Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 68: 68th

—My girlfriend baked it. +++All Tanmei Novels:

What the eldest lady said was really calm, and didn't mean anything to show off.

She thought it was nothing, just to prevent the child from crying and to explain a fact.

Xiao Hua didn't cry anymore, but the tears in her eyes were still in her eyes, and she stared at the eldest lady blankly.

Children from poor families headed their homes early.

She is indeed a bit older than her peers. She understood what the beautiful sister said but didn't seem to understand.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Qiao opened their mouths and watched the eldest coax the children.

Xiao Hua's dark eyes blinked and stared at the eldest lady. Although she didn't ask, her eyes were full of doubts.


Is it the kind of brothers and sisters in the village she sees who stick together every day?

But they are both a boy and a girl, not two girls.

The eldest lady looked at Qin Xiaohua with a puzzled look, she put down the skewers in her hand, "What do you want to ask?"

This tone, this question, didn't seem to be a child, but an adult.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to say more, she secretly looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and lowered her head.

Although the little girl's clothes were a little dirty, her face and body were clean and her black hair was very cute.

The eldest stared at her for a while, and when Xiaohua had some second skewers, she simply explained: "She will be my wife in the future."

Xiao Hua coughed and almost choked.

The eldest lady seemed to understand what she looked like, so she stopped talking and ate the skewers quietly.

Zhang Qiao:...

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The breeze was blowing, and the whole small courtyard was smelling of Missy’s dog food. Zhang Qiao pulled Mu Xiaoxiao with his thumbs up: "Mr. Mu, you are really amazing."

Before, she laughed at Mu Xiaoxiao's persistent display, not as calm as sister Qin.

Now look...Is it really as she said, sister Qin is not showing off? She is no one to show off.

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart was melted by the two words of the eldest lady. She was grilling skewers while looking at the eldest lady, only feeling that the charcoal fire was not as warm as her heart.

Before, when she kissed the eldest lady, she didn't see how happy she was.

It turned out that flowers have exploded in my heart.

If you like it so much, she will kiss her more in the future.

The skewers were eaten for more than an hour. Before Xiao Hua was about to leave, she stood straight and bowed vigorously to the lady, "Thank you."

She will thank them tomorrow with a basket woven by grandma.

The eldest lady didn't speak, she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, Mu Xiaoxiao came over, she looked at Xiaohua with a smile and handed her the bag in her hand: "Hey, your sister Qin told me that you still have one in your house. Grandma, this is the chicken wings with less salt and sugar that I grilled for her. Because time is a bit tight, I didn't have time to prepare, so I put a few eggs and a few packets of instant noodles for you."

Xiao Hua looked at Qin Yi in surprise.

She looked at this beautiful sister coldly, as if she didn't like to pay attention to her. Is this true?

But...she just told herself that this aunt is her future wife, isn't it a lie?

"I do not want."

Xiao Hua waved her hand quickly. Grandma said that she can't take other people's things casually.

Zhang Qiao smiled next to him and said, "Take it, don't be embarrassed."

The more she looks at this doll, the more beautiful she is now. At a young age, she already has her own character.

Xiaohua still didn't accept it. Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but she went to see the eldest lady. Qin Yi stared at Xiaohua without saying a word.

Little Flower:...

The child's heart became tense inexplicably, and her two hands were behind her back.

She is instinctively fond of the eldest lady, but also instinctively afraid.

When she first saw the eldest lady sitting on the tricycle, she was unconsciously attracted, and instinctively felt that she was a good person.

Qin Yi looked at Xiao Hua and pointed to the entrance of the yard: "I will carry the firewood here tomorrow, and it will be full."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Zhang Qiao:...

A few minutes later, Xiao Hua took what Xiaoxiao gave to eat, and left happily. She didn't feel embarrassed at all. When she turned around, she secretly looked at Qin Yi.

The eldest lady drank tea indifferently, without looking at her.

Waiting for someone to leave.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but hug Qin Yi: "Miss, you are amazing."

Qin Yi glanced at her and ignored it.

Zhang Qiao suddenly felt restless next to her, so she quickly found an excuse: "Then you guys talk, I'll go first."

Oh, she thought to herself, with Xiaoxiao's character, she had to keep her to chat and play cards after dinner together. How could she refuse?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her, "Go away."

The eldest lady also looked at her, raised her hand and waved.


Zhang Qiao:...

Let’s not talk about whether the meat skewers are full or not, the dog food is full enough for the game.

