Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 107: 107th

--I want you to hug me.

Xiaoxiao is the only person who can say it so directly in such a temptation environment in such a pure tone. She hasn't acted like a baby for a long time. Now, the babbling sentence is like a small hook. There was a lot of dampness in the young lady's heart.

Qin Yi looked at her and put her arms around her waist, as if she was hugging herself before, bending slightly, and a princess came to hug her.

too skinny.

When the two had a fight before, they often hugged each other like this, but in just a few months, Xiaoxiao was almost skinny and skinny.

The sorrow and sorrow in the eldest lady's heart spread upwards. She wanted to hug Xiaoxiao to the bed in the cubicle, but Xiaoxiao's hands irregularly and provocatively circled her collarbone, and her eyes hooked to her.

The lady's body trembled, biting her lip and looking at her.

——Do you want to die?


It's been a long time since I saw such murderous eyes, it's really been a long time.

Since Su Qiuyun's death, the smile in Xiaoxiao's eyes has always been separated by something. In addition, each other is very busy. Missy hasn't held her like this for a long time. She hugged Xiaoxiao and placed her. on the sofa.

Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to get close to her arms, still holding her hands unfaithfully, and hugged her waist all the way down, "Do you like me wearing this way?"

Asking this is tantamount to asking for nothing.

Rao is reserved, like the eldest lady, who can't stand the love dangling in front of her eyes in her clothes, not to mention Xiaoxiao's figure... Especially the big long legs, this pajama should be reserved on the eldest lady, but Xiaoxiao is like a vixen running out of the mountain.

Xiaoxiao's eyes were like silk, her lips curled: "Do you like this mature style or campus style?"

She looked pretty mature with the surname Liu.

The eldest lady looked at Xiaoxiao with a pair of dark eyes, her hands no longer suppressed her, Xiaoxiao's hands became more and more dishonest, she looked at the eldest lady: "That Manager Liu - um --"

The eldest suddenly lowered her head and kissed Xiaoxiao deeply. Xiaoxiao shuddered and wanted to struggle, but both hands were imprisoned.

This is the way she used to treat the eldest lady in the past, but now she has been learned by the eldest lady. Qin Yi kissed her deeply, hotter than usual every time. The kiss went all the way down her neck. Use practical actions to tell Xiaoxiao how much she likes her to wear such clothes.


At the critical moment, the eldest lady looked at her eyes, Xiaoxiao was trembling, and her consciousness had disappeared. I don’t know if the eldest lady did it on purpose. According to the previous habit, she should have taken off her clothes long ago. It was just that the sling was pulled down, her scented shoulders were half exposed, and the jet black hair scattered on her shoulders. The strong contrast between the black and the white made Xiaoxiao embarrassed. She bit her lip and looked at Qin Yi. Talking, being crushed by torture, she shivered.

The eldest lady looked at her eyes and slowly tortured her: "Do you think that as long as you don't have a bridal chamber, you can step on my heart unscrupulously?"

Is Xiaoxiao really that simple?

Don't worry about her at all?

The eldest lady is someone so many years older than her, and she is also a talented player who never forgets. These days, surrounded by love, she is no longer a rookie back then.

Apply what you have learned.

She now uses it all on Xiaoxiao.


One morning, Ru Yan didn't dare to bother Mr. Qin, but she looked at her watch and knew something in her heart.

No wonder……

Liu Wannian would let her be careful, but she had to be careful, the other party was the boss's wife!

Xiaoxiao didn't know how Missy could do this. She was just like collapsed, lying on the sofa dripping with sweat. Her pale face was bloody, her lips were red and swollen, and her body was covered by Missy's. suit.

And the eldest lady took a shower and held the document in one hand, flipping through it as usual.

Xiaoxiao's hair was all lying on his head, and people were lying on his head, feeling that all the energy in her bones was swept away by the eldest lady. She asked unbelievably and unwillingly: "Why are you... so suddenly?"

The eldest glanced at her and asked faintly: "Are you sarcastic before you can't do it?"


