Since Qin Shuang left, Song's wife has been in a low mood. She went to the room and stayed for a while. When she came out, she saw Mu Xiaoxiao waiting for her in the living room. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

Mu Xiaoxiao stood up, she glanced across Song's eyes, and smiled slightly: "I'm hungry."

Not to mention just now, not to ask what's wrong, but just this sentence warmed Song's heart, she nodded: "I will do it for you now."

People go fast.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at and pursed her lips. She looked up to Qin Yi's room, only to see that the curtains were still drawn in the room, and it was pitch black, and she could only vaguely see the back.

Lonely and stubborn.

At dinner in the evening.

Qin Yi still didn't come out, it was Song's wife who sent it up.

When Mu Xiaoxiao was drinking the porridge, she noticed that Sister Song's condition seemed a bit wrong, her face was a little pale, and her forehead was faintly sweaty, "Sister Song, are you uncomfortable?"

Sister Song tilted her head, "No, it's okay."

"Is it okay?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her eyes: "The voice is all wrong, do you have a thermometer at home? I feel like you have a fever."

As she said, she raised her hand and touched Sister Song's forehead. Sister Song's eyes were weak: "Just a little tired..."

She can't make trouble for the young lady.

She is in a bad mood today.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Sister Song’s eyes and said softly, “Don’t worry, Sister Song, it’s just a small cold and fever. Don’t be too nervous, huh?”

In a word, Sister Song's eye sockets are a bit sore, she has been blaming herself and annoyed, and hating herself for not being able to protect Qin Yi.

From the perspective of outsiders, they live here to serve the eldest lady. She has no worries about eating and drinking, and she has servants to take care of everything. This is an enviable life.

But who knows that it's not easy for the young lady? Know what she went through?

Sister Song loves her, but her strength is too weak. She can't help Qin Yi, but she can't let her be bullied.

She is the child of the old lady and the daughter of the Qin family.


Mu Xiaoxiao helped Sister Song to lie down on the bed, and gave her medicine, and put a fever-reducing sticker on her head: "Let's see if the fever can go away for a while. If it doesn't go away, I have to see a doctor tomorrow."

Sister Song shook her head, she lifted the quilt, and wanted to see Qin Yi.

Mu Xiaoxiao patted her hand and said softly: "Don't worry, the more you are anxious, the easier it is to get angry. You have to rest so that you can get better, and Miss Qin won't be relieved."

Sister Song retracted her arms and hands as if she had been poked in her heart. She couldn't get sick. Qin Yi's life is a lot of inconvenience now. Although there are servants in the family, she needs the hands of Sister Song for everything close to her.

But what to do tonight? Aunt Song licked her dry lips and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao for help.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Naturally able to understand the desire in Song's eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao struggled a bit, and suppressed the unknown fear in her heart: "Then... I'll go and see, what does she usually need?"

In the room on Qin Yi's floor, many utensils were specially changed for her to find someone to make it easier for her to operate in a wheelchair. However, it was inconvenient, and Song's wife needed the help of many things.

Although Sister Song lacks strength, she still insists on her spirit and said: "The eldest lady is so clean. All the clothes she took off need to be collected and handed over to Xiaocui for special cleaning. The floor in the room also needs to be cleaned three times a day. Recently, the air is dry. She can’t get hot, turn on the humidifier. She likes the smell of sandalwood. There is a special fragrance in the closet on her left hand. The smell will be a little bigger after it is turned on. The window should be opened a bit. The skin care products on her table Don’t move anything. She doesn’t like moving people and taking a bath. The bathroom has been modified so that she can go in by herself, but people should guard it outside in case there is an emergency, and..."

Sister Song didn't seem to be sick at all when she said it. She talked in great detail. Mu Xiaoxiao listened carefully, and kept her face turned sideways and her ears upright.

Speaking of almost, Song Sao paused and looked at her eyes hesitantly: "Is it a bit too much?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head. She tucked the quilt for Sister Song, turned off the headlights, and turned on the bedside lamp. "I'll go and try first. You will take a break first. If you feel uncomfortable, send a message and tell me."

Sister Song was a little worried, she propped herself up with one arm: "Is it really okay?"

When Mu Xiaoxiao asked about this, she was about to say that it might not be good, when she saw Sister Song lying on the bed suddenly, wrapped herself in a bedding, turned around, and muttered: "Hey, So sad."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

She really found that Sister Song had the talent of a psychologist, and she was very powerful. She hadn't said this yet.

Somewhat worried, Mu Xiaoxiao went to the bathroom first, washed his hands clean, and tidied up in the mirror before heading to the third floor.

This is the first time she has been here for almost a week.

As soon as I arrived upstairs, I could smell the faint fragrance of sandalwood, and there were bursts of deep piano sound.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know much about music, he could hear the faint sorrow and sadness in the sound of the piano, like shallow waves, wave after wave, tolerantly low.

She stood at the top of the stairs and paused for a while, puffed herself up, walked to the door of Qin Yi, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

The door rang, but the piano stopped.

Almost instantly.

Rao is Mu Xiaoxiao's strong psychological quality, and his heart hangs up at this time, holding his breath.

