Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 43: 43rd

-Wait for me to take a bath. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:

The righteousness under the order of the eldest lady was awe-inspiring, but Mu Xiaoxiao instinctively trembled when she heard it. Would you like to take a bath?

She pursed her lips and hesitated. Although after her strong inner heart building and recovery last night, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that she had recovered a little from the abnormal heartbeat of the eldest lady, but the recovery did not mean that she was completely normal. It will take some time to adjust.

Psychologically, this kind of buffer period is very important. Many hot decisions and thoughts can be soothed and gradually calmed down.

Qin Yi stared at her with a pair of eyes and looked at her entanglement, she raised her hand.

—Didn’t you always yell that you want to bathe me?

Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little pain in her face, she could only start to find the fault: "Didn't you just take a shower?"

Qin Yi sneered.

—You are starting to take care of what should I do?

Want to die?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

It's really a long-lost murderous look.

Is the stamina of the eldest drunk still unsuccessful? Is your temper coming again?

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, she looked at the floor and brewed for a moment, the soul of the shadow queen upper body.

She bit her lip and looked at the lady with tears in her eyes.

She is so wronged.

She was oppressed by capital and couldn't lift her arrogant head.

The eldest lady looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and really felt that in fact, what kind of singer's dream of her could be put aside. Xiaoxiao is talented as an actress. If she likes it, just her figure and appearance, she can make her popular. Small flowers.

Seeing that the atmosphere is deadlocked.

The door lock at the gate rang, and with the sound of " 嚓", the door was pushed open.

This is simply a voice from heaven, Mu Xiaoxiao immediately turned around to look, the savior is here!

Liu Wannian came in with a large bag of ingredients purchased from the supermarket. Since the last time Mu Xiaoxiao coaxed the young lady to eat hot pot, he was sensitive to discover that the young lady seemed to have a burning enthusiasm for hot pot. No, he Only purchase fresh ingredients. The smile on his face was stunned when he saw Mu Xiaoxiao and Missy.

He... Isn't he here at the right time?

Qin Yi looked at Liu Wannian quietly with a pair of eyes, with stormy waves rolling in his eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao was about to call for someone, Liu Wannian did not turn around, long legs back, back, back again, he " " closed the door Up.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Missy's violence. Quan is really frightening.

She is not the only working people who are persecuted.

Mu Xiaoxiao bit her lip and stared at her, wondering if she wanted to use her coquettish stunt that she could defeat the eldest lady many times, but if she really used it, wouldn't it mean she had a ghost in her heart? But she doesn't need it. What if she sees the eldest lady's body and becomes messy again?

Just as Mu Xiaoxiao was in a dilemma, the eldest lady raised her hand indifferently.

—Sister, can you start?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

This "sister" made Teacher Mu feel like he was shot through by an arrow in his chest.

Her conscience was singled out by the eldest lady, and she was only close to telling the world.


When the two went into the bathroom together.

Although the eldest lady seemed indifferent on the surface, her heartbeat accelerated a little.

Teacher Mu has adjusted her mentality, and she is regarded as the eldest Miss Qiuqiu. Isn't it common to give Qiuqiu a bath? Who is she afraid of?

In the past, the eldest lady was always served by many people in daily life, but she was always alone in bathing.

Going into her bathroom, Mu Xiaoxiao looked around and found that everything here has also been lowered, so that the eldest lady can take a bath by herself, but it is inconvenient for her legs and feet, and it must be tiring to take a bath.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked in front of Qin Yi, she knelt down and looked at her: "What is the process? I don't know, you tell me."

Qin Yi glanced at her, looked at her dark eyes, and suddenly turned her head away.

It's not the first time, why do you still pretend to be so pure?

In the past, although Sister Song took care of her diet and daily life, it was convenient to take a bath. Except for her uncomfortable body, the eldest lady did it independently. Today she asked Mu Xiaoxiao to come in with a certain selfishness, but she really brought people in. Coming in, thinking of the forthcoming frankness, her heart beats wildly at will.

She was inexplicably nervous and wanted to find fault.

Sometimes people's aura is like this.