She didn't!

Don't wrong her.

It's just... the eldest lady has improved too fast.

And... Xiaoxiao always thought that only complete possession would have the ultimate happiness, but just now the eldest lady really gave her a lot of knowledge.

The eldest lady watched her retract her head into her clothes for a while, and then bit her lip to look at her tangled look. She put down the file in her hand and touched Xiaoxiao's hair: "If you don't have enough—"

Her eyes were long, Xiaoxiao shivered, her face flushed instantly: "Enough enough, very enough!"

As soon as she finished saying this, she almost bit her tongue and looked at the eldest lady aggrievedly. The eldest lady laughed. Her frowning eyebrows were relaxed, "If you want to tell me directly, No need to seduce me under other names."

Although she is busy, such a thing will satisfy Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao could attract all the eyes of the eldest lady just by standing there, not to mention the temptation of wearing revealing clothes.

Xiaoxiao's face and neck were flushed together, "You...who knew you were like this..."

Really saw it.

Xiaoxiao has never done such a shameful thing in her entire life. She watched the eldest lady clasp her fingers, watched the eldest lady look at her ring with a smile, and then watched her pick up her hand and stick it there. one place……

Who can bear such shame? !

What are you waiting for in the bridal chamber? Xiaoxiao felt that she was about to be drained now.

Sure enough, the upper-level gameplay is different from their little ordinary people.

Seeing that the eldest lady put on gold-rimmed glasses and went to look at the documents again, Xiaoxiao wrapped her quilt and rolled to the eldest lady, resting her head on her legs: "My train is going back the day after tomorrow."

The eldest lady stiffened and put down the documents in her hand.

Xiaoxiao looked up at her. Although the eldest lady did not speak, her chin was already in a straight line, which was definitely not pleasant.

"We promised to still go back. If you are so busy here, I always want to check it out."

Xiaoxiao buried her head in the arms of the eldest lady, and she sucked the scent on her body hard, not enough to smell it.

The eldest lady was silent for a moment, dull: "You can't wait for me?"

Xiaoxiao laughed. She rubbed her cheeks against the eldest lady's clothes, as if she was arrogant: "You are Mr. Qin who has several jobs now, and you really think you can go back to play the piano and sing "Little White Boat" for the children. ?"

This is the truth, but the eldest lady still feels uncomfortable after hearing this. She lowered her head and reached out to pinch Xiaoxiao's face: "So what are you doing today?"

From the time she stretched her leg and tripped herself, the eldest lady understood Xiaoxiao's intentions. She wanted to laugh, but because of the presence of outsiders, she could only endure it.

When sending Mr. Liu and his father away, the eldest lady couldn't help speeding up her pace, and specifically instructed Ru Yan: "No matter who comes, we won't see you."

She then walked back to the office.

She knows Xiaoxiao too well.

From the look in her eyes, she knew what she was going to do.

The eldest lady said that as long as Xiaoxiao wants it, she will do what she wants.

Although the wish this time was done in a position that made her very embarrassing, the eldest lady must be very satisfied thinking about Xiaoxiao's trembling and begging for mercy.

She somewhat grasped Xiaoxiao's little perverted heart.

In □□, she has always wanted to control the eldest lady with an absolute strength.

If the other way round, the eldest lady would see her like to be tortured by herself.

Xiaoxiao is full of confidence: "I'm here to do a big thing."

The eldest lady looked at her with a smile, her gaze swept her from top to bottom with a deep meaning, "Is this what you call a major event?"


Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth bitterly, "You black-bellied wicked thing, I just look at that surname Liu is not pleasing to the eye, how is the youth on campus——" She raised her hand and covered the lady's body, feeling With a powerful heartbeat: "Leave a strong stroke, right?"

The eldest lady finally smiled when she saw her jealous little touch, she leaned forward, took Xiaoxiao's cheeks with both hands, separated her messy long hair, and kissed her lips: "Xiaoxiao, you said It would be great if you could grow up with me."

