Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 30: 30th

Mu Xiaoxiao was still in ecstasy, and her heart was still sprinting in the ocean recognized by her sister. If it weren't for Qiuqiu's side by her side, she would still have to keep her sister's majesty, she would have twisted it for a while. +++All Tanmei Novels:

Is there anything happier in life?

She—Mu Xiaoxiao, from now on there will be sisters!

Still such a eldest sister who can be salty, salty and sweet!

Once a person is proud, it is easy to forget.

Not to mention writing the names of those suitors, now it's okay for her to give Qin Yi her heart.

Maybe people in this world really pay attention to aura and fate.

Mu Xiaoxiao never believed in the theory of fate before. She always felt that those who were helpless in the world and those who could not resist feelings rejected everything from metaphysics, but now, in front of Qin Yi, she really believed it.

She really likes the eldest lady, and it's not just money or a doctor-patient relationship that she wants to have with her.

With sad tears in her mouth, Qiuqiu wrote little by little. Halfway through the writing, she looked up at Qin Yi: "It's not enough."

Qin Yi:...

The eldest lady was silent for a moment, and calmly raised her hand.

—Swipe to the right to write to the next article.

Qiuqiu swears to the sky that she really didn't avenge her personal revenge. Although her sister always talks about her, although her sister has left her a truckload of homework, although her sister always uses her head as a racket, she still loves the province. her.

In this way, the eldest lady easily took a copy of Mu Xiaoxiao's very detailed list of suitors at this stage.

Her eyes scanned the names carefully.

Generally, the sketchpad can be deleted after writing, but the eldest not only did not delete, she took out the phone indifferently, took a picture and saved it directly.


Mu Xiaoxiao also took a look, stupefyingly: "So many, look at our charm."

Qin Yi looked at her and raised her hand to ask.

—Are there any favorites?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I said that I don't like anymore, why don't you believe it?"

Qin Yi nodded, her eyes approving.

—That’s good, don’t fall in love early.


My sister is almost rushing to fall in love at dusk, how about a puppy love?

Qin Yi has always been a person with a very strategic vision. Compromise and forbearance is only temporary, and her sister will recognize it when she recognizes it. She considers not only the present, but the future as well. She wants to win the final victory.

One day, she will let Mu Xiaoxiao taste everything she feels today.

It's not too late to settle accounts after autumn.

The eldest lady, who was content to get everything, glanced at Qiuqiu, who had automatically shrunk into a ball on one side, and finally showed a simple smile.

This is the demeanor of the eldest lady.

When she is strong, her aggressive aura scares the child's guts.

But once she became gentle, the gentleness in her eyes was like a spring breeze.

Qin Yi is really good-looking.

Don't say that Qiuqiu is still a child. If you can make Mu Xiaoxiao's narcissistic madness so undesirable, it must be an alluring look.

In the past, when Mu Xiaoxiao watched Zhang Qiao chasing stars with such enthusiasm, he told her that all artists draw by filters and plastic surgery. How many are original?

But now, after seeing the eldest lady, she really slapped her face.

Facing Qin Yi's smile, Qiuqiu's face blushed without success.

Because she had just met her sisters and was still enthusiastic, Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to be alone with Qin Yi. The eldest had not finished what she had to do, she had the same thoughts as her.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Qiuqiu with a smile.

Qin Yi also looked up at her.

Four eyes face each other.


Shall she go?

Facts have proved that children with eyesight and price are the most attractive. Qiuqiu just waved her sleeves and left. She wondered until she entered the guest room. Why did her sister pick her up? Is she the tool person in the novel? Come to warm up their feelings?

Seeing Qiuqiu closed the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't need to be burdened by her sister now. She sat down on Qin Yi's wheelchair and did what she had always wanted to do.

She tilted her head, pressed her cheek to Qin Yi's arm, and said softly, "Miss, I am so happy today."

Rumo's long hair slid between Qin Yi's arms, and she quietly looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, the voice in her heart said.

