Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 54: 54th

Chapter 54 Chapter 54 The eldest is trembling in her arms...

——Sister, I want to tell you something. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:

Qin Yi's body tightened, and she had never had such a tense moment in her life.

Qianchen, in the past, many pictures flashed through her mind, "forcing" her to breathe hard.

It was a conversation between my aunt and my father on the rainy night before my 25th birthday.

——She was originally a demon. If you really love your sister, you won't tolerate her existence. Everything about her should belong to Shuang'er!

It was the words Qin Shuang who used to take care of her in a pool of blood coldly looked at her.

——I lied to you, what kind of sister, all your belongings.

It's the father's sentence.

——Don't "force" Dad to do something with his own daughter.


So, now, will she also come to Xiaoxiao's unfeeling words?

Mu Xiaoxiao was looking at Qin Yi with a smile, but she was sensitive to find that the light in her eyes was broken into pieces, and she couldn't restrain the slight shaking. She was stunned, leaning forward, hugging Lived with Qin Yi: "Big sister? Big sister......"

Qin Yi's body is cold.

It's the kind of uncontrollable, from the inside out.

Qin Yi pursed her lips, her face was pale, she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

——What are you going to say to?

Speak up, she can bear it.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised a hand and "touched" her face, "I want to ask you, after the contract for psychotherapy, can I be your rehabilitator?"

She originally wanted to tease her elder sister, but she didn't dare anymore, full of regret and self-blame.

She forgot how many times Qin Yi's heart had been hurt.

How could she tease her like this?

The eldest sister still did not react. She looked at Mu Xiaoxiao blankly. The lightly blinking eyelashes and pale face made Mu Xiaoxiao very distressed. She quickly took the book at hand: "You Look at it."

These are selected by her busy schedule, and they are the most basic, but what about?

She studies a little bit, and Teacher Mu believes that with her smart brain cells, she will soon be able to understand the book.

She wanted to pass it to Qin Yi, but the eldest sister looked at her blankly as if she was stupid.

Mu Xiaoxiao bit her lip. She grabbed Qin Yi's hand, interlaced her fingers, and put her lips together, hehe: "I want to be with you and make you heal."

This time, she didn't say the word "until".

If you follow the usual habit, she will say-to stay with you until you recover.

The eldest sister felt her frozen heart beat, so, isn't she going to leave herself?

She raised her hand gently, her fingertips trembling uncontrollably.

——Aren't you going to support education?

"This is exactly what I'm trying to say." Mu Xiaoxiao held her hand, and stared at her with pitch-black eyes: "Check it, a cottage in Guizhou is very beautiful, sunny and clear water. , The air is also sparsely populated, it is suitable for recuperation."

Her words were whispered. Now it was her turn to panic. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Yi's eyes: "Knowing that there are still a lot of things in the Qin family will make you busy. But you can take Brother Wannian Take it too, and then use computers and mobile phones to handle many things like at home."

Liu Wannian:...

Suddenly, he got nervous and thought he could say something. It turned out that it was his turn to be a tool man.

Qin Yi stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with a pair of eyes, the broken ice inside gradually melted, "rippling" into a slight spring water, surrounding Xiaoxiao.

Is such that.

I don't know when to start.

When the eldest sister looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, she had no one else in her eyes, as if the world was inferior to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt her cold hands gradually return to temperature. She smiled like a sunflower, holding her elder sister's hands boldly and holding her face: "Besides, the traffic is so convenient now. If you are in a hurry, you can come back by plane. ,Is it?"

Her eyelashes flickered and blinked, and she stared at Qin Yi, eager for her eldest sister to give her an answer.

But Qin Yi stared at her for a long time, and saw that Mu Xiaoxiao's lips curled up. She was squeezed, and then she raised her hand.

——The ticket money can be deducted from your salary.

Teacher Mu:...


Why would the eldest sister pierce her with a thousand arrows when she is so happy?

Teacher Mu refused to admit defeat and resisted: "But tell you, eldest sister, there is no one to serve you over there. Don't worry, you have to speed up your speaking practice these days."

The eldest sister is cold.

——Need you to rest assured?

No matter how cold she was, Mu Xiaoxiao was so happy that she stepped forward and hugged Qin Yi, hugged him directly from the wheelchair, and went around the room.

Qin Yi exclaimed, her face flushed when she saw Su Qiuyun and Liu Wannian who were stunned next to him, and Song Ke, who was full of complicated faces.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around, put her on the wheelchair, and pinched her slender waist: "Happy, happy!"

Can she be unhappy?

Recently, it is not only the eldest sister who is uncomfortable.

Teacher Mu also has trouble sleeping and eating

Chapter 54 Chapter 54 The eldest lady is trembling in her arms...


She thought of countless ways, countless excuses, to be able to stay with her elder sister, but she couldn't stand her feet.