The tip of her nose rubbed against the tip of Xiaoxiao's nose lightly, and her long hair brushed her cheeks, itching to her heart.

The eldest sighed in her ear, "Me too."

If you can really grow up with Xiaoxiao, you will see her jealous appearance from a young age, so how brilliant and beautiful her youth should be, instead of being as pale and dull as it is now.


A lingering morning.

In the afternoon, when she opened the office door, Xiaoxiao felt that her legs were soft, and the eldest lady helped her from behind and looked at her.

--You can not.

Xiaoxiao is getting anxious, "Shut up, don't say it."

This is the unique tacit understanding between the two of them, and she can really understand what the eldest lady is talking about.

The corners of Qin Yi's lips rose slightly, and she was in a good mood: "There are some things that the world knows even if you don't say it."

Seeing Xiaoxiao's face turned green, the eldest smiled and reminded her: "It's like Qiuqiu, like Xiaohua. Children like them understand it."

The double play is over.


I'm really mad.

As soon as the door opened, the eyes of everyone around me shot over.

Everyone knows that after President Qin met a friend, he didn't know what important tasks he was talking about. The morning work was pushed, and important requests were also suppressed.

Now as soon as she walks out, her face is full of spring, her eyes are brighter than before, her hair is scattered, and she exudes a...very charming feeling?

Everyone looked at each other, how are you still so energetic after a busy morning?

On the contrary, the girl next to her looked very tired and tired, and her walking posture was a bit weird.

What happened after that caused everyone to open their mouths even more.

In order to avoid danger, Xiaoxiao walked in front and made a look as if she was going to be sent off by President Qin, but the eldest lady from the back saw her walking swaying like a duck, so cute, she moved forward. One step, holding Xiaoxiao's hand.

Xiaoxiao stiffened and looked at her incredulously. For what? So many people are watching!

The eldest lady stared at her, and light shot from all directions, as if she had been sucked away by her.

that moment.

Xiaoxiao was a little lost. She looked at Qin Yi in a daze. The eldest shook her hand and smiled lightly: "Let's go."

She took Xiaoxiao's hand and faced the light, and the two slowly moved forward.

From the very beginning to the present, the attitude of the eldest lady towards this relationship has not changed.

She is not afraid of any wind or public opinion. She cares about the girls around her from beginning to end.

Xiaoxiao's heart was moved in a mess. She touched the ring that had been kicking for a long time with her empty right hand, and cleared her throat: "Miss, can you accompany me?"

This is the first time Xiaoxiao made such a request.

They haven't been together for a long time to relax.

Occasionally, Xiaoxiao really missed the time when the eldest lady was in a wheelchair. At that time, they had a lot of time and were inseparable. She could bully the eldest arrogantly, and the eldest had always looked at her. Floating with a petting smile.

Nowadays, busy people are separated from the two places.

Xiaoxiao said to the eldest lady more than once: "What are you doing so hard?"

Now the eldest lady's money is enough for her to spend a few lifetimes without doing anything, so she should stop for a while.

Every time the eldest lady smiled faintly, she didn't comment on what she said.

Now Xiaoxiao asked, Qin Yi nodded: "Okay."

The eldest lady always counts her words.

She never broke her promise when she promised Xiaoxiao.

She said that as long as Xiaoxiao wants, she will always do what she wants.

Once, when they were squeezed by outside pressure and couldn't raise their heads, the eldest lady was able to leave everything to accompany her, let alone now.

Everything she is doing now is for the future of Xiaoxiao.

Miss eldest has seen through the vicissitudes of her life for a long time because of the bumpy walks in this half of her life.

And the only innocence and heat she left was given to Xiaoxiao.

Teacher Mu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After tricking the eldest lady out, she started to make demands.

"You said that after we were together, we haven't done what a couple should do."

Missy looked at her in surprise: "You haven't had enough yet?"

Didn’t you just do it?



Give her back the white and flawless eldest lady before.

Xiaoxiao flushed and roared angrily: "It's a normal thing, a normal thing!"

