Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 33: 33rd

The eldest lady did not ask Mu Xiaoxiao to come over when she changed her skirt. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:

She chose a pearl white dress to match Mu Xiaoxiao's red.

As a former king of the entertainment industry, Qin Yi has participated in many activities, such as dinners, awards ceremonies, and parties in the circle.

Have faced many people.

But she had never looked forward to it like she was today.

With the long skirt on her body, she sat in front of the dressing table and traced lightly with the eyebrow pencil, her lips raised unconsciously, and her heart was filled with happiness.

A woman is a person who pleases herself.

When the eldest was 29 years old, she finally understood.

Mu Xiaoxiao waited downstairs expectantly. She was in a good mood. First, she didn't expect the eldest lady to let her mess around, and the other...the eldest lady actually participated in it.

She still remembered how indifferent Qin Yi was in a wheelchair when she first arrived.

Her eyes at that time were like the water of a cold pool, there was no light in the cold, and the cold around her body would automatically let people recede, and no one dared to approach it.

But fate is really amazing.

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

In less than two months, they had become sisters and confidants of each other.

Tonight, Mu Xiaoxiao also spent a lot of effort to cook a table of dishes, not to mention the principle of no waste, and wanted to do everything to make Qin Yi happy.

She remembered that the dean’s mother once said that on her birthday, everyone would try to be lucky and make six or eight dishes, which means six or eight dishes, or eight or eight dishes.

The eldest lady doesn't need to send out.

Mu Xiaoxiao made six dishes and one soup for her, not the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, but all the warm and home-cooked dishes she would eat on her birthday.

She only wants her to be happy.

When Mu Xiaoxiao put all the dishes on the table, the door upstairs opened.

Her heart beat, and her head jerked up.

No lights are needed.

Not to mention the world's best music.

As the door slowly opened, the eldest lady just sat in a wheelchair and took all of Mu Xiaoxiao's sight with a simple white dress.

Qin Yi put on light makeup, her hair was set up high, her earlobes wore pearl earrings, exuding a faint soft light, a strand of long curly hair brushed her ears, she was a delicate flower, blooming in snow white Between the petals.

The beauty is dazzling, the beauty is dazzling.

White is really suitable for the eldest lady.

Abstinence, purity, coldness, and elegance.

One is upstairs and one is downstairs.

They just looked at each other like this.

At that moment, Mu Xiaoxiao hoped that the eldest lady's legs would recover. That way, how charming she should be, she must come forward and take her hand to welcome her down.

fair enough.

Mu Xiaoxiao ran up in two steps in three steps, pushing Qin Yi's wheelchair, bending down, and whispering in her ear: "Miss, you are so beautiful."

Qin Yi lowered her head, the corners of her lips rose slightly, and the light in her eyes was more beautiful than the pearls in her ears.

The red candles, cakes, and food fragrant, and the person who likes it smiles dozingly on the opposite side.

This is what a birthday should be.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened a bottle of red wine specially, and Qin Yi looked at the wine.

"Shall we drink?"

Qin Yi shook her head and raised her hand.


She can't control herself after drinking.

Liquor is a weakness of the eldest lady.

After drinking, she can't help but make some unbelievable actions.

Mu Xiaoxiao was happy when he heard it, "What kind of control do I need for my birthday? Have a drink."

Qin Yi still shook her head, staring at Mu Xiaoxiao with a pair of eyes, always feeling that she was very different from usual.

Today she is too beautiful. Under the candlelight, her face is like a peach blossom, her clothes are beautiful, and the person is more beautiful. It seems that she is a little plumper than before.

Seeing the eldest lady's gaze, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled. She pointed to her chest very honestly: "I've stuffed something."

Qin Yi:...

"I think, for your birthday, I should dress more beautifully."

The eldest did not drink, so Mu Xiaoxiao poured her a glass of juice and opened the red wine by herself.

Her mood today is really like a roller coaster.

The ups and downs, the ups and downs, a heart, are all affected by Qin Yi's every move.

She still likes such a big lady.