It was the eldest lady who had requested it, and she had also been suppressing Mu Xiaoxiao, but at this point, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the eldest lady's uncomfortable dodge and shyness, her confidence was full.

"Or, let me sing you a song first."

Qin Yi:...

"Lu la Lu la Lu la grie, I love to take a bath, my skin is so good oh oh oh oh~"

Qin Yi:...

Mu-xiao-xiao! !

Mu Xiaoxiao tried to use innocent songs to evoke the little pure in her heart. She sang for a while, feeling calm, and turned around with a smile to prepare to undress the eldest lady. As soon as her hand reached the opening in front of Qin Yi, the eldest lady immediately stepped back sensitively.

Mu Xiaoxiao:? ? ?

Qin Yi bit her lip, her eyes flashing.

-what are you doing?

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, "Didn't I want to bathe you?"

The heartbeat of the eldest lady became continuous, and when the familiar aroma of lychee hit her face, her breathing became a little unstable.

—Just take a shower, what are you doing?

I just unbuttoned it when I came up, and said I had no experience?

Facing the eldest lady’s unreasonable finding fault, Mu Xiaoxiao was very honest: “Should I undress you with my hands...Is it possible to use my feet? I don’t have that ability either.”

Mu-xiao-xiao! !

Everything in this world is like this, bittern tofu, one thing drops one thing.

Fortunately, after such a daily "trick", the eldest lady's bathing project officially kicked off.

Mu Xiaoxiao watched her take off her coat, with a smile in her eyes, and she was even humming a song.

Some people are just too stupid.

If it weren't because the eldest had a ghost in her heart, would she be afraid that she would be a hairy child?

Even if she has a ghost in her heart, can she still step on her head again and again?

Who is the eldest lady?

She was once a goddess singer and a boss-level figure who was popular in the entertainment industry.

Although she is on the same level as Mu Rookie in terms of emotions, if she really wants to be true, compared to the maturity and style of a woman, she can get rid of the puppies.

At this time, the two of them had their own abacus, and each of them was holding the small abacus in their hearts.

Teacher Mu sang to get her innocence back, not to let the yellow dye bury her and insult her sister's affection.

And what about the eldest lady? It just so happened that Teacher Mu's series of pretending to be stupid, indifferent and provocative made a sudden outrage.

She smiled coldly in her heart and started to get angry, she held down Mu Xiaoxiao's hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her suspiciously, what's the matter?

Under the ambiguous light, the eldest lady raised her head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, her eyes hooked on the wave of light and then hooked on her, she took it off by herself.

It's just that her hands are very slow to undress, a little bit from the snow-white collarbone, her slender fingers bring endless temptation.

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately turned her head, she just didn't dare to look at the eldest lady.

Qin Yi hooked her lips, her coat was taken off, revealing a body that was white enough to make people dry. She noticed that Mu Xiaoxiao was not looking at her, and the eldest lady was not in a hurry. She raised her hand and picked up the next one. The shower gel was thrown out with a "pop".

Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, turned around abruptly, flushing instantly.

What a graceful figure this is.

Mu Xiaoxiao swallowed instinctively, the eldest lady was really too white, her hair was black as silk, and the visual difference was irritating. Moving, the light shook her skin like candied fruit, her slender neck and **** collarbone moved all the way down. …

Qin Yi looked at her, staring at her without blinking.

She has turned her heart out.

Now that she has identified Mu Xiaoxiao, it will be hers one day.

She is not afraid.

The grumpy lady threw the bottle completely and Mu Xiaoxiao's soul was hooked away. She didn't know what her eyes had turned into, like the mist in the bathroom, wet and aggressive.

Such eyes...

Somehow brought a sense of oppression to Qin Yi.

Humans are advanced animals. In some respects, at certain moments, even the most powerful expert teachers will follow the instincts of animals.

Fortunately, Teacher Mu will always converge quickly and calmly. She muttered in her heart that it is Qiuqiu, Qiuqiu, and she is Qiuqiu.

One of the psychotherapy methods is called hypnotherapy.

Mu Xiaoxiao hasn't used it for a long time. This is what Zhang Qiao Zhang is good at. She has always felt that hypnotherapy is a little bit supernatural and requires the therapist's strong guidance and concentration. If she is not careful, she can easily fall into it. The gain is not worth the loss.

