Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 85: 85th

Everyone has obsessions.

At this moment, the "creaking" sound of that box-spring bed is Teacher Mu's obsession.

And everyone has a dark side in their hearts. Maybe the sunshine is given to others. Xiaoxiao especially likes to bully the eldest. She wants to tear off her daily disguise of being superior to outsiders. Look at the eldest because of her. He blushed because of her gaze, trembling because of her light thump, and became scorching hot because of her kiss.

The eldest lady is a powerful person. What she said has always been absolutely powerful. No one dared to disobey her in the first half of her life. Even if it is to contend, the other party will definitely be the result of bloodshed.

But this world is so conserved, no matter how arrogant you are, there will always be someone to clean up, and can't resist.

Teacher Mu is that person. She hugged the eldest lady and even coaxed: "I didn't say anything so embarrassing that you put someone on a wheelchair at the time."


Does anyone know why Teacher Mu's face is so thick?

She had to sit in the wheelchair, so she didn't leave it no matter what, and now she started raking it backwards again.

Xiaoxiao kissed the eldest lady's ear, and coaxed to walk into the house step by step, "Oh, you will satisfy people's hearts, you are going back, I can't bear to..."

Acting like a baby is always the most useful.

She was reluctant and didn't want to let her go.

The eldest lady raised her head, looked at the light in her eyes, sighed softly, let her go, and gently wrapped her arms around Xiaoxiao's neck.

This kind of acquiescence made Teacher Mu's heart radiant. She looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and sighed softly in her heart.

——Oh, goodbye to the moon, goodbye to the stars, today you can't see it without the eyes.

The highest state of showing affection is to show the heavens and the earth. Teacher Mu has done it.

When she put the eldest lady on the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao still whispered in her ear: "I have tightened every screw. It won't collapse. Don't worry."

With one hand, she untied the headband from her hair, and the waterfall-like black hair slid down her neck. Xiaoxiao supported the eldest lady's neck with one hand, pinched her chin with the other, and gently kissed her.

The soft ends of the hair with the fragrance of lychee brushed across her cheeks, causing the eldest to give up the last resistance. She was lying on the small bed, feeling Xiaoxiao's strength, holding the sheets tightly with both hands, but Xiaoxiao shook it. Fingers interlocked.

The eldest lady still feels a little uncomfortable with such a feeling of being done as he pleases and such a sense of loss of control. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao's gentleness will surround her and give her the comfort she wants.

The moonlight outside the window is soft, and the brilliance falls on the earth, dimly drawing the space between the sky and the earth into an ink painting.

The cabin was warm and hot.

Xiaoxiao had never kissed the eldest before. She was like a very good student. After she had done nothing to herself before, she gave it back to her even more advanced.

Qin Yi shrank in her arms, like a little cat, letting her kiss, half-squinting her eyes, holding her skirt tightly with one hand, so Xiaoxiao couldn't help but love it even more.

Such a touch, for the eldest lady, from childhood to adulthood, only Xiaoxiao was given to her.

Only her.

When she was a child, when other children were shrinking in the arms of their parents, she just stood indifferently, pretending that she didn't care about anything.

Qin Hailong is busy with her career and rarely takes care of the delicate emotions of a little girl, and Su Lan is even more unwilling. Her closest person is to hold Qin Yi up and touch her hair on her birthday.

And Song Sao, although she has this thought, she is stuck on the distinction between master and servant, and dare not be too intimate.

Only on the eighteenth birthday of the eldest, Song Sao once smiled at her who made a pious wish with her hands folded and said, "When our eldest grows up, there will be someone who truly loves you in the future."

Which girl has never dreamed of love for tomorrow?

Qin Yi's cheeks flushed slightly after being pierced. In the future...what will the person she likes be like?

It's just that the subsequent entanglements, those deceptions from close relatives, shred everything alive.

The eldest lady no longer fantasizes about the future, no longer fantasizes about him, and is disappointed in everything.

Fortunately, God didn't treat her wrongly after all.

In the nearly thirty years of her life, the eldest lady finally met the one who regarded her as a treasure, tolerated her bad temper, and held her in his palm to take care of her.

For the gentleness of this moment, she is willing to give everything.

"I love you, Qin Yi, I love you so much..."

Xiaoxiao was talking in her ear the most crazy words in this world.