She was happy even if she cut her with a knife.

Because of excitement, Mu Xiaoxiao had a glass of wine and Qin Yi looked at her.


Mu Xiaoxiao: "It's okay. I'm not drunk for a thousand cups. Even the Lafite in 1982, we can drink one bottle at a time."

Missy smiled slightly.

—This is Rafite in 1982.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

I rely on.

She was thinking about cooking just now, and hurriedly grabbed a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet without reading the words on it.

What's this smell?

Is it so magical in the legend?

Thinking in her heart, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to move, she knew how ridiculous the price of this wine was.

The eldest lady seems to be able to see her through.

—You made me very happy today, I can do whatever I want.


Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were shining, and she stared at Qin Yi unblinkingly. She really should listen to what the eldest lady said and drink slowly. At this time, the spirit of drinking was faintly on her head, and the corner of her mouth was grinning.

Everyone will behave differently when drinking.

Either crying, or sad, or simply lying on the bed and sleeping.

And Mu Xiaoxiao belongs to the type who can't help being excited and happy. The more he drinks, the more he eats, and the more he smiles.

"Miss, I feel like a dream until now. You are such a beautiful and noble person, now you are opposite me, and you are still so close to me. If my friend Zhang Qiao knows, she will definitely be jealous. Now, I'm so lucky."

Mu Xiaoxiao dragged his chin with both hands, smiling charmingly, the light in her eyes seemed to be ignited, and the sound was a little bit louder than usual.

Qin Yi looked at her, wondering that she shouldn't be allowed to drink more in front of outsiders in the future, and on the other hand, she couldn't help thinking about what she said.

This is called blessing?

The blessed days are yet to come.

"I really hope you can recover soon. I have so many places I want to take you there."

"In the future, for birthdays, we will not spend it at home. I have many friends and I want to show them to you."

"Or, if you don't like being disturbed, let's go to the beach. I can watch the ocean singing and draw you happy birthday on the beach. It's so romantic."

In the end, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that she was really a little drunk.

"I regret that I didn't come back earlier today, what kind of cake?"

Mu Xiaoxiao disgustedly pointed to a cake that had become a terrible pile of cakes on the plate, "You don't know, Miss, I really did it for a long time."

But this way...

The clean lady will definitely not eat it.

If you come back earlier, the eldest lady won't have to be wronged like that.

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart was particularly aggrieved, as if there was a sulky breath that could not be vented.

She has never been a person with a small belly, and more than one friend around her said that she has a big heart and can hold a boat in the prime minister's belly, as if nothing is going to happen to her heart.

Occasionally, friends complained to her about her dissatisfaction in life. Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and listened, persuading them to let go.

But now, the scene where the eldest lady sits in the rain really makes her feel like a throat, and I am afraid that she will never forget it.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Miss, I know that I am not strong enough and I am young, but in the future, I will...definitely—"

She didn't say anything behind her, but her eyes were a little red on her head stimulated by the alcohol.

She will do everything to protect her.

Qin Yi kept looking at her with deep eyes.

She tilted her head and nodded gently.

She believed her.

She also knew what Xiaoxiao was talking about.

—Isn’t birthday a wish?

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's drunk eyes, and was not sure whether she could still understand her sign language.

"Yes, make a wish."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her ugly cake embarrassedly, fearing that the eldest lady would not be able to eat it, but Qin Yi looked at her with full eyes.

What she gives to her is always the best.

In Yin Yin's expectation, Mu Xiaoxiao put candles on the cake, "It's almost 30, and I will be able to use three candles directly next year."

Qin Yi:...

I was really moved for a second, and immediately wanted to kick her out the next second.

Mu Xiaoxiao's cheeks flushed, she looked at Qin Yi with a smile, folded her hands together, "I'll make a wish first."

Qin Yi:...

Really drank too much.

Don't you remember whose birthday is this celebration?

Mu Xiaoxiao closed his eyes, pious, serious, and sonorous: "I hope that starting from this year, I can stay with Qin Yi forever. Year after year, year after year, never change."

