Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: The king of demons?

"The Exorcist..."

Li Qingshan put his arms around his chest, looked at Chen Xuanzang up and down, and said, "I don't have the power to hold a chicken, and I want to subdue the devil, but forget it, and I will lose Qingqing's life."

In a short period of time, Li Qingshan had already recalled the information about Journey to the West, including this Chen Xuanzang.

Sometimes, he was quite interested.

If it is not bad, Chen Xuanzang has a book called 300 Children's Songs at this time, which is actually the secret book of the Great Sun Tathagata.

But I don't know what kind of tricks he wants to play by suppressing the Buddha in this world.

"This brother..."

Chen Xuanzang shook his head helplessly, ignored Li Qingshan, avoided him, and walked out of the forest.

The target of his trip was a fish demon. Although he didn't know the exact location, he could always find it as long as he walked along the river, but it just took some time.

"Haha! Don't be angry."

Li Qingshan stepped to keep up with Chen Xuanzang, hehe smiled and said, "My name is Li Qingshan, and I'm also a new exorcist. You might as well go together. I haven't seen any monsters in this world!"

He wasn't lying, though, in a sense, he was also a monster.

But he really had never seen the monsters in this world.

"Ah, no, no."

Chen Xuanzang quickly waved his hand and said that he didn't mind: "I'm used to it, I'm used to it."

It is normal for an exorcist with such low strength to be looked down upon, and he is used to it.

On the contrary, it was Li Qingshan's politeness that left him a little overwhelmed.

"Twenty miles to the west is the small fishing village. Let's go together."

Li Qingshan swept away slightly and saw a small fishing village not far away, and dragged Chen Xuanzang towards it.

However, he didn't show his strength, just followed in Chen Xuanzang's footsteps, walking unhurriedly.

On the way, I also chatted with Chen Xuanzang casually, inquiring about the information of this world.

The more he inquired, the more amazed he became.

This world is divided into four continents, which are vast and vast. In this southern part of the continent alone, there are thousands of countries, thousands of creatures, and many monsters.

There are also legends about the Heavenly Court of the Nine Heavens, the Land of Bliss in the Western Spirit Mountain, the Underworld, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

To open up a world, in Li Qingshan's opinion, is already beyond imagination, and it will also be derived from gods and Buddhas, three realms and six realms, three thousand worlds, and countless creatures.

He couldn't imagine what kind of cultivation this would require.

"Brother Li, are you really an exorcist?"

Chen Xuanzang was a little puzzled.

This newly acquainted Big Brother Li seems to know nothing, is there such an exorcist in the world?

"Ah ha ha."

Li Qingshan let out a haha ​​and sighed: "I am alone in this world, with no relatives and no friends. This time I am a newbie. I don't understand anything, I hope Brother Chen will give me some advice!"

"That's natural."

Chen Xuanzang smiled and put down his doubts.

His face softened a bit, and he said, "To tell the truth, I am also an orphan below. The master picked it up from a river flowing out of a barren mountain..."

Chen Xuanzang was a little touched and said, "If Brother Li has anything he wants to know, Xuanzang knows everything."

"This kid is really kind..."

Li Qingshan thought.

"I don't know, who is Xuanzang's master?"

Thinking, Li Qingshan pretended to ask unintentionally.

As far as he knows, this Chen Xuanzang's master may be the Buddha of this world.

But the Buddha was suppressed by Gu Shaoshang, and this world will definitely change. Will Chen Xuanzang's master still be the Buddha?

"Ao, my master's name is Bo Xun, he is compassionate, plays with the world, and destroys demons everywhere..."

Chen Xuanzang didn't take it seriously and replied casually.

"...Bo Xun?"

Li Qingshan's heart trembled slightly, even if he knew that there would be changes, he did not expect that the Buddha turned into Bo Xun!

"Your master, is it really Bo Xun? What does he look like, decorated?"

Li Qingshan couldn't help but ask.

Bo Xun is the title of the demon king in Buddhist legends. According to legend, he was the first demon who prevented the Buddha from becoming enlightened.

Later, in the devil's way, he was called the devil king, and its meaning is roughly the Tathagata, the devil and the Buddha are opposed, and the Po Xun and the Tathagata are opposed.

"My master is a monk who cultivates with hair. He has white hair, handsome looks, a little cinnabar between his eyebrows, and he is compassionate to others..."

Chen Xuanzang had a respectful face, and seemed to be very devout to his master.

Li Qingshan just asked a question, and he started talking ramble.


Li Qingshan was speechless.

This description, no matter what, is like the blood ancestor who preached the Tao in the sea of ​​blood, and the blood ancestor who has the same face as his big brother Gu.

He couldn't help but feel some pity for the Buddha in his heart.

"It is said that 500 years ago, Dou Shengxian Buddha defeated the King of Ten Thousand Demons and suppressed the Demon King at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. It has been 500 years. However, although the Demon King was suppressed by Dou Victory Buddha, his demonic aura was monstrous and spread all over the world. The demonic aura has spawned countless demons."

"My master travels the world to suppress these demons, in order to prevent these demons from saving the king of demons, Sakyamuni."