—I am also happy, but there are still some dissatisfaction.

Mu Xiaoxiao has been living for others all her life. She is happy every day, but most of the happiness is because of other people.

The dean’s mother and grandma are in good health, she is happy;

The younger sibling’s academic performance has improved, and she is happy;

The purse is full again, she can worry about food and clothing for a period of time, will not make grandma and mother so overwhelmed, she is happy;

It was fun at first, but not for pure self.

Today, she is really happy for herself.

The two of them sat quietly for a while, and Qiuqiu, who secretly saw this scene from the crack of the door, hugged herself jealously. She couldn't help but want to ask-if this is not love, what else can you do? expect?

The sisters don't know.

How beautiful are their backs.

The moonlight was like a veil, rushing on them, everything except them was blurred.

Although one is in a wheelchair and the other is sitting on the ground, it really makes people feel the connection.

Closing the door gently, Qiuqiu sighed. She looked up at the bright moon outside the window and couldn't help thinking.

Her sister finally did not belong to her.

She has her own happiness.

She should be happy, right?

Woo woo.

When can she have a lovely person like a sister, for her, she will definitely make a few more sets of papers, study hard, and make progress every day.

Mu Xiaoxiao could feel the heart of the eldest lady flying like her. She did not ask, knowing that she would not admit it if she asked the eldest. She looked at Qin Yi and said softly, "Can I listen to you playing the piano?"

With 3000 Qingsi in her hand, Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with soft eyes.

Let alone playing the piano.

She can agree to any request Mu Xiaoxiao makes now.

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed a little, and she said softly: "I...I had a dream before, to become an artist, on my own stage, accompanied by others, and I sing."

What a beautiful picture.

The eldest lady's body stiffened, and the pampering in her eyes quickly faded.

Mu Xiaoxiao noticed her change and curled her lips to act like a baby: "Please, sister, fulfill my dream."

The sweet and greasy call of "Sister" seemed to have fallen into a honeypot.

Qin Yi's eyebrows frowned and frowned, as if he was struggling with thoughts. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her with a smile and gave her time.

After a while.

Missy raised her hand.

—Mu Xiaoxiao, why do you have so many dreams?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The eldest asked again.

—At such a beautiful moment, why do you have to make a mistake?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

It turned out to be a lie to say that it came from my sister's love.

Qin Yi indifferently watched Mu Xiaoxiao pretending to be pitiful, and refused cleanly.

—This is impossible, don’t even think about it.

She is also a recognized singer, how can she accompany a natural out-of-tune king?

Not to mention the younger sister who just met, even if she became her, she would never do such a low price.

Absolutely not!

Otherwise, write the word "Qin Yi" upside down.

"Please, sister, do you have the heart to reject me on such a memorable day?"

"Sister~Sister Qin~"

"Please, look at my sister's longing eyes..."

Fifteen minutes later.

Yi Qin sat in front of the piano.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat contentedly in front of the sofa opposite her, she cleared her throat, and then hung her throat with a tone of "Ah".

The eyebrows of Miss Yi Qin who violated her experiment were frowned and wrinkled, she stared at Mu Xiaoxiao firmly.


Mu Xiaoxiao nodded: "Ready."

Qin Yi:...

Moonlight spread on the piano, Qin Yi's hair fell away, her dark hair and snow-white skin had faded from the usual coldness, and the warmth revealed the charm of a woman.

Her slender fingers fell on the white piano keyboard, her face was more serious than ever.

This is the first time in her life that she has played for others.

Some pain, some unbearable, but in the end they were all suppressed by the sweetness in my heart.

Following Qing Qian's tactful prelude, Mu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and hummed intoxicatedly.

—I am not a good-tempered person, but I am tolerant to you time and time again, which is an addiction.

I am not a patient person, but I indulge in you again and again, which is an addiction.

I am not a considerate person, but I am addicted to you time and time again.

Their cooperation is so tacit and perfect.