It's useless eldest lady.

It's useless sister.

The word "Qin Yi" she used, like hot honey, fell in Qin Yi's heart.

Qin Yi looked at her, staring at her without blinking.

Mu Xiaoxiao said happily: "Miss, it's your turn."

In the past, Qin Yi had never believed in such a birthday wish, and had always cancelled this link directly, but now she also raised her hands very reverently and closed her eyes like Mu Xiaoxiao.

The candlelight is very warm.

Her heart is quiet.

—I am willing to do what she wants.

As she wished.

I don't know when, Qin Yi, who is indifferent to everything, thinks exactly what she wants.

I like to watch her laugh, like to watch her make trouble, her every move is so pitiful.

Efforts to control, but unable to restrain the greed in his eyes.

The eldest lady did not expect that she would have a crush on such humble little emotions one day.

Some are bitter, some are sour, but more of a little fortune and little sweetness.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Yi's hands clasped together, and his heart melted. Her eldest lady is so beautiful. With the light of the candle, she looked like a white rabbit.

Pursing her lips, Mu Xiaoxiao urged: "Blow the candle, blow the candle."

After blowing the candles, it's the next step.

Anyway, she drank alcohol today, and when she wakes up tomorrow, she can say that she doesn't remember anything. On such a rare day, she must make the eldest lady take a good look and put the cake on her face.

Qin Yi opened her eyes and looked at her.

—So what are you doing in a hurry?

If you dare to put cake on my face, you will die.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The eldest lady is really a god.

Is she acting so obvious?

Well, if you don't wipe it, you won't wipe it.

Mu Xiaoxiao took a knife and cut a piece for each of them.

The eldest lady looked at the terrible cake on the plate, pursed her lips, and took a bite.

The cake is delicious.

The taste of cream, sweet, is what she likes.

Qin Yi eats dignifiedly, with small bites and small bites. Mu Xiaoxiao is in a sharp contrast next to her. She thinks that the skirt is getting in the way, so she just lifted it up and feasted on it: "Oh, it's not good, but it's really delicious. Ah, I am really a magical little hand."

Qin Yi looked at her and smiled softly.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at her, "Miss, you have a cake on your lips."

Qin Yi:! !

This is absolutely unacceptable to a clean lady.

She licked her lips, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and asked with her eyes-is there any more?

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, she got up, raised her hand and wiped her lips, the warm finger pads across the petal-like lips, as if there was an electric current passing by, Qin Yi stiffened and lost her mind at that feeling. , Her long eyelashes blinked, and she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao slightly blankly.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and touched her face, "There are also here!", she wiped her forehead again: "Here, how come there are."

Seeing the cake that the eldest had successfully wiped her face, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled like a tricky little fool, Qin Yi looked at her blankly, her heart beating like thunder.


Seeing the stunned look of the eldest lady, Mu Xiaoxiao kept smiling, "Oh, so cute, eldest lady, what are you stupefied? It really makes people want to bully."

Talk about bullying.

Qin Yi's face turned red all of a sudden, she lowered her head, took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, raised her head, and held up a posture to give Mu Xiaoxiao a death stare.

That's right, it feels right, this is the eldest lady.

How could Mu Xiaoxiao really bully her? She ran to get a towel, soaked it with warm water, and wiped her face little by little.

She was really a little bit up, and she ran so fast, her breathing was a bit short, and the heat wave sprayed on Qin Yi's cheeks and neck, the eldest lady stepped back.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed beautifully, "Don't lose your temper, I drank too much, you let me order, don't stare at me, I also prepared a gift for you."


Qin Yi looked at her, she thought that ugly cake was her gift.

Waiting for this moment for a long time.

Mu Xiaoxiao took out the necklace she made with her own hands from her pocket. Under the light, she slowly opened the box and took out the necklace carefully. Her little mouth still kept talking: "I know, you usually receive gifts. They all cost millions at every turn. I am nothing, but I have worked hard. I designed it, so don’t dislike it."

