Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 88: 88th

——Miss, I'll give you another chance, you tell her who I am. +++All Tanmei Novels:

When Mu Xiaoxiao said this, her tone was a strong warning hidden in her charm, her legs were sitting on the eldest lady's lap, her hands were touching her face, and her eyes were full of ecstasy waves.

A faint lychee fragrance hits, and the eldest lady is stiff, looking at Xiaoxiao incredibly.

She is the person who knows Xiaoxiao best, and she also knows what she looks like when she is not serious, but hasn't Teacher Mu always cared about other people's eyes? Who told her to be a stranger when she went to school?


Several thoughts flashed through the mind of the eldest lady who had been insomnia for many nights, and she understood in an instant.

So... because Xiaoxiao's indifferent tone came in because she was jealous?

The messy things she said in her meeting before were also because of jealousy?

Eat her and ag's vinegar? So I came back suddenly, but why? How would she know ag?


Seeing that she was sitting on her lap and took the initiative to do this, the eldest lady was still looking at her in a daze, Mu Xiaoxiao was angry, her lips were pressed against her earlobe, and she sighed softly: "Why are you still shy? ?"

I'm so angry I'm so angry.

She didn't respond!

Xiaoxiao has gotten harder. Didn't ag just stick to the eldest lady? She simply used her softness to press against Qin Yi.

Ag was surprised at the scene in front of her, oops, she thought it was a pure girl before, but now she looks like a little fox.


Qin can let her sit on her lap so presumptuously, are the two of them already asleep? Is it so fast? She thought that Qin Yi's personality would be single for a lifetime.

Ag went abroad when he was very young. He was very open-minded and jumped directly to home base. Mu Xiaoxiao watched the eldest lady still staring at her silently. Pulled over.

Qin Yi looked at her with eyes slightly raised, and turned his head to look at ag: "That's her."

Ag has asked several times in the past few days whether she has someone in her heart, who is that person, and why she should not show it to her under the covers.

The eldest lady ignored it. One is that it’s time to be exhausted. She didn’t bother to talk to Ag. The other is that although the two of them had personal relationships, they hadn’t seen each other for many years. Ag is now entangled with her for interest, and her father has been there. Swaying between herself and Qin Hailong, the eldest lady, like a calf protector, did not want to mention some things.

ag teased her: "Which she?"

There was a faint smile in the eyes of the eldest lady, and the exhaustion of the days was washed away at that moment. She turned her head to look at Xiaoxiao, and closed her eyes lightly.


She didn't want to kiss the eldest lady.

Those photos were still hot in her schoolbag, and she was still angry.

But where can I not get what the eldest lady wants? If Xiaoxiao doesn't take the initiative, then she will do it?

The eldest squeezed Xiaoxiao's chin and gently covered her lips.

Miss her so much.

In this way, the temperature that you can actually hold in your arms is completely different from looking through the camera.

Xiaoxiao felt the eldest lady's hands tightening around her waist, and she blushed instead.

In the eyes of others, the eldest lady is dignified and elegant, and has always been reserved, while she is lively and unrestrained, and she has a cheerful temperament to say what she has.

In fact, that's all an illusion.

It's completely the other way around in private.

"." Ag sighed, and she waved her hand on her face, "Qin, you really changed."

It's really not the cold and cold villain when I was young.

When she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, thousands of stars seemed to be in her eyes.

Does she seem confused if she stays any longer?

Is there anything hotter than a young couple who reunite after a long absence?

ag picked up the bag on the sofa, put on his coat, and walked to Qin Yi's side.

She is accustomed to hugs and farewells abroad, and the same as Qin Yi, the eldest smiled lightly, she patted ag on the shoulder: "Thank you."

In the past few years, in the business field, the eldest lady has traded interests for interests and used power to fight for power.

But ag is different, she really wants to help her.

Miss knows and understands.

Xiaoxiao may really be her lucky angel. Since having her, Missy feels that her gloomy life has been lit up a little bit.

Those things that had been lost in her life were returned little by little, and she no longer had nothing.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and watched the two tall beauties gently embrace each other. Although the eldest lady was obviously separated from each other and her eyes were still looking at her, Teacher Mu still felt uncomfortable.

Why, is a mixed race great?

If you come back and kiss goodbye again, will the eldest agree?

Ag’s driver came to pick her up, and the eldest lady sent her out. When she could not wait to return, she saw no one on the sofa. She looked around and heard the sound of water in the bedroom.

Xiaoxiao is taking a bath.

She was rushing all the way, sweating all over, and she had to clean herself up before she could play for a while.

The heartbeat of the eldest lady accelerated unconsciously. It was a wonderful feeling. She had been most afraid of such a night before. She was so tired that she could not fall asleep in bed. That feeling was maddening, but now because of the arrival of a person, everything It's all different.