But now, in order to resist the temptation radiating from the eldest lady, she has had to take risks and do it.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked into Qin Yi. She restrained her trembling hands and gently took off her long skirt for the eldest lady. Her hands were hot and her movements were cautious. The throbbing caused by this together made Qin tremble. Yi pursed her lips and put a hand on her shoulder to ease.

Mu Xiaoxiao stiffened and went to see Qin Yi.

—Are you nervous?

Qin Yi looked at her with a pair of eyes, her eyes were not the same as usual, rippling with ripples.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth was dry, she took a deep breath, her mouth was hard: "Yes, I'm afraid it's hard to be trained."


On disappointment, which one is better?

Teacher Mu really called second, no one dared to call first.

With such a sentence, the eldest lady couldn't help but roll her eyes.

After all the hardships and finally took off the clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao helped Qin Yi sit while holding the shower and wanted to clean her body.

The figure of the eldest lady is really great.

Is this the golden ratio? The slender legs, the slender waist, and the hips...

At the critical moment, the eldest lady raised her fingertips, her eyes filled with lazy waves.

—Don’t you take it off?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...



Why does she take it off?

Qin Yi said lightly.

-Clothes will get wet.

My goodness.

When has her eldest lady been so considerate? Is it a conscience? She didn't even know that the eldest had a conscience.

Mu Xiaoxiao kept a polite smile: "Then I will take off one."

The woman's unwillingness to admit defeat.

Teacher Mu is here again.

She put the shower aside and posed for her pose. Under the elder's gaze, she raised her hand, but took off a coat, making the appearance of a **** girl taking a shampoo advertisement on TV. She was even throwing her clothes away. When he got to the ground, he even cast a wink at the eldest lady.

Qin Yi looked at her silently for a while, then raised her hand.

-Are you stupid?

She was asked to take off her clothes because she was afraid that her clothes would get wet. Why did she throw it directly on the ground?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


Beauty. Color makes people dizzy and irrational.

What is she doing?

Take a good bath, how can she think of so much flower-heartedness, is she right Missy?

Thinking of Qin Yi's help to her, and remembering the silent concern of this sister on weekdays, Mu Xiaoxiao slapped herself in the bottom of her heart. She restrained the ripples in her heart and began to seriously bathe the eldest lady.

Teacher Mu was not bragging before.

She does have experience serving people.

She was serving her grandma, the weakest old man. Occasionally, she would go to the nursing home in the next village with her grandma to have a look. She would do a lot of hard work, and she was very good at bathing the elderly.

Mu Xiaoxiao’s hands were very light. She washed her body little by little. When she was putting on the shower gel, she felt her slippery skin. Her fingertips were still shaking uncontrollably, and her face was flushed. Fortunately, because the water temperature came up, the surrounding mist was foggy, and everything could be hidden.

Qin Yi watched her skilful movements, her thoughts about playfulness were suppressed, her body was a little uncomfortable, she wanted to hide but didn't want to hide, she even felt that she was about to make a sound several times, the lady's face was pink. Ruxia, even her body was glowing red.

Why is she so skilled?

When Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, she saw the eldest lady’s eyes. She knew her doubts and felt her uncomfortable. She explained in an empathetic way: "Before, my grandma and I often went to the nursing home. There were many widows and loneliness. There is no one to take care of the elderly people. The nursing home is not very staffed, and my grandma and I will often help."

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao without blinking, she sighed with relief, feeling that the itchy folds in her heart calmed down a bit.

—Aren’t you tired? Why don't you rest?

She knew that Mu Xiaoxiao was not easy in the orphanage.

The living environment of Miss Mu Xiaoxiao is different from that of Mu Xiaoxiao. Since she was a child, she spread her clothes and stretched out her hands. Although she can respect the people below, she doesn't have the patience to ask them too much.

She was born with all of this, and most of the people around her are both rich and noble, so she doesn't think there is anything to cherish.

She could not imagine Mu Xiaoxiao's life at that time.

Qin Yi even knew that if Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to give up now, she didn't know how many people would flock to her. She wanted to treat her like a princess, and she didn't need to run like this.