As soon as the person leaves.

Mu Xiaoxiao locked the door back, she sat in a wicker chair and shook her arms around the lady.

Withered vines, old trees, faint crows, small bridges and flowing water.

Such a leisurely life is what she dreams of.

If it weren't for the eldest lady, Xiaoxiao didn't even have to think about it. Now she must be busy with tomorrow's class and tomorrow's all kinds of things. Now, she just wants to be immersed in the gentle country.

With the status, everything is different.

In the past, when she held the eldest lady, she also restrained herself from worrying that her violent heartbeat would be caught by the eldest lady.

But now, she can hug the petal-like body unscrupulously, sniff gently along her neck with the tip of her nose, keeping all the flavors she likes in her heart.

The eldest lady was a little uncomfortable because of her. She felt that Mu Xiaoxiao's breathing was like a puppy, spreading all the way up her neck...

She couldn't help shaking slightly, "Xiaoxiao..."


Teacher Mu now really likes the eldest lady calling her trembling like this, she doesn't know how the eldest is so sensitive, she will not be able to stand it even if she stumbles lightly.


The eldest lady's hands clung to her sleeves, trying to get her breathing back to normal, "Slower...slower, okay?"

It was a strange and out of control feeling.

Every time Xiaoxiao posted it, the eldest lady felt her heartbeat speeding up, her body felt weak, and something rushed out as if she couldn't control it.

Mu Xiaoxiao kissed her ear affectionately: "Hmm, slower, slower."

With that said, she couldn't help but provoke the eldest lady.

Ears, eyes, bridge of nose, lips...

The wicker chair shook, and Mr. Mu, who had promised the eldest lady, repeatedly fouled, and the bully eldest lady shrank into a ball. In the end, she didn't even have the strength to push her.


Teacher Mu was refreshing to prepare and read books there. When she came before, she told Director Wang optimistically that she would teach Chinese and psychology. But now let’s take a look at the lack of strength in the school’s teachers, plus today’s talk to the principal To start a meeting, each of their teachers must be omnipotent.

The eldest lady took a shower, changed into a plain white bed skirt, long hair cape, and listened to Liu Fang reporting work.

She first talked about the situation with her brother. Recently, Nanyang directors have become increasingly dissatisfied with the performance of Qin Shuang's mother and daughter.

In fact, although Qin Shuang's ability is not enough to grow an enterprise, it is still possible to support and maintain it.

But Su Lan is too strong, she has to intervene in everything, and she must fully control the management. If she is not satisfied, she will play family cards with Qin Shuang, crying and making trouble.

Qin Shuang is now in trouble both at home and at the company, and his whole person is going to be depressed.

The most important thing is that Nanyang is now showing signs of splitting, and more and more people in it are beginning to openly support Qin Yi.

The eldest lady was indifferent after hearing this, but did not respond, Liu Fang continued: "Mr Lu from Shenglan said that he wanted to see you."

Shenglan is a new enterprise supported by the eldest lady. At the beginning, Lu Yingyuan did a lot of miscellaneous things, including feed, farming, forestry, and animal husbandry products. He wanted too much, and his strength could not keep up. , The capital chain almost broke in the middle. It was the eldest lady who helped him bring him back to life. She made a big deal, unified all the small projects, and specialized in forestry planning. Over the past few years, the company has become a rising star in the industry. The eldest lady is grateful for Dade, and can't wait to spend her life to pay back that kind.

Forestry and Qin's sections did not match at all. At first, Qin Hailong ignored Qin Yi's behavior and thought it would not be a climate.

But when he wanted to pay attention, the eldest had not given him this opportunity.

Now Miss Shenglan holds 35, not only Mr. Lu’s benefactor, but also a big man who can determine the life and death of the company.

The eldest lady looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and knew that she had to prepare lessons tonight, and nodded: "Then I will be in the yard for a while."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at those questions, his scalp was about to be scratched.

Damn it.

Is the textbook for elementary school students so difficult now?

She feels that in her era, Olympiad is at this level, right?

Before I knew it, it was dark.

Mu Xiaoxiao heard the conversation in the yard and couldn't help being attracted to him.

Lu is always a 30-year-old young and promising man, because he wants to see the eldest lady, he wears a suit, but his style is casual, and he does not violate it in this country. He is very respectful to the eldest lady. The attitude is neither overbearing nor overbearing, what to ask, what to say, the future planning of the company is in order, the most important thing is that he is very clear about the purpose of Missy calling her here, "After yesterday came I took the following people around the village. After a while, the land here is fertile and there are many natural landscapes. The biggest reason for restricting development is too few people and inconvenient transportation."