It was supposed to be justified, but I don't know why, the inexplicable Mu Xiaoxiao was a little bit ashamed and ashamed.

Obviously it's just a gift, how can it make it look like a token of love?

Mu Xiaoxiao secretly raised her head and glanced at Qin Yi, the eldest lady's dark eyes were staring at her, her eyes soft and gentle.

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart was relieved at once, and her hand pulled out the necklace, showing it in front of Qin Yi.

"Quickly, look at my design."

She showed Qiuqiu the sketch at that time, and Qiuqiu blurted out, "Wow, this is q1, Qin Yi?"

Mu Xiaoxiao thought, the eldest lady wouldn't guess her careful thoughts.

Qin Yi linked Xiang over, she placed it in her palm and looked at it carefully, then raised her head again, she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

—Are you an abbreviation of my name?

The heartbeat at that moment was thunderous.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly covered her chest with her hands, her face hot, "Ahhhhh, Miss, why are you so smart, how did you see it? I'm so embarrassed."

She deliberately fell down and lay on Qin Yi's body. Qin Yi subconsciously hugged her waist and smiled lightly.

She naturally understands her.

This is the first time in their lives that the two are cuddling each other.

Mu Xiaoxiao sniffed Qin Yi's body and couldn't help muttering: "Miss, you are so fragrant."

The tips of her hair tucked Qin Yi's neck, which made the young lady's heartbeat that had just recovered a little more accelerated, and she restrained her distance from Mu Xiaoxiao.

But Mu Xiaoxiao entangled her, leaned her head on her neck, and said softly, "Miss, do you know? Ever since I was young, I have never been so relaxed as I am today."

She knew that she was different from other children since she was sensible.

The dean’s mother and grandma had been hiding from her before, telling her little lies like fairy tales.

-Our family, Xiaoxiao, is the little angel who accidentally fell into the world by God.

But later, as she got older, Mu Xiaoxiao gradually realized that she was not a little angel, but an abandoned baby that her parents didn't want.

She has no father.

There is no mother.

Fortunately, she has a warm and loving mother and grandma.

It's just that the health of mother and grandmother has been in poor health. Mu Xiaoxiao will feel uncomfortable when he is busy. They have to grit their teeth and insist on having a strong desire to grow up.

She worked hard day by day and finally grew up. At the 16th birthday party, she happily hugged her grandma and kissed her mother, and announced to them loudly: "I, Comrade Xiaoxiao, finally grown up. From now on, you two will rest assured to provide for the elderly, and I will cover you!"

But who can think of it.

The smiles on the faces of mother and grandma have not faded, everything has changed.

Her mother, the nominal mother, just appeared.

She found the orphanage, rushed to grab her, hugged her tightly, and cried into tears.

The little friends who grew up together at the time were all watching, but Xiaoxiao was held in her arms, looking at this woman whose facial features were exactly the same as her.


Su Kui's arrival changed everything.

She brought a dna report that could prove their relationship.

She told Xiaoxiao that she was not an orphan, and her surname was Mu. She did not abandon her back then, and everything was forced.

At that time, she was too young when she gave birth, and her father, Mu Jun, was still a college student at school. If the school knew about the pregnant child, they would most likely be expelled.

Su Kui also struggled and tried to knock the child out several times. In the end, she couldn't bear it. The last time she ran off the operating table, she and Mu Jun wept bitterly and decided to keep the child.

At that time, as college students, they were the pride of the family and the whole hope. The graduation certificate was too important for them.

They were anxious and uneasy. After giving birth to Mu Xiaoxiao, they secretly fostered her to the home of distant relatives in the country. They agreed that they would give her money every month to help raise her until graduation.

But people are not as good as heaven.

The relatives in that family are not rich, and they are busy going to the countryside to work day by day, not to mention Mu Xiaoxiao, even their own children can't take care of them.

At work, Mu Xiaoxiao burst into tears because he was uncomfortably frozen in the stroller. The relatives who worked in the field did not hear it, but were seen by someone passing by and made a bad idea.