She was really a little afraid that she would get a "roll" from Qin Yi like Qin Shuang.

The night was exceptionally quiet. I don’t know how long it took. After Mu Xiaoxiao’s heart turned up and down like a roller coaster, the door was opened with the sound of the wheelchair "grumbling". .

With the dim light in the room, bursts of sandalwood incense came out, not strong, but silky into people's hearts.

Mu Xiaoxiao was very nervous, her palms were sweating, she looked at Qin Yi in the wheelchair, and for a while, she lost her language ability.

The moonlight was full, and Bai Lian sprinkled on Qin Yi's body like she was wearing a cold gauze.

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao like that, although she couldn't make a sound, but her aura was approaching.

She looked downstairs, as if looking for something.

After a while, Qin Yi raised her head and stared at Mu Xiaoxiao quietly.

This is the last time Mu Xiaoxiao went to see Qin Yi from a distance.

She is really amazingly beautiful.

With long dark hair resting on his shoulders, Qin Yi's skin is white as ceramic, and his red lips are still sharp, but with a faint look of fatigue right now, but that sharpness is not diminished at all.

She stared at Mu Xiaoxiao unblinkingly.

She is questioning.

Mu Xiaoxiao understood, she said softly: "Sister Song is a little tired, let me come up and have a look."

a bit tired?

Qin Yi did not respond, her eyes stared at Mu Xiaoxiao like torches.

In the past, such suspicious glances were all given by Mu Xiaoxiao to others, but now she is like a spine.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips: "She... has a fever."

Without waiting for her to speak any more, Qin Yi had already turned around and entered the room, while the door behind her slowly closed.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


She is annoyed by Miss Zhao.

Fortunately, after Mu Xiaoxiao went down and talked to Sister Song about being refused entry, Sister Song expressed understanding and affirmed: "It's great that you can say a few words to Miss Song."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Sister Song thought for a while, she lifted the quilt: "Or I'll go and see it."

Reluctantly, she had more than enough energy and lacked strength, and only walked a few steps, her head was dizzy, and her legs had no strength.

Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly helped her lie down, "Don't move, I'll cook some porridge for you, take some medicine, recover and go again, eh?"

She can see it through.

Sister Song's kindness and gentleness are all superficial, and her stubbornness and stubbornness in her bones are so similar to that of Qin Yi.

After all, the body is not good. Under Mu Xiaoxiao’s good talk, Song's wife finally didn’t toss, but she was so weak. She took out a wad of paper from the drawer and muttered, “My body doesn’t know. When will I get better, I'd better write down the precautions of Miss's daily life, Xiaoxiao, I really trouble you."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her helplessly.

Aunt Song raised her head. Under the light, the old man's pale complexion made people feel distressed, "Xiaoxiao, although I haven't known you for long, I know you are a good boy."

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "Sister Song, what are you going to say?"

She knew that she was still worried about Qin Yi.

Sister Song’s eyes were a little red, and her voice choked up: "I am old and my body can no longer hold back bones. I just want to ask you to take care of Miss. She...she has experienced a lot in her life, she..."

"Don't think too much." Mu Xiaoxiao drew the tissue from the paper draw and handed it to Mrs. Song. "You just have a small cold, and you will get better soon, and you will be able to stay by her side again."

Sister Song didn't pick up her tissue, and stared at her slightly stubbornly.

Mu Xiaoxiao can't help it. She can't stand the old man's pleading look. She can only compromise: "Well, I will take care of her."

Sister Song finally rested in peace. Mu Xiaoxiao went downstairs to cook porridge. She was very good at cooking. This surprised everyone. It is really rare for a university student who did not go out to cook and do housework. .

It's just that the porridge hasn't been cooked yet.

The door of the house was snapped, and Mu Xiaoxiao went to open the door. Aunt Song was not relieved, afraid that Qin Shuang would be back again, struggling to get up and see with her.

The door was opened, bringing in a wave of dampness and coolness.

Two men in suits walked in, one of them still carrying a medicine box, "Sister Song, are you sick?"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around to see Sister Song in surprise. Sister Song was also a little dazed. These two were the Queen's doctors of the Qin family. They were well-known in the industry and had superb skills. Haughty, they rarely pay attention to these subordinates, why are they here?

Sister Song moved her dry lips and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao suspiciously. But Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to understand. She looked up at Qin Yi's closed door on the third floor.

There was a light left in the room. The light was dim, but it was enough to show the owner's concern.

Dr. Xu also saw it, and was quite anxious: "Next time you have something to do, you can just contact me directly, you don't need to disturb the lady."

He was obviously in a panic, and hurriedly took the still-burning sister-in-law Song in for examination.

And Mu Xiaoxiao stood in place, with her hands in her pockets, raising her head to look up.

Although only a looming outline could be seen, Qin Yi stared face to the outside.

Mu Xiaoxiao let out a sigh of relief.

Although the ray of light was very dim, it shone into Xiaoxiao's heart that had not reported her illusions, and made her see a little hope.

At the very least, Qin Yi still cared about people around her, she didn't completely close her heart.

But she didn't expect it.

The next day, Miss Qin smashed the hope that she had just ignited.

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