When receiving the news from Guizhou teaching support, Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised to feel that her heart was not excited at all, but rather an inexplicable anxiety.

She was anxious and anxious for a long time, and she became angry.

At the moment when he saw the same entangled and distracted eldest sister, Mu Xiaoxiao completely understood.

She can't bear it.

She was reluctant to leave her eldest sister.

It is not easy for her to rescue the princess in such a closed restricted area, how could she throw her back into the restricted area without her hand?

Mu Xiaoxiao was uninhibited and arrogant in his bones. What's more, she was surrounded by her own family members, not to mention Liu Wannian, who was the person the eldest sister trusted the most, and she dared not say anything.

"I heard that the starry sky there is special, so I will show you the stars later."

"Oh, yes, there is no charge for this."


Liu Wannian and Su Qiuyun looked at each other with the sound of Mu Xiaoxiao's chattering ink. The two of them held back a smile and went out. Song Ke was silent for a moment. She took a deep look at Mu Xiaoxiao and followed out.

The eldest sister and Mu Xiaoxiao were left in the room.

Mu Xiaoxiao was more relaxed. She said a lot of dry mouth, but she didn't see her elder sister nodding her head in agreement, and poking her mouth to pretend to be pitiful: "Do you agree or disagree?"

Qin Yi looked at her, feeling that her heart that had been wrinkled for a long time was gently smoothed by her.

Is this what you like?

If you like a person, it will be from life to death because of a word or even a look in her eyes.

This is the person she likes.

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao greedily. She never made her sad or sad. She could always see through the most vulnerable and sensitive parts of her heart, and quickly gave her a sense of security.

Fearful like to vent out, the eldest sister raised her hand, pinched Mu Xiaoxiao's soft cheek, and turned in a circle.

I really like her.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

For what?

What is this for?

The eldest sister is really getting more and more violent.


As soon as the person left, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have to pretend to be a big sister and mother's baby. She took Qin Yi's arm: "Resting for a while? I feel my head still hurts."

Qin Yi glanced at her coldly.

——Who made you drink so much?

Just after saying this, the hearts of the two of them jumped.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her elder sister secretly, turned her head back, her heartbeat accelerated, almost rushing out of her chest.

Nervous and nervous.

Like to ask her what happened to the pup last night.

The eldest sister was also nervous, and immediately moved away when she made contact with Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

What kind of feeling is it for a senior student to fall in love?

If Teacher Zhang Qiao Zhang knew, he would laugh at two rookies.

The air is ambiguous.

Mu Xiaoxiao was really tired. She begged her elder sister to rest with her, hugged Qin Yi on the sofa, and lay on it by herself. She was not polite, and directly pillowed Qin Yi's leg.

The eldest sister stiffened and took a deep breath.

Did she give a pup face, and dare to use her as a pillow?

Mu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, "fascinated" and "lost" talking vaguely: "Sister, you say, these days, I want to, on the one hand, I hope you can recover quickly. If the eldest sister recovers, put on a beautiful skirt and go there. I don’t kill everything in seconds, but on the other side, I think that if you really recover completely, you can’t hold you or make you see you are speechless.”

This was her most heartfelt words, lying on the eldest sister's lap, smelling the sandalwood scent that made her feel at ease, Teacher Mu began to hypnotize herself again.

The eldest sister looked down at Mu Xiaoxiao, she was silent for a moment, raised her slender hand, and gently "touched" her cheek.

Mu Xiaoxiao grinned, she turned around, and put her arm around Qin Yi's waist: "You will recover in the future, don't be too strong, don't bully?"

have a look.

What's this?

The puppies began to act coquettishly.

Before the person, he started to make demands.

The eldest sister squeezed her face and poked her eyebrows again. Mu Xiaoxiao smiled with her lips curled. She herself didn't know when she fell asleep so "fascinated" and "strangely".

She is a typical second sleep type.

The eldest sister never rested. She lowered her head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, gently stroking her facial features.

Her eyebrows...

Her eyes...

Her nose...

Her lips...

How could she bully her?

She will take care of her and see her Xiaoxiao is always happy and happy.

On the way, Liu Wannian, Su Qiuyun, and Song Ke hadn't noticed any movement outside for a long time. Liu Wannian was afraid of what the eldest sister would make, so he gently knocked in.

Go in this one.

Before Liu Wannian had time to put down the legs, he was caught by the murderous gaze of the older sister.

Liu Wannian looked at Mu Xiaoxiao on Sister Sleeping’s lap, he hurried himself

Chapter 54 Chapter 54 The eldest lady is trembling in her arms...

Raising his hand, he made a shushing motion on his mouth, and his legs moved backwards like a bicycle reversing.

One step, two steps...

He disappeared from sight.