Later, she was tossed by traffickers to other villages. It was also destined. On the way, the trafficker holding Mu Xiaoxiao caught up with the police set up a night check. In panic, he quickly got out of the car holding Mu Xiaoxiao and escaped. , The strange action was discovered by the police, and he was puzzled and wanted to ask.

He panicked and ran all the way to hide. In the end, he was too scared and threw Mu Xiaoxiao at the entrance of the village. Only then was he picked up.

Regarding everything in the past, Su Kui couldn't say so much. She held Mu Xiaoxiao and said anything to take her back.

Xiaoxiao refused in one bite at the time. She didn't care whether the woman said it was true or false, she would not leave, this was her home.


Su Kui is an adult who has experienced many storms. She can see at a glance what her daughter cares about most. She thought Qiuqiu had surgery and brought her home.

After taking them home, she and her husband Mu Jun did all they could to make up for her. They wanted to let this lost daughter feel the warmth of the family.

Their love is there.

But for Mu Xiaoxiao, it looked like a scourge and avoided it.

All she knew in her heart was her grandmother and mother, and that was their home.

She suffered from insomnia all night and night, because she missed each other late at night, and she cried silently. She was so uncomfortable that she covered her head with a quilt and wept, not daring to make any noise.

Inadvertently, in the middle of a sleepless night, Mu Xiaoxiao heard his parents sigh while sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Mu Jun was smoking a cigarette, "Hey, it's been so long, the child just doesn't kiss us."

"It will be fine." Su Kui tried to comfort him and soothed his own heart. "It's blood, after a long time, she will recognize us."

Mu Jun frowned, "Hey, didn't he have been raised by his side since childhood, if Yingying was still..."

Su Kui lowered his head, tears welled up in his eyes, "Stop talking."

At that moment, Mu Xiaoxiao knew that she had once had a younger sister.

It turns out that parents worked so hard to find her because they once had a lovely daughter. She passed away because of an accident, and her mother's age was up, and because she was busy when she was young, and her uterus had problems, they would never again. Can't have children anymore.

That's why she was brought back, not because of the painstaking search in her mouth for more than ten years.

If the sister is still there, if she does not leave by accident.

Then she is still the child who doesn't know anything in the orphanage.

Should she be happy?

Should she still be sad?

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know that that day, she cried alone for a long, long time. She missed the dean's mother and grandma, and missed everything in the past.

For the next year, she never bowed her head. Even if she changed her nickname to "Ma Su" and "Papa Mu", she never really recognized them in her heart.

On her eighteenth birthday, Mu Xiaoxiao greeted her parents and prepared to go back to the orphanage.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, stop!"

Mu Jun, who endured for a long time, became angry. He roared: "We are so good to you, do you have a conscience and still want to go back? Go home? Where is your home? Who are your parents? "

Su Kui also had tears on her face. She looked at Mu Xiaoxiao: ""

Mu Xiaoxiao did not speak and remained silent.

Mu Jun’s repressed anger for a long time erupted completely, “Can’t you know something? It wasn’t we who wanted to abandon you back then, it was your fate! You were destined to experience it, you are like this now-it’s not as good as this now... Not as good as—"

Su Kui shook his head, tears streaming down, "Stop talking, stop talking."

"It's better to die, right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been silent all the time, turned around suddenly, she looked at the two people coldly, her eyes flushed.

She has always been a forbearing and strong child, although she was not willing to come back, but in front of Mu Jun and Su Kui, she never showed it.

But now, her eyes are full of hatred, she looked at them, biting her lip, "Do you think I don't want to die?"

Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, she didn't want to cry, but the tears still fell, "Do you think I will be grateful for taking me back? No."

at this point.

She broke down completely, "You have killed me twice with your own hands."

Mu Xiaoxiao's tears flowed down, and Mu Jun and Su Kui were shocked.

Mu Xiaoxiao wiped her tears, and vomited word by word: "The first time I was born without raising and abandoning me."

They will raise her in the country because they are afraid of not being able to graduate. After graduation, they will definitely abandon her again for fear of being delayed.

