. 'What am I thinking?! This is still a child we are talking about! I can't just throw him to the wolves!' He sighed heavily one last time, knowing that this verdict would be his death. However, he was doing it for the good of someone else. 

He looked at Ardante with renewed conviction. This was the right choice, he had to convince himself of it. He opened his mouth, " I will not-"

"I am right here." A layered and echoey voice called out. It sounded like the voice had reverberation layered on top of it. Everyone was caught off guard, jolting their head to the side, they saw a man wearing gauntlets in the shape of dragon heads. He also wore a mask that was similarly shaped with horns protruding out from it. 

Ardante's eyes widened behind his mask. A message came through his helmet. "That's him! That's the bastard that put me in the dirt." Axios was on the other line, his voice angered, agitated. 

"Understood," Ardante whispered. He focused his eyes on the man that just emerged from the manor. "I can tell that you are a powerful being. Your aura is unique. I will not question why you are here, but for the good of the people around you, and for your own good, you are coming with us."

Ardante's voice was commanding, obviously meant as a threat. Kaler was taken aback by how much authority this man spoke with. He is on a different level from Axios, who already sounded like the strictest drill sergeant alive. 

Kaler was slightly intimidated but still held his ground. "I will be doing nothing of the sort. I have no business with people like you." He said in the same primordial voice. 

"Poor choice. I'll say this once. We can either bring you in warm, or we can bring you in cold." Ardante's voice got lower as he said his sentence, his hand near the sheathed blade on his waist. Robotically, all the men behind him also trained their guns on Kaler. Travis panicked seeing this and Astere was also too frozen with rage and fear. "What's it going to be?"

Kaler did not react.

"I see." Ardante tapped the hilt of his blade. 


Kaler heard sounds in the wind. The firing of a heavy-duty gun, and the sound of something cutting through the air. Time around him slowed as everything came to a standstill. Lightning started jumping off his body like a live wire. It surprised everyone around him, even Ardante, who instinctively jumped backwards.

Without moving, Kaler reached his hand behind him, and caught the bullet between his fingers, like a speck of dust flying idly in the air. 

When the sparks finally stopped, Ardante gasped in surprise. He was too stunned to react, even Axios was silent on the other line. "No..." He muttered in disbelief. Kaler dropped the bullet onto the ground, right in front of Ardante. 

"I believe, this belongs to your friend on the hill about 7 kilometres away from us." He said nonchalantly. It sent a jolt through the bodies of both reapers. He knew where Axios was perched?! Ardante grit his teeth. He was positive it was a fluke.

He tapped his hilt once more. 


'They never learn' Kaler sighed internally. 'Let's give them something to remember.'

This time, instead of lightning, tempest like winds swirled around Kaler for a brief second, then they blasted backwards. Shortly afterwards, Ardante heard something chilling. 

There was a momentary silence after the blast of wind. Soon, he heard, "AHHHHHHH!" *Bzzt* *Bzzt*

The sound of Axios screaming in agony send chilling waves down his entire body, nearly knocking him to his feet. He started to breathe heavily as his communication line with him was cut off, fading to static. The men behind Ardante started to shake and panic, something even thinking of just pulling the trigger, but were scared that something similar would happen to them.

"What did you do...?" He asked shakily.

"I sent him a parting gift. Don't worry, he's alive, barely. But if I'm not wrong, his left eye is now blind. " Ardante froze from Kaler's words. They set this up to ensure that they had the upper hand, but this man was playing them like a fiddle...expertly. 

'This can't be real...' he started to go crazy. He could not believe that anyone could outmatch them in such a fashion. "I'm tired of your games!" Ardante finally broke, drawing the knife on his waist. The knife's blade started to glow with dark purple light and runes appeared along the side of the blade. He pointed it at Kaler. "FIRE!" He commanded. 

Automatically, the Wraith Corps soldiers all opened fire like a firing squad. The sounds of hundreds of bullets being fired rang into the dusk. However, something wasn't right...


Eventually, they ran out of ammo. However, right where Kaler was standing, was a  pool of bullets. The soldiers started to cower, seeing that even their energy enhanced weapons had no effect on this monster. Some started to slowly back away. They feared for their lives! 

When the smoke cleared, Kaler was shown standing there, not a single dent on his body, no wound, no blood. Only bullet holes in his clothes. He nonchalantly cracked his neck and trusted his palm out. A blast of wind sent all the soldiers flying into the air. The impact knocked them all unconscious as they landed. 

Ardante stared in disbelief. This squadron was supposed to be able to defeat an entire battalion of regular soldiers. But one man dismissed them with a flick of his wrist. In a matter of seconds, only he remained standing, alone. 

"Last chance," Kaler said. Ardante looked at him sharply. " Surrender, and you can all escape with your lives." He said sincerely. He didn't want to kill, nor was he a sadist. he was only doing what was necessary. 

"How considerate..." Ardante said, seething with rage. "But I will not back down!" He said with absolute fury. 

He slashed his knife behind him, opening up a tear in space behind him. This shocked Kaler. He had never witnessed something like this before! Ardante angrily stabbed through the tear he created. To Kaler's surprise, a similar tear appeared right behind him, along with the knife Ardante was thrusting!

Kaler narrowly avoided. Rolling to the side. Unexpectedly, another slashed ambushed him from his sides. He avoided that too. Similar strikes constantly appeared around him. Despite using a weapon meant for close range, Ardante was able to keep him at bay, and aggressively pressure him into a corner. 

"I tire of this. Spatial Chains: Imprison!" Instantaneously, Several tears appeared around Kaler, surrounding him. From the portals, dark purple chains emerged and wrapped themselves around him, restricting him. Kaler's eyes widened as he realised. He is trapped! The chains are preventing all movement. 

For the first time, he was stuck, with nowhere to go. Ardante menacingly stepped forward, brandishing his knife. "Finally, I will rid this world of your pitiful existence...."

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