But Xiaoxiao was like that, she might not care about it with a smile on the surface, but her inner stubbornness prevented her from bowing her head for any reason.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Tired, but when I was very young, I once asked the dean's mother why I was abandoned?"

Qin Yi's heart tightened, and she looked directly at Mu Xiaoxiao.

These are the words hidden from the bottom of my heart.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't even tell Zhang Qiao, she kept suppressing it in her heart, it was strange, maybe it was because she frankly met with the eldest lady physically? Maybe the sandalwood on the lady's body was scorched by the hot water, which made her surrounded by an inexplicable sense of warmth, that's why she said it so indifferently?

At that time, Xiaoxiao gradually became sensible as she got older.

When I went to school, when I saw a parent-teacher meeting, other parents would go there, but only her seat was empty. Sometimes the children would clamor that she was a wild child no one wanted, an abandoned orphan, she After hiding in my heart for a long time, I dared to ask the dean's mother and grandma.

Her tone was particularly cautious, for fear of making her mother and grandma unhappy.

Mu Xiaoxiao has always been very grateful to her grandma and mother, knowing that it is not easy for them. The two women support such a big family. She usually solves it by herself if she can digest it by herself, and never causes them trouble.

It is precisely because of this that her mother and grandma feel very sorry for her.

Hearing Xiaoxiao's question, Su Qiuyun and Grandma Chu looked at each other, and both felt uncomfortable.

Su Qiuyun hugged Xiaoxiao all of a sudden, and she kissed her on the forehead: "We are little less than other children, look at us, we are so beautiful, who sees it or says it's a doll?"

Xiaoxiao blinked and looked at her mother, feeling cheated.

Su Qiuyun rubbed her hair and whispered softly: "It's because Xiaoxiao is so beautiful and outstanding, so God will arrange a little bump for you to face it."

Grandma Chu was in line with her, her voice was loud: "Yes, you are born with hardships. You are too beautiful and smart, so you have experienced a little bit more. What do those little kids know? Don't listen to them! Besides, who said you were abandoned? Who is willing to abandon you, me or your mother?"

Su Qiuyun went to kiss Xiaoxiao again: "It's like what my grandmother said, we Xiaoxiao now, we may suffer a little bitterness, but after we finish all the hardship, we will be very happy and happy."

Therefore, Mu Xiaoxiao has always felt that suffering is nothing, she is just a stepping stone for the future, and has always believed in the words of grandma and mother.

Until she heard her grandmother and mother coax sister Qiuqiu with almost the same rhetoric, they replaced the words "beautiful and beautiful" with "cute" on her sister, Qiuqiu believed it was true, and smiled like it. It's a silly little cutie.

Xiaoxiao only understood at that time that in this world, not only good-looking children will be exercised by God, but also ugly children.

But in such a comparison, she seems to be much happier than her sister. She is healthy, has no heart problems, and looks beautiful like a flower. Shouldn't she suffer more to meet a better life in the future?

What Mu Xiaoxiao said was light, witty and humorous, but the eldest lady was distressed when she heard it, her eyelashes blinked gently, and her eyes drooped.

When she saw the eldest lady like this, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but want to hug her and tell her that she was very happy. Until now, she knew that what they were saying was true.

She suffered a lot, and now she finally started to enjoy a happy life.

No, she met the eldest lady.

If she usually wears clothes, she must hug Missy.

But... Now that she gave her eight courage, she didn't dare to hug Qin Yi like that.

Both of them felt restless during the bath. Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he had just been restrained and was overwhelmed by the temptation of mature women that radiated from the eldest lady.

And what about the eldest lady?

She originally wanted to seduce and retaliate against Xiaoxiao.

But where is the one-way world in the emotional world?

Although Mu Xiaoxiao didn't take it off completely, she wore a small sling like this, translucent, with her long hair draped over her shoulders, and she could see everything vaguely, but she couldn't see clearly, dripping on the **** On the collarbone, her red lips were also wet, squinting at her, it could almost kill.

After this round, it was a tie.