"The second time, when you brought me back to your home from the orphanage."

She was not born with blessings, no one loved her. It was the dean’s mother and grandma who gave her endless love and made her feel the warmth of the world.

But they were so cruelly deprived.

"It hurts, it hurts really, do you know?"

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, tears streaming down her chest, her hand was touching her chest, as if she had been deprived of her breath.

That year, she was eighteen. After talking about everything in her heart, she slammed the door and never looked back.

It was also from that year that she moved out.

She is a stubborn person. She strives to make money, suffers from sufferings that others cannot bear, and suffers sins that others cannot bear. Last year, she returned all the money for her sister's surgery to Su Kui and Mu Shan.

She didn't want to owe them half a point.

Tears flowed down like broken beads. Mu Xiaoxiao leaned in Qin Yi’s arms. She knew she shouldn’t be like this. Miss’s birthday, she should celebrate her birthday happily, but perhaps it’s too painful in her heart. After a long time, once he said it, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't control his emotions.

So many tears.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought the eldest lady would push her away with disgust.

But she didn't. Qin Yi hugged her, raised her hand, and gently patted her back.

Her movements are not proficient.

But it was full of tenderness and compassion.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Xiaoxiao was gradually comforted by the warm embrace, she raised her head and looked at Qin Yi with red eyes.

Qin Yi also looked at her, her eyes were red, she felt distressed and choked.

Look at each other.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Yi’s eyes, knowing that at this moment, she would not refuse any request she made. She gently grasped her skirt with one hand, and whispered: "Miss, Miss, I want to make peace. You have a dance."

Qin Yi:...

It's really disappointing.

Let Qin Yi dance.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't stop for a minute, and the touch of pain that had just been piled up turned into speechless, Qin Yi looked back at Mu Xiaoxiao with a frown.

—Does she want to die?

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what was good or bad, she grabbed her arm and shook it lightly, her voice soft and coquettish: "Please, I hold you, can we try? Just try this time, please. "

Qin Yi stared at her coldly.

She thought that Mu Xiaoxiao had eaten the gall of the bear heart and leopard.

Mu Xiaoxiao started rubbing his hands and twisting his **** again, and the professional coquettish hand was on the line.

"Miss, Miss, give it a try~"

"I'm very strong, don't worry~ You just showed me such a pity and pity in your eyes, as if I want the stars to be picked off for me, now I just want to dance for a while?"

"Hey loudly."


Impossible, Mu Xiaoxiao, if you want to die, just do it.

ten minutes later.

Under the dim light.

Xiaoxiao Mu Xiaoxiao, a young master, wears a long red dress, with a smile on her face, and puts her arms around Qin Yi, who is in a white dress, and lets her lean on herself.

Qin Yi's legs were still weak, and her toes were weakly on the ground. In order not to fall, she could only snuggle Mu Xiaoxiao tightly.

Mu Xiaoxiao believed in her words, as she said, her hands dragged Qin Yi's waist forcefully, "Try to step on my feet."

Qin Yi bit her lip, sweat oozing out of her forehead, and her legs seemed to be unwilling to do so. After a lot of effort, she stepped on Mu Xiaoxiao's feet.

Although it is still supported by the strength of the arm.

Although the legs are still unable to support the body.

But she took this step, and she trusted her wholeheartedly.

At that moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's heart flew, her hands tightly around Qin Yi's waist, leading her, like a toddler, sliding dance steps on the floor a little bit.

She put her arms around her.

She leaned close to her.

He breathed, long hair tangled.

Under the light, their shadows are like lovers in love, lingering in love and dancing.

They are such a good match.

Moonlight played music for them, and stars danced for them.

In the end, Qin Yi had no strength to breathe heavily on Mu Xiaoxiao, and Mu Xiaoxiao, who carried the weight of a person, was also sweaty, but she did not let go but tightened her arms, with her lips in Qin Yi’s ears. On the side, he said softly but very clearly: "Miss, happy birthday."

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