She came, and the air was filled with the smell of peace of mind for the eldest lady.

Mu Xiaoxiao washed it several times. She used shower gel conditioner and sprayed some perfume on her wrist. Her clothes were useless, and the paper towel came out wrapped in a bath towel.

When she came out, the eldest lady was sitting on the sofa holding her clothes to rest, she shrank into a ball and hugged her clothes tightly, as if she was a little cat abandoned by her master, and finally saw it.

Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, calm and calm, absolutely not softhearted, there are some problems, you must come up and talk about it.

As soon as she came out, she carried the smell of perfume. The perfume was floral and it smelled very good, but the eldest lady frowned, "No perfume."

She likes to smell the lychee fragrance on Mu Xiaoxiao's body.


She came out wrapped in a bathrobe, thinking that after she came out, the eldest lady wouldn't be tempted to jump on her all at once?

Go back and rush again.

When Xiaoxiao came out, she wore a eldest lady's white shirt, which only covered her upper body. Her long legs walked up and down, and the white ones seemed to glow.

Qin Yi looked at her, feeling that her leg was stepping on her heart, and a tingling sensation spread in her heart. She held her clothes tightly and restrained and asked softly: "Why are you here suddenly?"

Don't say a word.

If the eldest lady knew, she would definitely put down her work and pick her up.

Xiaoxiao said indifferently, "Can I see such a beautiful old man if I don't come?"


This sour room smells of vinegar.

Mu Xiaoxiao ignored the eldest lady, her hair was not dry, and she walked over and bent over and sorted out the files a little bit.

The eldest lady has obsessive-compulsive disorder, these files are piled up in such a mess, it must be how tired and busy she is.

Although the dissatisfaction in her heart almost overflowed, Xiaoxiao still couldn't bear it, she sorted out the files little by little.

The eldest lady looked at Xiaoxiao, she suddenly felt that Xiaoxiao's cold face was not the same as usual, and she really had the temperament of Gongjun she said.

With cold eyebrows and red lips pursed, she didn't even look at her, but she was busy for her.

The eldest lady has been at the company recently. Liu Fang from here at home went to Xiaoxiao's place. Liu Wannian is also very busy. She is not used to strangers coming over, and some clothes are also piled up.

Xiaoxiao took the basin, soaked the clothes in, and hand-washed one by one.

She felt uncomfortable.

Even for a moment, Xiaoxiao wanted to tell the principal that she was quitting and that she was going to come back to accompany the eldest lady.

Qin Yi has lost weight, losing at least five or six catties. The meat, but Xiaoxiao worked hard to raise it little by little, and it was lost to her in just a few days.

Xiaoxiao was sitting on a small bench, washing her clothes without speaking, the eldest lady stood up, she walked to Xiaoxiao and bent down, hugged her gently, and buried her on her neck.

Xiaoxiao stiffened, without turning her head, the eldest lady pressed her face to her back, listening to the powerful heartbeat, she gently closed her eyes.

She doesn't want Xiaoxiao to be busy, but now she wants her to sleep in her arms.

Very sleepy and sleepy.

Just want to retract into her warm embrace.

But the eldest lady's temperament is naturally restrained, although after being with Xiaoxiao, she has gradually learned to express and gradually talked about some thoughts.

But in the end it is not a thick-skinned person, some words are always difficult to say.

In the relationship between the two of them, Xiaoxiao had always been the one who kept talking. Now, when she was silent, Missy didn't know how to speak.

Xiaoxiao washed all the ladies' clothes, wringed them out, and went to dry them again.

The eldest lady is already sitting in a wheelchair. During this time, because she has to face many people, she rarely uses a wheelchair and sits most of the rest time.

In fact, her legs have not returned to that way, but the human potential is sometimes infinite. Although she can't stand it, even though her legs are swollen, she can still clenched her teeth.

Xiaoxiao remained cold and silent, she walked to Qin Yi's side and pushed her wheelchair to the third floor.

Such a scene.

It has happened in this home many times.

It's just that the two people's minds were still unclear.

Now, Mu Xiaoxiao just pushed the eldest lady to the third floor, and she turned off the lights all the way.

This feeling made Qin Yi feel at ease.

The former eldest lady hated darkness, and in the dark night, her negative emotions spread wantonly.

At that time, there was no one by her side.

Her room is her restricted area.

No matter what she experienced during the day, she could not bear it. At night, the black depression would swallow her little by little, like an invisible abyss with no power to resist.

But now, she would no longer be afraid at all.

She has her own light.

With her sun.

When she arrived in the bedroom, Xiaoxiao did not speak either. She bent down and stretched out her arms to embrace the eldest lady skilfully. Qin Yi clasped her neck with both hands, staring at her straightforwardly.