Mentioned traffic again.

Qin Yi nodded, she said a name, Mr. Lu nodded immediately, his eyes were full of light when he looked at the eldest lady, "Yes, Mr. Qin, I'll go back and contact him."

Mu Xiaoxiao secretly looked out through the crack in the door.

She couldn't see the eldest lady from her angle, only her back, but Lu Yingyuan could be clearly seen.

He is probably the kind of mature man. The age of 30 is just to wash away the juvenile impulse. After years of precipitation in the middle-aged period, he is in good shape. Although he is wearing a suit, his chest muscles often work out at first glance. He speaks elegantly and politely, but he brings a sense of self-confidence and unrestrainedness when expounding his views.

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered his head and pursed his lips.

It is indeed different.

Different classes determine their different perspectives.

After she and Zhang Qiao Wang lead Li Bo and others came, they were distressed about the current situation in the village, and all they could do was to help as much as possible to pay for the risks, and try to contribute to the village in these three months.

But the eldest lady, she can directly reach the commercial and political levels, which may change the permanent status of this village.

Qin Shuang's words suddenly appeared in Mu Xiaoxiao's heart.

-Your class is different, you will see the gap in the future.

"doing what?"

Missy did not know when she came in with her wheelchair. Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly smiled: "It's nothing, do you want to take a bath? I'll get you some water."

Qin Yi stared at her, the eldest knew Xiaoxiao too well, and she knew all her troubles.

Xiaoxiao has something on her mind.

Don't tell her why?

In the evening, Mu Xiaoxiao remained the same. She heated a glass of milk to coax the eldest lady to drink, tucked her quilt, kissed her on the forehead, and went to endorse.

The eldest lady shrank in the bed, looked at her hazy back under the light, sniffed her, and fell asleep so leisurely.

I don't know when to start, as long as Xiaoxiao is by her side, she will always feel safe and relaxed.

Woke up at once.

The eldest lady instinctively reached out to reach the people around her, but she couldn't reach it.

She opened her eyes all of a sudden, thinking she was back in a daze.

But when she saw the person in front of her, she was stunned.

Xiaoxiao was wrapped in a quilt, like a mummy, she wrapped herself tightly from head to toe, with no gaps at all.

The eldest lady was startled, she reached out to pull on Xiaoxiao's quilt, fearing she would be bored.

But Xiaoxiao was wrapped tightly, motionless, and even a slight snoring sound was heard.

The eldest lady stared at her for a long time. She had seen Xiaoxiao go to bed twice before, once when she had a fever and once when she was drunk. Maybe she didn't care. She didn't remember Xiaoxiao like this.

Woke up the next morning.

Xiaoxiao changed her clothes in a hurry. She wanted to change Missy’s holey one, but Qin Yi refused. Missy took out a brand new white shirt: "Wear this, I just washed it. ."

Mu Xiaoxiao was happy, she took it and sniffed the smell on it: "Did you wash it?"

Missy gave her a look, "No."

Why not?

It's all her taste.

Xiaoxiao had a good rest and was in a good mood. She got dressed, because today was the first day of class, she even took a tie to wear. Xiaoxiao hadn't worn it so formal, and she didn't wear a tie for a long time.

The eldest sighed softly, "Come here."

Mu Xiaoxiao walked over, holding both sides of Missy's wheelchair with both hands, and locked her under him: "Are you going to tie me a tie?"

As soon as she leaned over, the eldest lady's heartbeat was a little abnormal. She ignored her, lowered her head, and put her slender fingers through the tie tenderly and cleverly through the bow tie.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her with a pair of eyes full of love. It was so happy to watch her lover tie her to her. What she was struggling with yesterday, the eldest lady belongs to her, from the beginning to the end. The tail is all hers.

She always talks about business affairs to others.

Only to her, only to her, would she show such a little woman's air.

What about her?

She can control the eldest lady, she can kiss her, hug her, make her fascinated, and even make her cry.

As soon as Qin Yi finished tying her tie, she saw Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes full of desire as soon as she raised her head. Her face flushed, and she lifted her hand to pinch her face.

Why hadn't she discovered that Xiaoxiao was so...such a color before?

Can it be the same?