Missy: "Is it abnormal?"


Forget it, it's unreasonable to talk to Missy.

Xiaoxiao began to pick up her phone, and read to the eldest lady: "Ten things that couples must do, respectively..."

The eldest immediately changed her face when she heard it, and she looked at Xiaoxiao gloomily: "Naive, I would never do it, or the name would be written upside down."


Ten minutes later.

Yiqin and Xiaoxiao walked on the road hand in hand, doing the first and second of the ten things couples must do.

Cross the road hand in hand, and wear couple clothes.

In fact, Xiaoxiao was a little nervous when doing this. After all, the eldest lady is a public figure. Although she wears a mask, she is still unsafe.

Xiaoxiao hesitated: "Miss, otherwise you should wear a peaked cap."

The eldest turned her head to look at her, condescendingly: "Am I so shameless in your eyes?"


Xiaoxiao endured her sweetness. She bowed her head and handed the couple outfit she had prepared to the eldest lady, "Look at the eldest lady, is it cute?"

The white t-shirt is very simple. It is a cartoon cat and dog designed and drawn by Xiaoxiao himself. This painting is very vivid, especially the proud and cold eyes of the cat, the big smile of the dog’s big mouth, and the sincere and sincere eyes. At first glance, they knew it was Missy and Xiaoxiao.

The eldest lady stared at Xiaoxiao speechlessly. She couldn't think that there would be such a naive person in this world. What is this?

five minutes later.

The eldest lady who changed into the T-shirt touched the dog on her body, and it smelled really good, "cute."

Xiaoxiao said: "It is necessary. After I finished the design, the manufacturer said it was very cute when it was made. If you want to ask me to authorize it, it will be mass-produced."

The eldest girl frowned and stared at Xiaoxiao, is she trying to sell the two of them?

When Teacher Mu saw the death stare of the eldest lady, he immediately smiled and hugged her waist: "If you are talking about fun, how can you give birth? This belongs to you and me."


Wearing cat and dog shirts, the two walked hand in hand on the street, basking in the gentle sunlight, very comfortable.

Halfway through, someone recognized Qin Yi and covered his mouth in surprise, unbelievably: "Qin...Qin..."

The eldest nodded with a smile, Xiaoxiao looked at her and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of reporters turning around and writing?"

The eldest lady looked at her eyes: "Are you afraid?"

Xiaoxiao shook her head, her eyes moist, and with the eldest lady there, she hadn't been afraid of anything a long time ago.

Qin Yi smiled, she raised her hand and touched Xiaoxiao's hair: "Naturally I am not afraid."

In the beginning, it was obviously Xiaoxiao who accompanied the eldest lady, and healed her little by little.

But now, it is the eldest lady who has been standing by her side all the time, saying that she is not moved, but how can she not be moved.

Xiaoxiao had already seen the reporter who was taking pictures, she didn't dare to delay too much, and dragged the eldest lady to continue to do it.

The third thing a couple must do is to happily take photos of their photos together.

You can do this when you go home.

Xiaoxiao holding the camera, she pushed the eldest lady to the sofa, kissing her hand, her cheek, her neck, her fragrant hair.

The eldest lady kept smiling all the time, and looked at Xiaoxiao with dozing eyes.

She would cooperate with what Xiaoxiao asked. In the end, Xiaoxiao even introduced Qin Yi's wheelchair.

She sat on it, holding the eldest lady and the two of them meant to take a picture. Xiaoxiao posted these pictures on the wall of the bedroom of the two of them. She was very moved when she saw it: "From now on, we will take pictures every year. By the time the hair is white and the teeth are all out."

The young lady nodded, "Yes, but—" She reminded Xiaoxiao: "I take care of it very well and I won't lose my teeth."


What's the meaning?

Is this a run on who does not maintain it?

Teacher Mu smiled and counterattacked, "I am ten years younger than you, and I can push your wheelchair to wipe your drool at that time."


Mu-Xiao-Xiao! ! !