The eldest lady couldn't help being vulgar, too, her body trembling slightly, like a flower that had turned from white to pale pink.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned over to continue her kiss. She had never faced anyone so religiously.

Thinking of saying that I would be a singleton for a lifetime before, and then look at the people underneath, Teacher Mu was a little bit dazed.


Every step is involuntary.

So sweet...

The fragrance of the room is full, the fireflies outside the window are flying, and the night is full of romantic colors.

This time without wine, the eldest lady has also become that soft cat, trembling, humming and being cared over and over by Mu Xiaoxiao.

God is always fair.

In the past, Xiaoxiao, who protected her sisters in order to keep fit, now has a place for her long-lasting physical strength.

She clasped her fingers with the eldest lady, her eyes were fascinated, and she asked softly, "Do you like it?"

The eldest lady's body was trembling, her long hair was messy, holding her, there was no way to answer.

"You are so sensitive."

Xiaoxiao's eyes were like a hunter in the night, shining brightly, she looked at the eldest lady, with such a powerful posture at the prey she was slaughtering.

"It will be better in a long time."

The eldest lady's breathing was messy, her long hair sprinkled on the snow-white pillow, bright red lips, jet black hair, snow-white skin, strong color difference, and a mess of beauty.

Mu Xiaoxiao controlled her strongly, and the words in her mouth collapsed her: "I always thought that if I met you since I was a child, I would not let you be so cold and cold and let you be cared for by me like now."


It was obviously she who led the eldest lady to speak, but when the eldest lady had just spoken, Teacher Mu relentlessly raised her hand and bullied her.

The most vulnerable is in the hands of others, the eldest can not resist.

The "creaking" and "creaking" box-spring beds followed the falling sweat and played the movement that Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to hear most.

Missy is the queen of the music scene, her voice once conquered blockbuster fans.

But such a murmur, such a show of weakness, only Xiaoxiao could hear.

If people have desires, everything is different.

Xiaoxiao felt that her kind life was overthrown for the first time, turning into a demon in the dark.

She bullied the eldest lady again and again, listening to her humming like a cat, trying to slow down, but after all, she couldn't control herself.

Young man...

Which one is not a hot-blooded boy?

What's more, it is facing such a beautiful lady as the eldest.

A continuous light rain fell outside the window at some unknown time, swallowing up all the ambiguous sounds.

The light in Teacher Mu's room was always on, flickering and flickering, full of temptation.

Until late at night.

The eldest lady raised her slender snow-white arms, hugged Xiaoxiao tightly, and begged in a low voice: "No more, Xiaoxiao, no more..."

Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and looked at her, seeing the weakness in her eyes, she smiled, and asked the lady's ear: "How do you feel?"

The eldest lady's hands clasped her back and pinched hard, her body seemed soft and unable to argue.


the next morning.

Teacher Mu deliberately greeted Teacher Zhang and changed the class to afternoon. The first thing she did after getting up was to kiss the eldest lady next to her.

The eldest lady's cheeks are still pink, but the clothes that were taken off yesterday were worn on her body at some time.

On the other hand, Mr. Mu couldn't hold onto herself, she smiled helplessly. After all, she is used to the dignified eldest, why should she wear her clothes back, so that she can feel how good it is to lie in embrace each other at zero distance.

Seems to have thought of something.

Teacher Mu lowered his head and lifted the quilt to take a look. On the snow-white bed sheet, the faint pink print came into view.

Xiaoxiao's heart was full of pity, and she went to kiss the eldest again, "I'm up, or the plane won't be able to catch up."

The eldest lady used to be a person who had trouble sleeping, and how many nights were unpredictable.

Now, after being bullied by Xiaoxiao, he couldn't get up after three shots in the sun.

Lover’s love is indeed the best treatment.

The eldest snorted, her curled eyelashes blinked gently, and she opened her eyes, still with a mist of mist in her eyes.


It seems to be a cute cat.

The little beast in Teacher Mu's heart ran out again, and she couldn't help lowering her head to kiss her.

The eldest lady received such a sweet kiss in the morning, she was a little happy, and a little bit apprehensive.

Looking at her eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and said without shame, "How powerful it was last night, it makes you still scared now."

The eldest lady bit her lip and twisted the flesh on her body. She leaned on and sat up, but she moved her waist as if she was folded.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and hugged her, gently pressed her waist with one hand, and said in her ear: "You are mine."

Qin Yi:...

This naive ghost.

Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed her like a cat, "Qin Yi belongs to Mu Xiaoxiao."

She is alone.


It's a child after all.

The eldest lady relaxed, leaned in her arms, enjoying her massage, gently: "I'm going back these few days, you have to be obedient."

In addition, Mr. Mu can reassure the eldest lady, only this twisting of flowers and grass is about to become the eldest's heart disease.

Mu Xiaoxiao sniffed the scent on her body, softly: "Then you must be obedient and wait for you to come back."


--Await your return.

Obviously they are very pure words, but when they come out of Teacher Mu's mouth, they will change their taste, as if there are still words to come, waiting for you to come back.

The eldest turned her head and looked at Xiaoxiao, with a scrutiny in her eyes. Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and looked at her, "What's the matter?"

After having the skin relationship, her whole person's austerity has increased by one level, and she will not straighten her tongue when she talks to the eldest lady.

The eldest squeezed her face with one hand and smiled faintly: "Wait when I come back, I will treat you like this."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Can't that soft look last longer?


The eldest lady's long eyebrows and red lips are really beautiful.

Hey, I can't help it...


Liu Fang, who waited for half an hour with his luggage:...

Is it endless?

It's really late if I don't come out again.

How can a single dog understand the lingering and unwillingness of a young couple.

Xiaoxiao really stepped on the point to let go of the eldest lady, and she reluctantly packed her suitcase.

Before meeting the eldest lady, Xiaoxiao was a particularly independent person, but she hated others clinging to her the most, even if Qiuqiu was a little bit, she would run a few words.

But now, Teacher Mu can't help being refined after all, and she has become the person she hates most.

I really want to stick to her all the time and never separate.

It took just a few days to know it.

But she was dressed in Missy's clothes, and at first she talked and laughed with Qin Yi, but in the end, thinking about not being with her these days, and not knowing if others could take care of her, the eye sockets were a little sore.

Missy saw it, she walked over, squatted down, and hugged Xiaoxiao gently: "I will stay with you when I become more stable in the future."

Many things are not stable now.

She was also reluctant to Xiaoxiao, but for the future, she still had to go back.

She went back this time mainly to fight for a very important antique, which indirectly paved the way for her to return to Nanyang.

Mu Xiaoxiao sniffed, she looked at the eldest lady softly: "You have to call me and send messages every day."

The young lady poked her dimples, "Who is so busy that I can't see the phone?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

When Teacher Mu got busy, there was really no time.

Based on what the eldest knew about her, after she left, she might have to devote 100% of her energy to her work.

Xiaoxiao was going to send her off, but Qin Yi didn't agree with anything. She was not a person who likes to parting. Xiaoxiao would feel uncomfortable in her heart like this.

Teacher Mu, who was rejected, stood desperately at the entrance of the village and waved at the eldest lady. Before leaving, she gave Liu Fang a small notebook.

"Sister Fangfang, please take care of her."

Liu Fang stood still: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


Sitting in the car, the eldest lady looked at Xiaoxiao in the mirror further and further away, staring at her blankly. She felt uncomfortable. She lowered her head and flipped through her notebook. There was a lot of dense writing on it. .

——The eldest lady has to drink coffee every morning, not too strong, her stomach will not be able to stand it.

——At around ten o'clock in the morning, she has to deal with work and must be absolutely quiet.

——It's cold. If she goes out for a long time at night, remember to put a cushion on the wheelchair.

——In the afternoon, she is used to drinking a cup of tea, just lighter.

——Recently, I have gotten hot, don't eat too spicy food.

——She sleeps very lightly, try not to send messages to her at night.


Bit by bit, full of details of love gathering.

The eldest lady held the notebook, looked up at Xiaoxiao who was already blurred in her vision, and bit her lip.

What is love?

It is really uncontrollable.

As soon as the eldest lady left, Teacher Mu seemed to have lost her soul, but fortunately, the afternoon class was full, and she didn't have time to think about it.

The eldest sent her a message as soon as she got home.

--I have arrived.

There was not much to say, but it made Xiaoxiao feel at ease, and she quickly gave her back.

--Miss you.

Teacher Mu no longer fears the demons in her body, and she will express everything she thinks like Missy.

After seeing it, the eldest smiled faintly. She put away her mobile phone and drove to a private hall.

Recently, she wants to meet a lot of people. After three years of absence, the rumors about her disability have never been cut off. She needs to appear and speak with facts.