It used to be the innocent sisterhood before, but it is not anymore.

Teacher Mu lowered her head and pecked the eldest lady's lips, and she was ready to go to class. When she left, she raised a mouth with the eldest lady: "Yesterday Zhang Qiao told the principal that he wanted you to be a music teacher, but I refused. Up."

The eldest lady looked at her, why?

Mu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows: "You don't like the excitement, I know."

Especially don't like to coax children.

People are gone.

The eldest lady sat there for a while, until Liu Fang came to clean the room. She blinked her eyelashes and stared for a while.

Liu Fang's hands and feet are very neat, but he used to be a civil servant for their army commander, and he was definitely a gold medal cleaner.

After a while, she cleaned the room.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the restless look of the eldest lady, and immediately realized that she was thinking of the boss's wife.

The eldest lady said faintly: "Go to school and take a look."

She always felt that Mu Xiaoxiao was very worried yesterday, afraid that something was hiding from her.

She wants to see clearly.

In school, Xiaoxiao is the two classes in the morning, and she teaches Chinese.

This is the first time I have seen this class.

A dozen people, big and small.

Teacher Mu is very clever. She put out a few simple questions to test everyone's background. After reading everyone's answers, she sighed softly.

Sure enough, the results were not very good.

Only one student named Miao Miao is not bad.

This is not to blame the children. They come to class as much as possible on weekdays. When the family is too busy to get out of their lives, they have to take time off to help with the farming, and the class will be dropped.

It is the age of playfulness and lack of self-control.

Mu Xiaoxiao is very patient. Starting from the most basic grammar, she used to listen to the teacher's lectures and feels very simple. Faced with a class of more than forty students, she was comfortable with it, but today she took two classes to find out how difficult it is. .

The children were already very obedient, and she felt that she was speaking very clearly, but she couldn't keep up, and she couldn't understand it even after breaking it apart. After two classes, her voice became hoarse.

She drank chrysanthemum water wildly over there, especially missed the eldest, and sent her a message.

-What are u doing?

At this moment.

Outside the wall, Liu Fang looked at the eldest lady awkwardly, and really didn't understand why he wanted to peep here instead of going in directly.

The eldest lady is the host of this trip. If she wants to enter the school, the principal will have to welcome her. Why should she secretly look inside?

The eldest lady was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Teacher Mu wearing a white shirt and wearing her tie, smiling like a flower and chatting with the only female teacher in the school.

The female teacher is Rongmei, twenty-nine years old, and the same age as the eldest lady. It is said that she was a village flower in existence at the time. She went to university in the city and also learned folk dance in the middle. She had a promising future. It’s a pity that she should work hard. At her age, she chose love and married a man whom her parents opposed without hesitation.

Many later...

The man became a nouveau riche when he did business in the local area, and he became unclean outside, leaving her and his daughter with a huge sum of 500,000 yuan and directly out of the divorce agreement.

Rongmei also wants to be strong. She signed the agreement silently and took the child through the hardest time. Now she still has a smile on her face every day.

She went back to her hometown without hesitation and dedicated everything here. The people in the town called her Teacher Meimei.

Meimei is teaching the children the basic warm-up movements. When the child made a fuss, she had a lower waist movement. Mu Xiaoxiao looked curious, and she followed it out and tried it. It turned out that the old waist was not strong enough, so she went down. Half of it is stuck there.

She yelled with pain in her back, and the funny teacher Meimei and the students laughed. In the mind of Teacher Meimei, Xiaoxiao was like a child. She used to hold her waist and said with a smile: "I support you, you are slow Click down, come..."

Xiaoxiao's body turned back, and her face was flushed as she tilted her head back.

Damn, this is really a technical job, she looks so simple, why is it so difficult to do?

Seeing Teacher Mu's red face, the children kept laughing.

Teacher Zhang, who came out of the class next to her, was also smiling. Her smile was different from everyone. She stepped on high heels and looked far away, and saw the eldest lady who was looking at all of this blankly on the wall.

She felt that the sky was really opening her eyes, and she was finally going to punish the Mu, who didn't know why the spring breeze was blowing her face every day.

Teacher Zhang raised up to the sky "hahaha" three times, and then said three times "hahaha" at Mu Xiaoxiao, unspeakably happy.

The author has something to say:    Next, the eldest will teach teacher Mu to let her understand what a girlfriend should have.

_Perhaps we can have a second watch today, see everyone's comments, and rush to duck.

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