When changing clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao stared at the eldest lady's purple lace **** underwear and her face was red. Compared with the eldest lady, she was of the hellokitty level.

The eldest lady who had just taken a shower was wrapped in a bath towel and leaned against the bed, the pink on her face had not faded, she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao lazily.

-do you like it?

Mu Xiaoxiao was agitated and shook his head quickly: "No, I don't like it, it doesn't suit me, it's too mature."

Qin Yi:...

She obviously came to this series of three "nos" because she was too nervous to be a guilty conscience, but from the perspective of the eldest lady, it seemed to say that she was old.

The eldest squinted her eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao handed her the underwear and turned her head awkwardly.

Generally, the blouse is changed by the lady herself, and she is responsible for the top.

After changing clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao changed the pants for the eldest lady. She can already hug the eldest lady on the bed very skillfully. But today, the eldest lady's eyes are a bit wrong, and she put her arms around her neck and looked at her straightly. , The long hair ran across her cheek, itchy and fragrant.

That look... from the seduction of a mature woman...

If Mu Xiaoxiao is an immature green fruit, then the young lady is a ripe peach with a coveted fragrance.

Even with the same beautiful face, the eldest lady's amorous feelings can be a few blocks away, but Qin Yi's cold temperament, such a side, no one can see, only to Mu Xiaoxiao, it is full of lethality.

I've been watching Mu Xiaoxiao's ears red, and I didn't dare to look at her. Her hands were trembling. The eldest lady was content to urge people to start applying facial masks as usual.

Mu Xiaoxiao went to the living room. She stood in front of the mirror in the living room and stared at herself for a long time.

Her mind is complicated.

Until that moment, she felt that she had no way but to face some kind of unfamiliar feelings.

If she thinks she is to the eldest lady like Qiuqiu, it is purely self-deception.


Why does she have such thoughts?

Could it be that the eldest lady's gentleness, care for her, and care for her made her think so much?

What is the difference between her and the Phoenix man like this?

The identities between them are very different, let alone what kind of sentiment the eldest lady has for her now, she doesn't know, she alone can't pass this level.

And... what's behind her? What's behind the eldest lady?

She finally got better, is she really going to drag her into the quagmire?

And she has never really fallen in love. Who has she really liked, and what is it like to like? Does she like it? Isn’t it just a matter of seeing.

After struggling for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao stared at herself in the mirror, muttering to herself, "I have nothing."

After finishing talking, she looked at herself in the mirror again and added: "There is only this beautiful skin."

After finishing talking, Mu Xiaoxiao stared at herself carefully.

In fact, she looks pretty good, right?

Not just for self-appreciation, right?

The eldest lady's kind of heavenly pride will not be compared, even compared to the Su model, she is not inferior.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood up, seeing that she could disregard the fullness of the mountains, she touched her face again, looked at the young skin without facial mask skin care products, she flicked her long hair again, and looked at her as dark as black. Waterfall can shoot the hair of the shampoo advertisement.

Use one word to describe.


Two words to describe.


To describe in three words.

very beautiful.

Girl's mind, don't guess, you can't guess after guessing.

Mu Xiaoxiao was completely immersed in her beautiful world. For a while, all her inferiority complex was left behind. In the end, she raised her right hand, raised it above the side of her face, and waved her paw in front of the mirror. With two sounds of "barking".

Her heart was instantly occupied by joy.

Didn’t the eldest say that she likes puppies?

In fact, she can also be a dog.


Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed her face vigorously with both hands again, what was she thinking? Missy is her sister!

Does she want to... incest?

Unable to help, Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed her face vigorously, almost rubbed her face, and her sanity recovered. When she turned around, she saw the eldest lady sitting in a wheelchair.

! !

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked, and he took a step back, his legs were soft, "Big and Miss? Why are you here?!"

The eldest lady looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a pair of transparent eyes, with a calm expression.

She is not only here.

She has been here for a long time.

She also treated Xiaoxiao's-I am so uncomfortable-I am very inferior-I seem a little beautiful? —No, I am very beautiful —I am the number one beauty in the world —Perhaps, I am also a bitch? —Oh, no, I can't like my sister's series of wonderful expressions to have a panoramic view.

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