The corner of Li Qingshan's mouth twitched, and there was a smile on his face that couldn't help but cry: "Wan, the king of all demons, Sha, Shakyamuni... You said it wrong, or did I hear it wrong?"

The ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas became the king of ten thousand demons. Li Qingshan only felt that if he had not been determined and determined, he would have knelt down at this moment.

This big brother Gu of his own is really slippery.

He even suspected that the Chen Xuanzang in front of him might not be the Chen Xuanzang he imagined.

"This is what my master told me, and the master will not lie to me."

Chen Xuanzang was interrupted, he was not angry, he just put his hands together and said.

"Respected teacher is really a great monk."

Li Qingshan was convinced and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

What more can he say?

Can only be convinced.

After the two said this, they walked 20 miles, and they could already see the small fishing village built by the water, like a water city.

In Li Qingshan's eyes, he could already feel the dark and dark demonic aura.

What made him feel a little dignified was that there was a trace of something that made his heart palpitate in that demonic aura that he didn't think was worth mentioning.

"The master said, this fish demon is also a pitiful person! Back then, he rescued a drowning child by the river, but he was treated as an adult trafficker by the villagers, thrown into the river, and let the fish and beasts eat its flesh... ..

The boundless resentment shook the aura of the King of Demons, turning him into a half-beast half-fish monster! "

"The monsters attacked by the demonic energy of the King of Monsters like this are almost impossible to destroy. Only through the influence of Mahayana Buddhism and letting them realize the truth, goodness and beauty can they truly be liberated!"

Chen Xuanzang had a look of pity on his face.

"You are right..."

Li Qingshan was speechless, this was the first time he heard that after death, people and grievances are not going to become ghosts, what kind of ghosts are they turned into monsters?

However, this side of the world was originally created by Gu Shaoshang, so he couldn't be too particular about it.

He said yes, so be it.

"Let's go."

Chen Xuanzang tightened his shirt, took out a pale yellow booklet from his arms, and held it tightly in his palm.

Go to the small fishing village first.

"It's really three hundred children's songs..."

Li Qingshan shook his head in his heart and followed Chen Xuanzang.

I want to see how this Mahayana disciple, Chen Xuanzang, who is most likely related to the Buddha who was suppressed by Gu Shaoshang, awakened the true, good and beautiful of the monsters.


Under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged, with his five hearts facing the sky, and his divine will in the dark.

After Daluo's practice, mysterious and mysterious, it is not like the acquired spirit that swallows the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and understands the avenue.

Any existence above the big Luo is not inferior to a big universe, such as Gu Shaoshang's big Luo Jin number, the essence is much higher than the general big universe.

Gu Shaoshang's prehistoric world is even more equivalent in essence, and will not be inferior to any seven-star universe.

The chaotic primordial qi that he swallowed between his fingers is enough for the immeasurable amount of postnatal souls to cultivate for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, Gu Shaoshang does not need any spiritual qi of heaven and earth.


In this Bodhi Garden where the Buddha preached, a stream of air was swirling, lifting Gu Shaoshang's sleeves and waving his long hair.

His face was peaceful, his eyes were closed, and his heart was like an ancient well.

The light in the sea of ​​​​heart shines brightly, and the candle illuminates everything in this world.

In the sea of ​​his heart, many pictures flickered, among which was the world in the palm of Gu Shaoshang.

The Journey to the West world opened up by Gu Shaoshang, although it is in the palm of his hand, is also connected to the endless sea of ​​chaos, constantly breathing out the energy of chaos and growing himself.

Reverse the flood, the Westward Journey is a crucial step.

It is not easy to evolve it

What it needs is the complete Westward Journey universe, the endless variables within it, and the evolution of countless subsidiary universes, rather than a single Westward Journey of Shi'er Biography or Westward Journey to Conquer the Demons.

The reason why he was the first to choose Journey to the West to Conquer the Demons was because Gu Shaoshang had been to the great universe in his lifetime, and he had the most complete Dao accumulation in that great universe.

As for a small gamble with the Buddha in this world, he didn't take it to heart.

If the Tathagata Buddha of Journey to the West, the origin of the universe, came here, he would have to raise his spirits, just a touch of Taoism, and he would naturally not care much.

He handed it over to Ming Shuang casually.

He can play whatever he likes. The more changes, the greater the effect on him.


Suddenly, ripples appeared in the sea of ​​​​heart, and Gu Shaoshang's spirit moved slightly, stirring the many pictures and shadows above the sea of ​​​​heart.

"The lingering ghost..."

Gu Shao was saddened, with a touch of coldness: "It seems that the battle above the gods can also contain all the attention of the main temple..."

"Or, in the eyes of the main temple, my value is more important than that of the Primordial Primordial Realm above the gods?"

His mind fluctuated slightly, and a touch of purple flashed over the sea of ​​​​heart, covering the many paintings and shadows.

Indistinctly, above the many paintings and shadows, a few people in strange clothes appeared.

The teleportation mechanism of the main temple has become more and more secretive, even if they are in the palm of their own, they will ignore it if they are not careful.

And if he hadn't motivated the source, if he wanted to find them, he would have to waste some hands and feet.

However, since he is in his palm, it is Daluo, and he can also suppress it with the palm of his hand!


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