When Liu Wannian came in carrying the ingredients, he saw the eldest lady chasing the proprietress, and the two were quarreling like a child.

His uncle smiled, but he knew the character of the eldest lady, and he coughed after only a few glances, "Miss eldest."

Qin Yi's body stiffened for an instant, she bit her lip and gave Xiaoxiao a sigh, straightened her hair, and stood up straight: "Just leave it there."

Liu Wannian put the dishes down, took a peek at Xiaoxiao before leaving, with a smile on his face.

Xiaoxiao kept laughing. She liked the baggage of the idol of Missy in front of outsiders. After seeing Liu Wannian leave, Missy came up and twisted her face.

——The fourth thing couples must do is to make food that they like to eat for each other.

The eldest lady likes to eat sweets. Xiaoxiao made lotus seed porridge, which is cool and refreshing. She can also go to the fire. Missy's busy eyes are a little red recently.

The eldest lady knew that Xiaoxiao was a carnivore, and she specially cooked steak for her. Xiaoxiao wanted to help, but she pushed her out of the kitchen.

Said it was for each other.

After half an hour.

Teacher Mu looked at the dark steaming thing in front of her, and she smiled awkwardly and politely.

The eldest drank the lotus seed soup, lowered her head awkwardly not looking at her.

Xiaoxiao watched her smile like this. She took the knife and fork and cut the steak piece by piece, and ate all that was not left.

After eating, the eldest lady raised her head and took a look at Xiaoxiao. She was thinking, maybe the steak she made was just not good, it tasted good?

Xiaoxiao hiccuped and said simply: "Miss, promise me, don't cook anymore, okay?"


Mu-Xiao-Xiao! ! !

Only four of these romantic things have been done, and Teacher Mu has already taken the posture to anger the young lady today.

The fifth thing is to eat an ice cream.

Xiaoxiao took out the ice cream from the refrigerator. She held the eldest lady from behind and licked it, sweet and cool.

The eldest lady refused. Her cleanliness is well-known far and wide, and it is absolutely impossible to eat such an ice cream forest.

Xiaoxiao smiled, her long hair scattered, she leaned forward and kissed it.

The ice cream melted between their lips, and it was the sweetest thing the eldest had ever eaten in her life.

Teacher Mu still has a bottom line. She squeezed the degree of the eldest lady. After the kiss, her eyes were full of smiles and looked at the eldest lady. She wanted to go back, but the collar was hooked. Xiaoxiao looked surprised. Missy.

The eldest lady blushed, biting her lip, and the wave of light hooked her: "I still want to eat."


Her eldest lady is really...cute enough to take off.

An ice cream forest melts the food between the two people's lips and teeth, and the romantic and happy room is filled with pink bubbles.

In the end, the eldest lady still kissed Xiaoxiao's ear and asked, "What's next?"

Teacher Mu really laughed. Who said that he would never do such a naive thing in the first place? Are you looking forward to it now?

The sixth thing a couple must do is to introduce each other generously.

Xiaoxiao has a lot of friends. She directly dialed Zhang Qiao's video call. Teacher Zhang has become a top recently, and her face is not so tender. "What are you doing? In the afternoon, didn't you go busy?"

Xiaoxiao is always busy and rarely chats with her on video nonsense, usually there is something important.

Zhang Qiao is hanging on the phone now, don't it be the orphanage, right?

Xiaoxiao looked at her with a smile, and stretched out her hand to bring Missy upstairs, "Mr. Zhang, I officially introduce you to my girlfriend, Qin Yi."

Zhang Qiao:? ? ?


Miss Zhang Qiao who looked at the camera slightly nodded, "This is my girlfriend, Mu Xiaoxiao."

Zhang Qiao:...! ! !

The two people hung up the phone after they said this.

Teacher Zhang, who was still holding a pen in his hand, slapped the pen on the table violently, and stood up with his hair frustrated in anger. What are you doing? ! What are the two of them going to do? !