Qiuqiu, who was already lying on the bed in the room and ready to sleep, jumped up again, frantically looking for earplugs next to him, what was he doing? Tomorrow she will have an operation, can't the sisters kill the dog for another day?

Mu Xiaoxiao was moved by her inexplicable self. She felt that this song was written by the eldest lady for her?

Someone once said that destiny always follows a very strange trajectory.

Some people burst into flames in the first play, and that person eventually becomes the person in the play, and he walks along the trajectory of the play all his life.

And some people sang her entire life in the first song.

"Heart Addiction" was created by the eldest lady in a purely relaxed, unconscious situation.

Back then, when she was still young, she didn't know the sufferings of the world, and didn't understand the taste of love, so she just slapped her hands on this sweetness.

She wrote a tune.

And they became the people in the song.

One song is over.

Mu Xiaoxiao was satisfied, her eyes fell on Qin Yi, it was really the kind of sister's dependence and admiration for her sister.

Missy stared at her for a long time, then raised her hand.

-Are you satisfied?

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously, satisfaction, more than satisfaction, she was already happy enough to explode on the spot.

That being the case.

Qin Yi raised her eyebrows.

—It’s time to talk about my rules.

Mu Xiaoxiao:? ? ?

What do you mean? What rules?

Qin Yi looked at her with seriousness and seriousness in her eyes, and she raised her hand.

—I can read everything about you before as if I don’t know, but in the future, since I am my sister, I must have the consciousness of being a sister.

The eldest lady is a person who is born with a sense of leadership, and when she raises her hand, it will naturally make people want to nod in support.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded subconsciously.

The eldest lady's request is understandable, just as she has many requests for her younger siblings.

Taking Qiuqiu nearby, she said that she was not allowed to watch too many electronic products, not allowed to eat too many sweets, and not allowed to go out to play with friends too late. It was all out of caring for her, is she young, and resisted. Weak, what if you are dragged to a place like a bar, meet people you shouldn’t see, eat things you shouldn’t eat, and cause life-long regrets?


Mu Xiaoxiao felt that she should explain: "Miss, I was actually a pure and good girl before."

Qin Yi sneered thinking of the two full lists written by Qiuqiu, really a good girl.

She has a calm face.

—I have three requirements.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, seeing the eldest lady being so serious, she also constricted a smile.

Qin Yi looked at her eyes.

—First, I only have you as a sister, and I will only be you in the future.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew the character of the eldest lady, and said softly: "I'm just your sister."

Oops, this is just right, she doesn't want Missy to have other sisters either.

"I won't recognize other sisters anymore."

This is the benefit of wearing a mask of affection. Qin Yi raised her eyebrows, applauding Mu Xiaoxiao's attitude.

—Second, since we have this relationship, we should not separate easily.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were gleaming, and she nodded repeatedly: "I have already figured it out. When I start school, it will be almost a senior year. There are not many courses. I will come over often."

Qin Yi curled the corners of her lips, rubbing approvingly in her eyes.

The last question.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Yi curiously, and Qin Yi stared at her.

-If you have someone you like, even if you have a good opinion, tell your sister as soon as possible to help you identify it.

The eldest lady is really a sister, so cute, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at her and nodded: "I'm afraid I won't be able to use this point."

Qin Yi smiled coldly.


I hope she gets her wish.

This night, Mu Xiaoxiao was in a good mood, she was even so excited that she couldn't sleep.

She wanted to go upstairs to take a look at Qin Yi, horribly, she seemed too tired and disgusted as soon as she recognized her sisters.

For everything about Qin Yi, she compares her feelings with Qiuqiu.

If she is half asleep and Qiuqiu comes over and chats with her, she will definitely go down with a pair of scissors and let Qiuqiu know why the flowers are so red.

What Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know was that the eldest lady was not asleep either.

Qin Yi sat at the table with a pen in her hand. There was nowhere to say, she wrote down all her thoughts.

—My life is doomed to live painful failure.

I am not a qualified daughter, qualified sister, qualified friend.

But for her, I want to be the best lover.

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