Miss Xiaoxiao was also busy these few days when she went back. There were too many children in school and many poor family conditions. She was busy with online classes at night. In a hurry, she didn't talk to her a few times.

But their hearts are full of strength.

That is the power of love.

Xiaoxiao didn't ask the eldest lady about the situation there, and she didn't quite understand the business affairs.

Just the fourth day after sending the eldest back, Liu Fang came back. There was an older brother in Beijing to help, and the eldest was worried about Xiaoxiao, so she asked her to come back and watch.

Liu Fang’s words have always been highly generalized, “I saw that Missy visited many people recently, and also saw President Qin coming to her. The two had a quarrel, and her little aunt also came to have a fight, and was finally asked by the security department by the young lady. The people blasted out."

Mu Xiaoxiao asked: "Where is Qin Shuang?"

After all, she is now Nanyang's vice president and a key figure in this series of battles.

Liu Fang: "She has been very silent."

The young lady holds 25 shares of her 15th cousin Qin Haiyao, and Qin Hailong once held 45 shares. He once gave Qin Shuang and Qin Yi 10 shares each, and now holds 25 shares in Sulan’s , He has never wanted him to participate in the company's decision-making, so he controlled her not to give shares.

The remaining major shareholder is particularly important.

She is the acquaintance of the Qin family, and her daughter was once the only friend of the eldest lady, but she went abroad in junior high school, and she had little contact for many years.

This is what Qin Hailong actively strives for, and the other party has never expressed his position. The most important thing is that the eldest lady is no longer covering up, and she has publicly brought many things to the table to discuss.

With regard to the two daughters, Qin Hailong swayed from side to side with a vague attitude. His heart was toward Qin Yi, especially when he saw her standing in front of him, his eyes were cold and ruthless, exactly the same as when he was young.

This is the blood, make him proud.

He believed that if Nanyang let Qin Yi take charge, it would surely sweep away the previous haze and regain its strength.

But she is not as obedient as Qin Shuang. This is the place Qin Hailong fears the most. Although he is old, he knows how important it is to be in power.

Qin Shuang has been silent and speechless. She was not focused on her mother anymore. During this time, she didn't know what was wrong. She didn't care about work. Instead, according to the old preferences, she was fine to play around, practice boxing, and spare time. She can also fish, she will forget all the ups and downs in Nanyang, and the years will be peaceful.

She knew about her sister's return.

Qin Shuang took Akui to the airport, did not show up, just looked at Qin Yi from a distance and left.

The actions of these masters made Su Lan go crazy. She went to Qin Yi a few times and was invited out by her unceremoniously. She didn't even bother to tell her a word of nonsense.

Su Lan vented to no avail, so she could only go to Nanyang to make trouble with her daughter and Qin Hailong.

Mrs. Tangtang, the president, so disregarding her image, her own affairs were so turbulent, which caused unanimous resistance from the Nanyang executives.

Faced with Su Lan's unreasonable troubles, Qin Hailong hesitated even more. He even went to Shenglan to find Qin Yi once halfway through.

"If you come back, dad can give you the position of vice president, so that you and Qin Shuang can sit on an equal footing."

Once we met on her last birthday, Qin Hailong's attitude was a world of difference. He even seriously considered that if his daughter's attitude could improve, he could help her to the highest position.

Qin Yi sat in the office and looked at him with a cold smile: "To this day, you don't think I'm still the little girl who makes you do what you want?"

Without a title, speaking up is a cold resistance attitude.

After she got better, her whole body was different from before, and her aura became stronger.

She was wearing a lavender western dress and her hair curled up. Except for the necklace on her neck, she had no decorations, but she exuded the kind of strength and domineering that could not be blocked.

Recently, reporters from all walks of life have also begun to report on the situation of the Qin family. Although the young lady did not have a definite reply, she has already set off several waves of hot searches on Weibo. Fans have sprung up again, and they keep saying Waiting for my sister to go back.

And some internal entertainment notes have dug out the corners of the Qin family over the years, and staged a dog-blood drama. The fans are also folk masters. There are many people, combined with Qin Yi's wheelchair, which was photographed a while ago. Photographs, the approximate content of the picture is actually inseparable.

For a time, people's hearts were all toward Qin Yi's side.