Xiaoxiao thought that Teacher Zhang's stunned performance was a bit funny. As she was thinking about it, she saw what the eldest lady was sending with her mobile phone.

Xiaoxiao frowned: "Are you busy again? I promised to be with them."

The eldest lady didn't lift her head: "Stroke your tongue to speak, it's not busy."

She put down her phone and looked at Xiaoxiao, "What's the next thing?"

The seventh thing is to snuggle together to watch the sunset and feel the temperature of the sunset.

This is the favorite of the eldest lady. She has always liked watching the sunset. In the past, when a person was living a life worse than death in a wheelchair, she was able to feel the tiny temperature of the world by looking at the fallen leaves day by day, watching the sunset. .

Now, with lovers together, the once bleak colors are different in the eyes of the eldest lady.

The two of them sat on the ground with their legs in arms, Xiaoxiao’s head resting on the shoulders of the eldest lady, watching the sun slowly from the sky like a fireball, watching it converge thousands of rays, turning the day’s scorching heat into Purple clouds in the sky.

Those clouds seemed to float in Xiaoxiao's eyes, and she murmured with emotion: "Miss, we'll be like this for a lifetime, okay?"

The two of them, like the sunrise in the sky, warmed each other.

The eldest lady put her arms around her waist and nodded gently, "En."

In this way, the white head is not separated, never to be separated again.

The last three things are quite mysterious, in Xiaoxiao's words, they are inseparable.

The eldest lady was aroused by her, like an excited child, watching Xiaoxiao fasten her clothes button and put on her hat.

"Where are we going?"

Missy looked at her, Xiaoxiao pinched her nose: "Go to the playground."

In the playground, riding the Ferris wheel is what she Xiaoxiao has been looking forward to.

The eighth and ninth things couples must do, take their lover to make the Ferris wheel, and express their love at the highest point of the Ferris wheel.

Before leaving, Xiaoxiao's heartbeat accelerated, thinking about how to put the ring on the hand of the eldest lady.

When Liu Wannian picked them up, he looked at Xiaoxiao with a deep smile.

Xiaoxiao was watched inexplicably. After she got in the car, she took out her pocket and adjusted the vibrating mobile phone to see it. She was obedient, and it was amazing. The information phone exploded.

This is her new number, only loved ones know.

The series of exclamation marks from Zhang Qiao's message almost flew off the screen.

——Sister, you can do it! ! ! You have an identity, you are my idol!

Shapiqiu-if you say it is ruthless, it is my sister who is ruthless.

Grandma—Xiaoxiao, we are ready here, haven’t you shown anything? Why did the kid Yiyi walk in front of you again? Are you really 0? Grandma is so sad.

Xiaoxiao:? ? ?


Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked at Missy in surprise. Missy's cell phone kept ringing. She put it aside and only answered Mag's call.

The voice over mag is like firecrackers: "Qin Yi, from now on, you will be my idol, you bull, you are too bull! You don’t post Weibo for three years, what did you post? You bull, I will call you Sister Niu from now on!"

Weibo? ? ?

Xiaoxiao's hands were a little trembling. She quickly took out her phone. Could it be that the eldest lady was just posting Weibo when she lowered her head?

The eldest lady is the eldest lady, and will never be seen through by mortals.

The sixth thing Xiaoxiao said that couples must do is to introduce each other generously.

She doesn't have any friends, and the only mag has been known for a long time, so she will let the world know them.

For three years, Missy has not posted any Weibo.

Even when her legs recovered, and when her throat recovered, she never sent it.

Now, as soon as she came out, she exploded the thousand waves, overturned the netizens all over the place, and got on the rocket directly on the hot search. It was still explosive.

Singer Qin Yi: Hello, everyone. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend @穆晓晓.

Xiaoxiao was stunned when she watched Weibo. She looked like a puppies with paws, staring at the eldest lady blankly, and lost any ability to react.

And the eldest lady squeezed her chin with one hand, moved forward, and kissed her lips, "Now you know what I did this for, right?"

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