In the dark, the eldest lady’s eyes were gleaming, she looked at Xiaoxiao like this, the tip of her nose was the fragrance of her body, and Xiaoxiao’s legs were weakened. She knew that the lady had a lot to ask, but she was just punishing. Don't tell her.

This time, she must hold on.

Talk to the eldest lady about the distance between people.

Cautiously hugged Qin Yi on the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao gently rubbed her hands, she sat on one side of the bed, and gently rubbed her legs.

It should have been a slender snow-white leg, because the overdraft in the past few days has been swollen, how painful she should be, how long should she stand.

Xiaoxiao bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable, and her eyes flushed.

There was only one bedside lamp in the bedroom. Under the dim yellow light, Xiaoxiao's long hair like a waterfall draped over her body. His skin was moisturized, beautiful and affectionate.

The eldest lady looked at her lightly, relaxed her strength, and leaned her head on her neck.

Such dependence and relaxation.

Only when Xiaoxiao was there, the eldest lady's busyness as if she was winding her head gradually eased off. With the most familiar person, with the safest taste, she closed it. Eyes.

Xiaoxiao’s massage has become a half-expert, and her learning ability really makes the eldest sigh. In only half a year, she has become a chef, a masseuse, and a rehab... It's half-hearted, but it can be fake.

Xiaoxiao's contribution to her is the accumulation of bits and pieces, and the care of her body and mind. She never said anything to herself, but Qin Yi knew her.

The eldest fell asleep leaning on her lover.

Xiaoxiao looked up at her haggard look, distressed and angry, she held the eldest lady's waist and let her lie down slowly.

Did not leave.

Xiaoxiao knew that as soon as she walked away, the eldest lady would definitely wake up, maybe she would suddenly have a nightmare again, thinking she hadn't come back at all.

Xiaoxiao rubbed Qin Yi's legs like that little by little, feeling her tight muscles relaxed, and she went to unbutton the eldest lady's clothes again.

Qin Yi really didn't defend her and slept very peacefully, allowing her to take off her pajamas.

The eldest lady only felt dimly, she was like a cloud, gently turned over, and then, following the spine, a cool kiss fell.

At the beginning, it was still very shallow, and was cautious along the way, but in the end, the kiss became more and more intense, and the hot lady shuddered and opened her eyes.

"you're awake?"

This is the first time Mu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to talk to Missy after the two were alone. Missy was still a little sleepy. She obviously relied on Xiaoxiao to wear pajamas before going to bed, but now, she is not in a tight body. Xiaoxiao turned it over and pressed it down.

Xiaoxiao's hand covered her most vulnerable place, and the eldest lady's face instantly flushed, she bit her lip and looked at Xiaoxiao.

--what are you doing?

Since the eldest lady was able to speak, the two of them hadn't made such eye contact for a long time.

For what?

Xiaoxiao shook her hand and answered the eldest lady with practical actions.

Qin Yi snorted, she trembled and grabbed Xiaoxiao's wrist, "You--"

doing what?

Why is it so?

Mu Xiaoxiao's dark eyes looked at the eyes of the eldest lady. She did not know when her hair had been pulled up, showing her smooth forehead. She looked at Qin Yi and said faintly, "Miss, I am not happy."

Qin Yi bit her lip and looked at her. She was so controlled, her eyes were weak.

Mu Xiaoxiao's hand put the three photos on the pillow, "Just today, I received three photos sent to me by others."

Qin Yi looked down at the photo, Xiaoxiao went and leaned down, her lips gently kissed along that Yuze's back.

She tied her hair up to make it easier to move.

For her first time, Tian Lai singer served her with the most beautiful lips. Afterwards, she hadn't told her how she was feeling, and now there is no need to say, she will treat her in her own way.


The eldest shivered, she stretched out her hand to grab Xiaoxiao's wrist, but she clasped a hand and pressed it on her back.

"You and her are so close."

The eldest lady is not only her cheeks, her ears are red, the more she struggles, the more slender and slender her body becomes.

The expression in Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes changed, and the eldest lady held back intermittently: "You... don't you believe me?"

She seemed to be back when she first resumed speaking, her voice was intermittent, soft and weak, and she sounded like a cat who had been bullied.

Mu Xiaoxiao's hand gently traced the lines along her spine. She pressed the eldest woman and said softly, "I believe it naturally. If I don't believe it, I won't appear in front of you like this now."

The eldest lady is like a fish held by someone. She wants to struggle, but the more she struggles, the more torture she gets.

She bit her lip, her voice changed, "Xiaoxiao, you..."

Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to untie the opening of the bathrobe. She pressed her body against her, and opened the eldest's hair with one hand, and whispered in her ear: "I'm not comfortable, and it won't make you comfortable."

The author has something to say: put it up and correct the typo in a while.

Although it's nothing, but at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone had better come and watch on time.

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