Even so, Qin Hailong was still irritated by her attitude, "Why is it that the body is getting better, the wings are hard, and even his father doesn't recognize it?"

The eldest lady ignored it, picked up the file in her hand and looked at it.

She really didn't want to bother with him.

There is still a face to talk to her about family affection.


Qin Hailong was left in the cold for a few minutes. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "Yiyi, Dad knows that you are here at Shenglan as a stopgap measure. Dad will—"

"It's not rights." Qin Yi looked at Qin Hailong. There was no temperature in her eyes, so she interrupted him directly.

"You..." Qin Hailong's eyes were full of shock. His daughter recently made so many small movements in private, and made such a big movement, causing the board of directors to force the palace again and again. He thought she wanted the Nanyang Die. A top position. But now, what is she talking about?

Qin Yi smiled coldly: "Nanyang has no meaning to me."

What family business.

It was this family that hurt her severely. If it weren't for that little affection, she wouldn't be so downhearted.

She used to be a lonely person, and she can leave many things alone, but now, with Xiaoxiao, the eldest must clean up everything with the momentum of thunder, cut grass and roots, and no more troubles.

"I want to give them back a little bit of what their mother and daughter did to me."

She wants to ruin them.

The eldest lady is not a good-tempered person, nor is it a tolerant person.

Now that she has returned, she did not hesitate anymore. The sword has been out of the sheath, which means that she has the capital to talk to the "father" in front of her.

Qin Hailong looked at her in shock, "You are crazy, you... you don't care about Su Lan, but Qin Shuang is your sister..."

Qin Yi frowned and looked at Qin Hailong lightly with a pair of eyes: "From the day you worked together for me, there will be no father, aunt, or sister in my heart."

Long ago died in her heart.


What she hates most is the erratic hypocrite in front of her.

The eldest lady should also gather everything that once belonged to her.

If not, she will not let Su Lan and Qin Shuang have a chance to stand up again.

She has prepared for the worst.

It's a big deal, nothing, but in that case, she will be relaxed, and she can live the life she wants with Xiaoxiao without distracting thoughts, right?

Jin, unwavering because of Xiaoxiao;

Retreat, because there is Xiaoxiao and fearless;

Qin Hailong's eyes were full of haze. He knew that his daughter had come for real this time. Before leaving, Qin Yi raised her eyes and looked at him.

Qin Hailong stopped immediately and looked at Qin Yi with the last trace of luck.

This was her daughter after all, and he didn't believe she would do it so fiercely.

Qin Yi put down the files in her hand and said coldly: "If you want to hurt Mu Xiaoxiao, I won't stay the last way to survive."


In the past few days, Xiaoxiao knew that the state of Missy might be anxious. She had only vaguely heard of what shares should be held and what decisions were made.

For these, she didn't understand and couldn't share it with the eldest lady.

Teacher Mu was also worried about the eldest lady. In addition, he was busy with work and lost a circle. The principal couldn't pass it. "I'll give you three days off. Don't keep it like this. Go back and have a look."

Xiaoxiao looked at the principal in surprise. The principal smoked a dry cigarette: "You haven't taken a break since you've been here, and your condition is not good. Go. Only by taking a good rest can you have good energy."

Originally, the principal's words made Xiaoxiao hesitate, after all, she knew the school situation better than anyone else.

And the eldest lady was so busy, she was afraid that it would affect her energy when she went back, should she wait here?

But that night, when Xiaoxiao was chatting with Zhang Qiao, she received an MMS message from a stranger for three days on her phone. She opened it and she was stunned.

The person in the photo is the eldest lady with another woman.

They don't seem to be in the country, and English signs are everywhere.

The woman is tall, half a head taller than the eldest lady, has a pretty nose, a little sharp facial features, blond hair, and a bit of mixed blood. She and the eldest lady are both in dresses, but the eldest lady is white. She is black, she is holding a wine glass in one hand, and her arms around the lady's waist in the other, smiling happily.

The second picture is also where they are together. It seems that they are in a coffee shop. The eldest lady should be listening to her, with a slight smile in the corner of her eyes. The eyes of the two seem to be looking at each other, which is a bit sweet between lovers.

The last picture shows the two people sitting in the same car. The camera is facing the mixed race. Her head is tilted so that the lady's face cannot be seen, but the position is extremely ambiguous, as if the two are kissing. .


The author has something to say:    put it on first, and the leaves go to eat. After eating, you should make a typo.

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