Su Qiuyun smiled lightly at the appearance of Liu Wannian coming out. Song Ke looked at her and said softly, "Mom, I feel uncomfortable."

Su Qiuyun patted her shoulder: "Mom knows your mind, but in this world, many things can be forced, but emotions can't, you know?"

Song Ke knew what he said, but he was still suffocating with pain: "It's too late to come back."


Su Qiuyun stretched out her hand and hugged Song Ke. In Song Ke's mother's arms, her eyes were red.

"You, silly boy, morning and night, if she likes you, you will stop you before you leave."

From Su Qiuyun's point of view, Xiaoxiao and Song Ke have different hearts.

Take Qin Yi as an example. Su Qiuyun thinks that today Xiaoxiao told her to take her to do some rehabilitation treatment. If she tells Qin Yi that she wants to leave and want to go to support education, she wants Qin Yi wouldn't say anything, let her go, and stayed silently.

But what if you change to Song Ke?

She might be furious with Mu Xiaoxiao, crying and making trouble to not allow her to leave.

Mind or something, sometimes, it really separates people.

Mu Xiaoxiao slept quite heavily this time, and her saliva was going to flow from her elder sister. Qin Yi kept looking down at her, why didn't she see enough. Later, she asked Liu Wannian to prepare a few cards for Mu Xiaoxiao to come in. Braid.

Three lines on his head, three goat braids, instantly turned mature teacher Mu into a mountain cannon.

Her hair is tied up, and she hasn't woken up yet.

The eldest sister took out the lipstick she carried and painted her a red face.

The eldest sister is gifted in painting. She has a superb memory. When she was in school, her classmates used to be a woman who had a round eye. She would learn many things as long as she took a short look. In the words of the teacher, she was a genius in every aspect.

After finishing everything, the eldest sister took a photo with her mobile phone, her lips slightly raised.

Liu Wannian stood and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, who was so miserable by her eldest sister Huo Huo, at the side of the station, "showing" the expression of the old subway man looking at his mobile phone.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head sensitively, and went up to the water drop camera on the ceiling on his right foot.

The hospital needs to be monitored by cameras without blind spots. There is no doubt that people have adjusted the angle.

In the Nanyang hospital, people dare to monitor the eldest sister?

Liu Wannian quietly moved to Qin Yi's side, trying to remind her that the eldest sister didn't lift her head, she waved her hand to signal Liu Wannian not to disturb Xiaoxiao's dream.

She doesn't know what a dream is for, and the corners of her lips are still smiling.

Mu Xiaoxiao is indeed dreaming.

She dreamed that she had abducted her eldest sister to Guizhou, a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and unrestrained relaxation.

Facing the bright stars in the sky, Mu Xiaoxiao kissed the elder sister, she kissed her, the trembling look in her arms was so alluring.

She didn't want to wake up at all.


In the monitoring room.

Qin Shuang held his arms expressionlessly and looked at the picture on the screen, while Qin Hailong was standing by her side, squinting at the monitor: "Is that the kid? He is the one your sister likes." ?"

His eyes were full of suspicion, and his tone was extremely distrustful.

This cannot be blamed on him.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiaojing was painted as an ugly baby by the older sister.

Qin Shuang was dressed in black, just holding his arms, coldly without saying a word, as if he had just returned from the South Pole.

The person who adjusted the monitoring was trembling. He came directly without passing through the dean. He could have refused, but... Mr. Qin came, unless he didn't want this bowl of rice.

"Bring it closer."

Qin Hailong's eyes were about to be attached to the screen. He stared at it earnestly. At the moment when the camera was placed to the face that faced Mu Xiaoxiao the most, her face was suddenly blocked by a plain white hand.

Qin Hailong stiffened, Qin Shuang also raised his eyebrows.

The probe moved up with that hand, facing Qin Yi's icy eyes. She already knew the people behind, so what?

This is a matter of time.

The eldest sister raised her hand and made signs very slowly.

The heart of Qin Hailong, who had been discovered, was inexplicably vacant, but when Qin Yi's movements were seen, he darkened his face again and turned to ask Qin Shuang, "What did she say?"

Qin Shuang copied his pockets with both hands, and said faintly, "Do you really want to know?"

She knows some sign language, but she is not proficient. At this speed, Qin Yi has obviously guessed who is behind the probe, and what she said is extremely "sexual".

Qin Hailong roared and poked the crutch in his hand: "Say!"

This unfilial daughter.

Qin Shuang shrugged, she said faintly: "My sister said--"

Qin Hailong stared at Qin Shuang with a pair of sharp eagle eyes. He knew Qin Yi's "sex" coldly, and he didn't want to say a word with him. Wouldn't he tell him not to do this behind his back?

"She said-don't'force' your daughter, do it to your biological father."

Qin Hailong:............! ! !

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